Accidental Cuckold

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A misunderstanding leads his wife into the arms of a BBC.
8k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/24/2019
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Seattle, WA

"Bobby, can you do me a favour?" Cassy asked her husband.

"Depends on the favour?" He replied with a wink.

"You worry too much." Said Cassy patting her husband's hand. "You need to relax."

"Relax?" Bob said incredulously. "How can I relax?"

Cassy ignored this, her husband was always worked up over one thing or another, be it finances, or her constant flirting with men. She pulled her hands away to slip off her wedding rings.

"What are you doing?" Bob said spazzing out.

Cassy sighed deeply as she spoke. "I'm moisturizing my hands."

"Oh..." He said trying to compose himself, "Make sure you put them back on!"

"Yes dear..." She sighed again.

She loved Bob with all her heart, but sometimes he drove her insane. Looking up at him she saw he was sweating and uncomfortable.

"Where is that waitress? We ordered our drinks so long ago!" He declared.

"Don't worry about it." Cassy said to her fretting husband.

Bob tried not to look so worked up, as he picked up a newspaper.

"You wait here dear, I'll go get us some water." She said rising and walking away.

Bob stood up and shouted to Cassy, she had forgotten her wedding rings. She however didn't look back as he sat back down to pout.

Elsewhere in the restaurant, Worthington was feeling dejected. He'd come back stateside from Korea between assignments; he was to report to West Point in two weeks for officer training. He however wanted to be boots on the ground assisting the Northern Alliance, but Uncle Sam wanted to put his career before adventure.

That however wasn't what had him feeling glum, his wife of five years wasn't with him. She was over in Kansas with her parents.

The tall muscular light brown man couldn't remember what had caused their fight, it wasn't money, or sex. The young interracial couple had a great sex life, so great that they had an open marriage. Play with other people was both permitted and encouraged.

Worthington was lost in his thoughts as he walked; he didn't notice the thin petite black-haired woman in high heels marching towards him.

"Oh!" He said. "Pardon me ma'am."

It was too late, he had spilt her drink on her blouse and the floor.

"I'm so sorry!" The woman declared setting the drink down.

She moved forward to try and clean the drink off him with her hands, it only seemed to make it worse.

The two of them apologized profusely until their eyes met. Silence quickly descended upon them, she was stunned by his tan brown skin, crew cut hair and most strikingly of all his steel blue eyes! Worthington glanced into her very blue eyes then notice her low cut blouse with his peripheral vision.

The woman before him was petite with her shoulder length black hair worn loose. On one side of her hair it looked like she's dipped the tip into red dye, it was so unusual and fiery attractive! She had on a one piece mini-dress with pearls on both her neck and wrist. Although she wasn't overly busty, her low cut top hinted at very firm breasts.

The clam before the storm as they stared at one another was suddenly broken by their mutual nervous laughter. It was as if they had both decided upon what they wanted to do, then just as fast changed their minds.

"My name is John Worthington." He said sticking his hand out. "Everyone calls me Worthington, or Worthy."

"Cassandra." She replied taking his hand. "But call me Cassy."

Cassy found his hand strong and powerful, her heart fluttered and her stomach felt light. Giggles erupted from her as she tried to cover her excitement.

"Can I buy you a drink to make up for this one?" Worthington suggested.

"Oh no, it's ok." Cassy stammered. "I need to get back to my..."

"Waitress!" He commanded with a hand up.

Cassy held her breath at his assertive tone. The waitress that had hid from her and Bob earlier suddenly appeared.

"What was that you spilt?" He asked.

Cassy remembered to breath as she tried to say something. "Uh, water."

"Are you sure you wouldn't like a glass of wine?" Asked Worthington.

"Ah... sure." Cassy hastily replied before saying, "um, make it a jack and coke."

At six foot one the muscular Worthington towered over Cassy even with her extra high heels. He gestured at an empty table nearby. Overwhelmed by the tall dark, handsome man standing before her she sat down.

Worthington ordered a beer before dismissing the waitress. He watched Cassy run her fingers through her black hair, stopping to play with the red dipped tips. He didn't see a ring on her hand so decided that he'd keep an eye open to doing more than repaying her for a spilt drink.

