Adage of the Snow-Water Ch. 02


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To test the mental acuity of her Ordinals, he had constructed one of the most complex intertwined metal structures with the aim of having each and every piece untangled within a time limit. It was a difficult task for those who were impatient and unable to think out of the box.

His only concern at the moment was the number of Ordinals who were pledging their services to her. They were too few and unvaried. A Metal Ordinal or a Fire one would be of some good to her. However, apart from Marcus, the Metal clan was still too young to nurture enough Angels to Ordinal status yet.

"I'll inform flight control in France."

Zilarrezko smiled, angling his head slightly towards Anthony. He must have been thinking out loud for Anthony seemed to have come to the same conclusions as he did. Aria could do with a Fire Ordinal.

The only problem was -they were few and almost difficult to procure.

It didn't help that entering France- the centre of Archangel Cyrus's base - was difficult and time consuming. Strict Angel flight and landing protocols meant that Angels needed permits to land in specific zones and at specific times.

Especially now.

With the influx of Earth Angels seeking refuge in safe territories, Archangel Cyrus had excessively clamped down access into his lands, allowing entry only via flight channels -which the Earth Angels were unable to as most were still learning how to balance with their new wings.

"Perhaps we should take the jet."

The two Angels turned towards the feminine voice lingering by the doorway. Julia, with her long white hair and smooth mahogany skin, floated into the room.

Beside him, Anthony stiffened even more than his usual self. The disease Noor mentioned was affecting more than one member of the family it seems.

"Can you chart the nearest landing site to Aria's headquarters? We may have to fly in from there."

Julia nodded, gracefully moving closer to her Archangel.

"Although... I don't see why she would need a Fire Ordinal to be honest. Lucian is more than capable of providing any fire power she might need."

"Are you saying that one of us here is redundant?" A low warning growl from Anthony.

Julia simply looked at him lazily. "It is undeniable that one can exist without the other."

The tension between the two of them buzzed like an overheated engine. It would be a matter of time before they'd jump at each other.

Zilarrezko could watch them debate the whole day - of which they could - but their time was limited.

"That's enough for now. You two seriously need to work on your concept of foreplay." At their mutinous silence, he continued. "The aim is not to give her the best Ordinals. I want her to have the choice and variety of choosing them. What she decides after, is up to her."

Julia bit her lips, brows knit in obvious disapproval but she remained silent; her arms crossed.

"Since that's settled, let's head east now. I want to catch Cyrus before he leaves for Aria's."


When she heard the knock on her door, Chióni got up, slightly bouncing in her steps. She was feeling playful after her promised challenge with Marcus earlier. Perhaps he wasn't so bad after all.

"Did you forget something?"

All light—heartedness evaporated at the sight of her unwelcomed guest.

Staring into lavender eyes, she leaned against her door frame, arms crossed.

"What do you want?" Her tone fell flat and sharp.

Oh he wanted so many things - like having her pursed lips tangled with his or hearing her sigh when he licked that sweet spot behind her ear...

But more importantly, he wanted to know what she and Marcus were discussing in secret. Surely if it was Ordinal business, he would be informed.

And that ridiculous cheerfulness on her face! Did Marcus put it there? Damn that two-timing bastard.

"Well? I don't have all day you know."

Lucian wasn't in the mood for pleasantries anymore. The fact that someone else had made her limber and contented made him forget what he was really there for.

"Do you always have a stick up your arse or is that only reserved for me?"

He barely caught the flash of anger in her eyes before the door slammed in his face.

"Bitch," he murmured to himself. He was much better off on land anyway; far from the stifling cloister of her underwater quarters.

He was still grumbling when he felt a giant mass of coldness slam into the back of his head.

And all he saw next was the wooden flooring of the repurposed ship.

"Aria shouldn't have allowed you into her service. It was a mistake; an oversight on her part." Turning on her heels, she retreated to her quarters stopping at the last moment to give him a final look of disappointment. "If you have any dignity at all, you should leave. You're only going to bring trouble and misery to this clan."

