Addicted to Dick


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"Sure, I'm fine," Ricky said at the end of the meal. "Just nervous about the new job I've started."

"Are you getting along with the boss of the outfit?" Father Thomas asked. "Ned James is a friend of mine. If there's any developing trouble there—"

"No, everything's fine there. Mr. James is nice to me and patient with me learning the business. And he's fair to all the guys. No, everything there is fine." Nice was a comparative word for what Ned James was, though, Ricky thought. Ned James was sexy as hell. Muscular and handsome—and deeply tanned from working outdoors. Ricky had developed a crush on him from the beginning, and James was, indeed, respectful and nice to Ricky. That had been fine until Ricky had seen Ned spiking one of the male Hispanic seasonal workers over a wheel barrow behind a shed. Having seen that, and knowing now that Ned James was a power top, nice, in terms of fair and polite and patient in the workplace wasn't the brand of nice Ricky was looking for.

Tate had fucked Ricky regularly over the last year and Ricky had become addicted to his dick. He'd needed regularly. Ricky hadn't had a dick for two weeks. He was skittish as hell.

"Well, you are tense about something, Ricky," Allen said. "We're trying not to crowd you and watch you too much, but you seem to be having trouble adjusting to life. I know that you've just been under lock and key for a year and this is all hard on you, but we worry . . . Kate and I worry—"

"Which is where I come in, Ricky," Father Thomas said in a soothing voice. "Your brother didn't call me. I don't want you to think that. Warden Avery called me. He's concerned about those who have been in his system who he thinks need special attention when they get out because they are basically good people and he doesn't want to see them being sucked into the system again. You need someone to talk to. I'd be happy to be that person for you."

They sat there in silence for a few minutes before Katie spoke up. "We can have dessert later. Maybe the reverend and Ricky would like to take a walk in the park before that—to talk, or not, as they please. I can't keep the kids from being rowdy here, and we have a very nice park on the lake, with an entrance just down the street from here."

The two men walked, side by side, but conscious that the other one was silent, down a woodland trail, paralleling a lake bank. The trail kept coming close to the lake and then was hidden from view from the lake. Deep in the woods, Father Thomas put a hand on Ricky's arm to interrupt the walk and said, "Is there someplace more private from the trail that we can go, Ricky? Bill Avery really is worried about you—but not quite for the reasons I mentioned back at your brother's house. He told me you likely weren't getting everything you need, and asked me to come check on you . . . and to provide what you needed if I found you weren't being taken care of."

"I don't think I understand—"

"I think you do, Ricky. Is there someplace more private—where we can't be seen or heard from the trail?"

"Off toward the lake here, there are benches facing the lake. But I don't think—"

Ricky struck off into the woods, off the trail, toward the lake. They found a bench that was a good distance from the trail and also was hidden a bit from being seen from the lake, although those sitting on the bench could see the lake.

When they were seated, Ricky said, "Really, Reverend, everything is just—"

"I don't think so, Ricky. Your brother is concerned about you. He says you've been jittery, and I can see it myself. It isn't from drug withdrawal, is it?"

"No, certainly not. I don't do drugs—and I didn't do drugs before. I was in because I was covering for a friend."

"You didn't do drugs in prison? I find that hard to believe. And you're so jittery now. I think you need these, just to help you adjust down. Here, take these. Go ahead. It's hard to just cut them off altogether." He was holding two pills in his hand. Ricky looked at them for a minute but then shrugged, took them, and popped them in. Almost immediately he didn't feel so jittery.

"You say you were covering for a friend," the priest said then. "It was a boyfriend, wasn't it?"

"A friend, who was a man, yes," Ricky said.

"You don't have to pretend with me, Ricky. It's OK, I'm not going to judge. I'm gay myself."

Ricky turned and looked directly at the man sitting beside me.

"In fact, I find you very attractive. Can you say that you don't find me attractive?" And then, when Ricky didn't—or couldn't—answer, Father Thomas said, "No I didn't think so. I can tell when a man is interested in me." He put an arm around Ricky's shoulders and Ricky didn't move away.

"I'm going to say why I think you were jittery and needed a little help, Ricky, and you only need to interrupt me if I'm wrong." His face was close to Ricky's and he was giving Ricky a close look. He moved his face to the side of Ricky's head and inhaled the scent of him. "You smell nice, Ricky. You're a beautiful young man," he said in a low voice. Ricky shuddered but didn't move away. He felt himself going hard. He almost moaned. He needed it so bad.

"Warden Avery has told me everything, Ricky. He told me he laid you. He told me he found that one of his guards Topped you regularly the whole time you were there. He told me you needed a cock inside you regularly. Tell me if you disagree with any of this. You needn't be ashamed. It's a natural condition. Something to be celebrated more than hidden."

Ricky said nothing. He was trembling. He needed it so bad. Father Thomas was fiddling with Ricky's belt buckle and his zipper—and then with his own.

"I think you were jittery because you aren't getting it. I've talked with Ned James—he's a friend of the warden's and mine too—and he said he isn't fucking you yet."

