Academic Advisor


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I arrived at the frat house, completely unprepared. Believe it or not, I had never been in a frat house. I had graduated high school at 15, college at 19, and finished my doctorate barely old enough to legally drink. I had never had time for the college fraternity parties, and as a result I was woefully unprepared for what awaited me.

The house was a-rockin', the kegs were flowing, and the music pounded at an obscene volume. There were so many people it was difficult to move. I felt extremely uncomfortable, and seriously contemplated turning around and leaving.

Some huge guy came up and demanded to know who I was and why I was there.

I had to lean in and shout to be heard. "I'm looking for Jeri and Monica. Do you know who they are?"

He roared with laughter, drunk. Apparently I had said the magic words, whatever they were. "A threesome? Awesome dude!"

"No!, I-" I stammered. But he cut me off, and clapped me on the shoulder with the hand that held a red plastic cup of beer, sloshing it over my back. "Keg's in the other room, dude!"

If I wasn't sure I should have been there before, I certainly wasn't comfortable now. Cold beer trickled down my back, and my mood was soured. I The last thing I needed was some of these students to recognize me and give Morton any excuse to make my life a living hell. My only saving grace was that I was just about the same age as everyone, and didn't look out of place like a "normal" professor might.

I found myself wandering through the house, which was enormous. It was almost wall-to-wall people in various stages of intoxication. At this point all I wanted to do was find these two girls and find out what the hell was going on, or at least let them know that I was getting the hell out of there. It was obvious there wasn't any kind of student group meeting here, and I was becoming more convinced that I was getting set up.

Yeah, becoming more convinced. I really could be naive, sometimes.

I turned the corner and found myself in a large living room. The throngs of people jumping up and down to the music, holding cups of beer over their heads while dancing looked like a tribal ritual from some surrealistic National Geographic special.

Suddenly I saw Jeri and Monica through an open door on the other side of the room, each holding a red cup but looking away from me. I started to make my way across the room by excusing myself around drunk dancing bodies, trying to avoid getting more beer spilled on me.

I made it about halfway.

A roar went up all around me. Suddenly there were guys jumping up and down, and pointing at me. At that point I knew I had been set up, and felt genuinely scared. I frantically looked around, trying to find the easiest route to an exit.

The crowd rushed me, and I instinctively brought my arms up to protect myself, but they went past me to the couple that was right beside me. I turned around to find, to my shock, a beautiful blond on her knees sucking some frat boy's cock. Right. Next. To. Me.

The noise of the crowd was tremendous, with a stampede of noise surrounding me as more and more people crammed into the room to see what was going on. I was pinned against the arm of the guy getting blown, and I couldn't move. The shouting was ferocious, and the girl was sucking him like it would stop global warming.

I looked around trying to figure out a way to escape the crushing pressure of the crowd who had come over to gape at this public display of a free sex show, and felt a hand on my zipper, pulling it down. I quickly looked back down and saw that the blowjob girl had no idea who I was, nor had she even looked at me. She was on a roll and was going to suck any dick in front of her.

Mine just happened to be the closest.

Then my worst nightmare came to life: the cameras came out. Phones, cameras, anything that had a lens. I panicked. I couldn't think of anything worse than a young professor getting caught in some sort of fraternity sex video that would inevitably wind up on the Internet and, ultimately, my permanent file.

I was so screwed.

I pushed her hand away, and tried to get the hell out of there before the cameras had a way of capturing me. I put my arms over my head and tried to move around people, but wound up feeling like a bull in a china shop.

The crowd was yelling at me, calling me all kinds of names. "What are you doing?" "Where is he going?" "Dude! You chicken?" "Must be a fag!" "He doesn't want to show his tiny dick!"

By the time I made it out of the room I was practically drenched in spilled alcohol. The crowd turned back to the show as two other guys had taken my place. I was completely ignored, thankfully, but it didn't stop me from being thoroughly livid at being put in that position. It's not that I didn't want my cock sucked - who wouldn't? - but self-preservation can be a stronger force than the power of the boner.

At that point all I could think about was getting the hell out of there, and hoping that no actual footage was taken of me that would ruin my career. I hoped that the worst that would happen would be that I would look just like every other student there, and no one would recognize me if they happened to see me on the video.

