Across the Galactic Divide


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"Stop it! I'm not going to eat you, so knock it off will ya?" He sighed. "We're not that primitive if I could use your zap-bang chair. Not saying I believe that I'm... where are we again?" He swallowed hard.

"Yes, you thoughts are correct... we are equal distance from the Galactic core, but on the opposite side. Both planets aligned at the same time. But the chair was voice activated... they all were." He looked at James with suspicion.

"You need to say the activation tones just as power peaks." Illyria said.

"Something like; Whoopee, the end of the world as we know it... or um, ooh rah... I think it was something like that..." James swallowed hard.

"Close enough to activate the chair it appears. The circuit might have been damaged." Illyria smiled.

James shivered. "Okay... If I buy all that, not saying that I do... Here is the big question. Can I go back? Can I put my brain back in my body that is sitting in that chair on the other side of the...." He looked at them as his insides froze. "Can I go home?"

"If we knew the exact moment. If we are wrong, you will end up..." The other voice started to say.

"Years... he thinks in years. Thirty thousand of them... either way it would be thirty thousand years between their alignments." Illyria said quickly.

"So, either way. I'd too early or way too late. Is there any hope of me getting home? I mean you don't have a vehicle that can span that distance...? Do you?" James asked, his stomach, if it was a stomach, dropping.

"It would still take the tra of light." The tall one answered.

"Speed... he thinks speed of light." Illyria didn't know why she could read the Holy One so well, but she could use it. "The first half of the trip would be very fast. The great center would pull you there. The closer you got, the faster you go. It would take longer to pull away from the great center as it bends the light. The machine would be easier, but there would have to be a shell there waiting, if your old shell is not still viable." She put her hand on his arm. James looked at it and noticed there wasn't any hair on their arms.

"How long have I been here?" James didn't want to think about everything he had left behind. Hell, in all reality, he still felt like he was still in a nightmare. He figured he might be able to wake up at any moment now... before his sanity deserted him altogether.

"Dou quads... it took your body time to build at minimum power and we dare not increase it." The tall one said.

"Two seasons... you are thinking two seasons, or mouths...?" Illyria looked and wondered if she had it right.

"Months... this is a mouth." He pointed to his teeth. "I need some time to think... I need to wake up from this nightmare." He sighed.

"Yes Holy One." They both bowed. "This way please. We have a place for your rest." When he stood up, he felt like a giant. He kept calling the second one tall, but he stood a good six inches taller. At first it was hard to keep his balance. Then he had to keep his pace measured where he didn't run the two in front of him over. He knew if he went back to his usual march, they could never keep up.

He felt the intrusion like cold fingers into his mind. He slammed up a wall so fast out of instinct as he heard gasps around him. "It is okay Holy One James... they are just welcoming you through the transition. It is our way. No offence was meant." Illyria said softly, using her voice.

"Well, then maybe I'm not as advanced as I thought." He sighed and tried to ease his mind. Around him were rows of rooms. They were all the same green-grey, if his eyes weren't playing tricks on him.

"Welcome to Houda, James Child Bringer. The universe has been waiting for you Holy One." Salla bowed and motioned to a cubicle. How did he know the tall one was called Salla?

"You may rest here James." Illyria smiled and bowed, hiding her face as it turned green.

James wanted to scream as the door slid closed and his mind went silent. He sighed and turned and gasped. Out the window, he saw the reflection of the huge green gas giant that was covering most of the sky. He started looking for the bathroom.


James fashioned a ring out of a utensil, just so he had a reminder of his beloved Mary. He knew if he lost her, he would go stark raving mad. It took him a long time to slowly bend the material. Little by little, day by day, he worked on it until he had the fit tight enough to stay on, but not cut off the circulation.

There was no way anyone would believe him if he ever got home. Hell, he really didn't believe most of it himself. He felt like he had plunked him down in some second rate science fiction movie; 3D glasses and all. Sometimes he wished he read more about it rather than dismissing it as stupid. It seemed that Asimov, McCaffery, and that bunch had it right, and good ole Carl and his boys were wrong.

