Across the Pond Ch. 06


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"Stooooop! Sodhi's gonna hear you!" I let up just enough for her to sit back up on her seat before crawling over my legs, pushing her fingers through my hair. "Have I told you how achingly beautiful you are tonight?" I asked a bit more seriously.

"Like, ninety times since we said "I do" but I don't mind hearing it again. You're pretty gorgeous too Dimples, even without the hair." She beeped her nose with mine and I returned the gesture. "Thank you. For everything, it was perfect. Did you have a good time? I know it wasn't fancy like your first wedding."

"But I wasn't marrying you then, so this was so much better. This was the best night of my life, thank you for agreeing to put up with me forever. Even after sooo fucking much tequila."

She laughed, resting her face on the side of my neck while I held her close. I closed my eyes and listened to her breathing steady and even out. "Sorry. I'm so tired," she murmured into my skin.

"I know, sweet girl. It's been a long and wonderful day." I stroked her exposed back with my thumb, humming peacefully as she relaxed against me. "We'll be home in a few minutes and in our bed. We'll sleep in tomorrow."

"What about doin' it? We gotta do it. I owe day doin' it."

"You don't owe me anything, you know that. We have the rest of our lives to, ah, do it...and we were intimate this morning so wedding day doing it has happened already."

"Yaaaay," I tittered quietly at her sleepy response and kissed her temple repeatedly. When we arrived home Sodhi came around back to open the door for us. He offered to help take Sydney upstairs and I politely declined, wanting to be the one to carry her over the threshold. Getting out of the limousine without jostling her too much was a bit of a challenge considering how much I'd had to drink but I was successful, bringing her into the house and up the stairs to our bedroom. I laid her down on the freshly changed duvet but she grabbed my hand and forearm frantically when I began to move from her. "Don't go. Can't sleep without you."

As if I would ever leave her. I allowed her to pull me down until I laid next to her, kicking off my shoes just as she threw half her body on top of mine. She still seemed restless, so I whispered my eternal love for her over and over in her ear until she murmured sweet nothings and fell asleep with her hand tucked into my shirt, warm fingers against my skin. A few minutes later I finally closed my eyes and fell into dreamland with her.


IV: coffee.


She practically purred my name as I filled her with every inch of my cock, the feel of her trembling in my arms pulsing through my body like the most sensual rhythm I'd ever experienced. My hand flexed around her throat before dropping to her breast, squeezing the tender flesh. Everything about her -- her flushed skin, her tender words and soft sighs -- was impossibly warm. The fire from her enticed my lust and sated my soul. "Are you to give me your pleasure again, wife of mine?"

"I...I-I.... oh," she stuttered shakily, her voice rough with need when I bit down on her earlobe. I increased the pace of my thrusts and focused on how everything about her fit me perfectly. Her weighty tits in my palms, the curvature of her calves meeting the hardworking muscles behind my back. How she scratched her nails in symmetrical patterns across my shoulders, the sheen of her sweat illuminating her beautiful skin sliding against mine. How she was just on this side of too snug and impossibly wet, no matter how many times I took her. The song of her climax, throaty in nature and heavenly in sound.

I'd never felt passion like it. I'm not an elderly man by any means but I'm not in my twenties anymore either. Aside from Simone -- mainly with her when we were dating -- I'd had my fair share of partners. Had some great ones, even.

With Sydney, it was much more than a craving or some sort of basic instinct to mate.

It wasn't just a desperate need to fuck. It was a desperate need to fuck her.

I lowered myself just enough to meet her lips with my own, finding myself lost within her hypnotizing eyes. She moaned and fluttered around my cock, crying out right as I felt a sudden rush of wet heat trickle down the length of me. It was the most glorious feeling. I wanted more, I wanted everything only she could give to me. "That's it, little feel so good, Sydney."

Through the barely-focused glaze in her eyes she replied lazily. "Married sex is awesome."

I grinned as she did, raising up on my elbows to see her clearly. That was what I never knew I needed. Fun. Sex and intimacy are supposed to be fun, something both of us desperately searched for within each other. Fortunately for me, everything came so easy with her. "I think you need to orgasm for me again, Mrs. James-Holland," I mumbled against the side of her perfect mouth.

