Absolute Terror 2


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"I do that sometimes, I get lost in my own thoughts." Natalie said.

Natalie thought Nina was being friendly, she decided to tell Nina what her colleagues are whispering about her behind her back.

"I was saying that the other secretaries were gossiping this morning about you."

Nina looked at Natalie "What were they saying?" Nina asked.

"They were talking about something one of them had overheard the senior partners talking about."

"Just tell me what they were saying, please?" Nina was worried, what could they have heard that she didn’t know about? Her job performance and good results ensured her place in this firm. It was not easy for female lawyers to be taken seriously in this predominately male career.

"I don’t know why but your partner’s think that you are focusing more on your personal life than your professional one. The secretary who overheard the conversation said that your colleagues have noticed that you seems less intense, saying that you may have lost your edge and they think that you could be ‘burning out’ already."

Nina shook her head, this was not good news. It had been hard enough making full partner at such a young age, she had struggled really hard to get this far, working extremely long hours and forgoing a social life for six months. She hadn’t worked this hard to throw it all away because of sexual pleasure. She needed to focus on her work and not be distracted by thoughts of Him.

"Thanks Natalie, I’m glad you told me."

"Your welcome, Nina. I hope everything works out OK. I’ll go finish the filing Lynda left for me to do."

Natalie walked back to her desk, shutting Nina’s office door on her way out. After Natalie left she drank her coffee, and got down to doing some work, finding that she was able to get a lot done in a short period of time.

She heard a small tap on her office door as Natalie opened the door and walked in.

"There’s a package here for you, Nina."

Nina looked at Natalie, standing there, talking to her as she chattered away telling her that the package had appeared on her desk all by itself and she had asked around but no one had seen anyone drop it off. Nina nodded. Suddenly thinking what it would be like if she told this young girl she was thinking about pleasuring herself while she stood there. She found herself aroused even more by the thought of her secretary catching her playing with herself. Nina stroked herself under the high desk, knowing Natalie could not see, stroking her pussy, fingering herself, Biting her lip as she came, holding back her whimpers. She had never dared to experience public sex but came as her fingers stroked, rubbed and teased her clit while her young, perky secretary stood on the other side of her large desk

"All right, Natalie, just leave the package on my desk. I’ll look at it later."

Nina slid her slippery fingers along her thigh, wiping as much of her juices as she could away before reaching for her pen. Natalie placed the brown paper parcel on Nina’s desk,

Nina held up her hand, trying to quiet Natalie’s constant prattling

"But Nina I have no idea where it came from."

Nina recognized the writing. It was the same as was on the back of the note that had come with the collar. It must be from him! Nina was eager to see what it was. "I will sort it out. You can go."

Natalie looked at Nina in puzzlement.

"Are you ok, Nina" You look a little flushed."

"Yes, yes I’m fine. It’s just a bit hot in here." Nina blushed as she realised Natalie had noticed the post orgasmic flush on her throat and upper chest. "Im very impressed by your hard work, Natalie. Take an early lunch."

Natalie looked a little disappointed.

"But I could find some more to do."

Nina wanted no more interruptions. "I insist, Natalie." She smiled warmly at Natalie.

Nina bent her head as if reading the documents in front of her. Natalie walked towards the door.

"Ok, Nina. Thank you."

Nina sighed as Natalie left her office, closing the door behind her. Nina waited and soon heard her calling out farewell. Nina ripped open the package, reading Pulsonic Remote Control Egg on the box. She opened the box, pulling out the contents, something small dropped out of the box, Nina reached down and picked the small white card up. It said, "I am near." Written in black pen, she know He had written this. She put the card on her desk. Nina read the instructions.

"This high tech Pulsonic Remote Control Egg has a tiny micro processor which opens up a whole new world of fun, romance, stimulation and freedom of movement. Try taking your partner out to a restaurant and watch her moan with pleasure as you secretly activate the Pulsonic Remote Egg from across the table. See her squirm as the egg sends an erotic pulsing sensation through her. Your lover will find the anticipation of the Pulsonic Remote Egg being turned on and the sensation when it is, exquisitely arousing, hear her beg you to turn it on again to titillate her sensitive flesh till she can hold back no longer and reaches."