He heard the slam of her door and waited until he was sure she wasn't going to come out again. Lucian didn't dare to get up otherwise.

With rage fuelling his strength, he would have barged into her room and taken her down - she would thank him later for it but Lucian didn't think he'd want his first time with her to be a mess of anger and hormones.

"You're killing me Chióni. Why do I always have to go for the difficult ones?"

Rolling on his back, he gazed up onto the transparent ceiling showcasing the bounty of the sea swimming freely overhead. Some would call it beautiful but it made him sick with claustrophobia.

Perhaps Chióni was right. He didn't fit here.

What Ordinal lives apart from his Archangel? What use will he be if he couldn't rush to her aid in a heartbeat? Aria had been so gracious and kind to allow him to stay on land when she could have ordered him underwater just like everybody else - maybe that was a mistake.

With wings drooping like melting lavender ice-cream, Lucian made his way back up into the warm, oxygen rich world where at least he felt comfortable.

Where he would usually fly to the lighthouse entrance, this time he chose to climb the stairs. The old crumbling rock steps hadn't been refurbished so the hike up was done amidst mould and grime.

Lucian didn't mind. It gave him extra time to think about Chióni and what she had said. She must really despise him. Good looks it seems were not what got into her charm books. Maybe she went for the manly, brawns type like Marcus - who for the love of life does not know how to tell a good joke.

Who'd fall for that?

"Ah damn it." A single midnight blue rose at his porch. Kissa.

She, with all her sweetness and innocence, had chosen Marcus as her strong protector and Lucian would have relented - except that Marcus might be simultaneously kindling Chióni's inner flame.

There was no way in hell that Lucian would allow his baby girl to get hurt.

Leaving flowers at his doorstep was their secret way of setting up a meeting, at their special place. And perhaps tonight, they'd seek some comfort in each other amidst the floating bad news.

Picking up the rose, he tucked in his breast pocket and unfurled his wings. With only the moonlight as a guide, Lucian soared in the night heading north-west to a small island off the tip of the south-east Asian continent.

She was already there. Hair fanned out behind her as she lay on the soft grass staring at the cloud of eagles in the sky.

"You're late," she announced the moment he touched down.

"My apologies ma chérie. You know I wouldn't keep you waiting unnecessarily."

Sitting up, she twisted her body slightly to stare at him. Lucian knew that look.

Oh boy was he in for a night of tears.

"Kissa..." he warned even as she inched closer, eyes almost shining in the night; her face full of smiles and promises.

"He kissed me today! He kissed me! He kissed me!" she shouted, jumping onto her lavender Angel in a fierce bear hug.

Perhaps it was best to allow her this one night of happiness. One heart broken was already one too many for Lucian.

"Tell me all about it!" he chirped; worry lines ceasing to exist as his signature grin took its place.

"Oh Lucian... it was perfect. I... I couldn't breathe, couldn't speak, couldn't do anything! Oh my god Lucian, I didn't even kiss him back! Is that bad?"

What was bad was how she was gripping his arm so tightly but Lucian simply laughed. "Oh no! I think that's wonderful. Small steps my princess."

"I want to kiss him again!" Her eyes widened suddenly, a maelstrom creating chaos in the darkness of her pupils. Then her head crashed onto his shoulder. "I feel awful! Lucian! That's just a terrible thing to say isn't it?"

Lucian brought his hand around her to gently stroke back her black locks. "It's not wrong to want somebody so much but sometimes it can really hurt."

Kissa caught the slight tremble in his voice and pulled away. Lucian was looking completely like his normal self but there was something there... something that hurt. It was a deep ache that she was slowly starting to feel it in the depths of her heart.

He was hurting. Why hadn't she seen this before? Had she been so blinded by her own emotions to sense this from her only friend?