"Who is the face that makes you sad; James?" His constant companion asked. She held his gaze while leaning on one of her hands.

"That's, she was my wife. Her name was Mary." James sighed as the memories flooded his mind. "We were together for a long time." James learned it was easier to answer honestly, or Illyria would just pull what she wanted to know out of his mind. He also learned it hurt her when he shielded his mind from her for some reason.

"Then I do not understand your years as well as I thought. Or, does time move differently on the far side of the galaxy?" She asked looking at him.

"About the same I guess. I mean if Einstein was correct, the speed of time-space is directly related to the primary you circle and the gravitational well...." He smiled at her. "I know too fast again."

"Yes, thank you. I am sorry I am so inadequate. Once we come out of occlusion, Salla can find you someone more suited than someone like me." Just the way she said it, let James know she was deeply hurt.

"You're doing fine sweetheart. A fair sight better than I am with all of this. So, how long do these shells last again?" He smiled at her. He tried to figure out how long he had been there already.

"One Metaquad of Meatrose, if you do not get injured." She turned green again. "Everything is measured in Quads. We have quad fingers..?" She wiggled her hand. "There is a quad in every metatrose. A quad of metatrose, are a plem. A quadplem into a dex. They add up to a metaquad." She added like it all made sense to everyone.

"So, if I'm thinking about this right, then a quad is three of my months, one meatrose is four quads and a hundred meatrose is a semi-quad, or something like that... So, that would either mean three to four hundred of my years... if I don't injure myself or get myself killed doing something really stupid." He smiled, trying to add it all up in his head, not making the numbers fit.

"But that doesn't make sense... you said you were old, but only lived what you would call fifty seven of your years. That is about a quaddexplem...? Yet you have a lifetime of memories that I cannot unravel in your mind. Memories that cover many Metaquads of time." James could see the confusion on her face. "I see so many faces of... people you cared for. Some that brought you laughter. Some that brought you sadness. I don't understand. Why are some only two dimensional." She gasped. "You can cross the dimensions too?"

"No...." He chuckled. "What you are seeing are memories of movies I've watched. You do still have movies I hope?" He took her hand and sighed. "You do have to do something for fun." Holding her hand, he felt something that he hadn't felt in a long time. He automatically leaned into her, making their arraignment more intimate.

"I cannot bond with you, Child Bringer." She gasped as she felt his emotion. "I cannot let these feelings rest in my mind." He could feel her fear.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry. I guess it doesn't matter what side of the galaxy you're on, hormones still control the body." James smiled and tried to keep his mind off where the physical drive of this body was directing him to. He didn't even know if these people knew what sex was or how they went about it. Or, if he was breaking any of their taboos by having the hots for his companion.

"There are many others who could be fertile for you, Child Bringer. If you would wish to bond with them." He felt the stab of pain and gasped himself. He didn't know how, but he knew she was in love with him and it hurt her to think of him with another female.

"If you live so long, how did you fall in love with me so easily and fast Illyria?" He felt his heart beat and wondered why he didn't feel like he was betraying his Mary. In fact, for the first time since her death, James felt good emotion again. He didn't know what to make of it, but he knew the young woman in front of him was in love, if she knew it or not. He also knew he was feeling something close himself.

"We bond when we find the mind that is suitable. Some go many transfers without finding a suitable Bond Mate... But, I cannot bond with you... I'm not... what is a kiss?" She looked up at him as the visions flashed in her mind.

"What kind of world is it that doesn't know what a kiss is?" He leaned down.

"Illyria.... Stop! It is forbidden!" Salla was at the door. "You will endanger everything! It is time to contact the Tacract." Salla ordered before Illyria could do the undoable.

"Do you have any idea about personal privacy?" James snapped at the person at his door. "If not, let me clue you in..." He was so close. "What I do behind this door is none of your damn business, unless you are called! I'm not going to hurt her... and she is free to choose for herself if she wants to be here or not." He stood up.

"James no... We will talk more later. I must attend my duties." She touched his arm to stop the violence in his mind. "If you must punish someone, punish me Holy One." She bowed her head waiting for the blow that never landed.