The "yet" got through to Ricky and he moaned. Father Thomas took advantage of this to fish Ricky's cock out of his fly with a hand. Ricky was hard and throbbing. He moaned again as Father Thomas began to slowly stroke him.

"You aren't getting it from anyone now, are you? You haven't gotten it since you got out of prison, have you? But you want it. You want it bad. Disagree with me if you can."

Ricky couldn't disagree and so he didn't. He offered no resistance as Father Thomas moved one of Rick's hands to Father Thomas's crotch. The priest as thick and hard.

"Warden Avery is coming to Winchester in a couple of weeks and he wants to see you. Until then and after he's gone, you have me. Tell me that you don't want me—that you don't want my cock."

Ricky couldn't tell him he didn't want his cock and he didn't tell him he didn't want it. The priest pulled the young man's face around for a deep kiss as they both continued stroking each other's cocks. Father Thomas began pushing Ricky's shorts and briefs off his hips.

Ricky rode the priest's hard cock by sitting in Father Thomas's lap, facing him, with the priest's hands holding his waist and Ricky leaning back, leveraging off his feet on the bench on either side of the priest's hips and locking his fists behind Thomas's neck. Thomas, fully clothed except for being unzipped and his trousers flared, just provided the hard, eternally hard, cock, while Ricky bounced up and down on it and brought himself to a much-needed ejaculation.

The priest's shoot off came behind the bench, with Ricky on all fours in a carpet of fir tree needles, and Father Thomas mounted on his ass and bringing them to a mutual ejaculation.

Afterward they were back on the bench, watching the sun dip down over the lake, kissing and fondling in a cool down. Ricky was sighing from a much needed release.

"I believe a twice-weekly counseling session at my rectory is in order," the priest said.

"Yes," Ricky answered.

"You'll tell your brother that we had a very nice little chat and you are working through some concerns with me, but that there's nothing for him to worry about. I'll tell him the same if he asks me."

"Yes," Ricky answered.

"And he won't see any signs of nervousness or jitters now if you make your sessions with me."

"Yes," Ricky answered.

"Any other questions for now?"

"Can you make it hard for me again . . . now? You don't have to do anything. I'll do the riding. All you have to do is keep it hard."

"Yes," Father Thomas answered, "I think we have enough time."

* * * *

"Strip and sit back in the chair with your legs over the chair arms, please. Scoot your butt to the front edge of the chair."

Now Ricky knew why his probation officer had set his first appointment in Harrisonburg for 6:00 p.m., when the office really was closed. The man had had his dick out and had been stroking it all the time he was telling Ricky what was what and what Ricky had to do for his probation officer to be giving him good reports.

Ricky also knew now why the warden had set him up with this probation officer. They must have some sort of club going, Ricky thought. And then he was sure when, after the guy had knelt in front of him and sucked his cock and balls and eaten his ass out, while Ricky leaned back in the wooden chair and grasped the ankles of his spread feet, the guy crouched over him, hands grasping the top of the chair back on either side of Ricky's head, and buried his cock inside Ricky's hole.

He did what the rest of the club did, with his own variation. He gave Ricky all of the cock to the hilt and held there, deep, while Ricky squirmed in the seat, jacked himself off, and panted to an ejaculation. The probation officer's variation was that, although holding deep inside Ricky for Ricky to come first, he moved his cock in shallow, but deep, strokes, kissing Ricky's walls deep with his cock bulb and making Ricky's channel wall muscles ripple on the hard shaft.

After Ricky got what he wanted—even though it wasn't fully expected—and what he undoubtedly needed, the probation officer got what he wanted. He had Ricky turn, with his knees in the chair seat, his chest hanging on the chair back, and his arms dangling down to the side, as the man covered him from behind, mounted him, skewered him, and pounded his ass to the man's own ejaculation.

He then told Ricky that all of their appointments would be late, if here in Harrisonburg, but that on occasion, he'd come to Winchester and they could meet in the rectory at Father Thomas's church.

So, yep, Ricky knew, it was a club. But as long as they all knew how he wanted and needed it and satisfied him, he didn't give a shit that they got pleasure from it too.

Still, he wondered about when his probation was over. It was only for six months.

* * * *

Over the next three weeks Ricky went from satisfied to frustrated to panicked. He was being fucked by Father Thomas twice a week and by his probation officer every other week, which went a long way to satisfy him. Increasingly, though, he was attracted to his boss, Ned James, who didn't come after him, even though Ricky strongly suspected he was part of Warden Avery's group of tops. Instead, James fucked a couple of the Hispanic seasonal workers where Ricky could see him doing it. The last time he'd done it, he'd even kept his eye on Ricky, watching him from across the terrace of a house whose yard they were grooming while the family was on vacation. It was almost like he was taunting Ricky—and it made Ricky want him all the more. The man was big cocked and virile and made no bones about letting Ricky see that he was.

This was the nonrelationship that frustrated Ricky. And it increasingly did so as Ricky's other servicing went by the wayside.

