After the Ball


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In an instant he had pressed her knees together, trapping her sex between her thighs once more and rolling her skirt down her thighs demurely. He stood abruptly, giving her what he hoped was a reassuring smile.

"I need to refresh the fire. It would never do to have someone walking into the room and see you thus."

Sofia flushed deeply and Caelum could see that it had not occurred to her that the door was, of course, unlocked. He turned away, busying himself with the fire and trying to ignore the heaviness in his groin while he thought of what to do. He was, of course, not as young as he once had been, but in his youth he had been able to complete the act four times in an afternoon. So twice today, with the most delicious girl he had yet been with, one nearly half his own age, should not be asking too much. And once...once would certainly not be enough.

The fire roared hot behind him, filling the room with some of the warmth that had seeped away after class had ended. He stalked back to his desk, watching Sofia's eyes widen a bit as he approached. He wondered how to broach the topic. She was a smart girl, and a perceptive one. Honesty would be best, he decided.

"Miss Blake, I mentioned earlier that the male release signaled the end of the sex act, do you remember?"

"Yes, sir," she said, addressing her professor with automatic politeness. His cock swelled further in his trousers at this.

"You asked only one question then, which I shall answer in due time. But first there are other things you should know. The primary aim of the act for a man, as you have no doubt guessed, is naturally his own release. But any man who wishes to have the pleasure of a woman more than once will want to engage in the singularly entertaining enterprise of causing his partner to come to orgasm herself—once or, if he is talented and she is able, as many times as possible before losing control."

Sofia's thighs rubbed together, perhaps unconsciously, beneath her skirt, and the tongue that darted out to moisten her lips told Caelum what sort of effect his words were having on her. He continued.

"Keeping control, however, for a man, can be quite difficult, due to the deep and primal desire he has for painting a woman's womb with his seed as quickly and as many times as he can," he said. Sofia's mouth opened in a little "o" of surprise. "The more appealing the woman, the more enthusiastic, the more inexperienced—not just her youth, you understand, but her lack of...use," he said, a bit embarrassed now, "the harder it is for the man to bring her to orgasm before his own release. Particularly...if it has been a long time since he has last experienced the thing, he will be more eager to simply get on with it. Or rather...quite unable to control himself, however hard he should wish to try. Do you understand?"

"I...I think so," she said, her throat sounding a bit scratchy.

"You are, I think, the pinnacle of man's desire. Right now, just as you are, a man might be completely unable to control himself having you for the first time. But a worthy man will want to bring you as much pleasure as he gets from you."

"You've already—" she started to protest.

"Once," he said, significantly. "So you see the problem. But there is a solution. If a man is brought to orgasm and allowed to recover his desire, his control over his own organ will be vastly better maintained afterward. But both orgasms need not be achieved in the same way. You were asking about...other things. To pleasure a man, any device like a woman's sex will do. Something that...grips."

"Like my hand, sir?"

"It would serve the purpose admirably. And yet even better is one that provides also the moisture that serves to smooth the way."

Sofia blinked up at him, and he could not tell if she had worked it out for herself. He leaned in to kiss her, his tongue tracing the lines of her lips and flicking against the girl's own tongue softly.

"Think, Miss Blake," he said, murmuring against her lips. "If the crude pressure of my trouser-clad organ can bring you to such pleasure, what more could the gentle caresses of my tongue upon your sex do?" He was rewarded with her blush. "Here, come kneel down and I shall show you what to do." Caelum removed his overcoat, folding it neatly into a square and setting it on the floor at his feet. Sofia slid off the desk, leaving behind a small pool of moisture that Caelum, for the moment, chose to ignore. She knelt gingerly on his overcoat and looked up at him waiting for direction, and the very sight caused a small shudder to run through him.

He hardly wished to undress—not because of the chill but because anyone could, indeed, open his door at any moment. This only happened after classes with extreme rarity, but it was a possibility and there would be no hiding what Sofia was doing. She could be expelled, and he would surely be dismissed. But the situation sent a frisson of excitement running through him. He unbuttoned his trousers, exposing the soft white linen of his undergarments, against which his organ could be far better seen pressing at the limits of the fabric. Sofia's eyes widened a bit.

