Across the Pond Ch. 03


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Max dropped his hands and rested them on either side of me, slightly raising his eyebrows. "Weird in a good way, I hope."

"Yeah, it's's like there's a million tiny firecrackers inside me, right? And when you smile at me or when we're just talking about nothing, one or two go off and leave this cozy, pleasurable feeling in my heart. But when I get mad at you or I'm hurt it's like a hundred light all at once and it burns, like I'm being lit on fire from the inside and it fucking kills. But eventually the fire goes out and it's back to the happy little sparklers. Does that make sense?"

He looked up at the ceiling in thought. "Absolutely. Except it feels the opposite for myself - being with you feels like the Big Bang, an absolute celebration of color and sound and creation. When I'm away - when you push me away - my heart reduces to those few sparks and it's not enough. That's what hurts me. I am overwhelmed by your presence all the time and I despise when I don't feel that way."

"Oh. Does that mean you're having the big kid feelings too?"

"Yes. I, ah, big-kid-feel for you madly, wicked girl. I know this isn't easy for you. It may not always feel as such, but I swear you are my utmost priority. I need you to tell me if you're upset, if I'm not doing enough to make you feel wanted. You are wanted, more than I could ever express in my lifetime. I'm not used to someone showing concern over my schedule so I'm sure I can be obtuse in realizing so, and while it can be unpredictable at times I will do my best to keep you better informed."

"And I'll stop acting like a crazy robot person." Our connection was suddenly broken by the ringing of his cell phone. Sadly, it wasn't a phone call, it was his alarm. He reached over the bed and switched it off before tucking it in his front pocket. "I have to leave for the airport, little one," he apologized.

"I know." I didn't even try to hide my disappointment. He rose off the bed and zipped up his carry-on suitcase while I sat there trying not to pout. He turned and motioned for me to come to him, in half a second I was off the bed and in his arms while he held me tightly. I didn't want to tell him how much I was going to miss him, how much I wish he wouldn't go. How one night wasn't enough time with him. All I said was "Don't die in a plane crash or disappear in the ocean, okay?"

"I'll do my best," he chuckled while pushing my hair behind my ear, bending down to whisper "Enjoy your time at the beach. I'll try to return in no more than a week's time. I'm not leaving you, I'm simply leaving. Please tell me you understand." I nodded against his chest because the words got stuck in my throat. Max tried to get me to look at him and I refused, trying not to let my emotions get the best of me. He threaded his hand through the back of my hair and pulled, my reluctant face meeting the firm mask of his. "Tell me you understand, Sydney," he repeated, firmer this time.

My lips parted in a seductive inhalation. Why the fuck am I liking this? "You're not leaving me, you're just leaving."

His grip didn't tighten but he didn't let go either. "Stay. Here if you'd like, when you return; I know you don't like being in your flat alone at night. I need to..." he paused before practically forcing himself to say what was on his mind. "I need to know you're alright. I can't leave if you're not."

I placed my palms flat on his chest and raised on my toes. Resting my lips against his I just stared up at him and his eyebrows lifted again in question. I kept looking at him, then I crossed my eyes and puffed out my cheeks until he grinned. Funny face is always a winner. "You're so silly," his hand came around the back of my neck and squeezed with the lightest of pressure, "and you're all mine."

Well, shit. "Oh. I think my panties just fell off."

"Hmm." Max let go of the suitcase handle and dropped down on one knee in front of me. His fingers tickled my outer thighs before slowly sliding up my legs, just as his fingers disappeared underneath the hem of the shirt my breath hitched. He stopped moving and looked up at me, waiting. I swallowed and nodded once, though I was sure I was going to hyperventilate and pass out. His search was fruitful from the moment his fingers grazed cotton to the tortuous slide of fabric from my hips to my ankles. I stepped out of the legs and he stood, casually folding my underwear in his hands and sticking them in his pocket. "Since they were to fall off I'll be keeping them. The fact they have tiny cat faces on them is so positively you and just makes my big-kid feelings that much bigger."

"That was so hot what the fuck!" I shouted while jumping up and down dramatically, and when he scooped me up mid-jump in his arms I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him with everything I had. When I dismounted and let him go, I felt...okay. I was okay. "Call me when you get settled?"