The first sign of trouble was Ricky's probation officer being arrested for just the sort of favoritism-for-sex behavior that he was going to be conducting with Ricky. Ricky was too new to it with him to become part of the case against the probation officer, but suddenly, without warning, Ricky had a sour old ugly woman as his probation officer.

The fallout from this was probably what made the other changes in Ricky's sexual life. Warden Bill Avery did come to Winchester, as Father Thomas said he would, and he did fuck Ricky at the church's rectory. Father Thomas fucked Ricky that day too, the warden taking him first and then the priest taking him. Between the two of them, they exhausted Ricky, who was sprawled out on the bed in the priest's bedroom, tongue hanging out in satisfaction, and lightly panting, as the two men who had fucked him sat in the next room, chatted, and drank beer together.

"I've taken a transfer out to California," Ricky heard the warden say. "I'm hoping I can get ahead of this and stay ahead of it."

"Good move," Father Thomas agreed. "There's a church up in New York State that is interested in having me. I'll be gone from here in another week myself."

And that's what came to pass. Going from having two dicks inside him in succession, Ricky went to having none.

And it frustrated him. It frustrated him to the point where, when the landscape company was grooming the grounds of another mansion near Middleburg with no residents present two weeks later and Ned James declared it was too hot to work and stripped and dove into the estate's swimming pool, Ricky did as well.

He swam over to Ned and begging him, "Please, Mr. James, I can't take it anymore. I know you fuck men, and I'm in a bad state. What's wrong with me that you won't fuck me too?"

"Nothing's wrong with you, Ricky," Ned answered. "I've been waiting for you to ask me for it. Warden Avery recommended you for this job because he knew you were what I liked to fuck. But I know that, with the rest of the men in the warden's circle, you were in the position to have to do what they wanted you to do. I want it to be a longer term relationship with me, if we do it at all. And I want it to be because you freely want it from me."

"I want it from you," Ricky sobbed. "I want it bad."

"Then you'll get it." Ned embraced Ricky and moved over to the side of the pool, where he could stand in a crouch. He maneuvered Ricky around to in front of him, facing him, palmed the young man's buttocks, and began to pull him into his lap.

"Don't you first need to—"

"I'm already hard for you, Ricky," Ned said. "I've been hard for you since I first saw you. Every time I made sure you saw me fucking someone else, it was you I was hard for."

"What I need—what I want—"

"I already know what you need and want, Ricky. I've known since Bill Avery called me about giving you a job."

And, indeed, Ned James did know what Ricky wanted and needed. He turned them both so that his back was to the side of the pool. And then, lapping Ricky, he pulled the young man onto his cock—all the way on it until his short hairs were mingling with Ricky's, and then he whispered, "I'll hold it hard inside you. You do what you want to do to get off and then I'll do what I want to do."

With Ned holding Ricky in his lap, one arm around the young man's waist and his other hand stroking Ricky's cock, and Ned keeping himself ramrod hard inside Ricky, Ricky used the leverage of his feet on the side of the pool to fuck himself on Ned's cock until he shot his load.

Then, moving them both down to the shallow end of the pool, Ned pulled Ricky up out of the water, laid him down on the terrace of the pool, with the small of his back on the pool lip, positioned Ricky's ankles on his shoulders, entered Ricky again, and fucked the shit out of him to a mutual ejaculation.

Ricky was crying when Ned was finished with him and Ned asked him why.

"It was so good. I'd like to have you inside me forever. But I'm scared. They're after the warden's group. They've all gone. I'm afraid you'll go too."

"Not a chance," Ned answered. "I own a business here I can't just walk away from. Besides, they all are in a position to lose big if their fucking of young men becomes public. I don't hide that I fuck men and I work for myself. I don't give a shit who knows that I do. I don't give a shit that everyone knows that I take care of your addiction for dick. And I'll do that if you let me."

"You'll do that? You'll always do that?"

"Continually. Like now. You're so sexy and sweet that I've got it up for you again already. These folks have a nice pool house, with nice beds in it. Unless you tell me you don't want to do it, I'm carrying you in there now, lying on my back on one of the beds, and I want you to climb on top of me and do a cowboy ride on my cock."

Ricky didn't tell Ned he didn't want to do that.

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46204_zipper46204_zipper4 months ago

Some guys just need to have a dick in their ass. Some guys really get off on the feeling. A dildo just doesn’t do it.

It is impossible to describe the pleasure you feel when you jack off and cum while riding a hard cock. Every Top should try it just once to appreciate how much pleasure the Bottom feels.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I always have had bisexual fantasies and loved jacking off to bisexual porn. Wouldn’t actually try it as I felt guilty after organism and found it disgusting to think about after I came. 90 days in jail and I sucked dick for approximately 80 of those days. I’d jack off while sucking sometimes. If I came first, I’d have to continue sucking while experiencing the negative feeling after I’d get off. Didn’t take long to lose those feeling . I can suck and fuck with a same sex partner all night now.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago


Another great story! Please keep them coming.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
❤ = ☆☆☆☆☆ (5.0)! LOVE it!


joeywhorejoeywhoreabout 5 years ago

More please this is fucking hot

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