Adventures of Dave and Nicole Pt. 01

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Dave spy's on and has some fun with the MILF nextdoor.
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It was mid 2013 when my parents moved out of the family home. I was 24 and a university drop out working 6-7 days a week trying to save for a house. That's when mum and dad moved away, 2500 miles away and left me renting the family home. Ok, renting might not be 100% accurate, mum had cooked up some scheme where me and if I wanted some mates rented the house and all the money went to some account somewhere until I hit 30. Then less some management fee they wanted to charge. I had to either use the money as my deposit to buy the house or forfeit all the money to them and keep renting.

So let's start with me Dave (well David Henry Robertson Jr) but everyone just called me Dave. 24 years old 6'2" and 160lb. I kept fit and active with sports and working out at the gym when I'm not at work. So yeah my days were pretty much full, gym at 5am work from 7 till 5 and then either gym, soccer or hockey before heading home and starting all over again. This routine did absolutely nothing for my social life. 

That's when Rob hit me, literally. We were playing soccer one evening (just social grade, which actually gets very competitive some days). Rob was new on our team this year and tonight was playing for our opponents to help make up numbers for them. Both of us were running full pace to get a loose ball, he was coming up the sideline and I was coming towards him but at about 45° I guess both of us thought the other would slow down but no. 


We collided in a big way smashing bodies, boots and heads together. Now Rob is about the same height as me but he's easily 40lb heavier ex college football something and solid as a brick wall. I came too laying on the ground with everyone looking at me. 

"Sorry bro" was all Rob said as he helped me off the field. 20 min later the game had finished and I was still sitting on the sideline feeling like a truck had hit me. 

"Tell you what bro, I'll drive you home in your car and Mary can pick me up from your place ok bro" 

"Thanks Rob"

I gave him my address and flopped into the passenger's seat next thing I knew we were outside my house.

"Holy shit, you live here bro. That place is massive. Not a wonder you work so hard to pay for it. Bro you should get some flatmates to help cover the cost bro, then maybe you can get a life."

"Yeah Rob I probably should but I hate the idea of strangers living in my house." 

"Bro, talk to James. I know he looking for a place and you know him. Bro I think Steve and his girl also looking to move too."

For a guy who had only been on our team 5 weeks he knew alot about everyone or maybe it's just cause I don't have a social life so I generally do not go out drinking with them. 

A quick bit about the house. Lovely 2 storey place with a huge yard out back, master bedroom with ensuite and two other practically the same size bedrooms upstairs. Small lounge and a toilet. Downstairs was a 4th bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, Huge Lounge, laundry and double garage. 

Maybe Rob was right, maybe I should talk to the guys and see what they think.

 Tomorrow was Friday and I would probably be working late as everyone likes to leave early on Friday regardless of if the day's work is finished but I had a rare weekend off. I sent a text to all the guys on the soccer team. 

 BBQ my place Saturday meat and the first cooler of booze provided, bring a plate of something to go with and more booze if you want.

By Friday evening James was the only one that had not replied so I called him, "yeah man I'll be there, sorry got busy as fuck and forgot to reply."

Sweet step one complete, I planned to spend most of Saturday cleaning and making the house look a bit more inviting. It was when I walked into the back bedroom upstairs that something caught my eye. 

Movement through the neighbor's window. 

A naked arse pointing straight at me. 

Then Nathan stood up and walked from the room. Holy shit from here I can see into Nicole and Nathan's bedroom. 

Just Quickly let me tell you a little bit about the neighbors. Nicole and Nathan have lived next door for about the last 10 years, Nicole is a MILF she's got to be Early 40s beautiful short Brown hair, nice tits maybe a B or C Cup, cute butt and a very nice olive colored skin. Nathan I would pick to be older maybe early 50 and he obviously spends a lot of time outside as he has very weathered look to him. They have two boys Thomas and Jack whom I have looked after occasionally when Nicole and Nathan have gone out. 

Looking out the window I also noticed that this room had a partial view of their swimming pool in the back yard as well. I had lived here 14 years how had I not noticed this? Is this the real reason mum and dad insisted I have the ground floor bedroom. 

