Adam's Best Friend


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I walked through the door of Adam's apartment and spied Gary out on the balcony working with the small barbecue pit. Classic rock music filled the air. He briefly looked up and waved before turning his attention back to what he was doing. I waved back and smiled to myself.

You are such a dork. He didn't mean anything by what he said last night. It was just the wine talking.

With that one look I could tell that everything was back to normal with us. How I'd spent so much time thinking about one stupid line was beyond me.

I heaved a sigh and headed for the bedroom to change clothes.

We ate burgers and chips and then settled on the sofa to watch television. Eventually, I ended up sprawled out on most of the sofa with my feet tucked into the cushions near Gary's butt. His arm had come to drape comfortably over my lower legs. Occasionally, his fingertips would absentmindedly trace little circles on the skin above my knee.

I fell asleep like that, only to wake up to no Gary. He'd slipped out sometime in the night, turning off all the lights and television and throwing a blanket over my bare legs which were stretched to the end of the sofa. I briefly considered traipsing to bed but remembered what a fitful night I'd had there and decided to stay put.


I noticed there was a missed call and voice message on my cell as I was walking to my car the following morning.

"Hey, babe..." For a brief second, I thought it was Adam. He and Gary sounded so much alike on the phone. It didn't help that they used the same terms of endearment. "...Sorry I left without saying goodbye. You looked like you needed the sleep. I recorded the last show so you could finish watching it tonight..." For a second, my heart tripped. It sounded like he wasn't planning to come over again. "...Anyway, I hope you're not mad about leaving you there. I would've carried you to your bed, but I thought it might be weird if you woke up. I can still come by tonight if you want. Call me when you get a chance. I'll keep my phone on."

I hit the button to return his call and fumbled with the receiver as I tossed my purse in the passenger side of the car, set my coffee in the drink holder, and shoved the keys into the ignition.

"Hey, Kate. Hang on a second."

I heard Gary's footsteps through the phone. He was at work and probably just needed to find a place to talk.

"You still there?"

"Yeah, Gary. I'm here."

"Good. Sorry about that. I needed to get out of the wind. It's gusty out here this morning."

"No problem. Hey, no hard feelings about last night. I'm glad you left me on the sofa. I slept better there than in the bed the night before."

"Missing Adam?"

"No." My quick answer startled me. "I mean, of course I miss him, I don't think that's what kept me from sleeping." Oh, brilliant Kate. "Are you coming over tonight?"

"Do you want me to?"

"Yeah, of course I do."

"Okay. What time?"

"Any time is fine. The thought of coming home to an empty place sort of gives me the creeps, actually."

"It won't bother you if I use my key? I sort of overstepped that yesterday to get the grill going."

"No, not at all."

"Okay. I'll see you tonight then."

"Okay. See you then. Bye."

I took a healthy swig of my coffee and replayed the short conversation in my mind. I hoped I didn't sound too needy. What was all that about coming home to an empty place? Since when do you need someone to be there?

I'd lived alone for years before hooking up with Adam. Since I was 22, to be exact, which was coming on 7 years. I hoped I wasn't turning into one of those timid women who needed to check every nook and cranny of the apartment before feeling safe. Then it dawned on me that it wasn't fear that was driving my need for company, it was loneliness.

I must really miss Adam more than I want to admit.

Work went by fairly quickly. I was in a good mood for some reason. Even the cranky customer call that I got handed right after lunch wasn't so bad. I didn't take it personally, like I had a tendency to do at times. I had to admit that it was one of my better days working at that company. I was a bundle of energy in the car headed home.

I spotted his car again in the parking lot and couldn't help but grin. I knew he'd be there. He rarely failed to follow-through on something he promised to do. This wasn't certainly anything major, but I knew he would pull it off.

Gary was lounging on the sofa surfing the television guide with a beer in his hand when I walked through the door. He tossed the remote control and swung around the sofa to greet me.

"Hey, Katydid. How was your day?" His arms wrapped fully around me in a warm hug.

"Good. How was yours?"

"Good. I bought some beer. You want one?"

"Sure. I'm just going to go get changed first."

"It'll be waiting for you."

I shuffled to the bedroom and quickly stripped my work clothes. I was anxious to get back out to the living room.

