Adopting a New Outlook


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"I think he's looking for a 'Thank you.'" Jess postured.

"Or a backrub," Lily shot back.

"I'm actually looking for a vase," I replied cryptically.

"A vase?" They asked in unison.

I nodded lifting the small bouquet from the box and holding it out to them. "For you."

Lily jumped up to shuffle through the cabinets, finally grasping a large glass and filling it in the sink. "Book duty and flowers," Jessie looked thoughtful as Lily returned with the cup. "I think he's looking for something a little bit bigger than a backrub," her hand was on my knee. "It looks like we don't have a vase though... so..."

"What do you think we should give him?" Lily joined the teasing as I sorted out the books that had separated from their stacks.

"A foot rub," Jess mock-pondered.

"Hmm," Lily pretended, "Maybe a kiss?"

"I wouldn't mind a kiss," I joined their little game, now finished with the piles, "For my sizeable effort and all."

"Hmm," they hummed in unison. Nodding their heads, they decided, leaning in close and kissing each other. It was no friendly peck either. "You're right Lily," Jess teased, "He did deserve that."

I swiftly gathered the two of them up in my arms, and yes, despite their slight frames, I barely managed to deposit them swiftly on the couch, both of them hitting with an exaggerated, "Oomph."

"Oh no!" Lily acted.

"What are you gonna do to us Mister?" Jess laid it on thick.

I just turned on the radio, setting down the remote on the coffee table. "Are you going to kiss us?" Lily added a fake gasp.

I shook my head no, Jess pretended her innocent little act, "Is your Big brother gonna," gasp, "Touch us?"

Another shake of the head. Lily's voice couldn't hide the eagerness, "Are you gonna spank us." She turned it up a notch when she actually pushed her little jean covered ass out to me from the clutching forms of the pair.

Another shake of the head and Jess clutched Lily in faux fear. Her little black ankle sock covered feet trying to protect her, "What are you gonna do to us then Mister?"

"I'm gonna," I reached out a bit and they squeaked, "Tickle you!"

When I grabbed Jessie's foot she broke character quickly, "Shit!" She fought to break free as I dragged my fingertips from toe to heel. "Ahh! Save me," she pouted.

Lily play kicked my hand twice before I caught in the air. Her bare foot found a similar treatment as she squeaked loudly. "Get him!"

I quickly found myself back down on the carpet in front of the couch. Lily landed on my chest, quickly attacking my armpits, while Jess was sitting on my ankles tickling my knees. I tried to force Lily off me by tickling her knee but wound up getting my arms trapped at my side as her knees held me tight. Her grin, sinister, as she reached behind her searching for my sides. I found myself appreciating the eroticism of her thrusting herself out toward me in the moment before she started tickling again.

"Truce!" I begged.

"Truce?" I heard but didn't see Jess.

"Should we really be letting him off so easy?" Lily pondered.

"I think he's been a very bad boy," I shivered when I felt her fingertips trailing from my ribs to my stomach. She wasn't trying to tickle, that was obvious, the moment her nails dug in.

"A very bad boy," Lily agreed, securing her position.

I felt the button on my jeans release, hearing the zipper soon after. Lily leaned back again, flexibly running her hand down my stomach. She didn't stop until she gripped me. She played gently as I hardened quickly. Another pair of hands gripped my sides, and I was nude below the belt in an instant.

"He was," Jess teased, resuming her straddling of my legs, "A good boy earlier though."

"The flowers were sweet," Lily agreed.

"Did you see the daisies," Jess returned.

"And the lilies," Lily recalled.

"Hmm," Jessie's fingers crawled up my thigh, "Maybe... He deserves another small reward?"

Lily squirmed a bit, moving her hand in a slow rhythm now that I was rock hard. Jessie's fingers brushed my inner thighs and I managed to slip my arms free. Lily gasped when they found her sides. I walked them gently across her waist to the lowest button on her pink blouse. The same one Jessie borrowed a few weeks back. I walked them up, careful to just brush against her. She breathed deep, biting her lip as I brushed against her breasts, finding the third button from the top. I plucked it free of its cloth fetters, inching back down to the next.

"He's being a bad boy again," Lily accused.

I nodded my head with a grin as I plucked the last three buttons nimbly. My hands quickly found her hips, gripping tight before moving up to her shoulders, sliding the sleeves down. The cute little black bra Jess bought her for her birthday greeted me, as she assisted in her undressing. I groaned as her hand left me, but I found it quickly replaced, though both of Lily's were busy placing her blouse on the couch cushion. She returned her eyes to mine, devious, and a little shy. I trailed my fingers up to her side, gently tracing the outline of her bra. I felt her goose bumps, along with a shiver and a moan as I teased.