The BBQ went well, it was nice to actually spend social time with people. I spoke to James and Steve about them maybe moving in here. Steve was keen to get out of their current situation, Mary wanted out but wasn't sure about this place until I offered to move my stuff to the back room and give them the master. That did the trick they were in. Once James found out they were in he asked if he could have the room downstairs. Boom just like that my plan (ok Rob's suggestion) had worked and now I could relax a bit as the bills and rent would be easier to cover. The rest of the evening went well and everyone left well feed and watered. 

During the evening I could occasionally hear the sound of someone swimming in the pool next door but by the time everyone had left those sounds had long since stopped. I went upstairs to my current room and even though I had 2 weeks or so till Steve and James were both moving in I started to plan how I would move my stuff to the back room. 

I walked into my new room to try visualize where things would go. There was a reasonable amount of light coming inside from the moon so I didn't bother to turn the lights on. As I walked around I glanced out the window and what I saw stopped me dead in my tracks. There in the pool was Nicole stark naked laying on an inner tube with Nathan standing between her legs eating her pussy. My cock instantly began to harden as I watched the scene down in the neighbor's pool. Without even thinking I fished my cock from my pants and started stroking, It only took about 90 seconds and I felt like I was going to blow so I had to let go of my cock I didn't want to leave but I needed something to catch the mess if I stayed. I took my eyes off them briefly as I looked around the room for something to catch my load but there was nothing really. When I looked back out the window they had disappeared, just my luck I thought. Then I noticed the bedside light come on in the bedroom as the two naked bodies landed on the bed. Yes round two and this time I was not missing my chance I quickly pulled my t-shirt off so I had something to catch the mess. Nathan lay on his back and Nicole turned herself 90° to him almost facing directly at me and began sucking his cock. I watched as her mouth slid up and down his shaft my hand trying to match her pace wishing it was her lips not my fingers wrapped around my shaft. 

She didn't blow him for long maybe 60 seconds if he was lucky but it was long enough to get him rock hard then she positioned herself right above his cock and slowly lowered herself down. As she got to the bottom she leant forward and kissed Nathan then reached over and turned off the bedside light plunging the room into darkness. I was close very close and I stroked my cock for all I was worth but I just couldn't get over the line. I moved up against the side of the window and could just make out the movement of their bodies but their ground floor bedroom was not as well lit by the moonlight. I retired to my room and chucked a porn film on just to help get my release it wasn't quite the same but it helped. 

Sunday I went about my business of clearing all the boxes and crap that had just been dumped in the back room so I could move my stuff in. I didn't pay much attention to the neighbor's I just wanted to get it done. By mid afternoon I had the room cleared out and my bed and dresser in. That was enough for one day I was absolutely worn out. Over the next week I moved the last of my stuff into the back room and spent the weekend thoroughly cleaning the master room ready for Steve and Mary to move in next weekend. 

Downstairs was actually rather easy as the bedroom was my home gym which I hardly used now cause I had a gym membership so I took photos of everything and listed it all for sale within 4 days I had offers on practically everything. 

Steve and Mary moved in and James moved in the following weekend. Things had been so busy I had completely forgotten about the neighbor's, well not entirely I had jacked off a few times to my memory of seeing Nicole laying on the tube in the pool but I hadn't been spying to see if it was a one off or regular thing.

We had another get together to celebrate the new housemates and everything was going great. I had managed to work a bit less and enjoy life a bit more with the extra money coming from my flatmates. 

Steve and Mary were interesting to live with, they obviously had their routine for daily life but I also noticed that their sex life was rather predictable as well. While they closed their door and tried to be quiet if you listened hard enough every Monday, Thursday and Saturday night you knew what was going on. James and I started going out Saturday night, pub dinner and a few drinks by the time we got home 11pm if we quit early stupid o'clock if there was some girls worth chasing Steve and Mary were in their room and asleep.

