Acts of Infidelity - Colin and Rae


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"See what I mean?" Rae said triumphantly.

I had seen my wife's vulva many times after she had been fucked, but seldom had I seen it so obviously well-used. Pink and engorged, her outer lips were huge, puffy and red-tinged as if they had been abraded forcefully by her lover's pubic hair. Her slit was gaping open, as was the entrance to her vagina. Her long, dark-red inner lips protruded like tiny curtains between her upper thighs and her clitoris still stood proudly out from underneath its fleshy hood.

"Jesus! You've been well and truly fucked this time!" I whispered on awe.

"I warned you," she smiled. "Enjoy!"

Fully intending to do just that, I moved quickly between her thighs. Rachel opened her legs wide to make room as I lowered my face towards her exposed crotch. The smell of recent sex was very strong; a heady blend of copious vaginal lubrication and the bitterness of female orgasmic secretions, all overlaid with a powerful aroma of fresh semen.

Her afternoon had indeed been well spent; an overpowering aroma such as this could only have been generated by powerful and repeated orgasms.

No wonder she was looking flushed and tired.

From experience I knew that the wonderful freshness would turn stale quickly, producing a stronger, sourer smell and taste. If I was to enjoy it fully, I had to enjoy it now.

"It's beautiful," I whispered, awestruck.

"You like it?" Rae asked with a cheeky smile. "You enjoy a well-used cunt?"

"You know I do! But this..."

My cock was now painfully erect and tangled in my underwear. I pulled my briefs off quickly before climbing back onto the bed. Once in place, I lowered my head again then licked the soft, smooth inside of her left thigh, from her raised knee right down to the crease where her leg and vulva met.

Rachel sighed contentedly. I repeated the long, slow lick along her right thigh, again stopping just above her messy, gaping slit.

"There's so much cum," I exclaimed in delight. "You're dripping with it."

Rachel smiled contentedly.

"Are you pleased?"

"To bloody right I'm pleased."

"I thought you might be."

It took all my self-control not to dive straight into the wet, gooey prize that awaited me so temptingly, but I knew that the longer I delayed, the more aroused my wife would be when the time came and the more exquisite would be my reward.

"How many times did he cum?" I asked quietly.

Rachel held up three fingers.

"Three?" I demanded unbelieving.

"He's young," she explained. "And a fast re-loader. Besides he came really quickly the first time so he had lots of time to recover."

"Did you cum too?"

"Of course. Isn't it obvious?"

"How many times?"

"I lost count."

"Were the orgasms good?"

"The very best!"

"Did he cum inside you?"

"Surely you can tell that where you are!"

Of course I could; asking the question was just part of the game, as were here teasing answers.

"Did he cum inside you every time?"

"He came once in my ass!"

"Jesus Rae! I thought you didn't like it there..."

"I don't. Usually," the blush on her face was highly unusual. "We got carried away. Before I knew it he was in there!"

"Did it hurt? Are you sore?"

"I'm sore everywhere," she laughed.

"Was it good though?"

"Very good!"

"Let me see!"

She lifted her knees to her chest and parted her legs even wider until her anus was visible under the messy red gash of her vulva. I moved even closer and gasped aloud.

"Jesus! You're gaping there too."

"He's a very big boy."

"And you're leaking there too."

"Then you'd better get on with it, hadn't you?"

I returned my attention to her inner thighs, running the tip of my tongue once again down to her engorged vulva without actually touching it. The result was very satisfying. Two more long slow licks later and Rachel was moaning softly, her hands ruffling my hair.

It was time; time to dive deep into the sloppy, smelly reward I had looked forward to for so long.

My heart thumping loudly, I ran the flat of my tongue in a single slow stroke from the base of my wife's open slit all the way to her protruding clitoris, taking care to scoop into my mouth every last drop of goo that I encountered en-route.

There was a lot, even by Rachel's standards and its flavour was simply sublime. The boy had produced prodigious amounts of semen; even more so if this mouthful represented only two of his three ejaculations.

I rolled the slimy package around my mouth in delight, running it over my tongue time and again, breathing deeply through my nose to enhance the pleasure as I might have done sampling a fine wine. All the notes were there in abundance; the sweetness of my wife's lubrication, the smoothness of sperm-filled semen and underneath them both, the base bitterness of an orgasming woman's vaginal cascade.

It was one of the very best I had known!

"Show me!" Rachel whispered.

I raised my face until I was looking into her eyes then opened my mouth, displaying the pale pool on my tongue.

"Does it taste good?"

I smiled broadly and nodded.

"Can you tell how hard I came?"

I nodded again.

"Then you'd better swallow it down and come back for more!"

