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A friendly game of cards.
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Frank and Linda cleared the dinner dishes while Josh and Kaydee pulled out the blender. Rob went hunting for the deck of cards as Dana sipped her beer and watched. This was the third year the three couples had rented a beach house together and the second year they had rented this particular house. The previous years they had been fortunate, getting a solid week of great weather both times. This year, however, two straight days of rain had driven them from the beach; kept them cooped up in the house with little to do but talk, eat and drink.

They started drinking beers around lunchtime and kept going through the afternoon. By the time they finished dinner, all of them had some degree of a buzz going. It was then that Josh got out the blender and the rum. Most of what happened that night would later be blamed on the blender—and Josh’s ability to use it to make lethal drinks in which no one could taste the alcohol. He filled it with ice and poured in half a bottle of rum. He sprinkled in a generous amount of powered juice mix and ground it all into a pink liquid. He dropped in a banana and hit the button again.

“Okay, who needs a little blender grog?” he asked, lining up six cups and pouring his concoction into each.

“This stuff is evil!” declared Dana. “You almost killed us last year!”

“Hey, if you don’t want it…” Josh made as if to pour it back into the blender.

“I said ‘almost!’” She protested with a laugh. He handed her the cup and then brought the rest over to the table, placing one in front of each seat.

Rob returned with a deck of cards and a large jar of quarters, placing both on the table.

“You sure you guys don’t want to play gin rummy or something?” he asked. Rob knew Frank and Linda were not gamblers, nor Josh for that matter. Even playing quarter ante poker, he had seen people lose fifty bucks or more. Not that any of them couldn’t afford that, but Rob worried it might create a bit of tension if that much money were to change hands here tonight.

“Nah, c’mon,” said Josh, sitting down next to Kaydee. “Teach us how to be high rollers.”

“Or at least teach us how to play poker,” said Linda, as she joined them at the table. “I think I played poker in college once, but I don’t remember the rules.” Frank had finished in the kitchen and sat down beside Linda.

“I’m not sure of what hand beats what, either,” he admitted. “Could you maybe write them down for us?”

“Okay,” said Rob, stroking his chin. “Maybe we could start with something easier. First things first. Who needs quarters? Also, no sitting next to your husband or wife, to make sure there’s no sharing of funds.” At Rob’s direction, they reseated themselves around the table, boy-girl, with each man sitting across from his wife. Then they all pulled out bills, which Rob exchanged for quarters. When each of them had their quarters stacked neatly in front of them, Rob told them about acey-deucey.

“Okay, in acey-deucey, we don’t play against each other. We play against the pot. You each get a turn to play as I go around the table. I’ll deal you a total of three cards. First, I deal one on the left, then one on the right. Then you have to bet how much you think the third card, which I’ll deal in the middle, will be between the first two. For example, if I deal a five and a queen, you bet how much you think the third card will be higher than a five and less than a queen. If it is, you take the amount of your bet out of the pot. If it’s not, you pay your bet into the pot. And if the third card matches either of the other two, you pay DOUBLE your bet to the pot! You have to bet at least a quarter, even if there’s no chance you can win. You can bet the whole pot. That’s called ‘potting it’. Of course, you can’t bet more than you have, no matter what.”

“Can we go get more money if we run out?” asked Kaydee. She had ten dollars in quarters in front of her and couldn’t imagine losing all of that, but you never knew.

“Sure. You can go hit an ATM if you want,” laughed Rob, knowing that if any of them lost ten bucks, they would probably quit the game. “Lets play a few practice hands and see how it goes.” He went around the table twice before everyone was clear on how the game was played. “Okay, ante up and let’s try one for real.”
They played for a while. The stacks of quarters ebbed and flowed from player to player and the pot got over ten dollars once or twice. Everyone had gotten the hang of the game now and was laughing and joking about winnings and losses. Josh got up and whipped up another batch of frozen rum drinks, blender grog, as he called it, when he heard Linda go for it all.

“I pot it,” she said, looking confidently at the deuce and king she had been dealt. Rob turned over her third card… another king!

“Oh, shit!”

“Holy crap!”

“How much was in the pot anyway?”

They counted it up—twenty-three dollars. That meant Linda owed forty-six bucks! Frank almost fell out of his chair.