The drinks arrived swiftly as the two got to know each other, Cassy initially spoke so fast that Worthington couldn't keep up. He gathered that she'd come from the mid-west to find her fortunes modelling in Seattle.

Cassy had to stop and take a few deep breaths before continuing. She was very excited to speak with Worthington, he wasn't the first black man she'd spoken to, but the first she'd actually had a deep conversation with.

"So what brings you out west? She asked putting a hand on top of one of his much larger paw.

"I'm from here, I mean my mother lives here." Worthington said, not wanting to talk about his mother's second husband and his step-sister. "I'm here for a couple weeks before going to West Point."

Cassy's jaw dropped for an instant before she smiled in understanding, it all made sense now, the muscles the politeness; especially how the waitress obeyed him without complaint.

"Wow!" She said, "I bet you're nervous?"

"I am a little." He said not mentioning his estranged wife.

In the awkward silence Cassy looked down at his brown hand under hers, the collage of colours was exotic! She liked holding Bob's hand, but it didn't resemble a Yin and Yang like it did with Worthington.

Cassy suddenly felt bold now that she felt secure and comfortable with her new friend. She flipped over his hand to explore it, tracing a finger along the borderline where his skin went from brown to white.

Worthington wasn't hard from her curious digits, but like her, his interest was also growing.

"What would you like to eat?" Asked the waitress who materialized out of thin air.

"How about some refills and nachos?" Worthington said looking across at Cassy.

"Oh I can't." Cassy replied. "I really should go."

Worthington had noticed that she still gripped his hand as she spoke.

"I don't want to delay you, but I feel as if I owe you." Worthington declared with a wide grin.

Cassy opened her mouth to decline, her mind was made up to go, but she couldn't get her body to respond. No words came out as she remained seated.

The waitress nodded then departed, Cassy remarked to herself how those blue eyes had transfixed her to her seat.

Bob sipped at his Vodka and pop, reading his newspaper. The article in the paper had stated definite proof of a Taliban-Iraq connection, it however made no sense to him.

Turning to the next page he thought to himself, 'this wasn't the first time Cassy has wandered off, but it might be the longest.'

In the past he rarely had to go find her. He wasn't quite sure how this game developed, it started with her flirting with men, each time trying to push the boundaries of their vows. Each time she backed down before it got to serious.

He could remember the last time, a man in Tacoma kissed her neck at a sports bar, she blushed red at his touch, then ran away. He didn't mind the Nordiques had beat his team, the Avalanche that night.

Another time a man cupped her ass on the dancefloor. He was certain that man had his erection stabbing into her stomach during a slow song. When her eyes met his, Bob only needed to blink three times before she backed down.

The sex after these adventures was always amazing! At the sports bar he followed her out to an alleyway where they fucked hard and fast! At the dance club she gave him a blowjob on the cab ride home.

Bob shifted on his seat at the thought of those nights, he was hard. Setting down his paper he took a few breaths to relax.

'Perhaps she's found another man to tease... aside from me?' He wondered to himself.

Standing he couldn't see her, so he stepped out of the booth to look around. He was so shocked that he had to sit down! She was only two booths away, and with a giant black man!

He harboured no ill-will to African-Americans, even the black army recruiter who turned him down on September twelfth wasn't rude to him. Unlike that encounter, this was personal, this man was with his wife!

His breath was ragged and short, a sip of his vodka and pop did little to settle his nerves. The man with Cassy was athletic, handsome and based on her laughter funny too! The men in the past were average in build, one was even partially bald, the other much older. They were also both very white.

Bob could remember the chats he'd have with Cassy in bed after love making. They'd talk about her flirting, and what it'd be like if she were to be seduced by a black man.

Over the years Bob had learned that the longer he kept these sort of conversations going, the more likely they'd have sex a second time! Living in Washington State there were so few black men that it all remained a fantasy, a very safe and rewarding fantasy... until today.

Bob drained his drink as he stared open mouthed as the man slid beside Cassy to share a plate of nachos! The two laughed heartily, then the man wrapped an arm around her! From where he sat it looked more like a first date than two friends sharing a snack.

Reaching for his empty glass Bob was surprised to see the waitress had dropped another drink for him. Her timing was perfect!

The man sitting with his Cassy leaned in close to kiss his wife on the neck softly, that was very intimate, but not very innocent. Bob panicked as Cassy squeezed the man's knee tightly and her face went flush.