But I knew I was screwed. I just knew it.

I looked around and found out that I had somehow managed to walk out of a side or back door into some sort of overgrown garden. I needed to get out and found a path leading away from the house. It looked like it would have led to a road nearby, at which point I could circle back and find my car.

"Dr. Mike! Dr. Mike!" I heard behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see Jeri and Monica running towards me.

I was in no mood. I continued walking around the path away from the house until they were out of sight, but found myself in a small clearing with no clear way to go. I had no idea where I was.

My hesitation gave them enough time to catch up with me.

"Dr. Mike!" Jeri repeated, coming up to me.

"What!" I snarled, whirling on her. She recoiled as if she had been physically slapped, as if my words had reached across the space between us and struck her on the cheek.

"I... we..." she stuttered, and looked at Monica.

I cut her off. "What the fuck?" I shouted, losing any sense of teacher-student propriety. "There was no student group, was there?"

Monica shook her head slowly even before Jeri confirmed it with a small, "No."

"Do you have any idea what you have just done?!" I was trying very hard to lower my voice. Even I had been surprised at the vehemence of my words. The last thing I needed was more attention. Even though we were out of sight, we still weren't very far from the party, and there had been a lot of people going in and out.

"I - " Jeri started, but I cut her off.

"I could get fired - or worse! - just by being at this party, Jeri!" I hissed. "Is that what you were trying to do?"

"No," she stammered, her eyes wide in panic. I'd never shown her this side of me before. "We just -"

"Do you have any idea just how serious this is?"

"Dr. Mike, we're sorry!" Jeri said. "We didn't know that was going to happen. We just..." her voice trailed off, and she looked to Monica for help. Monica, skinny, mousey and shy, stood frozen. She wrapped her arms around herself and simply looked back and forth between Jeri and me.

I took a step toward them so that I could lower my voice. "You just... what?" I hissed, looking Jeri straight in the eye.

"We just thought you could use a night of fun," she said, her words rushed together. A slight note of sadness tinged her words. "You always seem so tense, and we were just trying to help."

"Help?" I said, incredulous and unmoved. "Here I am, covered in beer, and all those camer- hey!"

I had been so focused on Jeri that I didn't even notice that Monica had gotten down on her knees and quickly, deftly, finished the job the blond girl had started, opening my fly and had taken my semi-erect cock in her mouth.

What the... how the hell did she do that!? I was more shocked about what was going on than anything else. It happened so quickly, so suddenly, and so unexpectedly, that I genuinely didn't even accept what was happening as real.

I quickly looked down at Monica, then back at Jeri, who was equally stunned, and then back at Monica. My first reaction was surreal, as if I were in a dream where I wasn't wearing any pants. My first thought was bizarre, a strange warble of ideas vaguely surrounding the notion that I shouldn't let my students see me naked. I doubled over, folding almost in half. Modesty was forcing a physical intuitive reaction to hide myself.

"Monica!" I hissed, suddenly trying to be even more quiet. "What are you..."

However, the skinny little bitch was good. Within seconds my half-hard cock became fully erect, and lodged comfortably inside her throat. She was holding onto my ass with both hands, keeping my pelvis in place. My cock reached down into her mouth and I couldn't pull away from her far enough to release myself completely. All I managed to do was simply reveal my shaft to the cool evening air... and Jeri.

I looked up at Jeri and saw that she was just about as shocked as I was. Apparently, this hadn't been part of her plan either. I opened my mouth to say something, but found it very, very difficult to talk as Monica's tongue - which never seemed to work in class - was working just fine as it danced across my head.

My heart had still been racing from the paranoia of being caught in the sexual activities in the party, being fired, and now the added adrenaline from Monica's blowjob made it impossible for me to think straight. I was thoroughly confused.

I looked at Jeri, pleading with my eyes for her to explain what the fuck was going on. She, however, was busy trying to look at what Monica was doing. I wasn't used to having someone watch me get blown, and was still awkwardly bent over so she could see very little. She placed her hand on my shoulder and started to fix my posture so that she could watch.

