About Leaving and a Comeback


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"As long as we don't go dancing," Robert replied.

"Ouch. I deserved that," she replied. "When?"

"Next weekend? I have to finish my novel this weekend."

They started kissing again, with Annette encouraging Robert's hands to roam over her body.

He softly caressed her legs and her belly. All the while kissing her behind her ears and down her neck. Annette moaned softly and demanded another kiss by putting her hand behind his head and pulling his lips toward hers.

By now Robert was getting warm all over again but for other reasons entirely. Suddenly he said, "I need a shower; I'm starting to smell myself."

Annette giggled and replied lightly, "Go on then. But you have to undress here in front of me. After all, you've seen me naked multiple times. Fair Is fair, right?"

Robert smiled at her playfulness and nodded before she pulled the t-shirt over his head. And when he stood upright, she noticed his tights were stretched considerably.

She smiled and sighed. "That must be uncomfortable. Off with them," she said as she started pulling them down. Within seconds Robert stood naked in front of her, his rampant cock, rock hard, pointing towards her. She stroked it for a second before saying, "Shower. Now!"

When Annette heard the shower running, she got an idea. She removed her dress and walked, clad only in her panties, through the bedroom into the bathroom. She opened the shower stall, got in, and sank to her knees in front of Robert. Before he could react, her mouth was enveloping his mushroom. Robert gasped at the sensation.

"What're you doing?" he panted.

With a plop she let go of Robert's torrid pole and replied, a little out of breath, "I can't leave you like this. So, I'll give you something to remember."

Her head started bobbing again, her hands kneading his balls and his cock while her tongue ran around the rim of the head. She heard Robert's breathing go ragged.

He wanted to pull back but Annette held him firmly in place, feeling his sack constrict and his cock convulsing before a flood of semen geysered into her mouth. She herself felt a tremor in her abdomen and a small orgasm washed over her.

Robert looked at her while she swallowed the last of his semen. He pulled her up and kissed her with no regard to what had been in her mouth just seconds ago. When done kissing he asked, "Can you show me how to return this delicious favor?"

Annette molded herself against his hard body and replied huskily, "Not here. On your bed and with your shorts on. I want your first time and our first time together to be special."

They toweled each other dry and walked to the bed, with Robert becoming rock hard again looking at the swaying bottom of a stark-naked Annette. A thought flashed through his mind. Funny, I never had a hard-on when I cleaned her up when she was sick. He pulled on some shorts and positioned his cock in a comfortable position.

Annette turned around and showed a beautiful bush. Trimmed short enough to show everything to perfection but enough hair to spread her pheromones enticing the horny young stud in front of her even more. She laid back and opened her legs.

Annette was in heat. She felt Robert's gaze burning into her and she never felt so wanted by a man as at that moment. Her glands secreting her juices started to prickle from being overworked, only turning her on more. She had a little difficulty speaking, finally managing to say, "Don't bother, just kiss me down there and start licking. I'll tell you where but just go down on me."

While Robert was a virgin, he could read and had a very good memory. He decided to try to surprise his soon to be woman. He ran his tongue upwards along the outer rim of her labia and was awarded with a groan. He softly started to massage Annette's pussy lips with his fingers and his tongue.

For the first time Annette experienced a lover whose complete focus and concentration was on pleasuring her. She expected some clumsy fidgeting but Robert was tuned to her reaction and not afraid of exploring with his tongue. She felt his concentration and purposeful tongue and fingers. Deep inside her, something primitive started to rear its head. She felt her inner muscles undulating as if anticipating the coming release; she just wanted to tell Robert to stop teasing as all thoughts came to a halt. Then it was there, an orgasm that screamed through her body and mind. Her vaginal muscles convulsed, her body convulsed, and somewhere in a little corner of her mind, she thought in amazement, Is this what it's all about?

Then the last remnants of any coherent thinking were washed away.

An indeterminable time later she opened her eyes only to look into Robert's.

"Hi," he said. "Did I do it right?"

"Right? No. That's not the word. Actually, I don't think there is a word for it. I never had an experience like this. You exhausted me in one go," Annette replied while her lips sought his and her hands found his cock again.