"Did you hear about the high-speed chase downtown this afternoon?"

Gary was standing just on the other side of the closed bedroom door. I froze for a second and then relaxed. There was something erotic about hearing his voice while I was only wearing my bra and panties. It sent a heated rush down my body.

"Uh, yeah. I heard it on the radio on the way home."

"They passed right by me."

"No, shit?"

I scrambled to pull up my shorts and drag the tee shirt over my head before opening the door.

"What did you do?"

"I was at a light. I had no idea it was even going on until after I got home." Gary handed me an open beer, nestled in a foam koozie. He frowned at me and then chuckled. "Do you know your shirt is on inside out?"

I dropped my chin to look for myself. "Oh, shit. Here." I handed him my beer and walked back around the corner out of view. I didn't bother to shut the door since it only took me a second to flip it and pull it back over my head. "Damn that Adam. On the rare occasion he folds laundry, he doesn't pay any attention to whether or not it's right side out."

"It's no big deal to me."

"No. But it would be embarrassing to go out like this. Usually it doesn't matter because it's just my underwear, which no one can see."

Gary laughed. "Hey, at least he does laundry."

I rolled my eyes. "Did I mention the term 'rarely'? Because that's how often it is."

"We're all ungrateful pigs, Kate. Get used to it."

"I'm trying." I swigged my beer and glanced over at the television to see what he'd been watching. It was some strange cartoon that must've come on after the show he was viewing.

"What do you want to do for dinner tonight?"

"I don't know. I don't feel like cooking. Actually, I never feel like cooking."

"I didn't stop by the store. I can do that for tomorrow night."

"You know, I need to go to the store, anyway. But I don't feel like going right now."

"We can just go together after work tomorrow, if you want."

"Yeah, that'll work." I didn't even register how relieved it made me feel to have our plans for the next night already worked out.

"Let's go out to eat tonight. My treat."



"You don't have to pay, though. I've got money."

"I know you do. I want to pay. It'll feel more like a date."

I met his grin with one of my own. "Do I need to change?"

"Nah. Let's just go to that Mexican restaurant on the corner. They have a good patio."

"Yeah. That sounds good."

I lifted my beer and drained the remaining contents in a few gulps. Gary did the same and then I gathered my purse to head out the door.

We started for the cars and then decided to walk instead. The day was warmer than usual for that time of year, and it felt good to just be outside for a change. I realized as we were walking down the busy street toward the restaurant that I'd never walked along that street before. As far as I knew, neither had Adam. We'd been to that restaurant dozens of times, but we'd always driven there.

Gary and I chatted about work for awhile, then about fruit trees for some odd reason. We'd moved onto landscaping in general by the time we were ordering our margaritas. Then we talked about his uncle's farm in Iowa and his family, in general. We moved onto my family during the second round of margaritas, and then finished eating. Just for good measure, we ordered one more round of drinks after our plates had been cleared.

The sun was setting and the cooler air sent a chill over my bare legs. I shivered and rubbed my skin to keep warm.

Gary noticed my discomfort and paid the check. "We should head back. It's starting to get chilly."

I nodded. It wasn't that cool outside, but the frozen margaritas were lowering my body temperature.

Our conversation lulled as we made our way back down the busy street toward the apartment complex. Gary slipped his hand around my waist and held me close to his side as we walked. He was just doing it to keep me warm for the walk, but it felt good to feel a man's hands on me.

I wrapped my arm around his waist and pressed my body to his side, then fell in step with him to walk comfortably that way. I balanced myself with my free hand on his abdomen every so often. I was probably more inebriated than I realized.

Gary turned to face me when we reached the door to the apartment. "I need to get going."

"You're not coming in?" I was too buzzed to care how desperate it sounded.

"It's almost ten. I have to work early."

I nodded quickly. He didn't need to explain. It was just later than I had realized. We'd been talking at the restaurant for several hours. Where did the time go?

"Thanks for the date."

"Thanks for buying me dinner."

I looked up at Gary. We were still clinging to each other's waist as we stood there. He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine for a kiss.

It felt like the most natural thing in the world. I didn't even think about it. That is, until his tongue was sliding past my lips.