Caelum slid his fingers against the folds of linen, drawing his cock out for the first time in front of a student. Sofia's lips parted unconsciously as she gazed at what was, he supposed, her first look at one in the flesh. Her hair was still pinned tightly against her nape, and Caelum plucked the pins out carelessly one by one to let her hair tumble free down her back. He threaded his fingers through it, cradling the back of the girl's head.

"Go on, touch it," he urged softly.


It was not the appearance of her professor's cock from his unbuttoned trousers that caused Sofia to ponder the ridiculousness of the situation that she found herself in. It was his gentle exhortation to actually reach out and run her fingers over the surface of his organ that made her want to smile. She was kneeling in her chemistry classroom on the second floor of the building, in a room where anyone could come in at any moment, on her very private professor's cherished overcoat, being asked to touch her very private professors very most private part. And he had told her that she was beautiful, and he was touching her most tenderly.

Sofia reached out and took Caelum's cock in her grasp, marveling at the size of it. She gripped him gently at the base of it and saw how it protruded several inches from her fist. The skin was the softest thing she had ever felt, so thin and delicate feeling over the iron-hard stiffness beneath. Above her Caelum was watching her intently. She thought about the few things their biology professor had told them about lovemaking, and realized that she did not need the direction he might give her. She knew what to do.

Sticking out her tongue, she guided him into her mouth directly without relinquishing her hand's grasp on him. The shuddering breath she heard above her was the only sign she needed that she was doing things correctly. She could manage about half of his length easily, coating it in the moisture from her mouth. Her tongue slid down the underside, and she twirled it around the side of him as she retreated. Holding him firmly, she pushed her head back down on him, trying to take a bit more of him into her mouth. Moving slowly and with purpose, she had taken nearly all of him into her mouth.

Finally feeling the tip of him nudge the back of her throat, she swallowed reflexively. For a moment her eyes watered and she felt sure her breathing was restricted. Withdrawing slowly, she swallowed again and felt the momentary panic ebb away.

"Don't push yourself too fast, Miss Blake," he said softly above her. Instead of replying she slid her hand up toward the tip of his cock, marveling in the journey made frictionless by her saliva. Caelum groaned and Sofia repeated the motion, gripping him a bit more tightly. When he didn't complain she stroked him a few more times, faster now, pleased to hear his breath quicken in response.

She replaced her mouth on him, feeling his fingers tighten in her hair. His responses spurred her on, finding enjoyment in pleasuring him. In the gap of his linen drawers she spied his scrotum bobbing slightly with the motions she made. The skin was loose and she wondered if it would be as soft as his cock. Lifting her free hand toward him, she reached into the soft linen and cupped his testicles in her palm. The loose skin tightened slightly as she touched him.

"Miss Blake," Caelum muttered, with some difficulty, "I am going to come." Sofia hadn't heard the word before, but it was obvious what he meant. A spike of pleasure and pride ran through her at his words, but she wasn't quite sure what she was meant to do with the information. What had he said earlier? That the orgasm accompanied, in a male, the ejaculation...and what would she do when that happened? She glanced at Caelum, felt his hands come around to hold her head in place against him. "You swallow it, Miss Blake," he said, answering her unasked question.

Sofia felt that she was no longer quite in control of the situation. Caelum's hands on her head and the forward motion of his hips had taken the place of her own movements, but he was still gentle. He thrust into her mouth a few times before stilling completely. Sofia waited, her fingers tightening convulsively around him in nervous anticipation. Suddenly his cock jerked several times, and she felt her mouth filled with a warm, sticky substance. She breathed tensely through her nose until he had withdrawn from her, rolling his come around on her tongue and tasting it. It wasn't unpleasant, a little bitter but mostly without any strong flavor.

Caelum was drawing her up and kissing her full on the mouth before she could think about it, and she knew he must be able to taste himself on her but he didn't seem to care. He was buttoning his pants back up and drawing his overcoat off the floor, brushing it off. She had a moment to feel disappointed that the moment was over, when a swift sharp knock on the door was followed by the sound of the door opening. Sofia spun around guiltily to see Headmistress Tierney in the doorway.


