Aficionado Gets in Trouble Ch. 03

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A mouth full of cum and shoe shopping in K Mart.
6.4k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 05/03/2019
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As his WhatsApp call rang to the contact simply named Master, Pete had no idea what faced him. His senses were full of Marks cum, the distinctive metallic taste, it's manly musky aroma were overwhelming for him. He was still high from the poppers and thought he should just sit for a few minutes to recover a little, although the nearly full bottle of poppers in his pocket were talking to him to tell him to have more.

Marks voice came over the phone as his face came on the screen, "Show me inside your mouth cum slut." Mark was loving this, amazing how when you found the right submissive, they could be manipulated so easily, and so bloody quickly, just so long as they really craved serious domination. It would seem that Pete was one of those subs.

Pete did as he was told, picking the phone up and opening his mouth to show that he hadn't swallowed yet. "Now drive to K Mart slut it's time for you to shop."

Pete wanted to object and say that, what with the plug, the shorts and waist corset on that he couldn't possibly go in a shop, but he knew deep down inside that he couldn't argue, as he really didn't want the punishment which would result or even worse him being set free, that was the very last thing he wanted.

Mark had cancelled the call and so Pete started the car and drove in the direction of K Mart. What the fuck was going to happen now, what on earth was in store for him, this was a small town he thought, he just hoped no one he knew saw him there.

As he looked down he knew that the outline of both the shorts legs and also the cincher were visible if some one looked even a little closely at him and he thought someone was bound to notice, but he had no choice now, he was committed and had to do as he was told. The video Mark had, could never get out, if it did Pete would be ruined in this town, he'd have to leave and he didn't want that. He figured he'd just have to go along with this blackmail, although deep down he knew part of him truly desired it.

He pulled up in the car park and sat in the car for a few moments, not sure what to do. Then he thought he had to call Mark and get his next instructions, so he called once more on the app.

Mark answered "Show me my cum bitch."

Pete held the camera up to show his fully coated mouth as Mark said, "You can swallow now sissy."

Pete did as he was told and grimaced slightly. "Don't worry, you might not like it now, but you will grow to love and crave the taste over the next few months. You're going to be consuming a lot of it." Pete smiled at his Master, "Yes Master I know it is delicious and that I need it."

"Good boi, that's more like it, now go into the shop and find the ladies shoes, I've checked online and they have a great pair of platform high heels with straps around the ankles, go in and ask to try on a pair, they should have them in your size." Mark said this whilst smiling at Pete, this really was a true test of his submission to Mark, he knew that if Pete did this then the possibilities were endless.

Pete's tastebuds were saturated with the taste of his Master's cum, his senses overcome by the intensity of it. "But Sir how can I make an excuse to be trying on women's shoes, someone might see me. Can't I just buy them online and try them on at home, pleaseee"

"Slut you are missing the fucking point, I simply don't give a toss what you think, you can tell them that your Gay Master ordered you to do it, so that he could better whore you out to other men, or if you want to make up some bullshit excuse, then do so, but don't ever question me again, we're way beyond that bitch. If you don't get straight to it, I'll order you to ask to try on all sorts of lingerie and dresses, now just get on with it you stupid bimbo." This was where Mark would really test Pete, knowing that with each extra thing Pete agreed to do, that he'd fall a little deeper into the pit.

"Sorry Sir, yes Sir I'll go now." When Mark reprimanded Pete like that, Pete realised he just should get on with it and not risk the video being released.

"Keep the app open slut, I want to hear every single word."

Pete looked in the rear view mirror, his face was glazed with Master Marks cum, one of his eyebrows was clogged with it, he tried to scrape it off a little and was going to wipe his face with his hankerchief, until he heard.

"Don't do it slut, go in with my cum on your face and be proud, it might be the first time, but it certainly won't be the last. That's for sure. I like to mark my property regularly."

Pete sighed, picked up his phone and got out of the car and walked slowly across to the entrance of the store, this was going to be so mortifying, he thought he'd die with embarrassment, but he had no choice now, and in the end, did he really want a choice.

Pete walked and subconsciously swayed his hips, making the most of the movement of the plug in his ass. The feeling was truly delicious. The thought of just how feminine this made him look, didn't horrify him, it actually turned him on, which in itself surprised him. He knew he was getting in way over his head.