“Are you okay?” asked Kaydee, giving Frank’s thigh a little squeeze. Frank was not so stunned by Linda losing forty-six dollars that he didn’t notice Kaydee’s friendly squeeze. She was thin but busty, wavy-silky red hair with blonde highlights that fell just below her shoulders. She also had green, cat-like eyes that, along with her feline grin, seemed to constantly twinkle with mischief. Frank often wondered how Josh, who was good looking, but a bit drab socially, had landed a wildcat like her. And, of course, they all knew she was a wildcat. She was quite vocal in the throes of passion and, it seemed, always horny. She had awakened the whole house at 5:30 this morning, screaming Josh’s name in orgasm. Then, a few hours later when they got out of bed, they did it again in the shower. She was very relaxed and outgoing, someone who liked to—and knew how to—have a good time. Josh on the other hand, about as spontaneous as Amtrak, tended to be quiet and reserved. Whatever the attraction, Frank had to admit he certainly knew how to ring her bell.

Frank’s attention was diverted as Linda threw a pile of bills onto the table. His breath felt a little short. Not because they couldn’t afford to lose a few bucks, but because it went completely against his thrifty—cheap, according to Dana—nature. Everyone looked at the pile of money and then at each other. They all seemed to realize that they had reached some sort of crossroad. Were the stakes getting too high? Should they just give Linda her money back and pretend that nasty hand hadn’t happened? No one said anything, but all of them felt the tension level of the game elevate a notch.

They were going to play for keeps. Everyone took a swig of their drinks and the game continued.

For a few hands they were all a bit more serious, but soon the joking returned and the atmosphere loosened up. The booze certainly helped; Josh was now into the second bottle of rum as the blender whirred and the drinks flowed. The money started to creep out of wallets and purses and onto the table in increasing quantities.

The pot was over a hundred and fifty dollars, when Rob was dealt a tempting deuce and an ace. He looked at the money in front of him, counting it, then pulled out his wallet.

“Damn! All I got is nineteen bucks left?” He was genuinely surprised, because he knew he had had at least seventy-five dollars when the game started.

“Can’t bet what you don’t have,” reminded Frank. Rob was a little annoyed at Frank for saying so. Rob knew the ropes. Beside, Frank was only saying it because so much of the pot was his and Linda’s money.

“I’ll give you ten for your shirt,” said Josh, laughing. “You can honestly say you lost your shirt playing cards!” Everyone laughed.

“Okay,” said Rob, pulling off his shirt and flicking it at his friend. “You got a deal.” Josh laughed and shrugged and gave Rob the money.

“Twenty for your shorts!” offered Kaydee. She was laughing and smiling, holding a twenty out. Rob looked at her, sizing her up. He knew she wasn’t the bluffing type. She would no doubt get some kind of kick out of making him sit there in his underwear. Well, he could use the money and if she could take it, so could he! He stood and dropped his shorts and handed them to her, plucking the twenty from her hand. Careful to make sure the fly on his boxers stayed closed, he slid back into his chair.

“Okay, I bet twenty-five,” said Rob, holding his breath as the third card was dealt. He sighed with relief as the seven of clubs was laid down. He pulled a bill out of the pot and offered it to Kaydee. “Can I buy my shorts back?”


Dana couldn’t believe… well, no, actually, she could. Rob had a macho streak in him that made it hard for him not to see all things as a challenge to his manhood. She wanted to be embarrassed for Rob, or at least be embarrassed by him, but somehow she wasn’t. He had a fine muscular chest that she had always loved running her hands and tongue over. He was tall, with strong, tan arms, a handsome face topped with short black hair. His prominent jaw and perfect white teeth had led Dana to teasingly call him Captain America. With a few drinks in her, and him sitting virtually naked across the table, Dana seemed to be catching some of Kaydee’s mischievous spirit. She reached one of her long legs under the table and slid her toes along the inside of his thigh, trying, but not quite able to reach, up under his boxers.

Sitting next to her, Josh was well aware of what Dana was doing, but didn’t let on. She was a tall and thin, with small, perky breasts and beautiful legs. Her dark brown hair, pulled back in a ponytail, fell half way down her back. She had a round face, pretty in a plain sort of way, with freckles and high cheekbones. Her soft brown eyes, usually pools reflecting her deeply felt emotions, at the moment seemed to have more of Kaydee’s glint about them.

