Adventures in Necromancy

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Ghost X woman, public sex.
18.5k words
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Warning: contains non-con, anal fingering, public sex, fellatio.

It was late, the buses running from school had stopped running and Nest was dreading the idea of hiring a ride-share for the third time that week. She'd barely been able to reconcile the previous two expenses as there truly wasn't any other way to get her work done than staying late in the library for access to the books and the printers. She had her allowance of pages from the college and damned if she wasn't going to use each and every one of them before being forced to use her own precious printer ink. Her eyes glazed over, there was a text from dad waiting on her phone that she steadfastly ignored. He knew how busy she would be, he could wait.

Three years of this all, so far. She'd skipped ahead at sixteen without knowing just what she would be missing out on by the time she became nineteen. Overnight she'd gone from being the smartest person around, including teachers she might add if she were the type to brag, to just over average for her peers and stringy at that. Three years later she finally looked like a freshman and she was nearly done with her first degree. The illusion of effortless competence had gone on day after day, week after week without faltering except in the compulsory physical education credits she'd gotten out of the way right away. Sitting there in pigtails, with her vest and her long skirt over dark stockings, she put forward the very prim, near regal air she wanted without the nerves poking through to the surface.

Over in the corner, some jock and his arm candy flirted oddly late into the night. Strange enough for them to be in the library at all, but as Nest had learned with no small amount of shock, the idiots found on campus were a different breed from the idiots she'd left behind in high school; for one reason or another they'd wanted to be here and they passed the exams the same as anyone else. The only other person there was the elder underclassman in the upstairs reading room who was waiting either for everyone else to leave or for it to be late enough to kick them out and lock up for the night. Nest might have become friends with her, she thought, until she spoke to her... At times even the jocks seemed more friendly.

It was late enough, Nest packed up her things and went to return a ten-cent pen to the front desk. She barely noticed the flash of golden hair as some woman turned the corner and left through the front doors; it was weird that she hadn't noticed the woman come in when there were so few of them present in the first place...

Smashed in among the other pamphlets was a stack of them that raised hair and made Nest flee, face flushed.

It was nearly sacrilege, putting something like that right out in the open where anyone could see it... even if anyone who could have seen it was an adult... Still, you weren't supposed to just leave that kind of material out in the open where people were trying to study! The only way you were supposed to see that kind of thing in the library was in an anatomy textbook where it was purposefully divorced from the implications. Only the most deviant and juvenile people could attach that kind of meaning to those peeled-back graphics. It wasn't like Nest was unaware of the concept... it was true that dating her peers had only become possible one year prior (only a cad would argue otherwise) and hadn't happened then either. The divide mentally was too great with the incoming freshmen and the physical one was a little creepy-feeling with the men (and they were men) in her classes, so Nest had just accepted that the alternative of chastity would have to do until her pool of options expanded.

Wait, what am I even thinking about? It's all that thing's fault, that's why... I'm not lonely or anything, I have friends... And my hand... Shut up! Must be tired, have to go to bed as soon as I get home.

So she rode home with a stranger, thankfully a female stranger though she kept her hand on the tiny spray canister in her bag the whole way just in case. She had nothing worth stealing, but how would a potential attacker know that until they were rifling through her things after the assault?

In the living room, dad slept with the history channel blaring something about Hitler for the dozen-th time that day. Nest wasn't able to make her way across to her room without rousing the bear who came to his senses like a ponderous monolith. "It's that late?" he said, rubbing his eyes. "Have a good day?"

"Pleasant enough." Nest specifically restrained herself speaking out on the thing she'd found on the way home. This man hadn't naturally progressed out of protectiveness; it had taken herself and the high-school guidance counselor several weeks to get his approval for moving on to college, and he hadn't quite approved of her choice in that area either. "I can only assume the factory hasn't burned down yet? I think I would have at least smelled it on the wind."

Her dad chuckled. "Not yet, no... Honey, make sure you're getting enough sleep, alright? No amount of burning candles is going to get you through any faster at this point, you know that as well as anyone."