"Of course, I'll check in as often as possible. Be well." He squeezed my hipbone firmly, swiped my bottom lip with his thumb, threw me the most handsome of winks and left for his flight.


VIII: Nights.

The temperature in my body had risen to an uncomfortable level, sweat covering every inch of my skin as if a rainstorm had entered the room and shot me full of lightening. A heavy moan flew from my mouth, a pair of silk panties blocking my tongue from forming any intelligible words. My head lolled back and hit the damp pillow. I prayed for what was coming, the barrel of pleasure I'd been denied for so long.

"Sydney. Look at me."

I gathered the sliver of strength I had left and willed myself to comply. Through heavy eyelids I studied my captor in the candle-illuminated room, the sweet torturer whom I desperately needed to please. Who I needed to please me. Blue eyes roved over my bare form while strong hands with exploring fingers studied goosebumps, every faint stretch mark, leaving no inch of me untouched.

A dark laugh burned through my body like hot coals. "I see we've forgotten the rules again, hmm?" Two skillful fingers gently rubbed the slippery flesh between my thighs, barely connecting with swollen nub that was my lever to release. "Quite a shame, really. I was so close to letting this pretty little pussy come so I could fuck you. Now we must start all over again."

He stretched his body over mine and removed the soaked fabric from my mouth, his own lips crashing down on mine before I could urgently plead for forgiveness. The canines of his teeth bit down on my bottom lip just enough for a taste of blood to mingle with my scent and his. He moaned and lapped up hints of red wine and tears. His mouth left sweet kisses of deception down my neck. "Tell me the rule, Sydney."

I whined, wanting to cry but needing to please him more. He rocked his steel flesh against my hungry slit, grinding down even harder as a tease when my hips attempted to lift to meet his. "My eyes on you when you let me come."

"This is the fourth time you've slipped. I'd really love to be inside you, but not until you do as you are told." His face rose over mine, the vast shadow of his face plunging me into the depths of longing and loss. "Are you going to submit to me?"

"Yes." It wasn't a question of if I would, or if I could. It was when.

Nuzzling my nose with his, a long arm reached over to the nightstand to grab the digital kitchen timer and punch in five minutes. One minute more than the last time. Four minutes more than the first. Replacing the reminder of my disobedience on the table my panties were then shoved back into my mouth. A cocky grin and a swift return of his head between my legs, I prepared myself for the storm he was once again brewing in my body...

My eyes opened to twilight outside plantation shutters and I had to blink a few times to focus. The light bounced off the soft peach walls, illuminating the colorful throw I was lying on top of on the sole queen bed in the room. I sat up and rubbed my eyes with the heels of my hand to try and wake up. When Holland left that morning so did I, making the four-hour drive to Shane and Tess's vacation home in Bethany Beach. It was one of the quieter and family friendlier beaches in the area; the perfect place to chill, but if I felt like getting a little rowdy there were plenty of bars and nightclubs at some of the livelier surrounding areas that were only a cab ride away.

Chilling out was definitely on the menu this trip around, especially whenever the Thomas' decided to show up. It wasn't like Tess to be late. I grabbed my phone to call and see where she was, but it started ringing in my hand as soon as I unlocked the screen. I grinned and answered. Tess could wait a few minutes. "Well hey there, Boss."

"Have I confessed how utterly erotic your voice sounds when you've just woken up?" Max growled playfully in my ear. I was feeling infinitely better after our conversation that morning, and getting to talk twice in one day made it that much better. "Did you rest well, sweet girl?"

I yawned and stretched out my limbs. "Oh yeah, the sea air is like nature's Ambien to me. Hey, you're still alive!"

"Well I did say I'd try my best and I tend to be a man of my word."

"Ooh, I like that. So where'd you jet off to this time? Sounds noisy."

"It is, I'm...Oh, thank you," he said to whomever was on the other end of the line. "I'm in Manhattan until the end of the week then it's back to London. Simone's attorney's contacted McKenzie and Charlie, seems they're a bit more open to a civil mediation when I return."

"Looks like your plan worked." Max had no physical proof Simone hired the person who broke into his home but when he got back he threatened her with releasing some very personal and damaging information to the press if she didn't cut the bullshit and start playing ball. He never told me what the thief was after but it must have been bad enough to scare the bitch. "Does this mean we'll actually get to *gasp* have a real date?"