"A very bad boy," Lily confirmed, breathy.

Jess suggested, "Perhaps you should punish him..."

Lily added, "And you should reward him."

The moment the suggestion left Lily's lips; Jessie's found me. I moaned deep, dragging my nails straight down to Lily's waistband and gripping tight. Her hands frantically joined mine, deftly undoing the button and sliding the zipper down. She hopped into the air from her knees, with a gymnast's grace. All remnants of the game of holding me down gone, as we all knew there was no place I would rather be in that moment.

Jessie's hands pushed at the band of my shirt, and I shed it quickly, greeted by the incredibly arousing sight of Lily bare, standing with a foot on either side of my chest, gazing seductively. I moaned and clenched my cheeks, trying hard not to lift myself off the ground as Jessie's talented tongue drove me crazy.

She slowly lowered, presenting herself to my waiting mouth. I licked my lips as her thighs closed in on my ears, leaving me enough room to maneuver. I kissed up each thigh, never quite getting into the sweetness that begged for my touch. I inched around her flower, tasted every millimeter around her labia, but never quite acknowledging their existence. Lily growled. I could feel her trembling as she dug her fingers into my hair, gazing down lustfully.

"Stop teasing me, or I swear I'm gonna squish you."

"Ont est err," Jess mumbled.

"Don't test me," Lily translated. I smiled devilishly, flicking her little nub with the faintest touch of my tongue. She growled again, "I warned you."

Her hands tugged me straight into her pleading flower, her weight settling on me, forcing me to her need. I laughed through my nose and obliged her enthusiastically. Her hands moved their death grip to the fibers of the carpet as she purred.

Jess, quite aroused at this point, decided to reward me with a new trick I had no idea she possessed. Her tongue whirled, I felt her nose breathe in deep and she eased me all the way down, "Oly ucking shiii!" I moaned into Lily as she gently ground herself against my eager tongue. I felt Lily's breath quickening swiftly. My actions were rewarded with clenched thighs and a mouthwatering flow as she came. "'M gonna cum," I moaned into a kiss to Lily's thigh as Jessie took me deep again. Her mouth retreated to the upper half of me as her tongue assaulted my head. I gripped Lily's thighs as she collapsed, bum to my chest, when I blew. "Holy fucking shit!" I echoed, free from Lily's punishment.

Jess smiled, mouth full, as she moved beside Lily to kiss her. It was passionate, and deep. They moaned as their hands roamed each other's bodies, Jessie's still clothed.

"That was new," I managed.

Jess licked her lips, leaned in, licked my cheek and kissed me. Her tongue was starved, searching out the taste of nectar that remained.

"We bought bananas," Lily mimed, "She said she wanted me to teach her."

"Was I a good student?" Jess begged sounding like a schoolgirl.

I palmed her chin, "Very good." She beamed.

Her eyes were pleading as I slid Lily down to my belly to nibble her neck and whisper in her ear, "Interested in changing teams?" She nodded, "Jess is a little overdressed."

Both our heads turned to her, and she rocked back, sitting on her heels. She cocked her head, biting her lip, "What's going on?"

Lily pounced, turning her to the couch, kneeling beside her as they fell to the cushions. Jessie's eyes were wide as she watched her fingers tugging at the hem of her shirt. Jess raised her arms, but as soon as her head was free from the collar, Lily gripped the loose fabric and effectively cuffed Jessie's arms above her head. Jessie's eyes were wide, from the surprise, but she moaned and did nothing at all to fight free as Lily's lips met hers.

My fingers hooked her waistband at the hip and slowly moved to meet in the middle. She thrust up, off the cushion of the couch, when my hands found the button. I slowly dragged the zipper open, taking so much time she fell back down.

Lily broke the kiss, leaving a greedy Jesies heaving her lacy red covered breasts in a plea to return. "Maybe we should give her a reward?"

Jess nodded eagerly. "Please," she begged, "I was a good girl. I studied hard."

"She did," Lily agreed, trailing her fingers down Jessie's chest. She traced around her bra, even gently digging her nails into the cups to brush against her nipples. Jess pushed her chest out again when Lily's hands retreated.

"Please," Jess begged again, looking me right in the eyes.

My eyes asked, "Me?"

