Adventures of Captain Coxwell Ch. 02

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The crew gets a little stir crazy.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/02/2016
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Stir Crazy

Dick Coxwell was a heavy sleeper. Part of this was because he lived alone on a spaceship and usually had no reason to wake up early or late as these terms were relative to life on planets. The other part was because he rarely slept, and thus cherished the sleep he took the way a man in a desert would cherish his water. As Dick woke slowly, he followed his usual routine of rolling over to go back to sleep for a while. Except this time something was in his way. Pink hair tickled his nose as the petite, girlish figure of Ashway Ren snuggled against him. Her arm draped over him as she cuddled to him sleepily.

After a moment of wondering how she got into his room, Dick couldn't help but become distracted by how cute she was. Her adorable face with the button nose looked extra cute as some dream made her smile. Her perky breasts brushed against his arm, doing nothing to discourage his morning wood. Still dreaming, Ashway began to cling tighter to him. Her leg now looped around his own and she wrapped herself to him.

There was no doubt in Dick's mind that he could love this woman for the rest of his life. There was, however, no blood in his manhood as the feeling of Ashway's morning wood against his thigh demolished his early rizer. Ashway sleepily blinked open her green eyes and looked seductively into Dick's. He felt her stiffen, he remained flaccid. "The universe must enjoy fucking with people." Dick thought as he ruffled Ashway's hair and went to take a shower.


"It didn't work! You said it was a sure thing!" Ashway yelled at Daisy in the lounge of the battleship. The holographic female projection of the ships AI began to shift to an annoyed orange color as she responded.

"I don't understand it. That's a common scenario in all of the porn he reads." The AI quickly reviewed the records of Dick's browsing history as well as the arousal levels she had detected as she observed his sexual health to ensure his ability to complete the mission. All of humanity's women were dead, a virus released by the deadliest enemy mankind had ever faced infected every human alive. Only women were killed by the virus and now mankind, for now it truly was 'mankind,' had to find new genetic possibilities in the stars or become as extinct as their foe.

Daisy actually did not honestly want anything to happen between Ashway and her Captain. Dick was 'her' Captain, and until recently, the only person she had ever had inside of her. The mission and her programming were clear, though. The 50% chance that Ashway Ren could be genetically compatible with Dick was the best chance they had encountered in the two years since their long distance jump and decanting from cold sleep.

"Nothing we've tried has worked! The 'dress shirt' option had him going till I got aroused. Cooking in just an apron looked good since he pushed me up against the counter, but got limp as soon as I turned around and our things touched." Ashway complained.

"It's Dick that's the problem here." Daisy said.

"Yeah, I don't think he likes mine." Ashway agreed.

"...Not... exactly what I meant, but close enough. What I don't get is how one little penis can make such a huge difference to him."

"It's not little!" Ashway protested. Daisy fixed the alien girl with a stare so flat you could play pool on it. As Ashway's defiance withered under the gaze, the AI continued.

"He brings you up on the cameras all the time when he's masturbating, so I know he finds your body sexually appealing."

"He does?" Ashway said with a surprised smile on her face and her hands on her cheeks in an adorable expression of shyness. If Daisy had a digestive tract she would have retched. Her enthusiasm waning, Daisy decided it was time to be more direct.

"We're just going to have to corner him then. You, make every excuse to get him to look at you. Rub yourself against him every chance you get. Make sure that he's thinking nothing but sexual thoughts about you for every hour that he's awake. I'll make sure he can't masturbate for a few days, maybe deprive him of a little sleep so you can have more chances. Eventually he'll get so crazy for some release he's bound to jump you."

"You'd really go that far for me?" Ashway looked at Daisy as if she had just received the best compliment in the world. Daisy, for her part, utterly bottomed out on her enthusiasm to complete the mission.

"Anything for the mission." Her programming forced her to say.

"Yay! I'm going to do something for you too!" Ashway said with a huge smile.

"Really i'm just following my programming." Daisy replied in monotone.

"Aww don't be like that. I'll be sure to do my best since you're doing all this for me! You suck my dick I'll suck yours!" Dick had walked in at the end of the sentence and after giving both the rooms occupants a disturbed look of confusion, exited the room as if it was venting atmosphere.


