Adventures of a Private Eye

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Lew Carter has a new erotic surprise.
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I'm Lew Carver. I'm a Private Detective, recently retired from the Chicago Police Department, and recently divorced. My former wife got just about half of everything I had before the divorce, and now she gets half of my retirement pay. That's not enough for me to live on - at least not how I want to live, so I've started my own business as a security consultant and a private investigator. My apartment is directly above my office, so I don't have any distance to get to work.

It's been slow getting my business off the ground, but I've had a couple of interesting cases that have paid off OK. One was watching a client's younger wife to see if she was cheating on him while he was traveling. It turned out that she was, and in the investigation, I was able to get a few photos through her boyfriend's bedroom window. It was one afternoon, and with the bright sunlight illuminating the bedroom perfectly, I caught her completely naked and riding the cock of her country club tennis teacher boyfriend. The photos turned out well, and I admit that when I gave the prints to her soon to be ex-husband, I kept several extra copies for my own evening pleasure.

Now don't get me wrong - I have an active sex life with a couple of ladies that I know, but some evenings I'm home alone, and I get horny, and have to take things into my own hands, so to speak. The photos of that trophy wife riding the other guy's cock with her back arched, and her firm breasts pointed forward work nicely for me as a masturbation aid.

Today, it's a long Thursday summer afternoon. I'm in a bit of a lull at work, in between jobs, so I'm sitting at my desk looking into the front window of the Lakeside Insurance office across the street from me. That window is full height, going from just above the floor level up to the ceiling.

The insurance agent's office assistant is Sheryl. Sheryl is single, but a couple of times I've watched a guy drop her off at work. A few times we've been in the same diner for lunch, and we've sat at the same table and chatted. She's friendly and a bit flirty, but I haven't been able to get her to agree to go for dinner and drinks with me after work. Sheryl is about five and a half feet tall, has medium length natural red hair and big blue eyes. She has nice C-cup breasts and shapely legs. But her best feature is her ass. I'd have to say Sheryl has about the most perfect ass that I've ever seen. She frequently wears tight, short dresses that really show off the shape of her derriere. I get really horny in the mornings watching her walk down the sidewalk from the bus stop at the corner into her office, her lovely ass slightly swaying from side to side.

So anyway, I'm sitting here at my desk looking at Sheryl and fantasizing about her. Today must be a casual day over there, because she's wearing a really tight pair of blue jeans. From my view here, they almost look painted on. Those jeans really define the shape of that stunning butt of hers. Sheryl looks across into my office, sees me looking at her, smiles and waves at me. I smile and wave back. Then, she walks over to a file cabinet and bends over at the waist to open the bottom drawer. I know that she knows that I'm watching her, and she presents me with an incredible view of her ass. Maybe it's my imagination, but I swear that she wiggles it back and forth a couple of times. But instead of staying bent over at her waist, she squats down, with her knees bent. Her ass is now the shape of an upside-down heart with her jeans riding up tight into her butt crack, just perfect. My cock is getting harder, and I start rubbing it through my pants, sitting there behind my desk, imagining what I could do with her. Now she stands back up, after finding whatever file she was looking for. Flashing me another quick smile, she walks into her boss's office.

I keep watching and thinking about her ass. But she doesn't come back out of her boss's office, so I give up, grab my hat, and head to Chuck's Bar, a couple of streets over, where I've had a bit of success hooking up with a couple of women after work. Chuck's place is just the right kind of quiet, fairly dark place that's good for talking with others. It has a faint, but not annoying smell of beer and cigarettes. And it's in my neighborhood and is one of my favorite hangouts when I'm looking for company.

But today doesn't look it's going to be successful for me -- there are only a couple of tables with guys sitting at them, so I go up to the bar, park my butt on a stool, and get Chuck to bring me a Guinness beer. Chuck and I chat for a while, then he moves off to check on a couple of other customers, leaving me alone there on the bar stool.

There's a big mirror behind the bar, and from where I'm sitting, I can see the front door reflected in it. A motion at the door catches my eye, and in walks a gorgeous, tall blonde honey. She's taller than Sheryl, like almost six feet tall, and possibly even better looking. She has everything stacked perfectly in all the right places - tits, waist and ass. She has big breasts - at least D cups. Probably implants, but I'm not fussy. She's wearing a low-cut tight dress that buttons up the front and shows a lot of cleavage. Her skirt ends about mid-thigh, and it really shows off her trim waist and slender hips. Her legs are long and smooth and shapely, with well-defined calves and firm thighs. She looks to be in her early to mid-thirties. I like what I'm seeing.