"Professor Elwyn," the headmistress said, with no small measure of surprise. "Miss Blake. What is she doing here?" she asked him.

"We were merely discussing the term's of Miss Blake's detention, Headmistress," he said, pleased that his voice was not betraying him and that he'd had the presence of mind to kick Sofia's sodden panties underneath his desk at the first sound of fist on wood.

"Detention on the last day of term, Professor?" she asked with lifted brows. "You could be a bit lenient on the girl, don't you think?"

"No," protested Sofia, to the surprise of all three. "I'm afraid I deserve this one."

"Oh?" The headmistress looked even more surprised. "And your offence?"

"Impertinence, ma'am," said Sofia.

"I see. Well, I shall leave you to it then. Professor, if I could have the pleasure of an audience with you before dinner?"

"Certainly, Headmistress."

They waited until the door had closed and enough time had passed for Headmistress Tierney to be well down the hall before even glancing at each other. Both held a slightly guilty expression, but neither seemed like they wanted to part company.

"Impertinence, indeed," Caelum murmured. "If I wanted to punish you, I should now have many more interesting methods than I would use on the other girls." A shudder of suppressed excitement ran through Sofia, even though she had no idea what those punishments might possibly entail. "Oh, yes. In time, we may see. At this moment, however, what I plan to do is...lock the door."

"Sir," Sofia said she watched him cross the room to lock the door, "how long does it take for a man to recover his desire?"

"You still wish to be fucked, then?"

"As soon as possible, sir. Although I wondered if, perhaps, you could demonstrate the efficacy on the female sex of that other, smaller organ you referenced. Just for the sake of scientific observation, of course, sir."

Caelum eyed her with a raised brow. The little vixen was already learning the art of flirtation. He made a small bow and gestured to his desk. Sofia smirked at him and sat back down on the edge of it, neatly avoiding the smudge of now-chilled moisture she had left upon it. She let her legs dangle over the edge in the hopes that Caelum would see fit to remove her skirt, the wool of which was beginning to get slightly scratchy. Caelum prodded the fire once more, tossing another chunk of wood onto it and causing it to roar forth after a moment with another burst of heat.

He eyed her as she sat on the desk, and wondered what she would look like completely nude. He intended to find out. Her slippers were the first things to go, followed by her tall, white socks. Bypassing her skirt, much to her irritation, he then removed her thick cardigan, fully revealing her green woolen vest; long-sleeved, button-down white linen shirt; and the striped tie in Hawthorne colors—forest green, burgundy, and gold. When he wormed his fingers beneath her vest she shivered, pliable in his arms as he pulled it over her head. He was inordinately pleased to see her nipples already hard beneath the linen shirt.

Untying the tie took a moment, and he did not hurry himself. He could tell by her movements beneath him that she was getting impatient, but it was all part of seduction to make her wait for her first time. The fact that she was naked beneath her skirt and, no doubt, still wet and swollen certainly preyed on his mind, but for her to know that he'd had the opportunity to ravish her and refrained to truly pleasure her would be a memory she would likely never forget. He slid the tie slowly from around her collar, trailing the pointed tip of it over her exposed thigh before setting it aside.

The buttons of her shirt were dispatched one by one, with a lengthy pause between each for Caelum to press his lips heatedly against the exposed skin. When he drew aside the shirt and slid it off her arms he was captivated by the appearance of her brassiere—a simple one of the same thin, white cotton that her panties were made of. It was so thin that the shadow of her areola showed through it and the slightest touch of his fingertips upon them made them tighten and press into the fabric. He moved his lips over her left nipple and blew warm air over it. Sofia shivered and gave a little moan. He kissed it, then took it between his teeth and pressed down lightly. "Oh!" gasped Sofia, before he repeated it on her right nipple.

Dispatching the brassiere took only a moment more and Caelum found he could not wait any longer to see the perfect globes that were Sofia's breasts. Perfectly pale and not at all freckled, with areola and nipples the same dusky pink that her swollen sex was colored. They were about the size of apples and created within him the same desire to bite and savor. He leaned in towards her, letting his tongue roam over her breasts. The soft skin brushed his cheeks as he made her moan and writhe beneath him. When her areola had puckered and her nipples were as hard as he could make them, he at last let his tongue travel down her flat stomach to her navel. Dipping into it briefly, he hooked his fingers into her skirt.