He started blinking immediately! His first instinct was to shut it down instantly! Cassy hadn't seen him as she laid her head on this new man's shoulder.

Bob felt powerless! He almost stood up to shout before he realized something very important. Not only could he shut this down anytime he wanted, but he was very turned on!

He couldn't explain it! He was hard and very excited by his wife so close to another man.

"Wanna dance?" Asked Worthington glancing over at the dance floor filling up.

"Uh..." Replied a hesitant Cassy.

"I doubt this DJ will be playing any more Fat Joe before the night is through." An enthusiastic Worthington declared.

Cassy smiled at that, she had no idea who Worthington was talking about, but the beat was good! She slid out of the booth to join her new friend on the dancefloor!

Cassy cursed herself for her heels! She couldn't cut loose like she could have in bare feet. She was tempted to step out of them, but the height difference between her and Worthington was already significant.

"What's this song about?" Shouted Cassy to Worthington as he tried to do a moonwalk.

"Its about how threesomes shouldn't get in the way of relationship," he said, "it is just sex after all!"

Worthington could see a light going on in Cassy's head, it was as if she was unsure of something, but now had a solution for it.

He busted out his best dance moves for Cassy, she seemed very impressed, however when the next song came on, it was time to take it up a notch!

A man walking by with an overcoat and fedora was exactly what he needed! Seeping over to the passing man he snatched the hat with a smile then bowing forward at the waist he held the fedora high with his right hand and froze, whilst waiting for the song to start.

Bob could see a crowd forming on the dance floor, with women from across the restaurant getting up to see what was going on.

He got up to follow the growing group, but couldn't see what it was. There was shouting, but not what you'd hear if there was fight. He scanned the excited women, but couldn't see Cassy.

Panic anew overtook him as he worried that Cassy had disappeared somewhere with the large black man.

She'd given him many handjobs whilst describing such a scenario. He'd always try his hardest to hold out, to hear the whole story, but when Cassy would muse about men with penis' larger than his own, and he'd always cum!

His fear of being left out grew inside him like a virus destroying it's host! He stood up on his chair to look into the mass of women chanting 'Michael, Michael!!!' over and over again loudly.

Inside the crowd he saw the light brown man who was with Cassy dancing by himself! He was thrusting his hips, and grabbing his crotch, all while spinning, leaping and dancing with incredible foot work!

"Michael! Michael!" He chanted along before he realized he was doing it!

When the song ended it was followed by a slow song. Bob again looked about for Cassy but couldn't see her amongst the women pressing closer to the man who won them over with his dancing.

Eventually the group of women dispersed and he could see Cassy dancing with the muscular stranger. Bob sat back down feeling silly standing on his seat watching his wife slow dance with another man.

"That was some good dancing!" Said Cassy softly with her head on Washington's chest.

"His music always inspires me." He replied before dipping Cassy.

"Oh!" She shrieked until he brought her back into his powerful arms.

"That's not all I can do..." He whispered into her ear.

Cassy gulped, she had no words in response, this man before her was something else, funny, courteous, and an amazing dancer! As Worthington kissed her neck softly she couldn't hold back the shivers of pleasure that washed over her.

Bob could see the man's hand move from Cassy's waist down to her tight well formed ass to cup a cheek then squeeze it. Whilst he did that the man kissed her neck right where it met with her shoulder.

Trying in vain Bob tried to catch Cassy's eye, he blinked three times, then three more. That was his non-verbal signal to shut it down! Cassy hadn't done anything she hadn't done before, but he seriously doubted he could rein her in if it went on any longer!

When he saw the tall black man kiss Cassy, Bob stood up with the intention of breaking the two up. He could tell at a distance that Cassy had cum several times just from close contact.

"Bob?" Said a voice. "Bob is that you?"

"Huh?" Bon declared looking about.

Beside him was a man with a trench coat and fedora, Bob had to mentally shake his head to force his brain to recognize that it was someone he worked with.

The two men shook hands before Bob's wits kicked in. Cassy had visited him several times at work, there was no way this man wouldn't recognize his wife with her distinctive black hair with red tips!

Bob side-stepped to put the man between him and Cassy, hopefully he didn't look over his shoulder to see her! He then forced the worry from his face to produce a very fake but believable smile.