I gasped in his mouth. Gary's hand moved to the back of my head to hold me in place as he continued to assault my mouth. His soft tongue moved over mine, coaxing me to acquiesce. His grasp was masterful, but his maneuvers were gentle. All my conscious thought melted away and I could only focus on how perfect that mouth felt on mine.

I swiped my tongue over his and began my own exploration of his mouth. My arms curled around his back. Our tongues were weaving and dancing as we gripped each other for several long seconds before my brain caught up.

I unlocked my arms from their embrace and pulled my face away abruptly. I stared up at Gary, panting and unable to form any words.

"Oh, shit, Kate. I'm sorry."

I shook my head. It wasn't his fault. Well, not totally his fault, anyway. Somewhere in there, I'd agreed to participate.

"Damn margaritas."

I shook my head. "I must've given off the wrong signals. I'm usually not this..." I stopped myself before finishing the sentence. He didn't need to know that my panties were wet just from kissing him.

Gary froze for a second and then shook his head. "Don't blame yourself. It was me. I started it. I don't know what the fuck I was thinking."

A chuckle escaped my still-gaping mouth. For some reason I was starting to find humor in the situation. Probably because we were both trying so hard to blame ourselves and not the other person.

It took Gary a couple more seconds to join in my amusement. Then we were both laughing out loud at how absurd we'd just acted.

Gary caught his breath after laughing and took a step backward. "We still on for grocery shopping tomorrow?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Are you good to drive?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. Only two miles down back roads."

I nodded.

"I'll see you tomorrow."

Gary was already halfway to his car when I called out. "See you tomorrow." He waved as he turned around to flash me that million dollar smile of his.




Wednesday wasn't as awkward as I feared it was going to be. It helped that we had a task to occupy our attention. Grocery shopping.

I hated grocery shopping almost as much as I hated cooking. Gary made the chore bearable, though. He pushed the cart and tried to decipher my handwriting as I plucked items from the shelves. It took about three times longer than it should have because we kept passing isles that Gary swore contained nothing on my list, only to go back to that isle, sometimes twice, to get stuff.

I didn't mind it nearly as much as doing it on my own, though. He managed to make the arduous task seem effortless and even fun at times. Especially when he tried blaming his mistakes on my bad handwriting. We spent most of the time joking around and laughing, rather than actually shopping.

We bought a ready-made rotisserie chicken from the deli and devoured it when we got back to Adam's apartment. Then we watched television until I was once again sprawled out across the sofa. This time, he insisted I rest my head on his lap, rather than my stinky feet.

By the time I was settling my head on his thigh, I'd forgotten the kiss completely. It was just plain old Gary, my boyfriend's best friend, hanging out and watching television like always. I was drifting off to sleep before I even realized it.

I was dreaming of a dark place. A long corridor with shadowy inlets. I wasn't afraid, but every pore of my body felt like it was on high alert. Aroused, even. I was curious what was around the next bend. Someone was waiting for me. Not human. Not beast. It was breathing hard. A raspy growl.

It reached up to my breast and caressed me there. Its eyes bore into me with lustful intent. It wanted me sexually. Blood rushed to my center and pulsed a needy rhythm there. I couldn't deny that I wanted it.

Suddenly I was awake. Gary's thigh jerked beneath my head and I realized he was asleep. I lifted up and squinted at the clock. It was 1:15.

Gary's arm was firmly trapped between my arm and my side. His hand was resting just beneath my breast.

My dream. Was he caressing my breast while I was asleep?

I shook my head, not wanting to think that he would even do such a thing. And trying not to focus on the intense throbbing of my pussy at the realization that he might have.

I wanted to nudge his hand to make it touch me there accidentally. I considered it for a few moments.

What am I thinking? That dream made me so horny. I've clearly lost my mind.

I started to shift so I could get up and Gary awoke. His hand splayed over my rib cage and moved toward the underside of my breast just a fraction of an inch. I held my breath. For just a brief moment, or an eternity, I'm not sure which; he kept his hand firmly in place just below the sway of my breasts. Just a fraction of an inch from touching them.

"I fell asleep."

His voice was raspy. So fucking sexy. I nodded. "Me, too."

