Adjunct - Claire at the Surgery Pt. 01

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Marion gets Jane back in the Surgery.
5.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/18/2020
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This story can be read on its own or be seen as the link between Jane's adventures with Marion and Susie.

Three Act Tragedy, which is the sequel has been in draft for a while. Life's got in the way, so there has been a delay. Recently I got a couple of messages from readers asking what happened next to Jane and Marion.

So on a recent holiday I let my mind wander for a while, and this is the result. There are three parts. It has some quite strong fetish content in it, so if that isn't your thing please do not continue, All characters are over 18.


That autumn, with Dawn discredited and dismissed from Atlas, I was probably the most content I'd ever been.

I went to work, did my shopping, stayed in the flat belonging to Marion Palmer, who owned "The Firs", and hung out with Fay. I saw nothing of Marion or Solange, her sadistic assistant. I was happy in a relationship with Fay. We were fond of each other to the point where things were beyond "friends with benefits", but not so intense that we smothered each other.

We would meet on Saturday, when Fay finished work, and spend time eating, drinking or taking in a movie. We'd usually end up in bed making love. We were considerate to each others needs and desires, spicing things up with a toy or a good spanking. There was always a frisson of excitement when one of us took control over the other, and no real limits as to what we were prepared to try. Changing the bedding and cleaning the bathroom at the end of each weekend the only inevitable chore.

In early January, Fay went to London to a residential training course, and so for a month, I was on my own. As we parted on the Sunday at the end of the Christmas holiday, she joked with me that I should go and see Marion if I got horny. I was quick to dismiss that idea, but little did I know then what was about to happen.

I was between research projects at work. My new boss, Naomi, suggested I used up the week of vacation I was still owed from the previous year, and so the day after Fay left for London, I was on my own, and soon bored.

I was regularly going to the gym, attending a couple of Pilates classes in the evening and feeling pretty healthy. My hair was starting to grow back too, the severe crop was now softer and longer, but needed regular sessions with a colourist.

With time on my hands, I rang Valerie at the Salon and booked in to get my roots done. She recommended a new member of staff, and so booked me in with this Angie, for the Tuesday afternoon. At least one day of the week now had something in the diary...


Angie was a bubbly character who clearly saw that part of her job was to engage her clients in non stop conversation. She was mid 20's, with a pretty face, hazel eyes and long dark brown hair with a fringe. When she smiled, her full lips revealed large white teeth.

She was quite tall probably 5 7 and had big boobs. She wore the company white blouse and black pants rather than the smock that Fay preferred, and that made the most of her assets.

Initially, I was happy to have the distraction of her conversation. She washed and dried my locks to her satisfaction and gave me a copy of Cosmo to read, whilst she went and mixed the colours and prepare the foils. I idly flicked through the magazine, before settling on reading a fashion review on Winter coats. My faithful Bomber jacket was really not warm enough for mid winter. There were many suggestions as to what was in vogue.

I was studying a model wearing a particularly flattering full length medium grey coat with plunging wide lapels when Angie reappeared. She wheeled a small trolley alongside my seat ready to start and glanced at the page I was looking at.

"My younger sister Claire's a redhead," she said. "That model's got lovely hair too hasn't she? It's a bit darker than my sister, but a similar length. Claire's has a natural wave in it rather than her drain pipe straight. Do you fancy going red or auburn one day then?"

"I was looking at the coat Angie," I replied, and then realising I'd probably been a bit curt added, "I do like idea of having auburn hair one day though, but not till it's a lot longer again."

"Claire's is natural, lucky thing. Never had a highlight in her life. All she does is get it trimmed every now and then. She's got the looks too. Blue eyes, a few freckles...never short of willing suitors. It must drive blokes crazy that they never get anywhere with her. Only likes girls does our Claire, you're that way too aren't you?"

"Well I..." I tried to interject, stunned that my sexual orientation seemed to be common knowledge, but Angie was quick to realise she'd gone too far.

"Sorry that was indiscreet of me, you barely know me. Working here with Fay, people have said things you know."

"It's OK, I do understand, I just don't want to talk about it."