"Of course. We can do anything you'd like."

"Mmm, something I've never done before. Like going to Las Vegas in a hot air balloon, or bullfighting."

"...this date is going to cost me dearly, isn't it?" I trapped the sleeve of my shirt between my teeth and nodded, even though he couldn't see it. "You're certainly worth it, you know. I'd spend every cent I have on whatever would make you happy."

My smile faded a little. "But you know you don't have to, right? I was just kidding Max, you know I don't care about your money."

"Yes, I know. That's why I would." And just like that, the smile was back. "I have to go prepare for dinner with a few fellow investors. I'm mostly visiting hotels and properties I own during my time here, if all goes according to plan I should have the entire evening free on Friday if you'd have time to Facetime for a bit."

"I'm all yours, Boss."

"Words from an angel. Relax tonight, I'll ring you tomorrow." We said our goodbyes and hung up. I couldn't help but feel giddy. He was trying. Despite not officially being together the fact that he was trying sealed the deal for me.

There go those love thoughts again.

Which seemed so ridiculous to think about, because I'd known him all of five weeks and I've only physically seen him half that. Still, to let the feeling settle in my body was foreign and exciting. I'd never been in love before, and even though my track record with guys left a lot to be desired...I don't know. Max seemed like maybe he'd be the one to experience that first with. Well, when I told him, which wasn't going to be any time soon. I'm not crazy.

I mellowed in the feeling until I head the front door open and slam shut. I rolled off the bed to greet my friends and snatch up my nephew for cuddles but when I made my way down the stairs it was only Tess tossing her bag on the white couch. "Hey Tessy! Where's the rest of the brood?"

Her eyes purposefully avoided mine and she shrugged. "They're coming tomorrow, maybe. I don't know."

"Ruh roh. Raggy want rine?" She nodded at my Scooby Doo impression and met me in the kitchen, her pulling a bottle from the wine fridge and me locating the corkscrew. I started opening the bottle when I guessed "What are you and Red fighting about this time?"

"My dad wants me to relocate to Seattle." I stopped twisting and watched her rub her arm nervously. "He's trying to tap into the technology game, get tech startups investing in our firm. I'd run the whole operation out there, hire my own people and obtain my own contacts. It'll be mine to build up and the money would be ridiculous, theoretically."

I popped the cork and tried to keep all emotion out of my voice at the thought of my best friend moving three thousand miles away. "So, Shane doesn't want to go?"

Tess slumped forward, rubbing her temples with her forefingers. "No, he wants to go. I don't. I have enough accounts as it is, not to mention school. Shane has projects here that need to be finished, and Eli loves his preschool - "

"Okay, yes, everyone's busy," I grabbed two wine glasses and poured a hefty amount of pinot grigio into both. "Seattle has business schools, houses that need flipping and plenty of hipster-baby preschools. Now, what's the real reason you don't want to go?"

She sighed before draining half her serving in one gulp. "I'd be running the whole show," she confessed when she set the stemless glass down. "I screw up, that's on me. It fails, that's on me. It's a lot of pressure I don't know that I'm ready for. When I talk about it with Shane he says, "You're great and can totally do it" but he has to say that, you know?"

I mulled it over through my own sip. "So, what's the worst that happens? You go, you fail, you move back and continue working for Byron. You're the boss's daughter, you literally have nothing to lose. These are not problems, Tess."

"Shut up. Anyway, they're not coming tonight so you can finally tell me what's going on with you lately."

I tried and failed miserably at keeping the idiotic lovesick puppy look off my face. "I kissed Holland and he stole my underpants."

A blank stare greeted me before she shook her thick hair around her shoulders. "Well, screw it. Grab another bottle, we're going down to the beach." I bounced happily and gathered our supplies for a good ol' fashioned gab session. And gab we did, draining the first bottle and most of the second while we gossiped loudly into the night air. I couldn't stop laughing and Tess couldn't sit upright to save her life. "Okay, oooookay!" she slurred slightly while she wobbled in her seated position. "So, when are you gonna sleep with him?"

"What!" I screeched and I swear the loud noise knocked her over again, she's such a lightweight. She gave up trying to sit up and rolled over on her back. I laid down next to her and propped myself up on my elbow. "I dunno. I guess when he gets divorced."