Down he slid it, an inch at a time, until it dropped freely from her knees to the floor. He noticed as he did so that she had not shaved her legs, perhaps had never done so. The hair there was baby fine, though it was dark, and did not mar his enjoyment of her firm young flesh in the slightest. As he let his eyes wander back up her thighs he noticed the hairs there were lighter, golden to match the few hairs that sprinkled over her lower stomach. His tongue licked a soft line down her stomach and over her mound, ruffling the fine black hairs there. He lifted her feet back to the edge of his desk and observed her sex again.

It was just as it had been before, full and inviting and very obviously wet. His cock gave a noticeable pulse in his trousers, and he was pleased to feel it awakening already. The moisture from her sex was painted on her inner thighs and he ached to taste it. He pressed a chaste kiss to her inner knee before letting his mouth roam up her inner thigh. At last he had reached the line of moisture and he ran his tongue over it greedily, savoring the sweet and tangy of flavor of Sofia. He had been intending to spend more time licking and teasing her inner thighs, but the heat he felt emanating from her and the soft scent of her arousal were inviting him to go directly to the source.

He placed his tongue just at her entrance, where his cock would surely be poised soon and swept it upward in one long motion, stopping just short of the place where her pearl jutted outward temptingly. A soft girlish sigh above him seduced him even more as he rolled his tongue around in his mouth to savor the taste of her. He swallowed and went back for another taste. Keeping away from her pearl he nevertheless was making her whimper softly, and he smiled to himself. If she thought this was how it was supposed to be, how surprised she would be when he finally stopped teasing her.

A loud cry rewarded him when he at last swirled his tongue around the vaunted spot, taking her into his mouth and suckling her. She was writhing beneath him and he wanted nothing more than to pierce her sex with his fingers, to feel the evidence of her ultimate pleasure when it came. But there would be time for that, and he knew his cock would be the first part of him to penetrate her. It was already hard as iron once more and ready to be put to service. Caelum gripped Sofia's hips firmly and held her against the desk as he flicked his tongue rapidly over her pearl. She was moaning quite incoherently now and her hips were trying to buck up beneath him.

"Pr-pr-pr..." she began before letting out a wail as she shuddered in release. Caelum lightened the pressure of his tongue on her, licking her quite softly as she came down. Her chest was heaving with the effort of breathing and Caelum stood abruptly, struggling with the buttons on his trousers.

"Take off your tunic," she murmured.

Caelum obliged her, willing his fingers to stop trembling long enough to unbutton the several dozen buttons that ran down the front of his tunic. He slid the tunic off his arms, revealing his soft white shirt—more buttons—encased in a black silk vest. Sofia eyed him and Caelum's cock gave a lurch in his trousers. In a minute it was out and poised in position at her entrance. She was sprawled out before him on his desk, her arms working to hold her upright. She was still suffering the aftershocks of her orgasm, as evidenced by the occasional trembling of her limbs.

"Miss Blake," Caelum said softly, as much to tease himself with the delay as because he really wanted to know, "have you ever been with a man before?"

Sofia gaped at him. "Of course not."

"Because I feel I should inform you that virginity is a rather prized asset for a young woman intending to arrange her own marriage."

"And you think that now is a good time to tell me this?" she asked incredulously, letting her eyes sweep over the both of them.


"Do it," she said, just before her head fell back as she was taken captive by another aftershock and apparently a rather strong one. Her body quivered and Caelum took that moment to slide inside her in one smooth motion, one hand seeking purchase on her hip. The other slid over her slick folds to tease her still sensitive pearl. Sofia cried out as the pain folded before the intense pleasure of the strongest orgasm she had yet experienced, her sex contracting violently on the intruder. Caelum was in heaven, having felt the girl's maidenhood break upon the head of his cock as it slid home to the tightest cleft his organ had ever plumbed. Then to have it begin contracting at once filled him both with pride and the intense urge to spill his seed immediately despite having just done so a short time ago.