"I want to see," she said. Her voice was hoarse, and no longer contrite.

As if on cue, Monica started slurping at my cock. Wet, sloppy noises filled my ears, sounding as loud as a stereo that went to eleven. I wanted to push her off, and I could have. She was a skinny girl and probably weighed about half of what I did. I wanted to try to preserve whatever tatters of my career I had left. I wanted to do all that.

I also wanted to let her suck me dry.

My brain seemed to say fuck it. If someone were to see this, there was nothing I could do now. Maybe someone had gotten video of me after all, and I might as well enjoy this. After all, it was very easy to enjoy Monica's magical mouth. Who knew such talent lay dormant in such a shy girl?

It's always the quiet ones.

I slowly started to stand up straight, and as I did Jeri got to see my cock, soaked with Monica's saliva, glistening in the moonlight. She gasped a little, fascinated.

I fought a rising panic. Here I was, standing there getting my cock worked over in front of someone else, someone taboo. I had been much of an exhibitionist, so I couldn't escape an innate fear of being judged by an audience. Seeing her reaction, though, I felt an unexpected surge of pride. After all, having a cute little brunette excited about seeing your dick can do wonders for your ego.

"I can't believe you're sucking Dr. Mike's dick," she said to Monica, who mmmphed in acknowledgement.

Nevertheless, despite the battle in my brain, I was still angry. I felt myself wanting to take control over a situation in which I had no control. It was slipping, though, and dear god it felt good.

Fuck it, I thought, finally giving in.

Jeri was now close enough to us that I could place my hand at the back of her neck and pull her to me. She offered only slight resistance, until I kissed her, my hand holding the back of her head firmly in place as I probed her hot mouth with my own. Without even thinking about it, I raised my free hand to caress her breast. The sounds of Monica's sucking became a soundtrack to our kissing.

"I have a boyfriend," she said. It wasn't quite a protest, more like an I need to say this out loud statement, and then she returned the kiss with fervor.

It was then that I snapped into realizing that I was finally getting what I had wanted for months. Jeri's firm tit mashed itself against my hand, as I felt a desire returning from her. She moaned and seemed to press it against me, rubbing it against my palm.

It was obvious that she was taking advantage of the opportunity as well. She felt good, her body responding to me almost immediately. I began to wonder how many times she had fantasized about this, about having me kiss her, touch her breasts, lick her clit (after all, what's a clit for?). I wanted her, and she wanted me. It was that simple.

She pressed herself up against my hip and started pushing against the bone. It should have been an awkward thing, given that she was grinding against me to close to Monica's face. I felt my cock deep throated violently, and broke my kiss to look down. To my surprise, Jeri's hand had found it's way to the back of Monica's head, and was holding her hard against me. She was forcing Monica to take me all the way to the root, and Monica was letting her do it.

I glanced down at Jeri's beautiful tits openly for the first time, no longer hiding my pure lust for her body. For all the times I had avoided giving her any hint that I was fascinated by them, now she was presenting them to me, openly. She saw me looking at them and arched her back almost imperceptibly to give me a full view.

I never thought of myself as a "tit man," but I have always appreciated well-proportioned, nice curves. Jeri's breasts were outstanding. Being able to look at them without fear of being caught, even being encouraged to do so, gave me a sensation of liberation. It was a feeling of freedom that was indescribable.

"I never knew you liked them," she said, a coy smile on her face. The rambunctious Jeri that I had come to know was resurfacing. "You would never look at them."

"They're amazing," I confessed. I felt like I was revealing forbidden secrets by admitting it to her. She was my student, after all. Despite the situation, I still felt like there was a line not to be crossed. Somewhere. I'm sure I left it around here, probably behind me. Probably far behind me.

"Let me see them," I said. I was trying to remain commanding, but my anger was subsiding into vapor as Monica's mouth was working its magic.

Jeri slid the tight shirt off her shoulders and extracted her arms from the sleeves, and lowered the built-in cups below her tits, springing them free completely. Monica continued sucking, but she glanced up with a moan as she saw Jeri's breasts.