"Look who's talking. I bet there's nothing you don't know about world war two just from osmosis by now." Nest put her hand on his shoulder; he felt so much more creaky these days that she almost couldn't put him in the same mental space as the man who'd been able to pick her up and spin through the air so long ago. "You have a bed. If you're just going to sleep anyway, use it. I can't begin to tell you what you're doing to your back in this contraption."

He sighed and reluctantly pushed the handle to fold the thing back into a chair, stood up thankfully on the first try and without a wince. He kissed Nest's forehead despite a feigned resistance and hobbled to his own bedroom, saying from the doorway, "Just because you're so used to morning classes doesn't mean you should stay up late. That's a fast way to an early grave... Good night, Honey, sweet dreams."

In the middle of the living room, she just nodded somberly and waited to hear the springs of his old bed creak. She wondered if three months early would be fine to give him his birthday present; the money was all saved up for a decent new one with the memory whatsits. She'd promised already to pay him back for her education someday, and he'd laughed her off. It might have been better just to go into debt... Her savings had to be going toward something...

Hers was the larger bedroom, the master bedroom. Dad said he didn't need much, not since mom... Anyway, Nest hadn't needed much either. The twin bed she'd had since grade school took up one corner, remained as comfortable to her consternation as it always had been, and her desk, a wire-frame thing bought for middle school, took the opposite. She had a giant teddy bear in the third next to her bookshelf only because she'd eventually felt guilty for all of the emptiness there.

She sat at her desk, filed away all of her schoolwork for the day in the attached filing cabinet, and the very pamphlet itself remained the last item on her desk's surface.

She was curious, okay!? The library staff would find the stack of them at the front counter and that would be that, they'd be thrown away or incinerated and Nest would have to live the rest of her life with the niggling feeling that she'd never satisfied her curiosity by flipping through the licentious thing.

The cover was a drawing of a very naked woman, looking transparent against a background looking like a tacky honeymoon suite, mirrored ceiling above a heart-shaped bed and all. If it weren't for the subject matter, Nest would have had to applaud the illustrator for getting the reflected image of the woman's ample backside just right; the anatomy wasn't even of the kind of spine-wrenching comic book styles intended to show off the tits and ass all at once. Someone had worked hard on this, maybe had an actual model at some point.

Nest looked to her door to make sure it was locked, yes.

Spirit summoning for beginners! The cover proclaimed in bold, raised lettering; this thing must have cost a fortune to print with all of the fixings and the glossy ink. From the labs of ABR Adult Magic Supplies.

The next few pages were covered in Hermetic flotsam, magic circles and runes. Nest paid enough attention in her classical literature classes to recognize the commonly-used mystical gibberish. Barely any of the Greek on display actually amounted to anything close to a sentence, as though the designer had simply chosen Greek characters and alchemical symbols for the look of them. And then there was the cartoon approximation of the apparition seen on the front cover, her assets kept intact through the transition of art style, placed on each page as the narrator, always in a new and more sultry pose.

Hello~ Seems I've caught the eye of a prospective necromancer, tee hee~ Have you ever wanted to play a two-player game but nobody was around to do it with you? People can be so busy, running around to make the most of their lives, it can be tempting to say fie to it all and just play with yourself. But we at ABR know a lot of someones who have all the time in the world to while away. Whether your pleasure is chess, soccer, or any other sort of ~physical activity~ just know that there's a spirit just around the corner who would like nothing more than to play with you.

Using the latest advances in translated grimoires and mathematical calculation of metaphysical dynamism, you too can call on the dead with all the efficiency and precision of yesteryear's greatest necromancers. No more fooling around with sacrificial goats and smelly incense that gets soaked up into your upholstery, no more hoping for the best when calling for a random voice from the great beyond, and no more accidental summoning of evil spirits who only want to inhabit your body and pretend to be you in front of your loved ones. ABR has done all the work for you to have yourself a good time with only a single droplet of fresh blood and a tiny infusion of mana that you won't have time to miss before it's recovered.

