Abducted by Horny Aliens Ch. 03

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Chloe tries to escape and falls into the horny beast's lair.
3.8k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 08/06/2023
Created 07/13/2023
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The effect of the alien's semen wore off after about an hour and by the time the door to my room opened again my lust was gone and I felt only shame. Shame that I had been used like bitch in heat in front of the entire group of research aliens.

A little blue alien in a green uniform entered the room. He had a white gown in one hand and a plate of food in the other. My stomach grumbled and I silently hoped that the food was for me.

"Hello, Subject 004," the alien said in a high-pitched voice.

I sat up and pulled the blanket up to cover my chest. The alien placed the tray with the food on the bed and handed me the gown. I quickly put it on, feeling embarrassed to be naked in front of this strange alien, even though I'd been naked in front of several of his colleagues.

"What is this?" I asked, eyeing the tray of food warily.

"This is pontifalo eggs with streaky kezwiz," he said.

I tried not to wrinkle my nose but the smell of the dish did not help. I looked up at the alien, trying to hide my discomfort. "Thank you," I said politely, taking a small bite of the eggs.

The alien watched me with its large black eyes, analyzing my reactions. "Do you like it?" he asked.

"It's...interesting," I said diplomatically, taking another bite. I made a small noise of surprise when I realized it was actually delicious. Whatever it was.

The alien seemed pleased with my response. "Good. I'm glad you enjoy our cuisine."

There was an uncomfortable silence for a moment as I continued to eat and the alien watched me. The streaky stuff was even tastier than the eggs.

"What's your name?" I asked. Maybe if I became more familiar with the aliens I could get useful information out of them.

"My name is Zolto," the alien said. "If you have finished with your meal, I will escort you to Keldon in the examination laboratory."

My heart sank. It had only been a couple of hours since my last visit to the lab. I did not want a repeat of this morning's humiliation. However, it was quite clear that I did not have a choice. I followed Zolto through the corridors of the ship toward the lab.

"How big is this ship?" I asked. It seemed to be an endless maze of white-walled corridors.

"It is a large research vessel. It was designed to accommodate 50 personnel," Zolto said with a touch of pride.

The ship was built for 50 aliens which meant there were no more than 50 on board. Maybe less. That information could be useful.

When I arrived at the lab I was relieved to see that it was the smaller lab that I'd first woken up in rather than the large lab from this morning. Keldon stood alone waiting for me. No Grabanimo and no other researchers were present.

"Thank you, Zolto," Keldon said, and Zolto left after giving him a polite nod. "Hello again Subject 004," he said to me.

"My name is Chloe," I said in defiance.

Keldon blinked slowly. "That name has no meaning on this ship. Please lie down." He pointed to the examination table in the middle of the room.

I folded my arms across my chest, feeling the anger start to boil within me. I was sick of being treated like an experiment, like an object. "I'm not doing anything until you start to treat me with respect."

"I have shown you respect by giving you a gown to wear and a bed to sleep in. I have provided you with prime sustenance to stop you from starving. If you refuse to comply I will remove all of these things and treat you as the laboratory creature that you are. You will live naked in a cage and eat of a bowl. Now, get on the table. Please," Keldon said firmly, his big dark eyes narrowing.

I felt a shiver run down my spine as I realized the seriousness of Keldon's threat. I knew that he wasn't bluffing, and the thought of living in a cage was too much to bear. I took a deep breath and lay down on the examination table, trying to quell my anger. I couldn't afford to lose what little dignity I had left.

Keldon walked over to the table and reached for a device. "This will only take a moment," he said as he pressed a button on the device and a soft blue light enveloped me.

A table rose out from the floor, on top of it was a tray of clinical instruments. There was an odd disc, something that looked like a hammer, and a scalpel. I really hoped that the scalpel wouldn't be used on me.

Keldon picked up the hammer thing and pressed a few of the buttons on the handle. A suction pad emerged from the end of the strange device.

"Please lift your gown so I may access your abdomen," he said.

I took a deep breath and lifted my gown, feeling exposed and vulnerable. I'd been given no underwear so my vagina was exposed to him and I squeezed my legs together. Without the lust induced by the alien semen, I felt only shame and humiliation.

