Adam and Eve Project Pt. 02


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Macka shrugged, "I only know him as 'doctor'. All I care is that he pays well. According to what he said on the phone, you must have really pissed him off."

Peter had pondered the risk of charging at the rifle, especially since the guy was paying more attention to the women than to him. He took one guarded step, but the gun was instantly pointing at him, "Hero, is it?" Macka laughed.

Baz had backed Karen's Audi so that it was in front of the pick-up, but far enough back to be difficult to spot from the road. He came back across the road, a big grin on his stubbled face. Peter's hands tightened as, through the gloom, he saw the eyes fixed on Sara's breasts, and heard his words, "Come on, time for a bit jazzy jazzy."

"Torch and stuff?" Macka asked.

Baz nodded, "Pick them up as we pass."

Macka lifted the rifle meaningfully to the three, "Right, across the road, past the car."

Karen had been cursing herself for believing that Vic would let things go that easily. She should have been more alert. "You're being very foolish," she said, as they moved towards where the vehicles were hidden.

Macka treated her to a crooked smile, "I think you might enjoy it. The first part anyway."

Silently the moved among the trees. Peter was certain they should have tried to make some kind of move before the trees surrounded them. But he could not think of anything with that rifle pointing at them. He only knew the little he had read about guns, and what they could do. Now he was following Baz, who walked sideways to keep an eye on them, while Macka brought up the rear, just behind Karen.

Ahead of her Karen heard Sara's gasp as Baz leaned into the open back of the pick up, and when he stood back he was clutching a torch and a coil of rope in one hand. But it was the other hand that had brought the gasp from Sara, and it had Karen's heart sinking. For in his right hand Baz clutched—a spade.

"You can't do this," Karen protested, half turning, but Macka prodded the rifle into her side.

"I'll be prodding you with something else very soon," Macka growled. "Promise."

They hadn't travelled far beyond the two vehicles when the path opened out just a little. Baz stopped, speaking to Macka, but his eyes on Sara. "Good spot for some sport?"

Macka seemed to consider that, "Might be a good idea. I've had her backside twitching in front of me the last few minutes. Time I gave it something to twitch around."

He moved up alongside Baz and faced the three, the rifle pointing meaningfully. "You two ladies are going to be involved in a joyful interlude. So think yourself lucky. What about him?"

Baz gave Peter a spiteful grin, " I promised he could watch a lesson in screwing. I'll tie him to a tree."

Peter tensed himself, ready to lunge at Macka first. Maybe get the gun. Then he saw Karen shake her head, "No, Peter. It's not worth it."

Macka laughed, "See? She's eager for it. Get yourself over there." And he waved the rifle at Peter, who moved only slowly. Baz drove his spade to stick in the ground, as he came alongside Peter, and pushed him hard so he stumbled against the tree, bumping his head lightly. By the time he had recovered Baz had looped the rope behind his neck and under his arms, so that he was able to drag him against the tree, where he pulled Peter's arms back around the tree. He tied the rope, rendering Peter helpless.

"Now, ladies," Macka warned. "just so you know. Any attempt to run is, frankly, a waste of your time and mine. Honestly, I think you're going to like this. Now, strip off."

"Don't do anything of the kind, Sara," Karen said gently to a trembling Sara.

An angry frown crossed Macka's face, and then with a nod to Baz he sneered, "Oh, you like it the hard way. Yeah, on second thoughts, it might add to the sport if we do it for them." He leaned the rifle against a tree and moved towards Karen, "Scream if you like. But they'll be squeals of joy, soon. Out of the way, Baz wants your body." And he pushed Sara towards the advancing Baz.

Sara had been clinging desperately to Karen, and was castigating herself for being so terrified. She should be more -more what?-brave? Clever? Difficult? Yes, she should be making it more difficult for them.

And it was at that point that she heard Karen murmur, "Remember what Vanessa told you." Sara had looked back at the doctor, and Karen nodded her head. "Yes?"

Peter watching in dread and horror, heard what Karen said, and was utterly baffled. Who the hell was Vanessa? He watched the two thugs approach the tense and trembling women. Baz was leering at Sara and was unzipping his jeans as he said, "Suck or fuck, madam?"