His hand slithered up my side as he freed his arm from my grasp. "Fuck, it's after one."

I knew he didn't want to wake up all the way to drive. He wouldn't be able to get back to sleep in time to get up for work. He'd spent many a night on Adam's sofa for that very reason. "Don't go anywhere. Just sleep here. I'll move into the bedroom."

I got up before he could argue. Although, judging from his sleepy face, I'm not sure he would have.

I ambled off and collapsed onto Adam's bed, barely managing to slide my legs under the covers before drifting back to sleep.

Four hours later, something was out of place. I blinked awake and froze, listening for what was amiss. I heard Gary moaning. I thought he was sleeping and dismissed it as a dream until something in his breathing made me realize he was actually awake. And sexually aroused. And masturbating.

I sat up and quietly leaned to the other side of the bed to peer into the living room. Gary had removed his shirt. The ripple of the muscles in his shoulder as his arm shook was gorgeous. He looked so utterly masculine. His disheveled hair hung over his downcast eyes. He almost appeared to be praying. His lips were barely moving. I strained to hear what he was whispering.

"Oh, Kate. Yes."

I froze and held my breath. Oh, shit. He's fantasizing about me.

A thousand electrical impulses shot straight to my pussy at the thought of it. The incessant throbbing of my now needy cunt was unbearable. An entire army of inner voices waged war inside my head. Part of me, my bottom half undoubtedly, wanted to go to him. I wanted to kneel at his feet and give myself to him as if his prayers had been answered. The other half of me begged me to lie back down and try and forget I ever saw anything.

But I knew that could never be possible. I wouldn't forget. Even if I didn't do anything about it, which I'd already decided, I could never get the vision out of my mind. And his reverent voice as he spoke my name. Adam had never talked to me like that. Not in the throes of passion, or at any other time for that matter.

I stretched out flat on my back and pulled the covers up to my chin as I continued to listen to his barely audible pleas. I pressed my thighs firmly together to try and tamper the aching between them. His breath hitched, and then his voice sputtered a desperate whine. He was coming. It was over.

I rolled onto my side and placed as much of my back toward the doorway as possible. I didn't want there to be any chance of him discovering me awake. I heard rustling. Shoestrings being pulled. Footsteps. I clamped my eyes shut tight and held my breath.

A few moments later, the door opened and shut. The deadbolt locked in place. He was gone. I took a deep breath and released the tension that had grabbed hold of my entire body.


That day at work was a blur. On the one hand, I felt numb. Like I wasn't even operating in the same dimension as everyone else in the office. His voice haunted me. At random times throughout the day I'd hear it, "Oh, Kate. Yes."

The memory of his hair hanging over his forehead, the way it trembled along with his lips. The motion of his arm as he fisted himself. It was all so intensely erotic. "Oh, Kate. Yes."

Over and over I tortured myself with it. Before that week, I'd never even dreamed of having sex with Gary. Now I couldn't get it off my mind.

I sat in the break room trying to choke down a granola bar. It was the only thing that sounded even halfway edible. My stomach gurgled and complained. I was too nervous to eat. Too guilty, or something.

I considered calling Gary to tell him I wasn't feeling well and needed to just spend the night by myself. But I couldn't do it. Every time I lifted my phone and started to search for his number, I felt like I was going to puke.

What, then? I had no idea what I was supposed to do. Nothing had happened, really. I'd caught him jacking off in the living room. I'm sure it's not the first time he's jacked off in there. He's spent enough nights there. I wondered if this was just one of those things guys routinely did that girls knew nothing about. Maybe guys just pull the last girl they saw into their fantasy and I just happened to be that person for Gary. Maybe I'm making a big deal out of nothing.

As I was approaching the apartment, passing Gary's car on the way, I regretted not having called him. I was fairly certain I was going to toss the paltry contents of my stomach into the bushes outside the building. I managed to make it to the door, though.

"Hey, sunshine. How was your day?"

Gary's familiar, happy attitude and winning smile acted like an antacid on my stomach. I smiled and nodded.

"You want a beer?"

I shook my head and held up my palm. "No, thanks. I didn't eat much for lunch."

"Everything alright?"

I considered his question as I studied his concerned face. "Yeah. Everything is fine."