I looked straight into her playful eyes, closed my lips and swallowed, sending the mouthful past my throat and down into my belly. Returning to my place between her thighs, two more long, slow laps followed, this time dipping deep into her vagina to scoop out any fluids that might be waiting there.

To my delight there were plenty, and coming from so deep within her, the bitter orgasmic flavour was strong. Rachel shivered as my tongue toyed with her sore places, whether in pleasure or pain I neither knew nor cared.

This was my time.

Lifting her legs higher and parting them further, I began to tongue her violated anus too. It was still gaping but was closing fast. I went to work quickly, thrusting the tip of my tongue past her sphincter in search of the sweet nectar that might be there.

I was in luck; there was a small globule still inside. I lapped it eagerly into my mouth as Rae's fingers continued to tangle in my hair. Whatever it lacked in quantity it made up for in quality. With no vaginal fluids to taint the mix, my mouth filled with a heady combination of straight semen and the powerful flavour of the most secret part of my wife's wonderful body.

A rare treat indeed!

The arousal within me simply surged. I began to tongue her with an energy and passion that took even me by surprise, driving my face hard into her vulva as my lips and tongue sought out every hidden crevice, both within her slit and below it. I thrust my tongue into her vagina then rasped it across her clitoris while my chin roughly stimulated the inside of her thighs.

Rae was moaning loudly, her fingers gripping hair tightly, sometimes pushing my head away from her groin, sometimes pulling it forcefully onto her flexing body.

Did she have enough in her for one more orgasm, this time at my hands?

I didn't know but I had to find out! Redoubling my efforts, I began to concentrate on the exposed tip of her clitoris, flicking the tip of my tongue over it as rapidly as I could while my fingers slipped under my chin and plunged into her vagina.

"Oh yes! Oh Yes!"

It was working; despite all her previous antics Rachel was close to climax once more. Determined to push her over the edge I concentrated even harder, the intensity of my stimulation rising and rising until finally...

"Oh God please no more!"

Rachel's body flexed and twisted on the bed as she came, her legs clamping hard on the sides of my head, her hands tearing small clumps of hair from my head as my mouth filled with the familiar, distinctive taste of my wife's fresh climactic secretions.

Her body already exhausted, the volume was small but the flavour was exquisite. No matter how many times she had climaxed on the young man's obviously impressive cock, I could still take her all the way one last time.

She was still mine.

"Please Col," she whimpered, pulling my head away from her groin. "Please finish now. I'm shattered."

Satisfied, I quickly mounted her, my knees between hers, my arms either side of her shoulders. As I rose over her tired body, the marks on her breasts became even more clearly visible and my arousal soared. I reached down to my erect cock and steered its head towards her open slit. It took barely seconds to locate the gaping entrance to her cunt and position myself then, with a powerful thrust that came from my thighs, hips and belly all at once, I drove my shaft into her over-used body.


The wet, rasping sound that emerged from our conjoined groins as my erect cock entered my wife's vagina was revolting, arousing and amusing all at once as the rapidly-incoming shaft forced a fine spray of female juices and male semen out through her loose entrance, across her inner thighs and over my lower belly.

It had happened before many times and would probably happen again. I loved its rawness and its coarse primeval nature, but most of all I loved what I imagined it meant; that her body had been so filled with her lover's sperm that there had been no room left for me.

After that there was no stopping me. As I had done so many times before, I began to fuck Rachel like a man possessed. The previous hours had been for her desires; now was the time for mine. I gave no thought to her pleasure at all as I fucked her, thrusting in and out of her open, unresisting body as hard and as wildly as I wanted.

I felt her fingers on my chest, on my shoulders, on my face as I hammered into her. I felt her legs rising and wrapping themselves around my waist, exposing her vulva even more completely, allowing my rock-hard erection to reach as deep into her vagina as it ever could. I felt her pelvic floor tighten, her vagina grasping my shaft tighter and tighter, gripping then releasing me over and over again.


The sounds coming from our colliding groins were wet and loud, the bedsprings complaining at the continued pounding they had received, first from her young lover and now from me. I felt the ball of heat forming at the base of my shaft then growing quickly. My own climax would not be long in coming.

"Cum Col," Rachel gasped, her experienced, unfaithful brain recognising the familiar signs of a man about to reach climax inside her. "I'm so sore. Please cum soon."

The ball of heat shot outwards from beneath the base of my cock, down the insides of both thighs and up my spine as, whatever my mind wanted, my body began to comply with my wife's pleas.

The climax that hit me was intense; deep and powerful, breaking the rhythm of my thrusts completely, sending my spine and hips into spasm as my erect cock first swelled within Rae's cunt then began to pulse as my ejaculation began.

Deep inside her body, rope after rope of my semen began to spurt from the tiny lips to join what remained of the young man's multiple deposits at the entrance to my wife's womb.