Later, Peter was to wonder about the speed of the next few moments. He saw Baz reach out with both hands to pull Sara towards him, but that was as far as he got. Sara raised her hands and, to Peter's amazement, her thumbs dug at Baz's eyes. That caused him to yell and bring his hands to his eyes, but immediately Sara slapped both her hands against his ears. Baz stood immobile, blinded and stunned.

At the same time, and almost in parallel, Macka had placed his hands directly on Karen's breasts, and in retaliation she had pushed the heel of her hand very forcefully under his nose, causing him to throw his head back, and Peter saw a spurt of blood. Macka emitted an angry roar, and his hands moved to her throat. But, even as he stepped in close, Karen dropped one hand to his groin, where she gripped hard and Peter actually saw her hand twist on his testicles. This time his roar was more of a gasping squeal, and as his head dropped, Karen grabbed his pony tail to pull his head further down to meet her rising knee, which caught him, hard, flush in the face, surely breaking the already bleeding nose. Macka collapsed onto his knees.

All of that happened in a matter of seconds. If there had been time, Peter would have given a round of applause, but first Sara, and very shortly afterwards Karen were racing to where he was bound. Sara struggled with the knot. "Not too tight," she said from behind him. Then Karen was there helping, panting something which he couldn't make out.

It was as he struggled free that he saw that Baz had recovered somewhat and was staggering towards the rifle. Without a moment's thought, Peter grabbed the spade which Baz had driven into the ground near him, and he swung it high and deliberately and heard the pleasing clang as the flat side struck Baz on the side of the head, pitching him to the ground.

Macka, too, was struggling to his feet, blood and a look of pure hatred on his face, but, before he could move further, Karen had run to where the rifle lay against a tree. She hefted it in her hands, and with some expertise checked the magazine. Peter was amazed at her confidence as she raised it to her shoulder, and pointed the barrel at Macka.

"Just stay where you are, you baboon," Karen ordered."Or I'll shoot your balls off."

Macka gave her a taunting grin, as he stood unsteadily, legs apart. "You wouldn't have the guts, you stupid bitch,"

The loud gunshot made both Peter and Sara jump, as earth kicked up between Macka's feet. "Just a yard or so higher, " Karen hissed, raising the rifle to point directly at Macka's groin. "On your knees—now."

The shock had caused Macka to stagger back a couple of steps, "You're crazy."

Karen's head shook, "Angry," she corrected, before pointing the rifle more deliberately. "Now, on your knees."

Within minutes, Karen had taken complete control of the situation. She asked Peter and Sara to help bind Macka's hands behind his back, and the same for the slowly recovering Baz, who was totally shaken by the turnaround. The pair were walked back to the pick-up, ordered into the open back, where their hands and legs were further bound with duct tape Karen had in her glove compartment.

When they were rendered as helpless as they could be, Karen had pointed the rifle at them, "Should we just shoot them?" she asked, as Baz wailed in terror. With a look of contempt, she left them there, and led Peter and Sara back to the Audi. "Police will take care of them. Or maybe a bear.".

Karen slung the rifle into the boot of her car before opening her driver's door, where Peter noticed that she was breathing deeply, and once inside she pressed her head forward on the steering wheel, her shoulders heaving.

"Karen?" Peter asked anxiously, glancing at Sara , who had noticed too. "Are you all right?"

Karen raised her head, and turned to look back at them. There were tears on her cheeks. "No, just nervous reaction, I suppose. It was all rather tense." Her response was only a partial truth. Deep down what was hurting her was the notion that Vic could condemn her to death so readily. They had shared so much, and yes, she was set to betray him, but, the idea that he would abandon her to those two lowlifes indicated just how far his mind had disintegrated.

"Right," she said, starting the car engine, "Let's get on our way."

"You were amazing back there," Peter said, and he clutched at Sara's hand. "You both made me look like a spare part."

As Sara gave him a kiss on the cheek, he asked, "What was that about Vanessa? Who's Vanessa?"

Sara laughed at his puzzlement, and Karen half turned to glance at them before saying, "Tell him, Sara."

Sara hugged into Peter, and told him, "She was our self defence mentor. I told you once that I was good at it, but didn't know what use it was. Now I know."