The cartoon ghost bimbo called for turning to the last page, where there was a final set of instructions and a single page dedicated to a paper doll covered with tiny writing in fractured Latin and magical circles within circles, perforated to tear out of the pamphlet. Nest did so, and left the creepy thing to the side.

Included in this booklet is one(1) summoning doll pre-set for a very pleasant afternoon delight indeed. Please take this sample and consider purchasing the full grimoire to really get your new hobby going with a running start. With the full book, learn how to summon much more specific partners, how to exorcise evil spirits, how to see spirits with the naked eye, and so much more I can only hint at. Once you've experienced the pleasure of an aetherial playmate, you might re-think the necessity for living people altogether~

To get started, just carefully remove the spell focus paper doll on the opposite page. Warning: do not use the doll if damaged in any way, damaged inscriptions can cause metaphysical aberrations which may render the doll ineffective or actively dangerous to the user. Once you've removed the doll and ensured there is no damage to the writing on it, place it on a flat surface such as a table or a wooden floor, then apply a small drop of blood. Blood used should come from the user and be less than one minute old to ensure a theurgical bond is made between the summoner and the summoned spirit; a single drop, such as one drawn from a small needle, is more than enough.

Well, she wasn't going to do that, the thought of it sent shivers up her spine.

Once you have applied the blood to the center of the Hermetic circle, touch the edge of the doll and say "Dick, come here." The spirit of one mister Richard should arrive shortly and the paper will be destroyed, binding him to you up until the contract embedded in the doll is fulfilled or he is dismissed from your service. Mister Richard is a fantastic playmate, I should know~ The cartoon ghost was blushing, squeezing her massive tits together. They'd been beating around the bush, but this was obviously some kind of new-age masturbation-based scam. Nest was blushing furiously just looking at the doll, forced herself to read the rest of the page as it devolved into outright perversion. He knows all the best ways to make a girl feel special, or a guy if it comes to that. For you good boys who've been making eyes at me since you picked up this booklet, you'll just have to invest in the real grimoire to have your chance with this hot mama. As for you girls, clear your schedule because Richard is good to go until you're well and truly sick of getting off.

ABR Adult Magic Supplies is not responsible for harm caused by improper use of products, including but not limited to: using damaged inscriptions, failing to properly incant according to directions, summoning of dangerous apparitions outside the defined boundaries, and purposeful alteration of magical algorithms.

Someone had gone to quite the lengths to make this joke of a booklet, paid a fair amount of money for the printing quality with all the bells and whistles like the glossy finish and raised lettering. Nest wondered whether they meant to make their money back with book sales even after their little dolls failed to actually work. Looking more closely at the thing, Nest could see a small printing error on the main circle, smudged just enough that it didn't actually close; that was probably not an error at all, but the method of throwing off the scent of the scam.

'Hello, I tried using your doll thing, but it didn't work,' some poor sap would say.

'Oh, I see the problem, there was a printing error on this copy, so of course it wouldn't activate properly. Would you like to purchase the book so you can start making your own?'

Such a weirdly long way to go for such a scam...

Nest had a small pincushion on her desk... she did have a curious streak after all... She squirmed lightly in her seat for a few awkward minutes as justifications flew by and eventually she had the head of a pin pressed against the tip of her index finger. She could spare one tiny drop of blood to prove to herself that this thing was nothing more than glossy paper.

The droplet shone on the tip of her finger, not even enough of a prick to be feeling it a second later. She took a deep breath, felt silly for being so worried in the first place, and pressed her finger onto the paper. "Alright Richard... if you're real..."

The paper doll burst into flame too suddenly for Nest to bring her finger off it, but it was consumed so quickly and entirely that she barely had the time to even feel its heat. The doll was simply gone in a flash of light and a fwoosh, leaving no trace, not even ash. It had to be something chemical... something applied to the paper that reacted to something in her blood... just flash but no substance...