I dove into her breasts with abandon. I couldn't wait any longer to grab ahold of them, suck them, feel the flawless flesh against my cheeks, my lips, my face. She moaned as I snaked my arm from behind her head to her back and pulled her nipples into my mouth and sucked hard. I felt her fingers run through my hair and then grab me fiercely, holding me against her chest.

For the briefest of moments my minds eye flashed outside of my body to see the big picture: this skinny girl with no tits sucking my cock while I sucked the beautiful curvy mounds of another. My cock jumped inside Monica's mouth, nearly gagging her.

I should correct that - a professor was standing in the middle of the clearing, fucking one of his students' mouths and lost in delirious glory in the perfection of another's chest. Yeah, that is more accurate.

For all my paranoia and fear, this one simple taboo fact made all of it the more arousing.

Jeri was nearly a foot shorter than I, and it made the posture awkward. She tried standing on tiptoes in order to give me better access, but with Monica sucking away at my cock as if she were trying to give it a bubble bath, I could only bend over so far.

Jeri pulled away a bit. I didn't hide my disappointment. "My turn," she said off my look, and turned her attention toward Monica. Monica moved away, and held out my cock to her friend as an offering.

She got down on her knees and reached for my cock, and took it from Monica with determination. Instead of putting it in her mouth like I was expecting, though, she brought the tip to one of her nipples and then the other. I watched, fascinated, as she slid it up and down the center of her chest, Monica's saliva rubbing off my cock onto her breasts, lubricating her skin beyond her own excited perspiration.

I'd lost count of how many tissues gave their lives for this very fantasy. I couldn't tear my eyes away from what she was doing. Even if that asshole Dr. Morton showed up with the entire T&P committee, I wouldn't have been able to stop her.

As she wrapped her breasts around my cock I admitted, "I've wanted to do this for ages."

"Me too," she said, looking me straight in the eyes. I began sliding my cock back and forth across her chest, my balls scraping her stomach and breastplate, the tip of the cock just touching her open mouth and reaching tongue.

"Fuck my tits, Dr. Mike," she said, and I did. She looked up at me as I rocked my cock up and down her sweet valley, never tearing those baby brown eyes away. She watched me play out a living fantasy with almost as much eagerness as my own.

Her breasts surrounded my cock completely, a soft fleshy embrace that made my cock feel like it was floating, the head emerging only to be welcomed by her beautiful pouty lips. I held onto her shoulders as I slid back and forth, gliding against her chest. It was better than even my comfortable, familiar imagination ever dreamed.

I wanted to come all over her tits, neck and face so badly. My minds eye played the scenario again, trying to match the fantasy that had plagued my forbidden lust for weeks with the reality that presented itself to me now. I had dreamed about every shot of come to splash across her perfect cleavage, her neck, that pristine face. I had shot so hard that it would reach her lips and tongue, even from between her tits.

I had obsessed over Jeri's tits for so long it only seemed appropriate to simply release onto her flesh, but I wasn't going to waste an opportunity to fuck this cute little girl.

"Stand up," I said, and pulled her up. It nearly killed me to stop what I was doing, but I turned her around and reached around her to begin unbuttoning her jeans. Monica stepped in front of Jeri, one hand deep inside her own jeans, the smell of her arousal suddenly hitting me. I knew that Jeri could sense it as well. Her arousal awoken my senses to everything else, and the sound of the party once again became prominent in my ears.

However, now I just didn't care.

I pulled Jeri's jeans down her thighs, and bent her over towards Monica, who stood solid as Jeri used her as support.

Jeri's ass was a completely round bubble, and I didn't even have to guide my head towards her sopping wet pussy. It found it easily enough on its own, and I sank myself into her slowly, wanting to relish every inch. Jeri grasped at Monica's legs and waist, trying to keep herself balanced. One of her legs began to vibrate and bounce as she tried to stand on her toes to get a better angle.

I watched as Jeri held on to Monica tighter and tighter, closer and closer. Monica never stopped fingering herself and I watched from behind as Jeri got a close-up view of Monica's masturbation. I began to hold onto Jeri's hips as I fucked her a little faster.

"Oh my god!" Jeri suddenly cried out, a little louder than she should have. "Dr. Mike's fucking me! I can't believe I'm actually being fucked by my professor!"