"What would the Haldract say if he was to learn of this? You must always remember your position!" Salla chastised Illyria as they walked away.

"Yes Master...." James heard in his head. He tried to calm down, not knowing what was going on.

"Way to control yourself, you bungling idiot!" He cursed under his breath. "First pretty girl you meet and you go all Neanderthal on her. She's an innocent and you were just about ready to seduce her just so you could get a piece of ass. What would Mary say about that?" He bit his lip trying to get back under control.

"She would say she wants you to be happy Holy One." Illyria voice sounded in his head again. "Please calm yourself, I must concentrate on my duties, and I cannot with you raging in my mind. Please let me go so I can do what is required." Her voice was as shocked as he was for still being there.

"Sorry... I'll try." He sighed and threw himself down on the bed and covered his head from the visions that weren't his. He was about ready to go crazy when there was a timid knock on the door. "Yeah... whatdoya want?"

"Sorry to intrude Holy One." The voice said through the door.

"Who is it?" James asked and caught the vision of the second person he saw on this trip through the looking glass.

"I am called Meata... can I come in please." The voice had a note of pleading in it.

"Sure, why the hell not." James sighed as the door slid open.

"I am sorry...." Meata started saying.

"Please don't call me Holy One or Child Bringer... call me James damnit!" He warned.

"Yes, James... what a strange title. But, I see it is what you think yourself as James.

Please forgive the intrusion, but you mind is overwhelming the rest. They are wondering who is so strong that all thoughts are..." Meata looked perplexed at what word to use.

"Got it... I'm thinking too loud and I'm shouting over everyone else." James sighed, wondering if he'd remember this nightmare, if and when he ever woke up.

"Yes, and you block everyone out but Illyria. We share our public mind freely. It is how our... society works. Yes, that is the word." Meata smiled at the strange concept. "Can I share my thoughts with you Holy One?" Meata smiled at the look on James's face.


"What is wrong Illyria?" James asked when she came back into his small room.

"Kolta has heard of you. He is coming next quad to see if you are what we say you are." She turned grey. "Kolta is mind sick, but refuses to be helped." James saw a flash of memories that were not his as he looked at the young woman.

"And, the Backerack... whatever you called them? What do they say?" He asked, trying to put all the pieces together.

"The Haldract of Houda is upset that we kept you from public knowledge. The Tacract is concerned that you will upset the balance of the Ten Planets. There are many myths about the Holy Child Bringer from the old times. I do not remember all of them since I'm still young." She turned green again from the visions from James's mind.

"Okay sweetheart, spill it. How can you be as young as you say? I see things I don't understand and I know they come from you." James sat her down on his bed and looked at her.

"I know... your mind also confuses me. I try not to look, but it is always there." She sighed, tapping her forehead. "I think you can't be real, but then I remember you coming into being right before my eyes." Her mind was a jumble of what was happening as she went to clean the transfer room.

"Wait...! Remember that again." He held her hand as the vision exploded in his mind. "So, that's what happened..." He whispered in awe "and you stayed there the whole time." He looked at her and his heart thumped.

"I was taking a rest from my duty and sat in the couch. I jumped up when the power flashed on.' Illyria said slowly, showing him the hidden part of the memory. "I was calling for my Bond Mate. It is a silly game we that can... who are... like me." She turned green in what James realized on earth, would be called a blush. "If they knew I called you... from across the Galaxy." She looked at James with fear.

"Okay, we'll talk more about that later. I saw some other things that confused me... well a lot that confuses me, but... we'll start with the child bearers. You mean that there aren't any children born naturally? That you just pop from shell to shell... if that is what you call this body I'm in?" He thumped his chest with his five fingers.

"The shell is created from your memories. You are male and always have been male... a reproductive male, though I see that you haven't reproduced?" She looked at him in shock.

"Mary couldn't have kids and I loved her." James shrugged. He long ago made his peace with it. "We were enough for each other and it wasn't like my world needed more children. Earth is... was already over populated." He shrugged.

"Slow down my love... you are doing it to me again...." She tried to separate her thought from his. "What did I just say?" She went green then grey.