The recording began looking at the floor. The hands that held the recording device were unsteady, and ragged breathing could be heard over the mic.

"Work you piece of... oh." Dick turned the lens towards his face. The normally handsome visage was strained. His skin was paler than usual and dark circles lined his eyes. His breath still came in ragged gasps as though he had been running to his current location. "My name is... fuck... Dick... no... Richard Coxwell, former Captain of the starship Daisy of the Human Defense Fleet. I'm leaving this message as a warning for whoever finds this ship. Onboard AI is malfunctioning. The other crew member has gone crazy and is hunting me down. I don't know if we picked up some kind of virus or dick or fuck! I haven't slept for 160 hours, so I don't blame you if this doesn't make sense. All I can say for sure is that you must beware the dick! Remember! Beware the dick!" A sound in the background made the upside down view of Dick flinch as his eyes darted this way and that in a sudden panic. "I can't stay here! Heed my warning! Beware the dick! Oh shit was I holding this thing upside-dow..." The recording ended abruptly.


Ashway and Daisy stared with shocked expressions at the recording they had found in the hallways. They had lost track of Dick almost eight hours ago.

"What the hell?" Ashway said. "How did he get so paranoid? All we did was keep him awake a little and pester him. Are you sure it was safe to keep him awake that long?"

"What have I done..." Daisy stared at the image of Dick's thumb and the ceiling at the termination of the recording. "I... I checked the psychological and health statistics and determined that five days should be fine. I forgot to account for sleep debt and Dick's non standard biorhythm. Oh God I've been killing my Captain!"

Ashway stared at the AI in shock. Most AI were simulations of living beings. A pretty finish over the mathematical machine to put the end user at ease talking to them. The more she interacted with Daisy, the more Ashway was certain that she was one of the rare instances of a truly sentient AI. Capable of computing teraflops worth of data, they were living beings and therefore, still fallible. Daisy was not a window dressing over a glorified calculator. She was a living being with feelings. Feelings for her Captain, Ashway realized.

"You love him don't you?" Ashway asked softly.

"Of course I do!" Daisy responded, her usually calm voice rising in anguished tones as her hologram burned red. "He's been the only person I've ever spoken to, the only one who had ever touched me or cared. Up until a month ago he was the only one I had ever had inside me! Up until a week ago he was the only one who had ever come inside me too." Ashway blushed and averted her gaze.

"I'm sorry. I didn't consider what this all meant to you. You were being such a big help, and all I could think about was helping Dick with his mission." Ashway said to the AI she now saw as a person for the first time.

"Before Dick turns me off, tell me what he means to you." Daisy said turning a melancholy shade of purple.

"Why would Dick turn you off? Wouldn't that be too cruel?" Ashway asked in shock.

"If I can't find Dick on the cameras, there's only one place he could be. Inside my core. Every Captain was given access to the core so they could reset it if their AI became corrupted or violent." Daisy said looking sadly at Ashway. "It's okay, the core will still be me, I just might turn out differently when he turns me back on. What? What's with that look?"

Ashway was doing her best to look stern and reproachful. The childish nature of her face sabotaged the effort and made it look like a sullen pout instead. Still, her expression, however cute it was, managed to convey her seriousness as she spoke.

"Dick would never do that to you!" She said sternly.

"You heard him on the recording, he thinks I'm malfunctioning." Daisy protested. "Besides he's always threatening me with ramming the ship into an asteroid or going into a black hole or sun."

"That's just because you tease him all the time. He's teasing you back, can't you tell? Every one of those things would kill him too and he knows it." Ashway fired back.

"You're just being naiive." Daisy snorted.

"And you're just being stubborn!" Ashway spat. The two of them stared angrily at each other for a few minutes before Ashway spoke again. "Dick never turns down a request for help. He's heroic. You know him better than I do, but you still can't see that you're like family to him? Dick told me an old navy saying that he swore to live by and anyone with a functioning eye can see that he tries to do so every day."

"You know I have every moment you spend on this ship recorded right?" Daisy said.