He entered the store and stood looking a little lost, "Can I help you Sir?" the woman facing him was mid to late twenties, elfin looking, small and slender, friendly but what Pete noticed most, were her stunning heels, 6 inches high with a 2 inch platform and lovely wide straps, they truly accentuated her smooth calves and he couldn't help staring at them.

"Well yes you can, thanks, ummm I errr need to have a look at shoes please." fuck what was he supposed to even say, then he remembered that Master Mark was listening too.

"Ok Sir, mens shoes are over here." She'd turned and started walking away.

"Ummm, well er, sorry but er I'd like to look at women's shoes please, in fact a pair a little like yours if possible."

"Sure no problem over here Sir, are you looking for your wife or your girlfriend?"

"Umm no I'm actually after a pair for me, I have a err... umm... a fancy dress party to go to." It was the best he could come up with at the time.

"Of course you do Sir, and the theme." He thought he picked up a slight hint of sarcasm but couldn't be sure.

"It's errr Burlesque, I think, but with the guys going in drag." Now he was just explaining a fantasy as much as anything, but he also thought it would be a good cover story. He heard Mark chuckle on his phone and hoped that the sales assistant hadn't heard.

"Ahh, now that makes perfect sense, let's see what we can find to make you look utterly fabulous. Follow me this way Sir." She was wondering already if there was more to this than met the eye. She knew a submissive when she saw one and that was her initial thought of the man standing in front of her.

"I'm Pete, by the way, nice to meet you." He thought going with pleasantness might make this go more quickly.

"I'm Taryn, nice to meet you to Pete."

"Take a seat here and we'll get you sorted out. Oh by the way, you have something on your face, on your eyebrow." Taryn smiled as she said this, Pete thought she had a knowing look on her face, but he couldn't be sure.

With that she turned and walked to the ladies shoes. He tried to pick off as much of the dried cum from his eyebrow as he could, but he knew the glaze would still be easy for her to see and the comment made him realise that he could actually smell it too and his breath smelled unmistakably of cum as well.

Taryn picked up a pair of 2 inch heels, black and sleek looking, but fundamentally boring Pete thought, but at least he'd be able to walk in them, "How about these Pete, nice and easy to walk on, for your first pair, shall I get your size?"

"Yes please that would be great." With that she turned on her heel and left to get his size from the end of the row, he was captivated by her shoes and the way her ass wiggled in the tight skirt as she walked.

"Not high enough..." Pete heard the comment and picked up the phone, holding it to his face.

Mark looked back at him. "I said not high enough for a real slut like you, now get her to bring you some at least 6 inches in height bitch, or this'll get a whole lot worse for you, and don't fucking clean your face any more, I know what your trying to do."

"But Sir I won't be able to walk in those." He was almost pleading now.

"Shut up slut, you'll learn, you'll be doing a lot of practicing or you'll be punished, now call her back, right fucking now." Taryn seemed to hesitate and turn her head slightly, almost as though she'd heard a voice on Pete's phone.

"Sorry Sir, yes Sir." he whispered, he was on the back foot now and worried that Taryn might have heard the word slut.

"Excuse me Taryn, on second thoughts I'd like something a bit more dramatic, to go with the theme, if that's OK."

"I think that's an excellent idea Sir, how high are you thinking?" She smiled at him as she asked this. "Have you got any like yours please, in my size?" He had to please Master or this was going to get completely out of hand.

"Well I can get some, but they might be really tricky to walk in, hell I can teach you how to walk and they look so much more impressive, how does that sound Pete?"

"That sounds awesome thanks Taryn." The relief that she had some that might please Mark and yet he might just be able to take a few steps in them was intense.

As the Taryn walked away, Pete held his phone to his face, "Is that OK Sir?"

"Indeed it is slut, they sound like the ones I saw, I'm enjoying this bit of fun, how about you?" Mark smiled at Pete, loving the deep discomfort and inevitable acquiescence of his new sub.

"It's nerve wracking Sir, what if someone sees me?" Pete sat down and winced as the plug was rammed a little deeper into his ass. He'd almost forgotten that it was in place, before he sat down.