She stops a few paces inside the door, and I see that she's on her phone. She's angry - actually very pissed off about something - I can see that in her eyes and in the expression on her face. She and the person on the other end are having an argument, but she's not speaking loud enough for me to hear what she's saying. I'm looking at her attractive body there in the mirror, and I read her lips as she says, "Well, fuck you, too!" She ends the call, stands there for a few seconds tapping her foot on the floor, then she looks around and walks over to the bar. She sits on the bar stool that's two away from me, and waves Chuck over.

I'm still looking at her in the mirror, and I see that she's calming down a bit. She orders a single malt Scotch, neat, with a water back. Wow, this babe has class, I'm thinking. And she reminds me a bit of Sheryl, somehow.

I turn to her and say, "Well, it appears that didn't end well." She turns her head my direction and just glares at me. I'm prepared for her to tell me to fuck off like she did the person on the phone, but then she relaxes a bit and smiles a little.

"Yeah, it's a guy I've been dating for a while. He just broke up with me on the phone. The ass hole...." She has a throaty, sexy voice that piques my interest.

"Well, just relax and enjoy your drink. If he doesn't get back with you, it's his loss." I reply. She smiles back at me again, and I can see that her anger is dissipating.

"I'm sorry, just because I'm royally pissed off at him, I shouldn't take out my anger on you. Let's start over. My name is Diane." She moves over onto the bar stool that's next to me, extends her hand with long, slender fingers and well-manicured red nails and shakes my hand. Her hand is nice and smooth and warm, and she holds onto mine for a few seconds longer than I would have expected.

Not wanting to miss my chance here, I introduce myself and tell her that I'm a private detective, just starting out in my own business. "Well, Lew Carver. So, you're a private dick, huh?" She smiles and winks at me as she's saying that. It's looking like things might be going my way this evening after all, but I'm not going to push too hard just yet.

So, we're just chatting about all sorts of meaningless stuff for a few minutes, staying away from anything to do with her argument with her now ex-boyfriend. The more I look at her, the more I like what I'm seeing. She has nice brown eyes, and full, kind of pouty, lips. What I like to call DSL - 'Dick Sucking Lips'. And yes, I'm thinking about her lips sucking my dick.

Diane's sitting there with her legs crossed, showing a nice amount of thigh, with her skirt ending just below the point where her thighs turn into her ass. And her ass, from this side view, is looking good. It's really kind of small, and looks very firm, like she could crack a walnut between her ass cheeks. I like it!

So, we keep talking for a while and I ask if she wants another Scotch. "Yeah," she replies. "But only if you'll have one with me, and I'm buying this round." She smiles again at me, and runs her tongue slowly over those full, red lips of hers. Yes, the evening is looking better! We continue chatting and each have a couple more drinks.

"Say, Diane. I've never seen you in here before. What brings you to Chuck's place?" I ask.

She tells me that her cousin works in an insurance agency a couple of blocks away, and she was supposed to meet her for drinks here in Chuck's. But her cousin ended up having to stay late at work, so Diane called her boyfriend to see if he'd meet her here. And that's when her boyfriend informed her that he didn't want to continue their relationship.

"By any chance, is your cousin named Sheryl?" I asked. "Does she work at Lakeside Insurance?"

Diane is kind of looking at me in a surprised way. "What the hell! Are you spying on me, you son of a bitch? Did someone hire you to check me out?"

I'm sensing that my chances with Diane are fading away, unless I can convince her that I'm not the dirty private detective that she thinks I am. "No, no, no. No one has hired me to watch you, and today is the first that I've heard your name. It's purely a coincidence. Sheryl and I work across the street from each other, and we've been to lunch a couple of times. That's all. I've even asked her out on a date, but she hasn't said yes yet." I'm explaining this to her, and I can sense that she's calming down again.