The release of pressure, tension and cuckold jealousy as I reclaimed the body of my legal, acknowledged wife in the most basic way possible, was as intense as it had ever been throughout our marriage. The brutal, physical manifestation of the reassertion of my place in her life was a reward like no other.

Unless a man has experienced for himself what it is really like to let the woman in his life go; to know that another man has taken her; has used her willingly in every way, has even left his mark on her both inside and out, then that man cannot understand the agonies and jealousies the cuckold both suffers and enjoys.

And unless, after having freed her completely, she returns to him equally willingly, bearing the evidence of that rampant infidelity and gives herself back to him, that man cannot understand the sheer joy and relief that comes from knowing she is his again.

That is what being married to Rachel is like.


"Will you see him again?" I asked as we lay, still cuddling under the duvet half an hour later.

"He goes back to sea tomorrow," she told me quietly. "He'll be gone six months at least."

"Are you upset about that?"

"Not really," my wife smiled. "He was a lot of fun and good in bed but it had run its course."

At least that explained the unusual length and energy of their copulation; it had been a farewell fuck.

"Have you anyone else in mind?" I asked.

"I think I need a break for a while," she said. "This last one was a bit intense. Maybe a few months."

I smiled; Rachel had voiced this kind of intention many times before. Sometimes the break had been long; more often the next young man had presented himself much sooner than she had intended. I knew better than to rely on my wife's end-of-affair good intentions.

In truth, I'm not even sure I wanted her to have a break if the pleasures her infidelities brought both of us could be as intense as this had been.

"I suppose we'd better get on with it," Rae eventually said, swivelling to the edge of the mattress then standing up naked by the bed. "The new booking arrives tomorrow morning. We've got cleaning to do."

I watched my wife as she crossed the room then went out onto the landing. Her short, shapely, curvy body was by no means what every woman aspired to but since we had been together, few men we had met had failed to find very attractive indeed.

A moment later I heard the bathroom door close. A short while after that the toilet was flushed and I heard the shower starting up. Soon the sticky evidence both of her infidelity and my re-claiming would be washed away. The marks on her breasts and the swollen redness of her vulva would soon fade; she would once again be indistinguishable from any normal, moderately attractive woman you might meet.

I looked around the room, as I rose from the bed. The sheets needed changing and the windows opening to clear the house of the smell of sex which was rapidly becoming stale.

From the noises coming from the kitchen downstairs, the dog was becoming impatient too.

A couple of hours' of hard work lay ahead of us.

It was time to be a normal couple again. Until next time of course.


And that's our life.

I don't expect most men or even women to understand the way we choose to live. Sometimes I find it hard to understand myself and I make no attempt to justify it here. All I would say is that it works for us and if that is the case, it really is no-one else's business.

So why did I choose to tell my story here and now?

The simple answer is a selfish one; I need to get it out of my system. Over the years, it has become harder and harder to keep it all secret. The emotions surrounding all that Rachel and her lovers do, and how it makes me feel are so powerful that the urge to tell at least one person eventually became irresistible.

But who could I tell? None of our friends would understand. They believe us to be a normal, friendly, happy couple - albeit one in which the wife is younger and sexier than her husband. But that's not unusual is it?

Thank God for the anonymous internet.

Like many men, I have been an avid reader of cuckold stories online for the last few years. If nothing else, it has shown me that I am by no means alone in wanting to have a cheating wife even if I am unusual in actually having one.

Eventually I couldn't bear the pressure of silence any longer and blurted out the main parts of our story in an unsolicited email to the author whose work most suggested she might understand my situation. Being female, I thought she might be less judgemental too.

So it turned out; Jenny replied and over the next few months teased the rest of my tale out of me.

I hope that, if it is published, I will feel some kind of relief. I think I will.

I know some readers will despise me for being a cuckold. I suspect many will envy me for the same reason. Others will simply be baffled that a man can be so calm about his wife cheating so often and so openly.

Whichever kind of reader you are, I hope you enjoyed the story.

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cmj711cmj711about 1 year ago

Jenny did your story justice!

And... it excited me, a senior woman hearing from a male point of view the pleasure you enjoy cleaning up & reclaiming your wife after she has been fucked. Delicious! Thank you ;)

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanabout 2 years ago

"Delicious" story for those into this life

iameaseliameaselabout 2 years ago

Ahhhh the joys of a gay dude pretending to be a woman to live his homosexual desires out in a public way because in his RL he's afraid of opening that closet door.

mountainhideawaymountainhideawayabout 2 years ago

Loved it.

Never had anything like this but understand it is out there.

I’m in early seventies with a loving wife that we have never been able to have intercourse!

Now because of her terminal illness we don’t even hardly cuddle. I’m reading all of these stories vicariously, wishing for more!

Glad I have this… site to read.

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