"Do you know what that word means?" His chest felt like it had been ripped open.

"We can't be bonded... we can't... I can't." She looked at him and opened her mind to him completely. James looked down as their eyes locked unblinkingly at each other.

"Yes, it seems you do." James felt everything and knew everything about her. "And, this is a kiss." He leaned down and touched his lips to hers. From then on, nature and his raging hormones took over. Illyria willingly let herself go. She didn't have a choice anymore, the strength of what was in James's mind overwhelmed her. This felt so right to be mind bonded with James.

James felt an intrusion and slammed a wall up in their minds, shutting them away from everything else. He lifted Illyria up and held her close. He peeled her garment off and set her in the middle of the small bed. He took the time to jam a utensil in the door to keep it closed as she lay there looking at him glowing a deep green. She pulsed as her skin glowed.

James pulled off the garment he wore, standing over her, their minds still linked. He remembered the old saying. "You can raise them in a closet and put them in a room together and they will figure it out." He smiled at the memory. It was time to get busy.

"I will not hurt you." He stroked her cheek. "If you want me to stop, just tell me and I'll stop." A strong smell hit his nose and he knew she didn't want to stop. It did things to his brain that made him feel like a randy teenager again. As many similarities he as he found, there were just as many differences. He knew this was going to be interesting. Her sex was more forward than humans, separating the sexual organ away from the waste removal organ. Her breasts almost seemed to be completely smooth, until the skin pulled back and the long pointed nipple protruded out, dripping a clear liquid.

Illyria didn't know what was happening to her. She was out of control of her body. Her body told her to do things that were illegal, but she couldn't stop herself. She looked at the Child Bringer and a deep part of her mind showed her what that really meant. He was going to put his large organ inside of her. The part that made him male. She wondered if it would fit. She didn't realize her body was already making itself ready for the mating to come.

James slipped over Illyria. He didn't think as she opened herself to him. His eyes saw the feral look and knew he couldn't wait any longer. His member sought out her center. There wasn't any of the normal fumbling; it was like their bodies knew what they had to do to make this work. The tip found her opening and slipped in.

Illyria gasped out as James speared into her. She felt the friction and a tearing. "Oh my GOD... You were a virgin." James shouted as he flexed forward until he was completely inside of her body.

"Yes... my first time... yes." She bit her lip. "Finish it!" She insisted as sensations ripped through her mind and body.

James started moving slowly at first. He leaned down and kissed his lover and pushed up on his arms not to crush her. Illyria grabbed his arms and pulled herself closer to James. Her brain was on fire with visions from both of their minds. She had learned of the closeness of a mind bond, but nothing could prepare her for the intensity of the mind bond with a physical bond too.

James plunged into her time and time again. He felt every sensation of her body as they moved as one. Body slapped against body in a rhythm that was as old as life. Because their minds were so intertwined, they knew exactly what to do and when to do it. He knew when he needed to slow down and she knew when he needed more stimulation. With squishing, sucking sounds, they tried to remember to breathe as their bodies rode wave after wave of pleasure.

"Please... please, my love... I can't take much more. I'm, I'm; Give me life!" She gasped out and her body convulsed.

James knew it was his time. He sent himself into her as far as he could and let it happen. His body flexed and her arms and legs wrapped around him. It felt like everything inside of him was pumping into her. He expected a mess, but wondered about the suction he felt. It was like her body refused to let any bit of his seed escape. He couldn't pull out. She wouldn't let him until his seed was spent inside of her. James kept himself still and wondered why he hadn't worked up a sweat. He knew if he and Mary made love like that, both of them would be covered by sweat and other fluids.

"Because love, we have a different physiology than humans. We do not have the extra water in our systems. The circulatory systems keep our temperature controlled." She kissed his nose. "I never expected that." She sighed as her limbs trembled.

"It gets better with practice." James smiled as he tried to move. He felt her clamp down on him. "If you keep that up...." He shifted position so she was on top. "I can't be responsible for what happens next." He knew what was going to happen even though it had been years since he could keep it up like that.