Steering the car out onto the road, Karen added, "I had special adult sessions.. For instance, the squeezing and twisting of testicles couldn't be taught to young ladies who had no idea what they were."

Sara chuckled, feeling more and more relaxed after coming out of that situation. "I'm still not sure. But now I can make a good guess."

"But the rifle, Karen, you looked so confident."

"My father took me shooting from the age of eighteen. Taught me all I know about guns. It's been a long time, but I hadn't forgotten."

They fell silent for a while. The light was well into early morning now, and soon Peter noticed that the trees were thinning out, patches of open green began to appear.

"Soon," Karen advised, "you're going to be seeing things that are going to raise a million questions. Buildings, masses of people, men and women, all dressed in different ways, traffic, cars and wagons-so much. Once I've seen the police, and settled that side of things I intend to devote much time to the pair of you, educating you."

"Will you have time?"

"I'll have plenty of time. One thing I have after thirteen years back there is a very healthy bank balance. I intend to ensure the pair of you are well taken care of." She cringed that she had used that phrase, Vic's phrase.

Then the buildings started, houses, taller buildings that astounded Peter and Sara. So many buildings packed closely together, so many people, equally crammed close, as the morning picked up.

Before long Karen turned the car into a driveway that led up to a large entrance of a building that towered above them. "The Perkins Hotel," she declared. As she stopped the car a man in a fancy coat and cap came to open the doors for them.

Almost dumbstruck Peter and Sara went through the procedures of the following hour in a magical state. Brilliant decor, constant traffic of people, a fountain just outside the wide windows at the rear of the hotel, all too much to take in.

Checking in, Karen advised the receptionist that Sara was her niece and Peter was Sara's partner. Room allocation was on the fourth floor, a double for them and a single next door for Karen.

When all that was cleared, Karen said, "Maybe it would be best if you came with me to police headquarters. It'll give more credence to what I have to tell them. And it's not far away."

They walked, what was only a short distance, to headquarters, but in that time, for Peter and Sara, it was wonder after wonder. Brightly designed shop windows, streams of gleaming cars, traffic noises, and people of all shapes sizes and colours.

Serious as the matter was now, Karen could not help being amused by their wonder at all the things they were seeing as they walked out on the street. They had only ever seen pictures of a dog. They watched as people walked by with their pets on a lead. Karen realised how deprived all the children in their care had been in the mansion. She was determined to make it up to Peter and Sara.

Police headquarters was another experience. So many men in uniform, Peter liked the look of that. They looked so authorative. It took a little while for Karen to convince anyone of how serious her story was. Eventually she was taken away to give further details and Peter and Sara were led to a small room where they were sat on a cosy sofa, given cups of coffee and a very welcome bacon sandwich each, while two detectives, a man and a woman questioned them sensitively, but looked awestruck at some of their answers.

"You were shut in together, but didn't know what sex was?" The woman said incredulously. She exchanged glances with her companion.

"Hell, Jill, I'll wager you couldn't handle that," the male detective joked.

But the questioning continued to be kindly, and inside an hour Karen came in to tell them that a patrol car directed to where she'd told them the two thugs were, had radioed in to confirm that they had been taken into custody. Satisfied that their story was going to hold water, two helicopters were carrying a team of investigator out to the manor.

"Helicopters for speed," Karen told them. "And they want me to go with them. I'm told you'll be well looked after here."

They were made comfortable in another room that had windows looking out into the main concourse, where they could look out at the panoply of life that constituted an active police headquarters.

For another three hours, detectives, sometimes women, came and asked questions. After a while Peter turned to Sara and said, "I'm sure these visits aren't official." He was proved right when one of the women detectives, affirmed that in most cases it was simply disbelief, "It's so hard to imagine what you kids have experienced."

"Or what we haven't experienced," Sara insisted.

At last, Karen returned, all smiles, to tell them that everything had gone as they had hoped. She told them that the rapid response team had flown two helicopters out to the mansion.. She had been with one team thus avoiding the one arresting Dr Vic Garven, who she had no wish to meet.

Karen looked from one to the other of them, her face taking on a solemn expression as she told them ,"The mentor, Guy, pointed out the relevant thicket, and, sadly, they were graves . Recent ones.There is much more investigation to be done, and you may have to answer even more questions. I could even be in some trouble, having been involved for so long, but I'm confident that will work out."