Nina looked at the diagram of the wireless remote egg and looked at the plastic bag. The remote was missing!

"Well" She thought to herself. "He thinks of everything."

Grabbing her large purse she shoved the remote controlled egg into her bag and headed for the ladies room. Ensuring no one was in the other toilets she quickly took the wrapping off the egg. Looking closely at the cylindrical object to ensure that the cord was firmly attached to the egg. She slipped her panties down to her knees and placed her foot up on the toilet, so that her legs were open and her pussy easy to reach. She slowly eased the egg inside herself, up she placed the cord under her panty elastic so that it stuck out a little then pulling her panties she wriggled and jumped up and down making sure that the egg would not fall out or slip further inside her.

Nina walked out of the ladies room, and decided to walk down the road to the small cafe for a light lunch. The egg felt odd inside her. It wasn’t uncomfortable, just different. Nina checked to make sure she had her cellphone turned on. She walked to the lift, pressing the down button. She waited for the lift, watching as the lift lights lit up at each floor as it descended. The lift doors opened and two secretaries that Nina recognized got out, they smiled at Nina.

"Natalie and I are out for lunch so if any calls come in transfer them to my cellphone."

"Yes Miss. Gant." Answered one of the secretaries as they walked away.

Nina stepped into the lift, she pressed the button for the basement floor, taking a short cut through the carpark. Once out of the carpark. Nina walked into the cafe, picked out a salad from the salad bar and went toward the cash register. The young girl behind the counter took her order for a cappuccino and tallied up the cost. Nina paid and went out to the courtyard area.

She slowly ate her salad, enjoying the fresh lettuce, carrots, cherry tomatoes, red and green capsicum with a squeeze of lemon juice and croutons on top. The young girl brought her cappuccino to her. She thanked her, sipping at the hot strong coffee topped with a thin layer of froth and dusted with cinnamon. It was delicious. It was a lovely sunny day and quite a few people were in the courtyard having their lunch. Nina watched as a young couple walked out of the coffee shop, taking a seat at a table not far from her. They looked very happy. She wished she had someone to share her life with. Suddenly Nina felt a strange sensation as the egg inside her started to vibrate. She looked around as the egg buzzed, tickling her in a erotic way. "God." She thought. "What an amazing sensation. She felt she couldn’t sit still as the remote egg moved inside her. Wriggling as the waves of pleasure went through her, the young couple stared at her as she squirmed. Just as she thought she could stand it no longer the sensation stopped. She uttered a low moan. Waiting to see if He would activate it again. Nothing happened and minutes ticked by. Despite the stares of the other patrons at her strange behavior she finished her coffee. Picking up her bag she walked back towards the office, feeling a slight dampness as her pussy juices soaked into her panties.

Nina walked into her office just as Natalie’s phone rang. She walked back to Natalie’s desk and answered the phone.

"Barnes and Bayley. How can I help you?" She listened as a client of hers requested to be put through to her, she answered the client with a cheery tone. Pretending that she was Natalie.

"Please hold while I put your call through."

She put the client on hold for a few seconds and then pushed hold again.

"Nina Gant." She said.

"Yes, Mr. Owen. I have filed that on your behalf. And you want to change it?"

Nina listened as her elderly client rattled on about changes he wanted made to his will.

"Yes, of course, Mr Owen. No problem at all."

Nina was silent as Mr. Owen droned on again.

"Certainly. I’ll just get a pen."

Nina searched Natalie’s desk for a pen. Not finding one she opened the top drawer, to her surprise a magazine was open at a rather intimate picture of two naked woman, one woman was tonguing the other woman’s pussy. Nina slammed the drawer shut as she heard someone walk into the room. Nina turned to see Natalie.

She signaled to Natalie that she needed a pen. Natalie opened the second drawer and handed Nina a pen.

"Carry on Mr. Owen."

Nina scribbled furiously as Natalie brought Nina the Owen file.

Nina shook her head so Natalie put the file on her desk.

"Right that’s fine Mr Owen but I must rush I’m due in court in 10 minutes."

Nina tried to wind up the conversation but Mr. Owen found a few more things to chat about before Nina could politely say goodbye and hang up.

She handed Natalie the piece of paper that she had written on.