Speaking of chasing girls there was this one time I was doing OK with a girl but then she left with some mates. I decided to call it quits and went home but James was determined to find something that night so I left him to it. Anyway next morning I come downstairs to the sound of someone banging the front door only to find the girl that ditched me trying to leave (our front door has a fiddly lock sometimes you have to twist it just right) and there is James laying in bed laughing and swinging her G-string around in the air. 

I had been keeping an eye on the neighbor's house for a few weeks but to no avail however now with working less and having weekends off I noticed Nicole liked to spend time out in her garden every Saturday. Nathan would leave at about 10am and not return till 6pm or later some days. 

There was one Sunday in particular I won't forget it was a hot one I had all the windows open and fans running just to try keep cool. I even went to the hardware store to buy a new lock for the front door but only because the store and my car have good aircon. 

I was in my room when I noticed Nicole out in her garden hiding under an umbrella trimming some flowers. She had on some very short shorts that when she bent over showed a lot of cheek and a faded yellow sports bra type top. I kept an eye on her as I sat at my desk working on some spreadsheets for work. She worked on pulling some weeds which was obviously hot work out there as she regularly splashed water onto herself from a bottle she had with her. I left my desk briefly to use the bathroom and when I came back I was a little disappointed Nicole wasn't under her umbrella pulling weeds any more. That disappointment soon vanished when I realized she was naked in the pool cooling off. 

I watched her for about half an hour when something caught my eye. The day had been stinking hot and not a breath of wind about but I noticed there were some very high clouds moving at a reasonable pace across the sky. I have seen this before a few years ago just before a summer storm rolled in. I kept an eye on the sky and Nicole. That is when I noticed the clouds getting darker, the temperature dropping and a hint of breeze increasing. I knew I didn't have long so I raced outside and took down our big shade umbrella, stacked the plastic chairs away and checked for any other items that might blow around. Checks complete I went back upstairs and noticed Nicole still in her pool. I devised an evil plan, I quickly raced around to Nicole's front door and knocked a few times. 

No response, I pushed the doorbell, still no response. I made my way around the far side of her house. I knew I needed to get through a gate to get in the back yard. As I got to the gate I called out to Nicole. Now this is where the fun started from this side of the house I was looking straight through their kitchen dining area straight out to the pool she couldn't get out without me seeing and if she stayed in the pool but came closer to talk l I would get a good view of her.

"Nicole, it's Dave from next door, are you home?"

Silence but I could still faintly hear her in the pool. She was probably trying to figure out how trapped she was.

"Nicole are you there?"

"Yes I'm here"

"Nicole I think we about to have one of those nasty summer storms. Do you need any help putting things away?"

"Yes please Dave."

Brilliant I thought, she has forgotten she's naked in the pool or is she doing this on purpose. Just as I released the latch on the gate

"Hey Dave can you give me a min while I get out of the pool."

Bugger that ruined my plans. Two minutes later I was helping Nicole tidy her lawn furniture away and stash things before the storm hit. Just as we got the last of it sorted the sky got very dark and the heavens opened up. The wind started to pick up a bit of force as well. Nicole thanked me for my help and raced inside to close her windows before the house got wet. Shit windows all mine were open, I bolted from Nicole's yard back to my house to close up the Windows. For the next 3 hours mother nature unleashed her fury. There were puddles forming everywhere thunder and lightening creating a great sound and light show. I was down in the kitchen just finishing my dinner when there was a super bright flash followed by almost deafening thunder clap and an almighty crash. I had no idea what had just happened I looked around me everything looked OK, lights were still on so we had power. I looked out the front door expecting to see a wreck or something but no all fine out there. I walked around checking the rest of the house everything looked OK. It was as I walked into my room things didn't feel quite right. I stood in the doorway trying to work it out but no luck. I walked in and looked around then I noticed that the neighbor behind us who has this fantastic pine tree they decorate for Christmas, only now it was more of a had as it was no longer 40 feet tall. It was maybe 20 feet and the the top 6 feet of what was left were split in half. I looked around to see if I could work out where the missing bit of tree was then I spotted it in Nicole's lawn. 

Steve and Mary had just arrived home as I was heading out the door to go check on Nicole. I knocked on her door and she opened it looking as white as a ghost. 