"Yaay. Sex is awesome."

"I dunno man, we were kinda dry humping on his bed and homeboy is big. Like, Brazzers big. I'm a little freaked out."

"But porn is awesome too! If it's ethnic...ethically shot. Did I tell you about this documentary I saw - "

"Don't nerd out on me Thomas, I need help!" I closed my eyes and rested my cheek on my bicep, the sound of the waves washing my insecurities and stress away. "What if I feel weird? Or lost my mojo? It'll suck if he has a big dick and I can't play with it right."

"Oh, you'll be fine. Sounds like he loves you so it can't be bad." I cracked my eyes open just enough to see Tess all the way down on her towel, falling more unconscious by the second. "Sounds like you love him too."

"Yeah." I sat up and tucked my legs underneath me, watching the water ebb and flow against the sand. I reached over and grabbed her hand right before she fell asleep, and when she squeezed my fingers I squeezed back.


XIV: 9.

Something warm, rough and wet ran across the back of my shoulder repeatedly, which was not how I wanted to wake up the next morning. I turned over on my back and opened my eyes to Austin, the Thomas' Black Labrador, breathing sticky hot breaths directly in my face. "Ugh, dude, no," I complained but scratched him behind the ear anyway. He barked once then jumped off the bed and scampered out of the room while I thought about taking a nice hot shower to get the feel of dog spit off my skin. Figuring I'd go for a run first I got up and threw on my workout gear, a pair of spandex shorts with a matching sports bra top. Socks and Adidas was the last of my outfit and once I grabbed my phone and earbuds I was good to go.

"Well good morning, Princess," Shane greeted me when I jogged downstairs into the living room, peering at me from the kitchen over his oversized coffee mug. "Y'all have fun last night?"

I smirked at the big hunk of a man that seemed to dwarf everything in the room. "I have complaints about your wife, Red. I had to haul her dead-weight drunk ass back here from the beach last night."

"You don't have to tell me, shit. You know that girl can't keep up, it's your dumbass fault for gettin' her drunk in the first place."

"Whatever. And what is with her and porn? It's all titties and ass with her." We shared a laugh at his kinky little bride before his expression sobered. "She tell you about Seattle?" he asked.

I shrugged and looked out of one of the bay windows. "Yeah. I think she wants to go, she's just freaked."

"So am I, to be honest." I turned back and he was running a large hand down his face. "It'll be good for her to get out of her comfort zone. She won't admit it but she's gettin' restless here, she thinks it makes her sound ungrateful or somethin'. It's hard to figure out what the hell she's thinkin' when she's screamin' nonsense at me."

"I get that feeling. Keep working on her, she'll come around." I once again pushed aside the sadness that came with thinking of them leaving. "I'm gonna go for a run, you want to come?"

Shane shook his head, filling a matching mug with coffee for his comatose wife. "Nah, the boy's still sleepin' so I should probably go talk to her. Before you go, you got a delivery. It's on the table."

"Thanks. Hey, when did you fall in love with Tess? I'm doing a poll of sorts."

He started beaming like an idiot and I joined in, it was infectious. "The first time I made her laugh. The porn thing is just a huge bonus." I snickered and he made his way up the stairs while I searched for my package. A plain silver gift bag was set in front of one of the white dining chairs and I pulled out a black box with the Rolex crown insignia on the top, along with a note. Tearing into the small envelope I pulled out a card with handwritten script etched into it:

Though I know nothing can replace the gift from your father I only hope this is an acceptable substitute. I am endlessly counting down the minutes until you are in my arms again.

Big kid feelings,


Tucking the note underneath the box I clicked it open and almost dropped it when I looked inside. An Everose pink gold watch with a diamond paved dial and pearl master bracelet, rounded links covered in ruby stones stared right back at me. It was the most opulent and most gorgeous piece of jewelry I'd ever seen in my life. I almost didn't want to touch it. I set the open box back on the table and pulled my cell phone from my armband, snapping a picture of the watch and typing out my thanks to Max. Are you trying to get laid? Because this is how you get laid.

I watched with anticipation as he typed his response, mere seconds passed before it came through. Well, goodness. If I had known, I'd receive such a positive reaction I would have doubled the salesperson's commission. I leaned back slightly with a hardy ha! and left the house for my run.