Over the years he had occasionally seen little glimpses of this side of Dana. But, unlike Kaydee, who was very open about it, Dana, aided by the natural innocence of her looks, had managed to hide it. Hide it so well, in fact, that Josh often doubted he had ever actually seen it. It kind of excited him to think he knew something about her that she had no idea he knew. And it really excited him thinking that she might just be as wild as Kaydee in bed. He always wondered what she could do with those tantalizingly long, firm legs. So he watched out of the corner of his eye as she settled lower in her chair, gazing at her husband with a sly, silly smile on her face.

Rob, feeling Dana’s toes on his thigh, now found he had a problem arising. The combination of the booze and her rubbing was leading to something he knew he wouldn’t be able to hide. Worse, Kaydee had looked down into his lap and realized what was going on. She turned to him and laid her hand on his leg, high enough that Dana wouldn’t reach.

“Okay, I’ll sell you your shorts back, if you like,” she offered. “For twenty-five bucks!” She laughed and slid her hand down his leg just far enough to brush the tip of Dana’s toe. Damn! Thought Rob. She knew! Of course she knew! She did that intentionally!

“Or maybe,” she suggested, “You’d rather not have them back!” She shot a knowing wink at Dana and pulled her hand away from Rob, her fingers just barley making contact with his now very stiff cock as she did.

Rob looked away. Dana blushed. Josh could have almost predicted it. He knew Kaydee was only having a bit of fun. She had always told him that she really liked the other two couples, it was just that they were a little stuffy and uptight some times. It was her way of poking fun at them.

“Anybody need another drink?” Josh asked, getting up to run the blender again. He knew that they were all getting pretty drunk. They were about to polish off a second bottle of rum between the six of them. And none of them had actually been sober when the first batch was concocted.

The drinks were poured and the game continued. The pot was well over four hundred dollars now and everyone was running a bit low on funds. Then Linda was dealt a two and a queen. She looked at the little bit of money she had left. Like Frank, she was no gambler and her she was about to wager only five dollars. Looking at all that money, a lot of it hers and Frank’s, then looking at the cards, she suddenly changed her mind. She looked at the money in front of her, maybe fifteen dollars and before she realized what she was doing, she bet it all.

“I’ll go….” she took a deep breath, “fifteen.” She clenched her hands and jaw as she waited for the third card to be dealt. A queen! She had to pay double!

“Shit! I can’t believe that happened again!!”

“Thirty bucks. Pay up!”

“Oh… uh-oh, I don’t have thirty. I’ve only have a little more than fifteen!”

“I say we let her just put in the fifteen,” suggested Josh. He knew that losing a dollar in a vending machine was enough to upset Frank and Linda. This had to be killing them. Besides, the pot had gotten so out of control he was worried about how they’d ever end this game. Everyone else was about to go along with his suggestion when Kaydee piped up.

“Wait a second!” she said. “First, we said you weren’t allowed to bet more than you had. And I believe we’ve already established the going rate for a shirt is ten dollars and shorts are twenty. That’s thirty right there and she’ll still have money keep playing!”

Linda was mortified. She looked at Kaydee, her deep brown eyes opened wide, part surprised, part hurt. Linda was short, a little on the plump side, but very curvy. She had supple thighs, full hips and very large breasts. Her light brown hair was cut short, very business-like. She wasn’t uncomfortable with her body. She always wore a bikini on the beach. But disrobing in front of her friends was more than Linda, a church mouse Catholic girl, had in her. Or so she thought.

Kaydee lifted an eyebrow and shrugged, the devilish smile ever present. That gesture said everything, and they all saw it. Once again everyone looked around the table at everyone else. No one seemed to be raising any objections. Frank and Linda both took big sips of their drinks. Frank was looking down at his hands. He wasn’t crazy about this turn of events, but maybe that was only because it was his wife who was undressing. He found himself hoping the same fate would befall Kaydee. She clearly was not wearing a bra.

“Frank…” Linda began, when no one came to her defense.

“Well, you don’t have the money,” Frank said lamely, not meeting her eyes.

“Don’t expect any sympathy from me,” chimed in Rob. “I’m already down to my skivvies. By the way,” he added, turning to Kaydee. “What’s the going rate for underwear?”

“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it,” she replied, still smiling wickedly.

Slowly, reluctantly, Linda got out of her chair and started tugging her shirt over her head. She tried to tell herself that this would be no different than sitting on the beach in a bikini, but it wasn’t working. In her mind there would always be a separate category for undergarments—undergarments were not meant to be seen. The shirt came off, revealing a white cotton bra that held her melon-sized breasts. She felt all of their eyes on her as she tossed her shirt onto the table. A warm flush ran through her body, but it wasn’t all embarrassment. She looked down at herself and saw her nipples visible through the fabric of her bra. Oh my God, she thought. I’m getting excited! And they can all tell!