Robert was a very good pupil. His long strong fingers soon found her g-spot and together with his mouth he started to bring Annette to the brink. This time he kept her there, withdrawing a little each time she was approaching lift-off until Annette was beside herself with the need to orgasm. Her head was lolling from one side to the other and she was babbling incomprehensibly. Finally, he took her clit between his lips and sucked while his hands pinched her marble nipples and Annette had her own personal lift-off.

Her mind was somewhere, floating in a low orbit around the earth, while her body was immersed in wave after wave of excruciating pleasure. When her mind finally splashed back in her body she whispered, "I'm going to get you to pay for this. Just you wait."

She stroked his cock and softly started to massage the sack. Her hand went up and down along the hard shift until Robert suddenly became still. A minute later they needed another shower because Annette's beautiful, proud girls were drenched. Along her tummy, breasts and face lay a trail of sticky fluid. Annette grinned happily and whispered in Robert's ear, "I hope this is what you dreamed about because you're stuck with me."

Robert rolled his eyes and, while kissing the palms of her hands, he replied, "It was beyond my dreams. I don't mind being stuck with you. I love you, you know."

Annette tried to come up with a witty answer when she saw Robert's alarm clock. In panic she cried, "Shit! I already had to be home!" and started to dress.

Robert said, "Wait. Here, jogging pants and a sweater. Put that on and I'll take you back."

"How? Do you suddenly have a car?"

Robert laughed and Annette melted immediately. It had been so long since she had heard Robert's infectious laugh. He hiccupped, "Ugh. No, a motorcycle. And yes, it has a buddy seat."


When she arrived home, Annette first slipped the keys to Robert's house back into her mother's purse. She didn't need them anymore since she now had her own set. After that she immediately went to the kitchen and gushed, "Sorry, I know I'm late. I met a guy and forgot the time."

Anne observed, "That must be a hell of a guy. You're positively radiating and where are your clothes?"

Annette was not ready to spill the beans yet and just smiled, nodded, and said, "We have a date next weekend and I want to arrange something special." She noticed the look on the faces of her mother and the man she felt to be her father. She rapidly corrected herself. "No, we won't go dancing. I want something romantic like a picnic or something. Can you help me, Mum?"

Her parents' relief was palpable; Anne said, "If he makes you so happy, yes, of course. What do you have in mind?"


The next weekend

Anne was preparing the picnic basket. "Annette Balliol?"

Annette looked happily at her mother and replied, "Yes, Mother?"

"Will you please be careful? Are you sure that you can trust that man?"

The implied question was obvious. Annette smiled broadly. "Yes, Mother. I trust him with my life. He's very balanced, hardworking and he loves me to bits. During my rehab I noticed that my so-called friends are only interested in status and what others think of them in regard to that status. This man couldn't care less, he's his own man. He talks with everyone and helps when needed."

Anne thought to herself, But he will never compare to Robert.

She helped Annette carry the basket, the cooler with soft drinks, and the blanket to her car. Annette had asked her mother if she could lend her car for the day because the spot where she wanted to picnic was a one-hour drive. She had found it a long time ago when a boyfriend broke up with her because she refused to make love with him without a condom and she wanted to be alone after that. She just drove around and stopped at this place to go for a walk. When she went there, she was almost always alone. She thought it would be a perfect spot to get acquainted as lovers instead of friends.

Half an hour later she was at Robert's to pick him up. He walked out of his little house clad in shorts, short sleeved shirt and Teva sandals. He looked good enough to eat. Annette jumped from behind the wheel and into his arms. With a deep sigh she whispered, "I missed you so much. Can't you come and live in the little house again?"

Robert smiled. "While we have the privacy of my own house? I love your parents dearly but I have my own place now. And what would your parents think if they found me in your bed? After all, I'm your brother now," he said teasingly.

"Yeah, right. As punishment, you get to drive while I seduce you."

"Seduce me? Again? I think I like that. Actually, I like that idea very much."

They drove off chatting and laughing like the two lovebirds they were. Annette showed some skin, pulling her shirt down to reveal her unfettered breast. She caressed his upper thighs until he told her to stop because it was affecting his driving. Both of them were smiling for the rest of the drive.