"Can you type this up and add it to Mr.Owen’s file?"

"Of course Nina."

Natalie took the paper from Nina’s outstretched hand. Nina looked at Natalie as she sat behind her desk, she could almost see down Natalie’s shirt as the first two buttons were undone. Nina could not help herself but admire the tops of her two beautiful full breasts.

"Is there something else, Nina?"

"What?" Nina stammered.

"I just wondered if you wanted something else. You looked as if you wanted to ask me something." Natalie said.

Nina was flustered, now she found herself so aroused by Him that she was admiring her young secretary.

"No, it was nothing important."

Nina returned to her office, shutting the door behind her, she leaned on the back of the door trying to push all sexual thoughts aside. She looked at the pile of files on her desk. They could wait, she thought, she decided she would dictate a memo, sitting at her desk, she picked up the recorder, a few minutes passed After dictating a few memos, Nina called a few clients confirming their instructions or updating them on any developments in their cases. Looking at her watch Nina saw that it was nearly 2 pm and Mr Symonds should be here any minute. Mr. Symonds was a very important client. This was to be a big case in her career for a very wealthy client.

Natalie showed Mr Symonds through. Nina welcomed him and asked him to take a seat. She went over the case with him, confirming that she felt very positive about the case and that their had been some very positive information come to light that could be beneficial to his case. The state had charged Mr Symonds, who owned a chain of jewelry stores of running a gambling racket, using one undercover policewoman they had run a sting, blowing her cover when they felt they had enough evidence to prove Mr Symonds guilt. But Nina had hired a pretty female private investigator who found out that the guilty party had been an employee of Mr Symonds. The private investigator had plied the ex employee with liqueur and taped him as he confessed to the whole thing. Time quickly passed as they discussed the pre trial conference and what could be the outcome. She looked at her watch, it was now 2:45 pm. It was time to make their way to the courthouse. She felt confident and was looking forward to

Especially since it was a classmate, Dane Edwards, from law school that was the state prosecutor. Nina and Dane had been extremely competitive all through Law school and that had continued throughout their careers.

"Well." Nina thought. "I’m damned if Im going to let him win."

She purposefully strode through up the stairs of the court house, psyching herself up as she went. She felt the egg inside her as she walked up the steps. The vibrating egg sitting comfortably inside her, nestled safely, dormant till activated. She looked around wondering when He would activate it again.. Nina greeted the security guard at the courthouse doors and she walked into the courtroom.

Nina smiled at Dane across the room as she sat down. Her client whispered into her ear, asking for a few last pointers. Nina placated him, trying to convince him that there were going to be no surprises and that things were going to go his way. It was an open and shut case unless Dane had an ace up his sleeve. But she doubted it! This time she was the one with all the cards. The court attendant announced the judge’s presence as he entered the courtroom.

"Order in the court. All rise for the right Honorable Judge Mackie." Everybody stood as the judge took his seat.

"You may be seated."

The attendant spoke to the judge. "You have before you, your Honor the case of the State versus Symonds."

The judge shuffled the papers in front of him. Clearing his throat he addressed the court.

"I have read the statements from the State and from Mr. Symonds lawyer. Based on the evidence provided by the State I declare that the case should be set down for a hearing in the High Court."

Just then the courthouse doors opened, Nina turned, seeing one of the office juniors walking towards her.

"Right on time." Nina thought.

The junior passed Nina a small package and whispered in her ear. The junior walked away. Nina looked inside the package and looked over at Dane who was looking a little worried.

Nina stood. "Your Honor, could I please approach the bench?"

The judge stared down at Nina, peering over his glasses at her. He frowned at her.

"Do you have something further you want to add, Miss Gant?"

Nina cleared her throat. "Yes, your Honor. I have some new evidence that I have just been handed that proves Mr. Symonds is not guilty of the State’s allegations."

The judge nodded.

Nina and Dane walked up to the bench. Dane whispered to Nina as they walked.

"What are you up to Nina?"

Nina smiled at Dane, shrugging her shoulders.

"Nothing Dane just doing my job!"

"Right." Said the judge.

"Would you care to share the new evidence with us?"

"Yes, your Honor." Nina replied.