She sighed as she went on, "My major concern now is you two. If I have any recompense to make I can do it best by ensuring you step into your new lives on a confident basis. Now, to the hotel."

Peter and Sara could only gasp at the sumptuous decor of the room that Karen led them into. A large living room, with lavish sofas, a large screen TV on one wall, an elegant table, a balcony from which they could see down to a coastline and the calm waters of what Karen told them was 'the ocean'. Through a single door was a large equally lavish bedroom containing the largest bed they had ever seen. Karen laughed at their reaction as she said it was a king size bed. They had so much to learn, so much to experience. It was all too demanding at first viewing.

Karen enjoyed their amazement so much. It gave her great pleasure to say, "You'll probably want to catch some sleep. Or, if not," and here she gave them a fond smile," you are no longer being watched. Your real lives start here and now. I'll see you for an evening meal."

When Karen closed the door behind her Sara commented, "We have been so lucky to have her." Peter couldn't have agreed more.

After she left they spent only a little time reviewing the wonder of the place. They showered in a cubicle that might have held twelve, but eager to sample the massive bed, they kept the soapy caresses to a minimum. Then, both naked, Peter on one side of the bed, Sara on the other, they gazed at each other from a distance.

"Are we sleeping?" Peter asked, with a smile.

"Are we hell!" Sara declared, as together they dived to meet in the middle.

Skin on skin once more, in such special surroundings, was fantastic. Peter wanted to make this special for her. As they kissed passionately, tongues meeting as though in gratitude for having escaped what might have been, Peter began to lean over Sara, his hands searching over the wonder of her breasts and going on down to tickle between her legs. His erection was already pressed against her thigh.

"No you don't," Sara declared, as she broke the kiss, and pushed at his shoulder so that he rolled onto his back, and she was leaning over him. "This was to be my work time. Remember?"

He smiled up at her before her mouth covered his once more. There was a brief tangle of tongues with the old familiar tingling in his mouth. Then her lips were kissing his eyes, his cheeks, her tongue tickled into one ear, before sliding down the side of his neck, while he felt her fingers flutter around his erection like butterflies around blossom.

Sara, determined, yet uncertain, only wanted to repay what he had done to her the night before. God, was that only, what? eight hours ago. So much had happened since then. His hands were on her breasts as she leaned over him, and the old sensations were starting inside her. Her lips traced on over his shoulders, and down his chest, as she held onto his penis.

Peter lavished his attention on her breasts and was about to slide his hand down to her lower lips when they moved out of his reach, as Sara eased down the bed. What was she going to do? Was she going to-? Oh, yes, she was.

Sara had licked down, down over his belly, and now she drew her head back and considered this ultimate step. The one thing that might match what he had done for her last night. Peter's solid penis was in the palm of her hand, and she tightened and slackened her grip around it, while she noted his reactions to whatever she did to him. The purple head was very near her lips as she leaned forward, seeing the small slit from which would pour the white fluid, and which, she knew well, gave him much pleasure. Mischievously she pecked a string of kisses over it, heard his little groan, and repeated the action.

With just a little more devilment she closed her hand around the sack behind his penis. Her eyes looked up at his face, as she mused loudly, "Squeeze and twist, wasn't it?"

"Don't you dare," Peter said lightly.

Sara laughed and trailed her lips along his whole length, and returned with parted lips mouthing along the shaft. She was sure it hardened under her touch.

"Is there anything you would like me to do with it?"

"Anything you are comfortable with. What you did just now was highly exciting." Peter said, and it had been, but he couldn't help wondering how it would feel if her lips closed around it completely. Was that a natural act? Certainly, placing his tongue in her most intimate area had delighted her. Truth was he just didn't know if she wished to go that far on him.

What he did know was that not being able to reach any part of her body was very frustrating. He loved bringing those special thrills to her. So he told her.

Her lips still playing up and down his penis, lingered on those lumps that she now knew were 'testicles'. That him jump, as she she told him, "I said this was my special party." But having said that, and without moving her lips away, she was able, on this big bed, to shuffle her legs around so that they were lying almost head to tail. She half knew what to expect from this position, but first she felt his face rub into her belly, while his hands stroked along her inner thighs.