By now, I'm beginning to feel a little lightheaded from all the booze on my empty stomach. I need something to eat. So, I suggest, "Hey, let's walk down to this little Italian restaurant a couple of streets over, and have some dinner. I'll buy."

Diane thinks a little bit, and replies, "What about we go to my place? I'll whip up a quick, light dinner and we can continue getting to know each other better." Again, with the smile and wink. "But we'll need to take a cab, it's too far to walk."

That sounds good to me, so we settle up with Chuck, go out front, and I wave down a cab. I open the cab door for Diane, and once again I'm looking at her tight, firm ass and a lot of thighs as she moves over in the back seat, and I slide in beside her. It's a ten-minute cab ride to her apartment, and I pay the fare when we get there. The cab stops at the corner, about a half block from her apartment complex entry. I get out and extend my hand to Diane to help her stand up. Diane shows me a lot more of her thighs as she gets out, but she keeps her legs together, so I don't get to see any of what I'm hoping will be the really best part of her anatomy. Diane puts her hand in mine as we walk up the sidewalk to the front door.

I look over at her as we're walking in. She is so friggin' sexy! I comment to her, "Damn, you're tall."

Diane gives me another smile and a wink and continues letting me hold her hand in mine as we ride the elevator up to her floor. Now I'm believing that the evening will really turn out right after all.

Inside her apartment, Diane gives me a quick kiss on my lips. I try to hold her and kiss her some more, but she gently pushes away and has me sit on a chair at the small dining table just off the kitchen. She takes off her shoes and walks barefooted into the kitchen and starts putting together a salad. I'm watching her lovely shape in her tight dress as she finishes the dinner preps, and then we sit across the table, eating and chatting.

When we finish, she asks me, "How about some wine now?"

"Sure, can I get it?" I ask.

"Nope, just stay sitting there. I'll get it."

I watch her pad barefooted over to a small wine rack. She stands there for a minute thinking, then decides to get a bottle that's down on the bottom row. And damned if she isn't slowly bending over from her waist, almost exactly like her cousin Sheryl did earlier today, presenting me with a long-lasting view of her cute, firm backside. And yes, she does wiggle her ass as she stands there bent over. Her skirt is rising up in the back, stopping just below that nice butt to thigh transition that I love to see on a woman. Diane picks out a bottle and slowly straightens upright, looks at me over her shoulder at me and smiles again.

She hands me the bottle, then grabs a corkscrew and a couple of glasses, and we move to her couch. Before she sits down beside me, she shuts off the main lights, only leaving one small lamp behind the couch and the light coming in from her patio to give us some mood lighting. And I like the mood we're both in.

Finally, I'm really believing that this is going where I want it to go. I pull the cork out of the bottle and pour us each a glass of smooth red Merlot. Diane looks me in the eye, and says "So, you seem to be attracted to my cousin Sheryl. Are you hoping to get into her pants?"

I chuckle, "Sure, I'd like to. What man wouldn't? She's attractive and sexy. What kind of guys are you into?"

Diane gives me that straight in the eyes look again, licks her lips slowly once more, and in her sultry voice says, "Well, I like a man with a hard cock. I just love to make a guy hard and suck his cock. And then I like to take off my bra and let him titty fuck me if he wants to. After he's cum for the first time, either from titty fucking or me giving him a blow job, I'll play with his cock and suck him some more until he's hard again, and then I like to make him lay on his back. I like put his hard cock inside me and ride him until he cums again." Diane tells me a few stories about her fucking other guys and what they did to each other.

My thoughts are flashing between me seeing in my mind's eye what she's talking about and the remembered images of my earlier client's wife riding that guys cock. In my imagination, I'm blending that into an image of Diane riding my own hard cock. I'm getting hard listening to her talking about her sex life and hoping that she'll want to do that to me. My cock has been laying along my thigh down my trouser leg, but now it wants to stand upright. Diane puts her hand on the inside of my thigh and slides it up until she's lightly touching the end of my prick. I squirm a bit, and say "Careful, you've made me hard, but I need to change its position. It's starting to get painful."

She says, "I understand. Let me help you with that." She reaches over, unbuckles my belt and unbuttons that top button my pants. She smiles at me, and slowly unzips me. Reaching inside my boxers, she maneuvers my hard dick so it's upright, the way it really needs to be. Diane keeps her hand there inside my boxer briefs and strokes me slowly and lightly. Oh, man, her hand feels so warm and smooth. The she leans over and kisses me directly on my lips, still lightly stroking my ever-hardening cock. I can feel that it's starting to ooze out a big bead of pre-cum.