"Looks like that plug is good and deep slut." Mark missed nothing.

"Yes Sir it is, really deep thank you Sir." Pete knew better than to ask when it might come out, he had a feeling that it was going to be a long time.

"You'll have the perfect alibi, the party is such a brilliant excuse, well done faggot, if any one asks, you just say it's out of town. Now you can go to town and get an entire outfit today."

Pete, thought how stupid he'd been coming up with such a plausible excuse, but he couldn't help that now.

"Yes Sir, I can." Again the need to please and hoping that he could have more fun with his Master.

With that Taryn returned with the box of shoes, the lid was askew revealing a pair of simply stunning shoes, black, patent, closed toe, with towering 6 inch heels, with wide straps for the ankles. Pete was breathless as he looked at them.

Pete inhaled heavily and felt his crushed, trapped cock trying to harden and Taryn simply smiled as she gently lowered herself to her knees in front of him. She knelt almost submissively in front of him, looking directly into his eyes. God she had stunning green eyes, Pete was mesmerised. If he wasn't trying to please his Master, he would instead be trying to flirt with Taryn, she was captivating.

"You still seem to have something on your face Pete." She smiled up at him apparently enjoying his embarrassment.

"I know Taryn, I'll get cleaned up when I get home."

"Ahh, OK, I just wanted you to know it was there, although I'm guessing you probably already knew it was there." She didn't seem to be ridiculing him, just stating a fact.

"I did yes, but I can't clean it off yet." He knew he was saying too much but she was so darned attractive.

She ignored his comment and began to take his boot off. It dawned on him that he should have done that, but she was almost caressing his foot, as she slipped the boot off, lifting his leg a little the plug moved once more and he winced a little. "Are you OK Pete, you look as thought you're in pain."

He knew Master was listening and replied "Just a little uncomfortable when I move, it's all good thanks."

She then took his sock off and rested his foot on her stockinged thigh as she scrunched his jeans up his calf.

"You're going to need to shave these bad boys to pull off the look you're going for Pete."

"Fuck I hadn't even thought of that, but you're right Taryn." She smiled up at him once more, another tick in the submissive list box.

She picked up the shoe and carefully, almost sensually she lifted his warm foot up holding it by the heel, this time it seemed as though she lifted it a little higher until he winced again and then again that smile. She presented the shoe to his foot, sliding it over his broad toes and wiggling it side to side to fit the front of his foot into the shoe. She then lowered his foot to the floor. a

"Now slip the rest of your foot in Pete."

He half stood and slid his foot in, it felt heavenly, so perfect, although he'd not stood in women's shoes before it felt so right, even though it nearly pitched him forward, Taryn then fastened the ankle strap tightly, "This will help you to stand up straight."

Taryn looked up and noticed for the first time that Pete had absolutely no bulge at all in the front of his jeans and she also picked up for the umpteenth time, the unmistakable aroma of dried cum. Now the substance on his face made absolute sense, as did the shoes and possibly even the slight camel toe that she could see only inches from her face. This could be fun she thought.

"Let's get the other one on, I think you're an absolute natural." As she said it Taryn was thinking that this guy just might be a natural sissy.

Pete smiled at the compliment and didn't hear Mark laughing gently on the phone. Mark was amused but also thinking that this was all getting so much more interesting. Having Taryn along for the ride would add, not only to the fun for him, but also hugely to the the embarrassment Pete would feel. He'd have to see what he could do.

Taryn placed the other shoe on his foot and she stood up.

Pete carefully stood holding onto Taryn's hand to steady himself but in truth, he didn't really need it, he really was taking to walking in heels quite easily.

"Walk down there and be careful to put your foot straight in front of the other, almost overlapping them and really little steps." Pete looked completely confused by the comment.

"Here, watch me, see this line of carpet tiles, I'm going to walk straight down it with my right foot going just over the left hand side of the line and the my left foot crossing over to the right side of the line." She showed him and he just watched her ass at it swayed suggestively as she walked.

Pete did as he was told, he was getting more and more compliant even with a complete stranger of a shop assistant. Mark smiled as he heard Taryn tell Pete how to walk.