Keldon placed the strange hammer-like device on my abdomen, and I felt a strange suction sensation. He moved the device around a bit before finally removing it.

"Your reproductive organs are quite different from our own," he said, as he concentrated on what he was doing. "I detect no signs of conception." He let out a disappointed sigh as he turned his back to me and stared at the screen on the wall.

My eyes fell on the scalpel. This was my chance to escape. It was now or never. If I stopped to think then my fear would paralyze me. I snatched up the scalpel and drove it into Keldon's neck.

"Ah!" he cried out in pain. He turned and stared at me, his eyes wide with shock. Blood poured from the wound I'd inflicted. He lifted a shaking hand and grabbed the handle of the scalpel. He pulled the blade from his neck and then collapsed to the floor with a groan.

I stood over him for a moment, completely stunned by what had just happened. How could I be so stupid? There was no way for me to get off the ship. Even if I could figure out how to fly the damn thing there were maybe 49 other aliens on board who could stop me.

But it was too late for logical thinking now. I'd already stabbed him. I had no choice but to try and escape otherwise I did not want to think about the punishment that would befall me.

I snatched the scalpel up off the floor and sprinted for the door. It slid open at my approach and I hurtled out into the empty corridor. I had no idea where I was going and I charged through the corridors aimlessly, hoping that I'd see something useful soon. The few signs that I saw were written in whatever language the aliens spoke. I turned a corner and saw two aliens dressed in black uniforms.

"Hey!" one of them shouted, and they both came my way.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, I thought. I spun on my heel, my bare feet squeaking on the polished floor. I went through the nearest door and found myself in some kind of storeroom. Boxes and barrels were stacked up to the ceiling. At the end of the room was a smaller door, probably to a cupboard, but it was the only door available to me. Wherever it went I had to go.

The aliens were right behind me now. I pulled open the door and flung myself through. I had less than a second to realize that the door opened onto a giant garbage chute before I teetered over the edge and went thundering down. It was much larger than any garbage chute I'd ever seen, but a garbage chute nonetheless. I tumbled down the metal tunnel, my body banging painfully as I traveled. The chute was totally dark but I could see a light at the bottom, dim and orange.

My robe snagged on part of the chute and I heard it tear. With my free hand, I tried to keep hold of the only garment I had but I was unable. The chute ripped the robe away and I tumbled out of the bottom, naked and with only the small scalpel still clutched in my hand. At least I was armed. Kind of.

I rolled onto my back and took a moment to catch my breath. I felt the cold of the ground seep into my naked flesh. The two aliens appeared at the top of the chute. They exchanged a concerned look before backing away and closing the door. The metal slid back into place with a clanging sound and I was left in darkness again.

It wasn't completely black. There were dim, orange lights along the floor, just enough for me to see by. The walls were constructed from shiny black panels with glowing green devices within them.

The smell of the room was putrid confirming my suspicion that it was a garbage room. I needed to get out of here before the two aliens found their way to the door. Pushing myself into a sitting position, I saw something on the floor a few feet away that didn't look like garbage.

I crawled slowly across the floor, wanting to look without getting too close. When I was close enough to make out what the shape was I gasped. It was a horse. An actual horse. The aliens must have abducted a horse for one of their experiments. It made me wonder what other animals had been discarded down here. Were subjects 1-3 down here too?

As I pushed myself to my feet I noticed something that made me freeze. The horse was half-eaten. Its red-brown coat was matted with blood and hair. My heart started to beat harder as I realized that something had eaten this horse. Something probably lived down here. The growl came from a dark corner behind me and I whirled around.

At first, all I saw were glowing green eyes. Then the alien creature stalked out from the shadows. It was huge. I walked on all fours like a gorilla and had the size to match. On all fours, it was taller than me, maybe six feet. It was hairless, its body an oily black that glistened in the low light.

It moved toward me slowly, sniffing the air as it approached. I backed up as quickly as I dared, wanting to get as far from the beast as possible. Its nostrils flared with each step it took and the floor trembled. I hit the wall and could back up no further. Looking around I saw that the only door was behind the beast. To get out I needed to get past it.

I held the scalpel out in front of me, prepared for an attack. The creature stopped a few steps away and sniffed the air again. Still growling the alien beast did a quick sniff of my body from head to toe before seeming to find what it was looking for. Its nostrils flared with recognition and began to flare so hard they made a whooshing sound. I really didn't like the sound of that.