When they arrived, Robert was impressed and he loved the scenery. He always liked trees and there was a stream which ran through a little pond. Perfect for skinny dipping. One side of the pond was a small meadow where they spread their blanket.

First, they went for a walk, hand in hand, while Annette pointed out the highlights and showed him the view when they arrived at the top of the hill. When they returned, they had lunch consisting of a flat Turkish bread with hot, spicy chicken broth from a thermos, mushroom quiche, and ice-tea. After having their fill, they snuggled and skinny-dipped. Annette kissed Robert but didn't start a heavy petting session; she had other plans. Robert seemed to sense that Annette didn't want to go too far so he respectfully kept from pushing her.

Daylight was starting to fade when Annette took Robert to a small authentic Portuguese restaurant. They had pasteis bacalhau, swordfish with a complement of vegetables, and patatas bravas. Enjoying their meal and their time together, it was quite late when they finished and left the restaurant.

Annette insisted on driving this time. To Robert's surprise, she drove to her house and when they arrived there she said with a little smirk on her face, "This is the moment that the boy asks if he can come in for a cup of coffee, especially when her parents aren't home."

Robert laughed. "In what kind of movie are we living? But alright. Can I come in for a cup of tea?"

"Let me think about it. Okay, come on in. I'll make tea."

Annette was giddy from relief. Her plan worked like a charm. She steered Robert into the living room, put on some music and told him to sit tight until she returned with the tea. A few minutes later she entered the room with a tray with two mugs of tea, but that was not what took Robert's breath. Annette had changed; she was now dressed in a translucent nightgown which was almost indecently short, stopping just below her ass cheeks. It was obvious that there was nothing between the gown and Annette herself.

She put the tray on the table, straightened and with a tremor in her voice she asked, "Robert, will you please dance with me?"

Robert now understood that Annette took a leap of faith and was completely committing herself to their relationship. He walked over, took her in his arms and replied, "Yes, Nette, each and every time you ask, I will dance with you."

They danced slowly and close together. Out of the blue, Annette said. "Before you take me upstairs, I need to show you something."

She retrieved a folder and said, "This is to show that I am clean from drugs and this is my last STD test; it's negative. I tell you this because I want you to make love to me tonight and I want you in me without anything between you and me."

"Why would I want to see that? I'm proud of you that you wrestled yourself out of your abyss. But when you tell me that you are clean, you're clean. Shall we dance again?"

Reminding herself that Robert was two years her junior, she molded herself against him while hoping she wasn't pushing him too far. She was trembling with anticipation while they were slowly dancing on an old soul music record of Gus. When the record was over, she took him by the hand and led him upstairs.

After a long loving kiss Annette took a step back and started to unbutton Robert's shirt. She kissed his nipples and softly bit his collarbone. After some passionate kisses her hand went to Robert's pants to be frustrated by the buttons. He gently pushed her hands away and unbuttoned his fly but she wasn't having it. Impatiently, she pulled his pants down together with his underpants and, with a contented sigh, she kissed his phallus.

Robert pulled to her feet after a bit, took the hem of her gown, and pulled it over her head. Halfway up, he stopped, catching Annette in the fabric where she couldn't do anything. He kissed her breasts with much attention to the puckered areola and prominent nipples. When she shuddered from her first but small orgasm, he smirked and said, "That was payback for all that teasing today." And then he pulled the nightgown completely over her head.

Annette was now sopping wet, her legs weak from anticipation. She'd never lusted after a man like this before. While she wanted Robert's first time to be gentle and loving, her body was desperate from need. She panted, "Robert, my love. Please get me off. My body screams for release."

Robert's long fingers went to her cunny. As soon as he touched her button Annette started to buck and when he inserted a finger and started to caress the velvety hotspot inside, she went rigid. Robert had to catch her and lay her on the bed before going on with his ministrations. Kissing her nipples, belly button, and down, his tongue finally arrived at her slit. When he lapped at her happy-button, Annette moaned, building up quickly until she was screaming her lungs out. Seconds later she became rigid again and slowly, very slowly her body relaxed until finally, in a weak voice, she said, "Give me a moment. I need to gather some strength. What is it with you? Each time you touch me there I explode."