Just as she went to speak of the new evidence the egg went off inside her, she gasped as the strange buzzing sensation went through her entire pussy. She was speechless as the vibrations went through her, it was an indescribable feeling of pleasure as the egg vibrated and pulsed inside her. She felt her clit harden as her pussy responded to the titillating buzz of the remote egg. She was becoming very wet. The sensation went on, she could feel an orgasm building, She moaned as the egg vibrated deep inside her, her pussy muscles reacting to the pulsing sensation, squeezing against the egg.

"Miss Gant." The judges stern voice made Nina realise that she was openly cumming in the full view of the courtroom but she couldn’t help herself, the pleasure from the little egg inside her was so intense.

"Miss Gant!" The judge barked at her.

"Yes, yes your Honor?"

Nina managed to say, trying not to cry out as she orgasmed. She felt a small warm trickle as her pussy juices flowed out of her body. She pressed her legs together, hoping that her panties would absorb the fluid.

"Is there something wrong?" The judge demanded.

"No your Honor." Nina thought quickly.

" It was just a stomach cramp."

Nina told the judge of the audio tape that she now had in her possession and the private investigators affidavit.

The judge nodded as he read the report. Taking the tape from her hand he announced an adjournment to his office, calling for Dane and Nina to join him in his chambers. Nina looked around the courtroom. She couldn’t see Him. They all went into the judges chambers. The people who remained in the courthouse sat and waited. The security guards stood with their hands behind their backs. The taller of the two pulled His hat up from low on his forehead and lifted it off, He scratched at His brown hair and put the hat back on, ensuring that it was low over His face.

The judge sat as his assistant placed the tape in the machine. After listening to the tape he turned to Dane. "Any comments, Mr Edwards?"

Dane’s face was red. "None, your Honor. In light of the new evidence the State withdraws the charges."

The judge laughed. "Of course. We will return to the court and I will address this matter."

They all file back into the court. The judge made his announcement.

"After hearing the new evidence brought before me today, I am convinced that the state does not have a case against Mr. Symonds. The case is dismissed."

Nina turned to her client, who was smiling from ear to ear.

"Miss. Gant. Thank you so much."

"You are welcome, Mr. Symonds."

Mr. Symonds family came up to congratulate him. He smiled at Nina and left with his family. Nina looked over to see that Dane had already left. She smiled, knowing that he was smarting! Nina packed up her papers and grabbed her purse. She walked out of the court, thanking the guards as they opened the doors.

Nina walked back to the office, deciding that she would go home early today to treat herself. She had to go to Simone’s tonight, she also wanted to shop for a new dress. Nina breezed through the office, saying a happy hello to Natalie, then putting a call through to one of the senior partners to advise him of her success. He was very pleased and said that she could take the next few days off, that she deserved it and that there was nothing they could not handle without her for that short time. Nina accepted knowing that after what Natalie had told her about the gossip that it might be a good idea.

Nina packed up her briefcase with a few files that she wanted to go over while she was away. She knew that the senior partners were going to be reevaluating her in a few months and she needed to ensure her continued partnership in the firm. Nina slung her purse over her shoulder and carried her briefcase. She stopped to chat with Natalie.

"I’m off home early, Natalie and I’m taking the next few days off. I have left a list of the things I want done while I’m away. I’ll see you in a few days."

"Bye, Nina. Enjoy your time off!"

Nina gave Natalie a very big smile.

"I will, thanks Natalie."

Nina got into the lift, riding it to the ground floor and caught a taxi outside the law building .

"Downtown thanks." Nina told the taxi driver.

Nina directed the taxi driver to Le Sheys, her favourite clothing store. She paid him the fare and asked him would he come back and pick her up in half an hour. The driver radioed through to his base to confirm this. Nina walked up the front door and entered. She had known the owner for many years, they had met at one of Simone’s soiree’s.

"Nina!" Leonie called out as soon as she saw her.

Nina and Leonie embraced.

"Long time no see." Leonie cooed in her soft voice.

"I know." Said Nina. "I have been so busy since I was made partner."

"Well, you are here now, come through to the back and we will have a glass of champagne."

Nina followed Leonie, where they sat and chatted sipping the cold champagne. Leonie quickly caught Nina up with all the latest gossip.