"Stop!" I said as loudly as I dared, which clearly wasn't loud enough judging by how it immediately took another step toward me. "You're not fucking eating me!"

I leaped up and drove the scalpel at the monster. The creature moved easily. Before I knew it I was flat on my back with the hulking alien standing over me. It grabbed hold of my wrists with both of its massive hands and held them down on either side of my head. My heart raced as it loomed over me, its mouth opening to reveal row after row of sharp teeth.

Its breath stank like rotten meat and a long black tongue snaked out from behind its teeth. The tongue was slimy like a tentacle and about 10 inches long. It dragged its tongue over my face from top to bottom. I clamped my lips shut but was unable to stop its warm, foul saliva from creeping into my mouth. I opened my mouth and coughed, trying to force it back out, but it was too late and I'd already swallowed some of the putrid stuff.

My stomach lurched and I felt like I was going to be sick. Then something else came over me. It was a distant tingling at first but as it grew I recognized the familiar lusty sensations that Grabanimo's semen had caused within me. No way did this creature's saliva have the same effect. I shook my head and tried to fight the feeling.

The alien's tongue made its way to my neck leaving a warm trail of tingles behind it. I looked up and saw the creature's eyes focus on my bare breasts. Why was everything on this ship so horny?

I opened my mouth to say no but a small moan fell out instead. Its tongue began to slide down my shoulder and onto one of my breasts. The cold of the creature's tongue felt entirely wrong on my breast. Like a snake, it felt cold and somewhat slithery as it moved over the sensitive nipple. Despite myself, I arched my back and leaned into its licks. I moaned again as its tongue caressed first one nipple and then the other.

Apparently pleased with my arousal its grip began to slacken and I was able to move my arms. But now I had no desire to fight. Freeing one of my hands I placed it on the creature's arm and ran it over the muscular, oily flesh. I glanced down and saw the monster's giant cock hanging between its huge thighs. It was easily 12 inches long and as big around as my wrist.

I felt another moan build in my throat when suddenly the alien released my right wrist and clamped its long fingers around my throat. It squeezed hard, so hard that the bones in my neck creaked. I grabbed hold of its massive fingers and tried to pull them off but it was no use. Its grip was too much for me to shift.

Suddenly the pressure on my throat lessened and I gasped for air. The creature moved its hand down over my tits and squeezed one mercilessly before beginning to massage them roughly. It toyed with my breasts like a teenager feeling boobs for the very first time.

Its tongue returned to my nipples but only for a moment before it traveled lower. It made a low growl as it neared my pussy. I could feel its warmth on my thigh and then its tongue was slowly running up the length of my slit. Up again and down, again and again, until my pussy was shivering with lust. My horniness overrode my feelings of revulsion and gave into the pleasure that his animalistic creature was giving me.

The beast growled in appreciation of my wetness before gripping the back of my thighs and pulling my legs apart. I winced with anticipation and fear but the alien's touch was soft. Its giant hand moved up to my pink ass and cupped one of my cheeks. My body tensed but the alien's touch remained soft and gentle as it massaged the fleshy mound in its fingers.

I tilted my head back and moaned as its tongue slid over my clit and down between my pussy lips. My whole body shivered with delight as it slipped its long tongue deep into my pussy before sliding out from between my folds and lapping at my asshole.

I groaned with pleasure as it probed my tight asshole, relaxing each time its tongue entered me before squeezing tight once gravity pulled it back out.

"Yes... Oh fuck yes..." I moaned, squeezing its arms tightly.

The alien slathered my ass with its saliva before sliding its tongue out completely. The creature's monstrous cock poked at my pussy, twitching with anticipation. I felt its silky skin sliding against my lips and clit. It was like fucking an oil slick but my arousal was too great to care. I bucked my hips and tried to force it inside me but the creature moved away.

"No, come on! Fuck! Don't stop!" I tried to convince it; plead with it even, but to no avail.

The creature crept forward again and sniffed between my legs before once again licking my body. This time it went from my pussy up to my neck. I bit my lip as the tip of its dick repeatedly hit my clit. It felt like I was being tortured but I couldn't get the damn thing inside me. I ground my hips into it but even that didn't work and eventually, I stopped trying and just waited. Hoping it would fuck me senseless.