Robert took her in his arms and Annette snuggled against him, resting happily together for a time as she relaxed in her euphoria. Then her hand slowly traveled southward until her fingertips teased the tip of Robert's cock. He was, she found, still as hard as a rock. She heard Robert take a sharp breath and she said, "It's time."

Robert wanted to pull her on top but Annette told him, "No! I want you to take me and make me yours, and I can't emphasize this enough, your woman. There will be time enough for other positions later if you like"

She laid back with her legs spread. Robert went on top but not before his tongue traveled along her labia and pleasure button, his lips brushing her belly, his cheek caressing the side of her breast, and his mouth teasing her nipples. When he kissed her, Annette positioned him and he slowly started to push himself inside her wet, warm, tunnel, gripping soft but tight about him.

Annette moaned and Robert stopped, leading her to encourage him onward. "Go on, Robert! It feels soooo good!" He bottomed out and they lay still for a moment enjoying the sensations. Annette felt stretched and completely filled.

For Robert, it was nothing less than sensational, Annette's pussy clamping on his cock. It was hot and her muscles were massaging the whole length of his shaft. He started to move and Annette answered his moves with moves of own. Robert moved in and almost out, slowly at first, gradually becoming faster. While moving, he snaked one hand between them and started teasing her clit.

Before Robert did that, Annette was trying to stave off her orgasm, wanting Robert to be the first to go, but when he touched her clitoris, she caved and let go. Robert felt Annette buck and saw her toss her head from side to side, moaning incomprehensibly. Only then did he let himself go, burying himself to the hilt into her pussy. Annette felt his engorged head push deep within herself and then felt the hot semen Robert spewed into her womb.

Panting and with sweat dripping from his body, Robert kissed her before Annette gently disentangled and went to the bathroom for a washcloth and some towels. She cleaned them on returning and they snuggled, enjoying being together for a while.

Annette wasn't done though, and it wasn't too long before she traced her fingers along Robert's pectorals and kissed his nipples. Her lips tracked down the ridges in his body, across his abdomen until she reached the tip of his cock. She licked at it, pulling back the foreskin, and started to suck. At half-mast already, Robert became hard in seconds.

This time she straddled him and pulled him upright. When seated with him inside her, she started to move again; with abandon, she slid up and down Robert's mast until he climaxed deep inside her once more. Her own climax was less overwhelming than the two before but when she finally started to relax, she felt exhausted. Annette rolled onto her belly and lay still. Robert helped her to put a towel under her and started to massage her backside.

Annette soon fell fast asleep.


When Annette woke up the next morning, it took her a second to realize that she wasn't alone in bed. Then she remembered it all and felt glorious. Even though she was stiff from the exertion of the previous night and her pussy was sore, she reveled in the feeling of having her lover in her arms, in her bed at her home, when she heard the door open. She looked at the bewildered face of her mother.

Annette smiled and said very softly, "I'll be down in a minute."


On softly opening Annette's door to wake her for breakfast, the first thing Anne saw was the completely naked body of Robert who was sleeping in the sleep of the innocent. Then her gaze met the dreamy, happy and sated face of her daughter whose lips mouthed "I'll be down in a minute" without showing any shame for their nakedness.

Closing the door just as silently as she'd opened it, Anne decided to wait until her daughter came out of her room. She steadied herself against the wall, her thoughts running a mile a minute. While waiting, she came to understand what had happened and her tears started flowing from happiness.

Annette excited the room carrying some clothes and her make-up in her arms. She looked a little guiltily at her mother but when she saw her mother crying, she dropped it all and hugged her.

"Mum, he's the love of my life. My only regret is that it took me so long to realize that."

Anne responded, "These are happy tears. I'm so happy that you two finally found each other. What do we tell your dad?"

"The plain and unvarnished truth. Nothing less. He'll understand."

The three of them were talking when Robert entered the kitchen looking more than a little sheepish. Gus jokingly asked, "What are your intentions with my daughter, boy?"