She nodded shyly. Lily's hand reached behind Jessie's back, freeing the clasp in a moment. She rolled the straps down her shoulders as I gently tugged at the waist of her pants. She lifted up again to assist me and she was soon free of them after a little wiggling. One sock came off with them, so I gently gripped the other to pull it free. She shivered as I grabbed her bare foot and moaned when I planted a kiss on the top of it. Lily had her free of her bra before her red panties hit the cushion. They were locked in a tender embrace, hands on a shoulder or a cheek, kissing deeply. Jess moaned into it as my fingers led kisses up her thighs.

My hands continued trailing up to her sides, quickly seeking out her excited breasts as I placed a gentle kiss on her mound. She moaned as I kissed all along the lines of her. Her heels dug into my shoulder, urging me forward with some small force. I asked Lily, backing away from her need, licking my lips clean, "What do you think we should give her?"

"A kiss?" Lily replied, diving in to Jessie, but pulling away long before Jessie wished it. She thrust up a bit, her hips begging me to return. "No, that's not nearly good enough... Maybe a," She leered lustfully, "A spanking."

"Hey," Jess interrupted pouting, "You said a reward."

Lily tilted her head, playfully, "I know," she spoke with desire.

Jess just giggled and shook her head. "Hmm," I thought, "What could we give her?"

Lily shrugged; Jess waved her still trapped hands. "Do I get a say?" Jess asked.

"Hmm," I thought, tugging at the cloth band on her hips, "I guess."

Jess squeaked cheerfully, "I'll have what she had!"

Lily laughed as I tugged Jessie's underwear free, biting a toe between my teeth after removing them entirely. She moaned throaty and managed to break free and pull Lily into her. Lily's hand braced herself on Jessie's chest, massaging. I kissed my way up her leg again, breathing eagerly through my nose by the knee, as I smelled her want. I teased her much like I did Lily, bordering around the outer edges of her fold. One hand left her hold on to Lily, finding my hair and insisting I stop teasing.

She moaned as I played with her opening with my finger, finding it buried slickly long before I'd intended. She arched her back as soon as it sunk in, removing her hand from my head and dragging it up by shoulder. Her nails dug in as I saw Lily's lips latch onto a nipple, and I decided to go on a full offensive. My agile tongue strummed along every inch of her before my lips found her little nub and sucked just a moment before repeating. I looked up, watching Jessie's eyes trailing Lily's southward hand. Her body rolled, seeking out the contact as it slowed along her hip then continued down. I heard her slickness increase almost instantly when one of Lily's fingers joined mine, duplicating its movement dragging along the upper wall.

Somehow, in the tangled mass of limbs, both of Jessie's hands found my shoulders and her nails dragged deep grooves along my back. I groaned out a "Fuck," before my tongue assaulted her, invigorated. I felt the burn when her nails left and dragged a new path, idly wondering if she'd drawn blood, as Lily and I worked her into a froth. She writhed when she came, dousing Lily's hand and my chin. When the shaking stopped, Lily removed her hand from Jess, pulling me up to her by the chin. I was a little surprised when it was Lily's lips that sought out mine, but she kissed me ravenously. Jess butted in after a moment, laying a deep kiss on me as well.

She pulled me to the couch, between the pair of them, still locked at the lips. Jess released me and snuggled under my arm, calling, "Fuck. A girl could get used to this," she echoed. She joked, "Does this mean I'm not gay?"

Lily laughed and I replied, flippant, "Half-gay... At best."

Lily's gaze shifted down, hand seeking me out and stroking between words, "Does this ever go down?"

I took a deep breath, "Not after all that." I added, "And certainly not with you acting out those naughty thoughts of yours."

"Mm," Jess breathed out a tired moan. "Big bro," she teased, "Is Lily being naughty again?"

"Mmhmm," I agreed.

Lily gasped, asking piqued, "Me? Naughty?"

Jess trailed her hands from Lily's shoulders, gripping her at the wrist. She pulled her over my knees. "I think, she deserves to be punished." Jess trailed her thumb around Lily's lips, stopping when her teeth bit softly. "Just a little."

My hands couldn't resist trailing down her back, following its curve. Further down, feeling her leaning into my caress. "A kiss," I mocked.

Jess shook her head, but planted one on Lily anyways as she settled her hands on Jessie's leg. "A spanking?" she offered, to the point.

"Hmm," I thought while dragging my fingertips along her buttocks. She moaned at the gentle touch, "You don't think that's too harsh, do you?"