"Pete, even more pronounced, you're not doing it right, your right foot must go over to the left side of the line and then your left foot over the right side of the line, surely you can manage that!" She said it as though he was stupid or at the very least a bit slow. This girl seemed to be enjoying humiliating Pete a bit thought Mark.

"It does, but why?" Pete almost whined as he asked this.

"It's simple, it makes your big fat ass sway side to side and men like that in a woman" She left that hanging in the air, Pete was wondering what the fuck she meant when she added "Which makes it perfect for your drag night, you want to look the part don't you? To be as convincing as you can be."

"Yes I do Taryn, I really do.""

Taryn's feeling that Pete was a true submissive was growing and she was enjoying playing with him a bit, she wondered how much further she could take this and hoped that one of her supervisors wouldn't notice and come over, she might get into trouble, but it was just too much fun not to do it.

Mark cleared his throat and both of them heard it from Pete's phone lying face down on the bench.

"You seem to have a call Pete." Again Taryn said it almost sarcastically.

She passed him the phone, turning it over as she passed it, seeing that WhatsApp was open and she also noticed that the name of the other person was Master, now this really was getting interesting she thought, really interesting.

Pete realized that she must have seen Marks name as she passed him the phone, oh fuck he thought, this is getting seriously embarrassing, how could he explain this away to her.

He put the phone to his ear, "We're on a video call idiot, use the phone properly." Taryn smiled at Pete's discomfort and his humiliation. She'd been right.

"Hi Mark, good to hear from you." Pete was as nervous as he'd been just talking to Mark whilst Taryn was listening, he wondered how he might get her to go and check on something so he could talk to his Master, but before he could think of anything, Marks voice was raised.

"Seriously Pete, I think you'll find Taryn has guessed more than you know, isn't that right Taryn?" The question hung in the air.

"Hi Mark or should I say Master? Yes I've guessed some of what's going on, if I had to guess, I don't think that there is a party at all, is there? and it seems as though Pete is your submissive."

"Taryn, you're quite right, there is no party and I am Pete's Master, I sent him to get some heels as part of his forced development as a sub and as a sissy, but the story about the party was just an excuse he came up with to save his embarrassment, but it seems we're past that aren't we?"

"Yes I think we are Mark, well beyond that." She smiled at Pete as she said that, he was bright red.

"Would you by any chance be OK to help us get him an entire outfit today? He'll need quite a lot of help."

Taryn was into this, she'd read countless stories on her favorite site Literotica of outwardly straight males being turned into sissies, faggots, cock suckers or in some extreme cases turned completely gay. Which all went back to her fantasising about wanting to do just that to an ex-boyfriend who dumped her for one of her friends. The stories were her favorite genre and she often got off, as she read about tormenting some straight guy and turning him, the power trip to her, seemed like the ultimate thrill. But she'd never met a guy who was into this... until now.

"Hell yes that'll be my absolute pleasure, but I'd really like to be involved more than just helping now, I'd like to be involved in the whole process." She looked straight at Pete as she said, "I'd like to help you with Pete's development, if you're planning to go all the way, that is, if that's at all possible."

"Well Taryn, that's definitely my plan, to completely transform him, I want to get him fully dressed for the first time today. Just as you said, he's a natural in heels, and you seem to be taking to this domination lark, like a duck to water, so you can definitely be involved, in fact I think it will make his humiliation all the deeper. But do say no, if that's too much for you."

"No it's not too much for me, I just love stories about Dommes or Alpha males turning submissive men and forcing them to cross dress, this sounds like loads of fun and judging by how red Pete's face is right now and how horrified he looks, I think you're completely right about the deeper humiliation, now what exactly would you like to see him in?"

"Well Taryn, I'll leave that largely to you but I think the theme of burlesque drag show is perfect for a sissy in training, don't you. Go the whole hog and let's think, stockings, corset, although he is already wearing a waist cincher, which I have padlocked on for now, I guess the full make up and the wig will have to come later, how does that sound?"

"That sounds perfect. Did you say that the waist cincher is actually padlocked in place?" Now this was getting more and more interesting to her, a bit of bondage too.

"It is, both that and the booty shorts Pete is wearing, you'll have to have a look in the changing rooms if you can, the locks are Wifi controlled, so that I can unlock them at any time by sending a text message and then have Pete re-lock them whenever I want."