"Lucian?" She tilted his chin up to look at her and saw the truth behind the soft violet eyes. No...

He was hurting for her.

"Don't you dare lie to me Lucian." It wasn't a threat. Kissa couldn't bring herself to hurt anyone that way. It was merely an urging to know more. She had to!

Knowing there was no way to hide from her, Lucian gave in with a big sigh.

"You should stay away from Marcus, Kissa."


"Because I don't want you hurt."

Her eyes narrowed suspiciously. "You can't protect me forever Lucian. Spit it out."

Groaning, Lucian fell backwards, landing on the soft grass; hands covering his face.

"I think something is going on with Marcus and Chióni. There! There I said it!"

She was obviously not expecting that. Blinking back the shock, Kissa settled herself next to Lucian; one wing around his shoulder.

They sat that way for a long time, simply admiring the view of the sea and the sounds of the eagles.

"You should court her." Kissa finally stood up, a foot stamping the ground in support of her decision. "I know you secretly want to."

"What's the point. She hates me." He told her what happened earlier outside her quarters.

"You are the most wonderful Angel I have ever met. No one has ever failed to resist your charms! Come on, you even managed to convince Aria that you should live in the lighthouse all by yourself. I doubt Archangel Zilarrezko would give in to such a request."

"She's got a soft spot for me and I shamelessly exploited it," he confessed sheepishly. "But look, Chióni isn't your ordinary Angel. She has ice running in her veins. She doesn't feel nor does she cares. Surely you know this better than I do."

A look at her scabs and yellowing bruises confirmed that much. But Kissa was adamant.

"Let's take it as a challenge. I will take your advice and keep my distance from Marcus and you will take my advice to court Chióni. If you get her to kiss you before I get one from Marcus, then you'll get to stay in your towering Lighthouse."

Lucian's head snapped up. What did she just say? Surely she cannot...

"That's blackmail."

"Hey, I'm pre-Cardinal. That makes me higher ranking than both of you so suck it up."

Rolling his eyes, Lucian considered Kissa very carefully. So sneaky for such a docile creature!

"And what if you get kissed before me - when you're not supposed to?"

"Then I shall take residence at your place as punishment. And you will take mine."

She was serious. Lucian knew how much she hated being trapped in anything concrete.

"And Aria?"

"I'll talk to her about it."

"No! Don't you dare! This is between you and me."

The two Angels regarded each other suspiciously.

"Fine. We'll report here to each other weekly on our progress."



Archangel Cyrus wasn't too pleased to have guests while preparing his test for Aria's coronation. It was so like him - competitive and secretive.

Zilarrezko had to remind him that there were no prizes for the toughest test.

"Still, I'd appreciate a bit more notice before you come barging in here."

Always the diplomat, Zilarrezko bowed his head slightly in apology. "I was merely hoping to save you the energy for the long flight. My jet is at your service."

Narrowing his eyes, Cyrus eyed the Metal Cardinal with suspicion. Zilarrezko was not one to offer anything for no reason. So what did he want?

Circling the trio, Cyrus studied each of their stone-faced expressions. While Zilarrezko truly wanted to be in the Fire clan kingdom, his two Ordinals did not. Resentment was evident on Julia's face, despite her best efforts to disguise them. Why was that?

And Anthony, his dear, dear brother, what would make him re-enter the Fire clan territory - when they had parted on less than cordial ways the last time -unless of course, he felt he had an edge. But over what?

"Such a big jet and yet only three of you?" Cyrus took a moment to sneer. "Perhaps you've lost another Ordinal to Aria? That would be a shame."

"Cyrus." A low warning growl.

"Ah! He speaks!"

Crossing over to Anthony, Cyrus stared up into the same amber eyes as his, imploring his brother to divulge the truth about their visit.

Your blood is still of Fire. This is where your loyalty should lie.

Hooded eyes blinked lazily at the Fire Cardinal.

You want something... I know it. I can feel it.