She laughed breathlessly as my head dropped to her shoulder, marking her with my own perspiration. "I don't know if I can! I thought hangovers were supposed to decrease stamina, aren't you ever gonna come?"

"If I do it means I'd have to leave this perfect cunt of yours and you feel too good for this to end, but I suppose you're right. Open your dirty little mouth for me, love." I slipped two fingers between her lips, her curling tongue wetting them thoroughly for my final task. My other hand came between her back and the bed, holding her as close to my body as humanly possible. Despite my desire to live within her walls I'd been inside her in some capacity for the better part of an hour and I knew she needed rest, especially as enthusiastically I'd taken her the day before. It would never be enough for me.

I rooted myself completely inside her and she sighed at the fullness she felt as I did the same for the sensation of how tight she was. My hand dropped between us and her saliva was the perfect amount of lubrication to catapult us both to release. My caresses on her were light and fast, circling as speedily as I could. My love shut her eyes tightly the closer she was, only opening when I demanded her to do so against her cheek. She complied as difficult as it was, but I needed to see her. I needed her to see me fall apart in her arms, that I did when she came with a sweet whimper, triggering my orgasm along with hers. I made no attempt to move away and neither did she. "Good morning," I greeted her with a kiss.

"Hell yeah it is," she smirked cheekily. When she glanced over at the bedside clock I took the opportunity to run my tongue over her rapidly beating pulse on her neck. "I think it's safe to say we missed brunch."

"I'm sure they'll understand. We should get some food in you, however. Join me for a shower?"

"Um, I don't think that's going to help us get out of here any faster." I bit her on the nose and she playfully pushed my chest, causing me to reluctantly slide out of her welcoming heat. "Go! Leave me to my sex coma."

"Under one condition." I leaned in and whispered, "Tell your husband about the coffee, wicked girl."

Sydney raised a defiant eyebrow. "Tell your wife about the Philippines, felon."

She had my number. I said no more but gave her a last kiss before rolling away, heading into our walk-in shower. I'm usually quite the fan of a long wash but I finished as quickly as possible, the prospect of spending the entire day -- life, really -- with my wife filling me with a foreign sense of excitement. I rinsed and turned the water off, quickly drying before applying lotion and securing the towel around my waist as I returned to her. Sydney was very much awake then, dressed in my shirt from the previous evening...but her head was bent down low as she spoke on her mobile. As I approached her I listened to her half of the conversation. "Mom. Mom, stop crying..."

I halted in my stride. She was telling her parents and it apparently wasn't going very well. She ran a hand through her tousled hair and sighed. "Mom, you've literally been trying to give me away to random dudes for a, you know I'm not pregnant. Dad, will you talk to her please? Yeah...yeah, I know...Jesus fucking Christ stop yelling at me!"

A sniffle from her and my heart fractured. She knew they might not be pleased but she certainly didn't expect them to be so furious. "Daddy, this is a good thing. I love him, and...are you serious?! Fine. Fine, if you're going to be so goddamn mean about it then I don't want to talk to you anymore either!"

She threw the phone down onto the bed and dropped forward, her shoulders shaking as she hid her face in her hands. I rounded the bed and sank to my knees, rubbing the delicate skin of her bare legs. "Oh, my sweet girl, I'm so sorry. It'll be alright."

She lifted her head to see me, her body still trembling but no tears were streaking her face. That's when I realized she wasn't crying -- she was laughing, profusely. "They're such fucking hypocrites!" She screamed aloud and fell back, clutching her stomach as she howled. I rose and sat next to her on the bed as she tried to catch her breath. "Mom got knocked up with Rachel when she was sixteen and Dad married her two days later in Atlantic City. My Nana literally had a stroke when they told her. Didn't stop her from trying to kill Dad in the hospital, though."

"I truly am beginning to see where your nuttiness comes from," I replied gently. She wiped at the corner of her eye before taking my hand in hers. "What are their concerns, exactly?"

I felt her swinging her legs over the edge of the bed, a dull thump every time her foot hit the bedframe. "Mom went on and on about how I robbed her of the tradition of planning a wedding and what kind of man did I marry that would convince me to elope? Dad yelled, a lot, mostly about how now I'm never going to law school because I'll just be some pampered housewife and I'm wasting all my potential. Then he said," she took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, "He said not to bother coming home for my niece's birthday, or Thanksgiving or fucking Hanukkah because I clearly don't give a shit what it means to be a family."