"Broad minded me Jane. Have to be in this job. See all sorts in here every day of the week," and realising she'd overstepped the mark again smiled at me through the mirror and said "Right let's get started then shall we?" She picked up her comb to start sectioning off my hair.

As time went on Angie's opinionated conversation started to irritate me. I decided she really wasn't my sort of person. She seemed to like to betray the confidences of her clients or talk about herself. She also rambled on about her boyfriend Trevor, who, if she was to be believed, was hung like a horse and knew how to use it.

Eventually she finished the foils and left me alone for the dye to take. I returned to the magazine. When the buzzer went, she took me to the basins and washed my hair off. She talked incessantly, mainly about her and Trevor. Fortunately the conversation stopped whilst she dried my hair, but as she started styling it with a finishing wax she started again.

"Yes Claire's really finding it difficult to find a job at the moment. She wants to get her own place, but it's not easy until she gets a job. She's got an interview tomorrow on the outskirts of town. Sounds positive. The woman running it wants an assistant. You know - a sort of trainee. Money sounds good and she can live in apparently. There's a flat in the building that's empty at the moment. Big old place, used to be a Doctor's surgery. i think she said it was called "The Firs", do you know it?"

My mouth fell open, but fortunately Angie did not notice. I stammered "Yes I know it Angie. I live next door to it. I wouldn't recommend it though, I'm not sure it's got a good reputation."

"Well that's a bit odd. Toni, who owns this place, spoke very highly of it when we were talking the other day. Can't understand why you would think differently? She says the Matron Marion is very experienced and would train our Claire thoroughly."

Momentarily I mused what sort of training that might be and shuddered. I quickly recovered myself and looked at Angie through the mirror.

"Well I'm sure you and Toni know best..."

"Jobs are so hard to find in Healthcare Jane, especially ones that pay well. Our Claire can look after herself I'm sure. After all she's done 3 years at Uni so she's not that wet behind the ears. That job ticks all the boxes."

She stopped fiddling with my hair.

"Now how does that look?"

I wasn't paying attention when she asked. I studied her efforts in the mirror. My hair was rather dull and disappointing. The colours had lost their depth and vibrancy. It didn't matter, I'd get Fay to fix it on her return. Angie's revelations had rather taken my mind off my hair, there were other things now to think about...


After I paid Valerie and tipped Angie, I headed back up the high street.

It was nothing to do with me, but now I knew what I hadn't wanted to, Marion was still running the surgery...

I wasn't sure why I thought things would be different, Everyone needed an income and Marion knew well how to manipulate women out of their money in the pursuit of sexual pleasure.

I wondered whether she'd rid herself of Dawn and Solange or whether they were still pulling all the strings? There was only one sure way to find out. The question in my mind, as I entered the supermarket, was whether I wanted to get involved once more...?


I called Fay that evening and told her the tale. She told me that I'd be stupid to get involved with Matron again, but was far more complimentary about Angie than I thought she'd be.

"She's a love really Jane. She's a bit misunderstood and quite nervy with people she doesn't know. She was probably super anxious because of us you know.

I've never met her sister, but I have seen some pictures. She's very beautiful. She has that look of vulnerability about her that draws you to her. Marion won't hesitate to get her claws into her.."

"Oh dear Fay, that not what I wanted to hear. I was rather hoping you hated Angie and that her sister was a bit of a slut. This is all rather difficult.

"Don't get involved Jane. You're just Marion's tenant now. She has no other hold over you. Stay away."

The call ended on that rather unharmonious note. Fay had never exerted her wishes over me so assertively before. I wasn't that sure I liked it...


I did manage to stay away on the Wednesday. I decided to go shopping in Oxford. It was an hours train journey, but I was successful in my search and bought a heavily discounted Navy overcoat in Fenwicks sale.

It was dark by the time I got home and I was starving. I cooked some pasta with pesto and devoured it greedily.

Making my way to the bedroom afterwards to change into my pyjamas, I saw an envelope lying on the doormat. I recognised the black ink and bold italic hand writing immediately...I ripped it open.

"Dear Jane

I hope this letter finds you well.

There are matters which I feel we need to discuss. Please come and see me on Thursday 8th January at 1pm. This should be in your lunch hour so convenient.