"So Bob," the man started to say, "did you come up her for the show? If so we are going to the later one.

"Uh yeah, we saw it this afternoon." Bob said as he watched his wife French kiss a man she'd known for less than an hour.

"Are you staying here?" The man asked. "What do you recommend to eat?"

The words were mere white noise to Bob, as he stared intensely as the new couple made out. He felt as if he were watching his own birthday party at a distance, complete with presents and cake. Unlike any party he'd ever missed, no one seemed to care that he wasn't there!

What burned him the most however was the false grin on his face while he watched his wife play. He wasn't too sure at this point if he would be smiling if this man were not before him.

"Uh..." Bob mumbled, "try the nachos, they are very satisfying..."

Casey felt like a true Dancing Queen as she moved about with Worthington, although he was so tall and strong, he was graceful in his dance moves. Every time the light caught his steel blue eyes she could feel her pussy quivering!

When he finished his dance, he then ran to her, Cassy nearly came! From the angry looks she got from the other women on the dancefloor she could tell they were shooting evil daggers at her.

Casey felt so exhilarated as she whirled around with Worthington, each time he pressed against her she felt his throbbing manhood! It was so large and thick.

Out of the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of Bobby standing with the envious women chatting up another man. At first she was terrified! She had forgot all about him! He might even shut it down.

On the next pass she saw his giant smile! That was all she needed to see as she pulled closer to Worthington!

Across the dancefloor Bob could feel his heart pounding in his chest! His mouth was painfully dry as he observed the man pushing his pelvis into his wife.

'God!' He thought, 'he must have a giant penis!'

"What's that Bob?" Asked the man.

"Um..." Bob stammered, "where's your wife?"

"Oh, she checked in while I parked in the rain." The man said.

"Oh..." Bob replied.

"I suppose I better get going." The man said turning to leave.

Bob had a mini-freak out! His wife was on second base with her new friend, when this man turned to leave, he'd see her!

"Some weather eh?" Bob said dumbly. "Not like the mid-west!"

In the silence created by the changing of songs, the man in front of Bob seemed to ponder those words. Bob's heart raced even faster as he stomach churned! It didn't help that he was so hard that his penis tented in his pants!

"You're right about that!" The man said, "I bought this fedora just for that reason!"

Bob nodded in agreement, hoping it's encourage him to speak more.

"Speaking of which someone snatched my hat earlier!" He said.

Bob's stomach lurched! He recognized the hat, it was the same one his wife's seducer wore!

"A... man... took it from my head and danced about in it." He said to Bob.

Bob noticed that his co-worker said black man without saying black, he'd never noticed such little things like that before. Thankfully the man didn't look down, he'd see Bob's throbbing erection if he did.

"Ah... yeah," Bob said, "I saw that dance... very good."

He cursed himself for mentioning it! The man he was speaking of now had a hand on his wife's breast!

Bob clear his throat, he wanted to change subjects, his mind however couldn't, or wouldn't focus!

"Yeah!" The man declared as a faster pace song started. "I bet he'll do another dance to this song with it."

Bob smiled a real smile this time, it was a smooth song indeed playing, one that didn't involve having his wife all over him.

"Do you think he'll want my hat for it?" The man asked turning around.

Bob lunged for the man to stop him, but it was too late, fear had dulled his senses slowing him to glacial speeds.

"I guess not," the man remarked, "looks like he's gone, oh well."

Bob looked around and saw that he was indeed gone... and so was his wife!

"Anyhow, have a good night!" His co-worker stated as he touched his hat and walked away.

Bob put his hands in his pockets to cover his painful erection! It was too late, he had a pre-cum stain right where his penis head was.

He moved about the dance floor slowly looking for them.

Worthington stepped into the elevator with Cassy pressing his body against hers, as he kissed her deeply. She purred deeply into his lips.

Sensing something he stepped away from Cassy to act as if they were strangers. Five years in Korea with the US Army had taught him to trust his senses. His timing was perfect, as a man stepped into the elevator.

"Hello again!" Said the man to Worthington. "I guess you won't be needing my hat again after all?"

Worthington recognized the man! He was the one who involuntarily donated his fedora. Cassy looked at the man then turned her back to them both.