I ground my teeth together in an attempt to bite my tongue. I understood they were upset, but now she was my sole responsibility on this earth and I simply couldn't sit back and allow her to be disrespected by anyone. I made a mental note to contact her father at the earliest convenience. "I'm sure it will be fine, give them some time to adjust to the idea. I despise you being so upset."

"It's okay, I just hate fighting with them. They weren't even this pissed when I filed for legal emancipation at sixteen; hell, Dad moved me into my apartment. But, anyway," she looked over to me and winked, "How's your mom going to take it?"

"Let's find out." I leaned over the bed for my slacks, digging my cellular out and scrolling until I found my mother's number. I played with the ends of Sydney's hair until she answered. "Maxwell darling, this is a pleasant surprise," she said as if it were anything but.

Her lackluster greeting came as no surprise. I rarely spoke to her and couldn't remember the last time I initiated a conversation. "Good morning, Mother. I have something important to speak to you about."

"Oh, I ran into Simone last evening at a charity event. She's looking as lovely as ever."

"...that's fine. I really do have something to tell you -- "

"Oh, are you sure you two can't work through it?" She interrupted again. "You were so perfect for each other."

My eye ticked angrily. "If we were perfect for each other we would have never divorced. Not that it much matters now because I've remarried."

"...Maxwell, this isn't a proper joke to make," she hissed sharply.

"Fortunately for me it isn't a joke. I'm married to and currently viewing the most intelligent, achingly stunning woman on the planet."

Mother was silent for a moment before she huffed out a condescending laugh. "Oh, I see. You're intoxicated, made a mistake. That's alright, a mild indiscretion that will easily be covered up."

I rubbed the bridge of my nose. I was so entirely exhausted of having my feelings and desires dismissed by the women in my former life. "It wasn't a mistake. Her name is Sydney and I am consumed with her. Nothing need to be covered up, I fully plan on immersing her in every aspect of my life despite what you and others may think. She is my wife, and even if she wasn't she is a person, deserving of the utmost respect. I'm informing you as a courtesy, not as a bid to seek your approval."

Silence again until I heard the clinking of ice cubes in a glass. "I must go now, I suddenly have a splitting headache."

"I'm sure the glass of gin you're pouring will assist with that. Enjoy your afternoon." I hung up and tossed the phone over my shoulder onto the bed. I looked down at my sweet girl whose smile washed away any negative feelings I harbored. "Little one, sweet girl, wife of mine. I love you madly."

"Oh, my beautiful blond boy. I love you too. Both our parents suck."

"I don't mind. I have you." I stroked her cheek and she nuzzled my palm with a pleased sound. "You are my life now, my entire life. I'll go to the ends of the earth to make you happy."

"Really?" I affirmed my affection and her lips arched seductively. "Then drop the towel and live up to your name, Boss."

My randy girl. A million nights with her would never quench my thirst for her love, especially when I saw how she couldn't get enough. To be so deeply desired was truly a beautiful thing. I stood and indeed dropped the towel, only to catch it and begin drying off my hair. "Later, little one. I have a few surprises for you -- one of which will be delivered soon -- so we are city-bound for the day."

Her eyes reluctantly pried away from my half-erected manhood and settled on my face. "What kind of surprises? I love surprises. Tell me tell me tell me now."

"Patience, love." Sydney bounced her bottom up and down on the bed, clearly excited at the prospect of presents. From the moment I'd laid eyes on her I thought she was the most beautiful, enigmatic, indescribably lush and sexy...but right then? Christ, she was fucking cute. "It is customary for a husband to purchase a wedding gift for his bride, and I plan on showering you with several obscenely expensive items today."

She suddenly stopped moving, her expression faltering a bit. "That's...nice of you, but the wife is supposed to do the same, right? The last time I checked my bank account it laughed at me."

After I shrugged on a pair of jeans I retrieved a gift from the bedside table, holding out to her a card so brand new it was still shrink wrapped. "I don't think you'll have to worry about that anymore. Your first present."