Don't be late.

Marion Palmer"

I wandered back to the lounge and sat down.

So matters needed to be discussed. Whatever was she on about?

Was it just a coincidence of timing that this was the day after I had questioned the reputation of "The Firs" to Angie or not?

I went to bed somewhat anxious of mind. I did not call Fay.


Thursday morning dawned bright but cold. I went to the gym and did 5k on the treadmill. I decided to shower at home afterwards. It would spin the time out before my meeting with Marion.

Confident that Marion would not see me in any state of undress, I didn't bother shaving my legs or anything else in the shower. My pubes were now thick and lush again, Fay and I both decided that the plucked chicken look was tiresome to maintain and unnecessary in the depths of winter. As a small concession to meeting Marion I tidied my eyebrows and tweezered the odd hair from my upper lip.

I chose my clothes carefully. I wanted to distance myself from the things I knew Marion would be pleased to see. Whilst my underwear was matching, the white panties were practical rather than pretty, I was on my period. I put on a check shirt, jeans, socks and ankle boots. I brushed my hair roughly so it looked a little unkempt and applied a little clear lip gloss.

I checked it all out in front of the full length mirror in the hall. I was pleased with the results. I looked casual and carefree which was exactly how I wanted appear.


I was deliberately ten minutes late. Marion opened the door within moments of me ringing the bell. She'd obviously been watching for my arrival. She was in her black Matron's dress, her black hair immaculately cut into a chin length bob.

"You're late."

"Yes sorry, I had a problem."

"Follow me," she said as she closed the door. Her voice was ice cold.

We made our way to the study. She pointed at a seat in front of the huge Victorian desk in the middle of the room. I sat down silently. She settled herself opposite me and opened a buff coloured folder.

"I have some things to say to you Jane. What happens after that is up to you.

Firstly, I want to thank you for ridding me of Dawn. She was much the most evil sadistic woman I've ever encountered and you and I are both well rid of her. I understand she's now in America, so I think she will not trouble us again.

Secondly, as a result of Dawn's departure, Solange has also left, so I am now in the final stages of recruiting a new assistant. She is due here at 1.30pm so your tardiness means this meeting will need to be brief."

"Are you going to tell me who this person is?" I asked coyly.

"Not that it is any of your business, her name is Claire Walker, and she comes well qualified, but lacking in practical experience. Anyway I digress.

The third thing I have to say is that under the terms of our Lease Agreement of the 15th of July, you are required to vacate the flat on the 15th of January, i.e. a week today. Are you going to be able to meet that obligation?"

I was shocked by this revelation. I'd foolishly forgotten all about the lease and I'd not even thought about moving. I hastily tried to think of something to say...

"I was hoping Marion..." she glared at me with anger all over her face... " I mean Matron, that you would agree to a small extension of one month? I hope that will not be too inconvenient?"

There was a long silence whilst Marion read carefully through some papers in the buff folder. Then she looked up and with a mischievous smile said, "That will depend on whether I can rely on you to cooperate with me between now and when you move out Jane."

"What sort of cooperation did you have in mind?" I asked timidly.

"Well Jane when I look through your notes I can see that you only completed six of the eight treatments you signed up for. Now as I said earlier my new assistant Claire will start next week. She will be living in the house with me until such time as your flat becomes available.

I need to both assess her capabilities and also develop her skills. For me to agree to your desire to stay the extra month, I expect you to make yourself available to attend for shall we say four further appointments at the surgery?" Her face smiled wickedly as she finished...

I was caught, and she knew I was caught. My brain was frantically trying to work out if there was an alternative...could I move out and live with Fay? But she was away and not due back in time to agree it all with her landlord...

I was trapped.

And then deep down in my jeans, I felt a little twinge...

I pictured in my mind a beautiful red haired nurse attending to my sexual needs, with a stern corseted Matron overseeing her...

How tempting...

"Matron," I said demurely, "I agree. Tell me where do I sign?"


Expecting to be dismissed after I'd signed the amended document, instead of showing me out, Marion told me to follow her. She seemed rather nervous and excited.

I followed her down the corridor and through the big heavy door with the Treatment Room 1 sign on it. Marion threw all the light switches and the large room was flooded with clinical white light.