"Are you OK?" I stupidly asked, she just looked at me.

"T.....T.....tree...........tree fell"

And then she started crying. I just wrapped her in my arms and walked in closing the door behind me. After a few minutes she calmed down a bit and I asked her to show me where the tree was. Nicole walked me back to the kitchen where I could see a plate of food on the table and what looked like world War two outside. There were bits of tree everywhere. Some were huge some were just tiny chips. There were leaves and all sorts floating in the pool and a hole through the big kitchen window. I looked from the tree to the hole to the wall about 6 feet from where Nicole would have been sitting to eat her food, there sticking out of the wall was a branch about 3 foot long and a good 6 inch thick, not a wonder she was shaken up.

I walked back to her and wrapped my arms around her. 

"When is Nathan due home? I haven't seen him for a while" I asked thinking I might just do a quick patch up on the window and leave the rest for him to sort.

"Not for another week, he is away in Europe somewhere on some work project and the kids are up north with my parents"

"OK look I'll put some duck tape on the window which will hold till morning and I'll come over tomorrow to help you clean up."

Nicole just shook her head in agreement so I ran home and grabbed a roll of tape from the garage and raced back. In the 2 minutes it took me I don't think Nicole moved an inch. I patched the window and worked the large piece of timber free from the wall tossing it outside. By this stage Nicole was sitting at the table pushing the food around on her plate, I guess she had lost her appetite. I helped her to her feet and wrapped my arms around her again. Slowly I shuffled us to the master bedroom and lay her down on the bed. Once she was laying down I closed all the curtains to block out the storm and joined her on the bed. Nicole lay there in my arms sobbing gently. I reminded her that everything was OK and I would be over tomorrow to help clean up. Eventually the sobbing stopped as Nicole had fallen asleep. I gently removed myself from the bed and opened up the curtains facing towards my room then left locking the front door behind me. 

I looked out through the window several times but Nicole was still laying right where I left her.

I emailed my boss and explained there had been damage to a few properties in our neighborhood including mine in the storm and I would work on the reports and presentation from home this week while the damage is repaired.

Monday was looking like it would be a hot one again. I arrived at Nicole's place just before 9 to check on her and plan out how to clean up the yard. She thanked me for the offer of help and we walked towards the back yard. It looked worse in the daylight than I remembered it. Nicole and I walked around and surveyed the damage. A few garden beds took a hit there was a large dent in the yard where the bulk of the tree landed, the smashed window and leaves and twigs through the pool. 

It was just as I was about to leave to go grab some tools that Derek the neighbor from over the back showed up. He apologized for the damage his tree had caused and said if we piled all the wood out front he would have it removed, he unfortunately couldn't help with the work as he needed to get to work and still had clean up to do at his place. We thanked him for his offer and he shot off for his day job. I wandered back to my place grabbed a wheelbarrow, axe, chainsaw and a few other hand tools. When I got back Nicole was no where to be seen. I figured she was inside somewhere and just got to work. 

Nicole came back out about an hour later dressed in similar attire to the day before, super short blue shorts and a white sports top with 'let's play' written in bright pink lettering. She had been inside talking to Nathan and booking a glazier to fix the window. Nicole handed me a glass of cold water which was fantastic as I was sweating in the hot and now very humid weather. Nicole helped out more than I expected but I still did most of the hard work. Just before lunch Nicole came up to me and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you for all your help Dave, I'm not sure how I can repay you but let me start by making lunch." 

With that she turned and walked inside, good God that arse looked good in those shorts. I finished moving the load of branches I had chopped up and when I got back lunch was ready. Nothing fancy, some sandwiches and a couple of cold cokes. We sat by the pool and ate while making small talk. Nicole said she would clean the pool and pick up all the small branches that were scattered around the lawn while I finished off the big pieces. 

I jumped back into it and finished sawing up the trunk and carting it all out the front while Nicole cleaned the pool and removed a million small pieces of twigs and branches from her gardens. By 4pm we were finished. I was soaked from head to toe and my body was aching. Nicole looked much the same. Her white top had brown mud patches all over it and her shorts clung to her skin they were so wet.