Adam's Journey Pt. 13


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I started to turn away when Sue said "Honey, why don't you go and find those brackets we need, I have to talk to Adam for a minute. I'll catch up with you by the paint."

He mumbled his answer, apparently agreeing to do as told, and wandered off. We watched him go, then I turned to Sue. "Jeez Sue, that was almost painful. What the heck is going on?"

"I told him my plan, about you."

I was shocked. "Oh Sue, you didn't! You told him what happened between us?"

Some other people turned up the aisle, a ways off, but she moved closer to me to not be overheard. "No, I didn't tell him what happened, I told him what I wanted to happen. It's been his fantasy you know, and I told him I was going to do it, finally, just for him, but only if I could get you to be the other man. So he knows I want you."

I snorted. "You want me! God, Sue! Oh man, he must hate me. No wonder he was so uncomfortable, Sue, for Pete's sake, what were you thinking?"

"No Adam, he's uncomfortable because he's turned on by the idea." She leaned in close to my ear. "You should have seen how hard his dick got when I told him I was really going to do it, and that I'd heard around the neighborhood that you were really hung." She laughed wickedly. "He could hardly contain himself, I think he went and jerked off."

I groaned. "Oh Sue, you're crazy. He never looks me in the eye, and now I won't be able to look him in the eye either. This is surreal, just too damn strange."

"Well, I guess we'll just have to do it and get it over with, won't we? That should ease the tension, don't you think? Can you come over tonight, I can have the girls stay with their grandparents?"

"Whoa Sue, slow down. You make it sound like a chore. I'm still stuck on the weirdness of this whole damn idea! Besides, I have plans tonight to have drinks with some folks, maybe Kristi..."

"Oh Adam are you and her getting back together? That's wonderful news - although I guess it means I have to back off, huh?"

"I honestly don't know what it means at this point Sue, I really don't. Time will tell."

"Well, just remember, you can fulfill two people's wildest fantasy just by picking up the phone and telling us when. Rick and I both want this."

"That's three people's fantasy then, isn't it Sue? I mean I suspect screwing you would be pretty amazing for me too, so we all supposedly win, huh? I've been thinking about you a lot, since yesterday, your body and how beautiful you looked." I really hadn't, I was too wrapped up in thinking about Kristi and wallowing in my own misery, but I remembered how hurt she had looked when I had put her off.

She looked at me, her eyes filled with tears. "Adam, you are just too sweet. No way Kristi will let you go, she'd have to be crazy. I can't believe we lived so close together for all these years and I just now find out what a nice guy you are."

I smiled at her. "Well, probably not always so nice, but better late than never I guess. You're kinda great yourself, not to mention a pretty hot little momma. Who knew?"

She laughed. 'Well, I better go find Rick before he thinks I ran off with you. I should start calling him Little Ricky, what do you think?"

"I think not Sue. Don't be mean."

"Oh, he'd love it! You'll see. Bye Adam, see you around."

"I'm sure, Sue. Take care, give your little ones a hug for me."

And that was that, my weird Home Depot experience. I was sure it foretold something even more weird for the future, and it would turn out that my premonition was correct.

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