She tried to shake it off, she had to go to bed at some point and a stupid little magic trick shouldn't be enough to stop that.

Nest stood and peeled her vest off of her slender frame, placed it in the hamper and began working on the buttons of her shirt. the booklet had gotten her focused on the subject, she couldn't help but notice every little thing that touched her skin, even just the feeling of cotton against her small breasts. She unconsciously fidgeted, slender thighs pressed together against the feeling, but it was only spurred on by the warm, soft feeling of her stockings shifting back and forth across her tender skin.

She bit her lip; it might just be impossible after all to go to bed without... taking care of things...

Just as her shirt fell past her shoulders, she felt something drag along her shoulder blades and pinch the strap of her bra. She clutched her shirt to her chest and spun on her heel to see what it was, but there was nothing there. Of course there was nothing there, the door was locked and her room's window didn't even open far enough to let her svelte frame out, let alone allow someone else entry; a glance showed that it was still locked from the inside... There wasn't anywhere to hide in her room, the closet was so jam-packed with books and boxes that even she had a hard time hanging up those clothes that required it.

So, it must not have happened? Maybe, she thought, it was her long, black hair getting caught in the bra's hooks... It had never done that before and this was her favorite hairstyle specifically because it kept everything neat and out of the way... So what she felt couldn't have actually happened, she was only imagining things because the damn booklet had implanted the thought.

Something ran up the back of her thigh and cupped her butt cheek for a half second before she whirled around and again saw nothing...

"I've got to be tired... Just daydreaming, dozy... Maybe I'll just go to bed in my clothes for once..."

She'd taken one step, invisible fingers ran lightly along her ribs and took one small breast in hand, squeezed purposefully hard enough that Nest could plainly see the impressions of its fingers. She bit off a shriek and slapped at it, hitting nothing but her own chest, and whatever it was stopped squeezing her boob.

"It's not real, can't be real..." she muttered as she backed up to the wall, glaring into the shadows of the room in hopes of finding whatever was doing this to her. But there was nothing to be seen, nothing making any noise at all. She reached out into the space, feeling out for something, anything.

It caught her wrist and yanked her into the center of the room with so much force that she fell onto her knees. Another invisible hand pressed into the small of her back, pinning her onto her knees. She didn't have time to keep denying it, even if this turned out to be a insomnia-driven hallucination, she had to act as though what she felt was real. With the pressure on her back, she tried to slip out to the left or the right, but the hand roughly handled her back in place no matter how she tried to escape it. The other hand released her wrist, likely floated around in wait while Nest shook with terror on her hands and knees. The only other way was to lie down on her belly, and she could think of no lesser defended position, so she stayed on her shaking limbs and searched for some way to escape.

She felt something like a cool, direct breeze on the nape of her neck like someone's breath, making her spine quiver.

"P-please... just go... I'm sorry..." she whispered.

But it seemed like that wasn't enough at all. One of the hands grabbed her shirt by the collar and tore it down off her shoulders, pulled her up onto her knees just long enough to get the unbuttoned dress shirt out of her skirt and off her arms. It pushed her back on her hands before she saw where the shirt went. Then, this time it had no trouble unhooking her bra, pushed the plain, white thing fall off her shoulders onto the floor.

Still, one hand pressed on her back as the other began fondling her breasts. Invisible fingertips stroked across her skin with barely enough force to feel, drawing her attention to every centimeter of her breasts. She felt herself flush, eyes stinging even as her heart pounded away. After what seemed like an eternity of teasing, the hand cupped one small breast and began massaging, molding her tit between its fingers over and over, testing its weight, how supple and bouncy it was until Nest had to bite down on her lip to keep from encouraging the god-damned thing with a moan.

Yes, it felt good, okay!? Of course it would feel good, even if she wanted to be sick the body wanted what it wanted no matter how desperately the mind protested. she knew her hips were wiggling in the air, she knew that her breathing had gone shallow and she was doing everything she could to block that knowledge from the forefront of her mind.