Jess watched Lily adjusting herself on me. I moaned, feeling my stiffness rubbing up against her bare stomach. Jess laughed as she watched Lily's hand retreat from her leg and snake between my legs to grip me. I moaned and Jess shook her head, "She is being very naughty."

Lily played it up, gasping at her friend's betrayal, all while she gently stroked my length. The first clap came down a little harder than I intended, but it was rewarded with a throaty moan. Her hand worked on me a little more insistent. The second came just a little harder on the opposite side. She growled, aggressively sliding a finger into Jess, before she even noticed. They kissed as another pair of slaps rang out. I could hear her muted groans as Lily attacked Jess with both hands. The stimulation of her hand on me was replaced by her constant squirming as I alternated rubbing her reddening backside and bringing down another handful of loud claps.

"I need," I heard Lily moaning, breathless. She purred when my fingers brushed her aching petals. Two fingers slipped in with no resistance at all. Her wetness had been building to a fever pitch. "I need," she repeated louder. She whined when I found a spot but left her wanting. She snarled as I watched her hands pushing herself off of our laps. I pulled back my hand as she stood, pulling Jess up with her left hand. Her right hand found my hardness and resolutely tugged. I tilted my head but rose as she began leading us down the hallway, stopping at the first room, her room. Jess opened the door for us, and Lily literally led me to the bed by my cock.

She maneuvered us around. Jess tumbled and scooted herself up by the headboard, fingers searching out a place between her legs with urgency. When my thighs hit the side of the bed I fell back, but she didn't release me. "I need this," Lily tugged me, clarifying, "Now!"

"Oh shit," Jess echoed the excited shout in my mind. I lifted myself to the elbows and scooted myself further back. Lily followed, quick as a cat. She crawled on her hands and knees over me, following close above me, stalking. Once my feet found themselves no longer hanging free, I stopped, and she pounced.

She bit my shoulder hard, near the neck. Hearing me wincing, she began to kiss that spot, sending a tingle down my spine. Her hands found my back and pulled me to a seat. She kissed me softly at first, settling down onto my thighs. I felt her bare sex brush against me as her chin hooked my shoulder. It was like magnetism drew my head to that opening, resting there where only the slightest move would push me inside her. Lily moaned, rotated her hips, but that heat would not let me go. She rocked slowly, reminding herself of our current situation. Another light shift as we found each other's lips and moaned together.

I shivered as she latched onto my neck and bit softly. Her bite turned into urgent suckling. My hands trailed up her back, drawing down again with increasing pressure. She pulled me close. Drawing me into the most intense gaze I'd ever known. Her eyes became my whole world until I felt her rocking back, feeling heaven and seeing stars. Nothing compared to that full body nerve fire as she slowly drew me into her. There is nothing in the world that can compare to that feeling. I decided in that moment that I would never utter the phrase, "Better than sex."

We simply held each other, fully coming together for the first time. In that moment I was lost. Lost to the world. Lost to my mind. Lost to the past and the future. In that present, I was lost in her. I let the breath I'd been holding in free, feeling that a soft ache in my lungs. I spoke the only words I knew to be true, "I love you."

"Love you too, Page," she raised off me for the first time, leaning in for the kiss. She moaned as she took a controlled pace. Her eyes quickly turned before her hands found my shoulders and any conversation was forgotten entirely as she fell with me to the bed. My head landed on Jessie's thigh. I turned my head on instinct and was confronted with her hand slowly pleasuring herself, two fingers deep inside.

Lily took my chin in her hand, pointing me to her desperate gaze. "Look at me," she thrust between each word. The feeling of that hot hot heat invading my being. One might think it'd be hard to concentrate on her, two beautiful nude goddesses within arm's reach. It wasn't, not in the slightest. If you might have asked me in that moment precisely what it was that my head rested on, I might have simply assumed a pillow. Sorry Jess. The truth was simple, it was a moment of clarity of the truest sort.

I used my grip on her hips, to pull myself back to a seat. She rocked forward as I tried to catch my breath. I smiled at her; a mimicry of one Jess was fond of. I wrapped my arms around her waist, raised up and rolled. She quickly found herself in the place I'd just vacated. I leaned into her gently, still attached. I had to hold my breath when fully sheathed. I just stayed there, relishing that slick velvet that gripped every inch of me.

I finally released it against her shoulder as my lucidity returned long enough to whisper, "You are the best thing that ever happened to me." Not, "This is," or,"Being with you is." I simply meant her, I could tell in her eyes she understood. It tickled my mind that that revelation should feel awkward with my girlfriend in rapt attendance, but I had never felt so comfortable, so content, so complete.