Anthony remained impassive.

You cocky son of a bitch. What is it! Why are you so confident you'll get it?

A supple sensual scent filled the air, distracting the brothers as the main door creaked open.

"Archangel... oh! My apologies, I... I didn't realise we had company."

Wrapped in a curve-hugging full bodied red velvet dress, Brenna was like sex on legs. Even her voice had a seductive tilt framed by plump rose lips.

Cyrus looked at his Fire Ordinal and then at Anthony and smiled.

"Oh no Brenna please come and join us. Archangel Zilarrezko here has offered us a ride to the coronation ceremony."

"Thank you Cardinal." Her words were meant for Zilarrezko but Brenna only had eyes for one Angel in the room.

"Well, Zilarrezko, since you've offered to take us all, let me introduce you to my other Ordinals. I don't think Julia's met all of them yet." Slipping one hand into the crook of Julia's arm, he led her away from the room, aware of her silent protests.

With pleading eyes, she willed her Archangel to her aid. Zilarrezko had no choice.

"Catch up," he merely said to Anthony as he stormed off behind Julia's trail.

Alone with the sensual siren, Anthony was simply annoyed. He had seen the look on Julia's face when Brenna was devouring his body from afar and he didn't appreciate the tinge of hurt in her eyes.

"Have you come back for me, Anthony?" Her soothing voice did nothing to tame the flames within him. Damn that Cyrus. He knew how much he hated being around Brenna.

"Brenna, you're too beautiful to waste yourself on me. You know it's impossible between us."

Moving closer, she leaned forward, palms resting on his chest as she looked up. Her pale brown eyes and the absence of wings - a trick that Brenna had perfected -made her look so forlorn, so normal... so human.

Anthony instinctively reacted to his need to protect by gently caressing her head in reassurance.

"I can't Brenna and you know that."

Her lashes went up in flames. "Why?"

Ignoring her question, he placed each hand at the side of her arm and lifted her an inch away from him. Looking down sternly like a strict parent, he frowned and crossed his arms.

"We came here to look for a Fire Ordinal. I've been too long away from home to know what our numbers are."

A single confused crease marred her flawless face. "I don't understand. Is Archangel Zilarrezko replacing you?"

"That is none of your concern."

Lips pursed, Brenna stepped back, her eyes glistening in the light. "There has not been many since the last wave. Our kind are dwindling... and not mating."

Anthony flicked a warning look. Brenna simply held his gaze defiantly.

"But Ignis will be of Ordinal level in a decade or so."

Anthony could hear the pride in her voice. Fire Angels rarely speak of Ignis for she was seen as an anomaly. Possessing a flame that was so blue, even her parents initially thought there had been a mix-up during her birth.

However, if she was yet an Ordinal that would make her... a baby.

"She's 700 years old," corrected Brenna.

"Let's take her along with us then."

The gentleness in her voice disappeared, replaced by a fierce possessiveness.

"No. She's just a baby. If you want a Fire Ordinal, you can have me."

"You are bounded to Cyrus."

Fire in her eyes, Brenna reached out and gripped his wrist tight. "No, I am bounded only to you."

That was one truth that he could never dispute. Apart from her apparent attraction, a Fire Ordinal's true allegiance was to him. Older and more powerful than Cyrus, Anthony knew that he was approaching Cardinal level. But had he unknowingly made the cross over? Brenna would never pledge herself so outwardly otherwise.

"Brenna, bring Ignis with you and we will talk about it."

The younger Fire Ordinal looked at him dubiously. She knew it was not a promise but Anthony had never asked anything of her before until now.

"We'll both be waiting by the jet in an hour. Don't leave without me again."


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Please Continue!

...and soon!!!!!

johntc24johntc24over 9 years ago
Enjoying your writing

Have read and enjoyed all your submissions. Really enjoy your characters, as well as plot formation. Hope to hear more from you soon. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Always love your chapters!


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