"Please!" I begged the beast. "Just fuck me!"

It growled above me and I felt its cock twitch faster against my pussy. Then without warning, it drove a full 6 inches of its huge dick deep into my cunt. I threw my head back in pleasure as my pussy stretched to its limit. Muscles clenched tight around the alien meat as it began to thrust mindlessly in and out of me.

I could feel the tip of its shaft rubbing against my cervix with every stroke. The alien couldn't get its full cock inside me but it buried itself in me as much as possible, and held me in place, thrusting deeper and deeper before releasing me and then thrusting even harder. The beast was fucking the shit out of me and I loved it.

My tits bounced with each violent push. The alien's nails dug into my flesh as it used my body like a fuck puppet. The pain was almost satisfying in how pleasurable it made me feel. My pussy quivered with each thrust and I knew I was going to cum hard when my orgasm finally came.

I wrapped my arms and legs around the creature as it continued to jackhammer my pussy. The ache of my cervix turning inside out was almost too much to bear. I tried to focus on something else but the overwhelming sensations assaulting my senses were driving me crazy with lust.

"OH! Shit! Please..." I begged trying not to cum right away.

The alien leaned forward and put its weight down on me. It began sliding its cock in and out of my pussy at a faster pace, hammering against my womb with each thrust. I cupped my own tits and squeezed my nipples, eager to heighten the sensation any way that I could.

The alien groaned loudly against my throat sending vibrations across my skin. Its cock was dominating my muscles and soon I'd be cumming hard. Before that happened though it slowed its pace again and moved closer to my ear. Its tongue probed my lobe gently, licking all around and inside my ear.

I moaned in response and began trying to move my hips against the creature's cock again in an attempt to persuade it into fucking me harder. The alien growled and began to thrust again. This time pounding my pussy as hard and as fast as it could. The pleasure of being impaled on such a monstrous cock was almost too much to handle. I squeezed its arms and moaned at the top of my lungs as it fucked me. Wave after wave of pleasure crashed down on me. I squealed into the creature's ear, "Oh god... I'm cumming!"

I could feel the muscles in my pussy clenching and unclenching. Squeezing at a rhythm matched by my own heartbeat. My nipple rubbed against the alien's slobber covered cheek. My orgasm was so intense I thought I would pass out from it. I screamed and bucked my hips as the alien continued to pound my pussy. My body convulsed in pleasure and pain. An orgasm so great I almost blacked out.

"Oh shit! Oh shit, yes! Fuck me! Mmmmm!" I screamed until my orgasm passed and I lay there quivering in pleasure.

The beast pulled its cock out of me and squirted goo all over my belly, coating me in its thick white cum.

"Oh!" I said as my body was drenched in heavy spunk.

Then the alien eased off me, and collapsed on the floor by my side, falling into a deep sleep.

My whole body was sore and my pussy was throbbing from being fucked so hard. Fucking beast. He did me good though, I had to give him that.

The door at the edge of the room opened and the two aliens in black walked in with Keldon right behind them. My eyes widened to see that Keldon had survived being stabbed in the neck. Then my face burned with shame as the three of them took in the sight before them.

"And you demanded respect?" Keldon said. I noticed a bandage on his neck where I'd stabbed him. Their medical technology must have been far greater than ours. Either that or they were just tougher than humans.

The guards grabbed me and dragged me from the beast's lair. The monster's cum was dripping from my body leaving a sticky trail through the spaceship.

"Since you have proven yourself to be an animal. I will treat you as one," said Keldon, as we entered another room.

"No," I said. I looked around at the vast room filled with cages, each one holding a different creature. Some were animals from Earth, others were creatures I'd never seen before. "No, please," I begged.

"I warned you," Keldon said simply. He opened one of the metal animal cages and I was shoved in roughly by the guards. The door slammed shut behind me.

"From now on you live here," said Keldon, an evil glint in his eyes.

I moved forward on my knees and clutched the bars of my cage. "Please don't leave me in here. Don't treat me like an animal."

"You treat yourself like an animal, Subject 004." He looked down at my cum drenched body and sneered. Then he turned on his heel and left the room.