Sure enough, though they were all, women included, trying not to stare, her stiff nipples drew their eyes like magnets. She unbuttoned her shorts, and suddenly she was wet.

“I… I don’t know…” she stammered. Her eyes locked on Kaydee’s for a second. Kaydee gave her a reassuring smile and nodded. Linda had no idea why Kaydee’s encouragement at that moment was enough to make her do it. Maybe, paralyzed with indecision as she was, she would have gone along with a nudge in any direction. Her mistake might simply have been to get that push from Kaydee. Linda pulled down the zipper of her shorts and wiggled them down over her generous hips and thighs, revealing blue lace panties underneath. She dropped her shorts on top of her shirt and sat down quickly, before anyone noticed just how turned on she had gotten. Kaydee looked at her and gave her another warm smile and a wink, and almost immediately, Linda felt more relaxed. It was silly, but that smile and wink somehow made her feel enormously better.

Rob and Josh were both stealing peeks at Linda’s cleavage, which they both found impressive and desirable. Neither failed to appreciate that it was warm in the house, so it wasn’t the temperature causing her nipples to strain against her bra. Rob took a glance down into her lap at her crossed legs. He had always liked seeing her chunky little legs and ass squeezed into a tight pair of jeans. Rob loved Dana’s legs, but the rest of his wife’s body was thin, without the exciting curves that Linda had. He had often thought it was too bad that Linda didn’t have a more sexy way about her. She would be really hot if she just carried herself a little differently, more sexually confident, let herself be a bit more jiggly. Of course, in that case, she probably wouldn’t be with Frank. Rob had long suspected Frank and Linda had a very vanilla sex life. Unless they were completely different people in the bedroom, that is. He took another quick look at Linda’s erect nipples and wondered.

It took only a short time for things to escalate still further. Kaydee was looking at her cards and her money, then her feline eyes made their way around the table. Clearly, she had something in mind.

“How much is MY shirt worth?” she asked, cocking her head and raising her eyebrow. At first, no one responded, all of them obviously aware Kaydee wasn’t wearing a bra.

“Ten bucks,” said Rob. “That’s the going rate. You said so yourself.”

“Yes, but,” she leaned over and in a loud, mocking whisper said, “I’m not wearing a bra!” For emphasis she pushed the white cotton fabric against her, so they could all see her nipple and aureola outlined beneath.

“Twelve-Fifty,” offered Frank. He would have given twenty bucks of his own money to see Kaydee’s luscious breasts.

“That’s a bit cheap, isn’t it Frank?” Kaydee asked. Before he could respond, she added, “I’ll take it.” The look on her face told him he might live to regret it. “How about my skirt?”

“Same as shorts, right?” asked Dana.

“No, MY skirt,” emphasized Kaydee.

“Oh, my God,” said Linda in a squeaky voice, as she realized what was going on. She looked at Frank, who was staring at Kaydee’s lap, obviously excited to learn she wasn’t wearing panties. She thought she had caught him more than once ogling Kaydee, but never so blatantly as this. Ordinarily, she might have pulled him aside and said something, but then again, ordinarily, she wouldn’t be sitting here in a bra and panties. She thought she would feel a bit better if she wasn’t the only girl undressed, even if she knew Frank would be getting a show. Then she thought, well, let him have a show. He’s coming to bed with me anyway. And it might not be such a bad thing for him to be a little bit more worked up than usual tonight. She found the excitement she felt when undressing, combined with the thought of a very horny Frank in bed with her tonight, was getting her hot. They hadn’t exactly been having passionate sex lately. And tonight Linda felt she really wanted it to be something special.

The guys set a price of thirty bucks on Kaydee’s skirt, all of them getting aroused, Josh included, at the thought of her stripping down naked in front of them. Josh was liking it, because he had seen Kaydee in these moods before, and he knew what kind of night he was in for. She would be an animal. He’d be lucky to get a few hours of sleep before she woke up and wanted him again. Also, he was hoping that Kaydee might lead by example. He was curious to see what would happen when Dana was faced with such a choice. He would like to see her long-legged body revealed. He was convinced there was something of a devil in her, and what he wouldn’t give to see that, too.