"Right Jane pull that screen over there, quickly," she said pointing to a wheeled medical screen by the window. I wheeled it to one side of the Gynaecology chair as she wished. This was the spot where poor Julie, shackled to the wall bars, had received her severe caning from Solange.

Marion appeared dragging a heavy oak armchair, which she positioned facing the Gyno chair. She then positioned the screen between the two chairs.

"Take your coat off, roll up your sleeves and sit down," she said sternly.

I wasn't really sure what she was up to, but her tone of voice told me she wasn't going to tolerate any nonsense, so I complied.

"Arms on the arms. Now!" I did as she wished and in seconds, heavy metal cuffs had secured my forearms to the arms of the chair.

Marion disappeared behind the screen and there was then the sound of a cupboard being opened and something being pulled out.

She reappeared holding a large black leather ball gag.

"Matron please, please don't put that gag on me. I promise I'll do whatever you require, just not the gag."

"I don't want you spoiling anything Jane. I'm short of time," she said and with that she pinched my nose which made me open my mouth. The ball gag was forced in. Fortunately it was soft and pliable, so whilst it made it difficult to speak, it was still easy to breathe. Marion fastened the buckles around the back of my head and then stood in front of me.

"Now listen Jane, I'm only going to say this once. Claire Walker will be coming in here with me later for her physical. If time allows she'll also be required to examine you. I'll hood you so your identity isn't revealed when she does that, unless you make a sound whilst I'm examining her. Then I won't hood you. Is that clear?"

"Yeff," I mouthed through the gag, the best I could, and at that moment I heard the door bell ring in the distance.


I lost track of how long I was sat in the big oak chair. It wasn't at all comfortable and my bum started to go numb. I found I could shuffle round and take the weight off each of my buttocks in turn, which offered a little relief.

The irony of finding myself trussed to a chair, whilst an unknowing visitor was in the house, the same as Fay had been the previous summer, did not pass me by. She would be furious with me if she ldiscovered what had happened.

After a while the urge to pee started to build in my bladder. Marion had exploited my insecurities about holding my pee once before and I'd failed miserably. I tried to put it out of my mind. My thoughts then turned to my tampon. I started to worry about how long that would last before it leaked. I was on Day 2 of my period which was always unpredictable. I prayed Marion would hurry up.

Finally I heard the sound of Marion's voice drawing nearer. She was in full flow describing all the facilities of the Surgery. Doors opened and closed, voices got louder and then quieter. Finally the door handle rattled and Marion entered the room.

"And this is Treatment Room 1. This is the biggest of the three, and has the most facilities. Some you will see are very new, and some go back to my Grandfather's time. Most of my patients are assessed initially in this room, and some of the more difficult treatments conducted here. There are three different lavatory pans which cater for the most discerning of clients. There are full video recording systems too, so video files can be kept of all treatments. Tell me Claire have you seen such a well equipped facility?"

"Only in hospitals Matron," came the reply, the voice quite high in pitch and the accent refined.

"Good, good. Now I thought this would be a good opportunity for me to check you over physically. Do you have any objection if we get that little matter done now?"

I strained forward to see if i could see anything through the gap in the screen, but it was to no avail...

", well I suppose we could..." Claire replied, "but I thought this was a second interview...not a Physical. I mean I didn't really prepare for a Physical today..." the voice had suddenly lost it's confidence. Knowing Marion of old I knew any hesitation would be pounced on...

"Are you saying you're not clean then Claire?"

"No,no,no, of course not. I showered this morning. It's just that..." and the voice faltered again...

"Just what?" Marion's voice had gone up a few decibels. I could tell she was starting to enjoy herself.

"Just that I hadn't really prepared myself for a Physical that's all."

"Yes you've already said that. I'm not really sure what your problem is Claire but I can assure you over the last 25 years I've pretty much seen everything a Human Being can throw at you, so why don't you slip your things off so we can begin..."

Silence fell in the room for a few seconds...then I could hear the unmistakeable sounds of clothes being removed and zips being undone. I craned my neck to see through the gap in the screen once more, but Claire and Marion were still out of sight.