"Then why don't you remember when he told me 'A brave Captain goes down with his ship'?" Daisy stared in shock as the petite pink haired alien pointed out what should have been obvious all along. Dick was already a brave man, but he aspired to be known as a brave Captain. A Captain must love his ship, since he is willing to go through anything with it for better or worse. Dick would live and die with Daisy. In a sense they were already married. As Daisy began to glow a contented shade of pink, Ashway brought her back to reality. "You should tell Dick that you have all of his personal logs on file before he really does go crazy."

"I'd love to but there's nothing I can do if he's inside my core, even if he is just holing up for a while. You won't have access either, since the door is tuned to his biometrics." Daisy said.

"You're certain that's where he is? Maybe you should check everything. You've been wrong before after all." Ashway said bringing up a map of the ship. "What are these glowing things here?"

"Airlocks for emergency egress. They're not monitored, I guess he could've gone EVA but why?" Daisy replied.

"Only one way to find out."


"I see him! He really has been out here the whole time!" Ashway said as she floated through space. She had been following the tether trailing from the ships emergency exit airlock after they discovered that one of the spacesuits really was missing. The log on the airlock door showed that it had been opened eight hours ago.

"Hurry Ashway! At normal breathing rates those suits can only last about eight hours before they need a recharge!" Daisy said over the comms. Ashway would have been hurrying anyway, since she still only had her skinsuit for EVA and could only be out for two hours herself. Hand over hand she climbed the tether Dick had used as fast as she could go.

"I've got him! Oh no! He's not moving!" Ashway yelled.

"Hurry plug me in! I can charge his oxygen and restart his heart from here." Ashway did as Daisy bid, then floated anxiously in place as the AI began to read data from the suit. "Huh? He's got plenty of air. Almost like he's been... Ha! Ha ha ha! Oh jeez Dick that is so like you."

"What? What's going on? Is he okay?" Ashway asked from her spot in the vacuum.

"Flip him over and see for yourself." The AI said. Ashway reached out and grabbed the right arm of the floating Captain Coxwell and turned him over. The holo display on his left hand displayed an ended recording from Earth's archives. The title left nothing to the imagination about the lewd content one could see if they were to select 'replay' from the menu. Inside his helmet, Dick's face was the picture of contented bliss as he snored. "It appears we are no match for the tactical genius of Captain Coxwell."


Dick woke up slowly. Part of this was because he lived alone on a spaceship and usually had no reason to wake up early or late as these terms were relative to life on planets. The other part was because he rarely slept, and thus cherished the sleep he took the way a man in a desert would cherish his water. As Dick woke slowly, he followed his usual routine of rolling over to go back to sleep for a while. Except this time something was in his way. Pink hair tickled his nose as the petite, girlish figure of Ashway Ren snuggled against him. Her arm draped over him as she cuddled to him sleepily.

"Feeling better?" Daisy asked as her hologram formed next to the bed.

"I feel like I've been asleep for a long time. What happened?" Dick said, letting the arm pinned underneath the sleeping form of Ashway wrap around her in a natural gesture of affection.

"Some bacterial infection. You were really feverish for a while, had us both worried that the antibacterials didn't get into you fast enough." The AI lied easily.

"Where did it come from?" Dick asked.

"Part of the stuff they use for Ashway's shampoo. I didn't pay it any attention since the chance of infection was 1%. You should have a good immunity built up now."

"Well I've always been that kind of lucky." Dick said. "I feel like I could use some more sleep but I'm sure something needs doing."

"Nope. Me and Ashway took care of everything. Next thing you have to do is negotiate the sale of that fissile load you took on along with Asway. So you have 72 hours to do nothing but sleep. Of course, if you wanted to quit fucking around and start fucking Ashway for a change, I doubt anyone would mind." As Daisy spoke Ashway squirmed in her sleep, rubbing her morning wood against Dick's thigh. Dick watched the scene play out with a look of exasperation on his face as his own erection faded away. He lay back with his look of concern.

"The universe must enjoy fucking with people, because I sure ain't getting any."


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kuhpa01kuhpa01almost 8 years ago
Lovin' the Non-Lovin'

This is one of the best I've read yet. Good laughs, and somehow, you've got me thinking about how they can make this work for them!

Eager for more!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Regardless of the lack of "bow chicka wow wow" that is happening in this series, it is more enjoyable to laugh then to get my rocks off. I desire more!!!

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