She took the American Express platinum card with her name from my hand, flipping it back and forth between her fingers calmly. I knew she was uncomfortable accepting such a large monetary gift though I'm not sure I'd ever understand why. For her part she put on a polite smile. "Thanks, babe."

I cupped her chin and guided her face upwards, it was then I saw the reluctance in her eyes and I attempted to put her at ease. "Nothing needs change, Sydney, the money is your own to do as you wish. Spend it all or never touch it. You're still the same person you were yesterday, only a bit wealthier. Besides, the true gift I have for you is much bigger."

"Yeah, okay." I watched the delighted sparkle return to her eyes as she looked at me. She's okay. Everything is okay. "Wait a minute. Are you going to tie a bow around your dick? Is that my present?"

"Oh, it certainly can be." She squealed as I tackled her onto the bed, tickling her sides, connecting with her skin, kissing her face.

Drowning in her.


V: Open.

"Oh man, this is awesome!" Sydney shouted as she pounded out another beat on the oversized drum set. To cheer her up after lunch I offered to take her shopping, to my surprise instead of a clothing store she pulled me into a music shop. During one of our post-coital conversations she expressed wanting a drum kit when she was younger but her parents strictly forbade it. Listening to the loud bang-bang-bang I understood their reasoning, but it made her happy.

"Your bird seems to like the Pearl 7 over there," the green-haired sales clerk commented from the counter where he'd been engrossed in a magazine. "It's custom made, they can adjust anything from the shell casing to the colour if she wants."

"Ah, let me ask. Sydney, love," I shouted over the drumming, "What colour would you prefer?"

"Pink!" She yelled back, then I swear began to hang harder. I shrugged and turned back to give the clerk my card. "Pink it is. I'll also take one of the Stratocasters to carry out." He took down my information and retrieved the instrument I eyed on the wall. I took a seat on one of the stools and began fingering out a tune.

"Ooh, blond boy with a guitar. Be still my beating heart," Sydney commented as she dropped down next to my feet, sitting up on her knees with her hands on her thighs.

I had to quell an erection as she looked up at me, the submissive position she'd naturally taken making my blood hum. "I've always wanted one," I explained to distract myself. "My father didn't like loudness in the house, one of the many things that seemed to send him into a rage. I opted to play the cello instead, but Kenzie had one. I'd go to his house and play for hours. Honestly, I'm not sure why I haven't purchased one by now."

"So why don't we have a music room? Because I'm going to spank on that sexy beast over there 24/7 when I get it home." Just as suddenly she expressed the thought aloud she shook her head, ponytail swishing from side to side. "Then again, we'd probably end up boinking in there and destroying thousands of dollars of equipment with our acrobatics."

"Probably, but it's a little late for such logic now." I nudged her with the toe of my trainer when she fell quiet. "What's the matter?"

She shied and looked away. "I don't know. I'm thinking about what kind of house we'd have together, and if it would be like my parent's house, and then I realized they probably won't ever want to come and see it." She covered her face with her hands and leaned forward by the hip. "Goddamnit."

I leaned the guitar against the wall and slid off the seat, enfolding my arms and legs around her body like a ball to shield her from the outside world. The clerk began to walk over -- presumably to see if we were alright -- and I shook my head at him to give us a bit of privacy. "Wife of mine, I didn't realize you were so affected."

"Yeah, sometimes it takes a while for the crappy stuff to hit me." She sat up, and when she dropped her hands into her lap her eyes were wet. My brow furrowed at the sight. Christ, she was upset. She squeezed them shut to keep from shedding any more tears. "Fuck, I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, I like seeing you like this. That is to say, not like this, but I want you to be yourself with me. Sadness and all." I swiped at the bottom of her eyelids, slightly smudging her mascara. She looked lovely. "What can I do to help?"

"Nothing. I'll get over it. Would it be okay if I took a walk, meet you back home later?"

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I checked the notification, smiling slightly when I saw it was from the set of workmen letting me know they were ready to install the equipment. "Of course, love. Don't be too long though, your surprise will be set up soon and I think it may help you feel better." She untangled herself from me and stood, shoving her hands in her pockets as she walked out of the store. I followed suit and headed back home to prepare for her arrival.