We kiss and play tongue games for a bit, and I start undoing those front buttons on her dress. No objections from her as I do that. I get it fully open, and in the dim light I can see that she has a front-opening bra. Diane doesn't mind when I unsnap it, and free up those big D-cup tits. I lean over and start tonguing the left one and rub the right one with my palm. I was right with my earlier assessment - they're definitely implants, but I don't mind that at all. In fact, I know that they won't fall to the sides when she lays on her back, and it will just make a better valley for me to slide my cock into. If she's really into titty fucking like she said...

Diane moans a bit, then slides over on the couch, leans forward, and pulls the waistband of my boxers down, tucking it beneath my balls, leaving my now hard eight-inch cock and my testicles out in the open. Then she extends her tongue and licks the now much larger amount of pre-cum off the end of my rod. She tickles the underside of my cock head on the sensitive frenulum area with her tongue a couple of times, and then she slowly but firmly engulfs my full length into her mouth, with the end of my cock pressing firmly against the back of her throat. No gagging from her. She must be used to this!

Yes, she certainly has DSL - Dick Sucking Lips! I don't want to cum too soon, so I ask her to slow down for a bit. She slowly lets off on the sucking action and pushes me so I'm laying straight back along her couch.

Sitting there beside me, Diane completely removes her dress and bra and tosses them on the floor, leaving on just a pair of black panties. Those tits are magnificent! She kind of climbs over on top of me and starts sliding the valley between those heavenly breasts of hers up and down my cock, which is still wet from her earlier oral actions. I start moaning again, and then she moves down and starts sucking me once more, faster and harder. "I'm about to cum. If you don't stop, I'm going to cum in your mouth," I tell her. She just gulps, and then grabs the base of my extremely hard dick with her thumb and finger circled around it. Stroking it rapidly, she keeps sucking until I just can't hold back any longer.

"Shit. Fuck! I'm cumming! Oh God, I'm cumming!" And there it is - my cock is pulsing and shooting string after string of my sperm directly into her mouth. Diane's doing a wonderful job of capturing and swallowing every bit of it - there isn't a single drop that's running out between those lovely lips. She gently sucks the last bit of cum out of it and then teases the end of my cock with her tongue. Next, smiling that smile of hers, she slowly moves up my body, pausing to kiss both of my nipples before giving me another deep kiss on my mouth, tasting of my own cum.

We're just lying there for a couple of minutes, relaxing. I want to taste her pussy now, and get myself hard again, then really give her a nice long fucking. "Diane, I want to eat you. I love the taste of juicy pussy. It's my turn to make you cum."

"Sure thing. That's fine with me. I love that. I'm ready." Again, in that low, sexy voice of hers. Diane sits upright on the couch, with her long legs together and stretched straight out from the couch. Damn, those legs look good!

Getting myself ready for other things to come along, I stand up and remove all my clothing, piling them on top of hers, letting my semi-hard cock swing free.

In the dim light of the room, I realize that I really won't be able to get a good view of her pussy at first. But hey, I'm a tactile kind of guy, and I can work by feel and scent and taste. I can always get more lights on later and really enjoy the view of her vagina. I kneel down beside her legs and take hold of the waistband of her panties and start to slide them down over her smallish hips. Diane raises her ass up off the couch to assist, and I take that opportunity to feel her firm butt cheeks. Oh, wow, so nice and tight - not a bit of fat there - all I can feel is tight ass muscles. I'm thinking she must run several miles a day to keep an ass that taut.

Slowly I pull her panties the rest of the way down her legs. But she's not making it all that easy for me. In a teasing way, she's keeping her legs together, and I have to work at it to get those panties down between her thighs and below her knees so it's easier to get them the rest of the way off. I feel and sniff her panties for a couple of seconds, then I toss them onto the pile with her dress and my clothes. I lean forward and start to lick the top of her pussy hair, which she has trimmed into a neat landing strip, about an inch wide, running from just below her navel to her heavenly spot. I lick a bit more and try to push my tongue down deeper between her legs.