After the Bourbon Trail Cruise


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Joe's face was deep between her legs now and I know from my experience with him that he had his tongue and a finger in her pussy and another finger deep in her ass and as she started to shuddered and moan into Peter's mouth he quickened his assault until he won his favorite prize of tasting the female orgasmic fluid discharge that no woman can either control or avoid, given that same treatment.

Breathless and exhausted Jessie and I finally composed ourselves, got up off of the tables and sat back at the balcony slider with our two husbands. While sharing their warmth in the cool of the late night we enjoyed the remaining champagne, the motion of the ship and the twinkle of lights on that ancient French riverbank and I both wondered and dreamed what it must be like to live there.

I woke in the middle of the middle of the night to find my head on Joe's shoulder. He had his left hand holding my breast and his right arm over me with his hand cupping my pubic mound. It had turned even colder in the room and though I didn't want to stir from the coziness of him and our blanket, I really had to pee. As quietly as I could, I pulled the covers from me and found that I was a bit disoriented until I finally dawned on me that we were in the bed in Jess and Peter's cabin.

When I returned from the bathroom my eyes had adjusted to the soft glow of the cabin light and I saw Joe sound asleep under a blanket on the love seat and I realized that it was Peter who had been spooning with me. He was asleep with Jessie on the other side of him and she was all snuggled down under the covers and I could tell that she was out from the way she was lightly snoring.

I grabbed my robe and was about to wake Joe to take him to our stateroom when I remembered that Jess and I had made a pact to take our pleasures beyond us just selfishly receiving our nude massages, but from the intensity resulting from those last ones, we were both far too spent to fulfill that promise.

I changed my mind because as a woman, since these intimacies began, I have been sexually curious about Peter and Jess and I did agree, so I decided to take advantage of this situation and be the one to initiate.

I slowly I pulled the blanket back and as easy as I could, I laid back down on my left side up against Peter in the same position that I was in before I went to the bathroom . I pulled his right arm over me and I started to gently push back and grind my bare ass back against him until I felt him get hard inside those silky boxers.

I felt his left had closed around my breast and his right touch my pubic area and as his fingers came alive, I knew that he was fully awake.

The fact that I was laying on my side up against him like I this, looking directly at my husband peacefully sleeping less than three feet away and I knowing that Jess was on the other side of Peter created an odd combination of feelings in me that was so erotic, that I became aroused beyond description.

Peter eased his boxers down trying not to wake Jess and I felt the warmth of his erection contact the cool crack of my ass. Impatiently, as I reached back to help guide him, I lifted my left leg up over his right and as I bent my knee, I felt him take hold of my ankle.

The hand that was on his cock suddenly became warmer and I felt it get wet and sticky from his precum and instantly I put it to my mouth to taste him, not wanting to waste any of it like I did earlier. I found him to be sweet and savory and I loved both the flavor and feel of it on my tongue so much that I reached back and collected more.

Our position was a bit awkward at first but as he squeezed and fondled my breasts with his left hand while holding my right leg up and slightly apart with his right, I felt myself get wet to the point that even in that position he was able to ease himself inside of me and his hand left my leg and went back over my belly where it fingered and fondled my clit.

Though we were doing everything that we could to keep quiet, this strange, new, previously forbidden feeling caused me to softly moan and when Peter brought his right hand up to my lips in a gesture to shush me, I could both smell and taste the pungent aromas left on me from the pleasures that I received from him last evening.

Those tastes and aromas became the catalyst and as I started to cum, I heard Jessie's soft voice encouraging Peter to slow down, take his time and do the thorough job of taking me.

I felt the bed move as she quietly slipped out and without another word, she walked the few steps to Joe's nest on the love seat to join him. She looked back once to make sure that I was watching her and she pulled his covers away and removed his boxers.

As Joe came out of his sound sleep, Jess went to her knees, and whispered "good morning" and touched his long flaccid penis pushing his pubic hair down toward his balls before taking it in her mouth. As I looked on he placed the palm of his right hand at the base of her neck to guide himself deeper in her throat and to my amazement, at seventy, he appeared to grow longer and get a little firmer each time her head would bob back.

Since Joe has grown older, he still likes intimacy. In his mind he always desires sex and he can also ejaculate, however his inability to gain an erection on demand has been a real heartbreak for him. I guess this is why our one way touchy feely massage arrangement had worked so well for him, especially with the added bonus of another loving and trusting couple providing the additional woman to share it with. But it still saddens me that we didn't know or think to undertake these pleasures several years earlier when he could have enjoyed the full benefit.

Just when Jessie straddled Joe and started to work his semi firmness inside of her, Peter rolled me over on my belly and pulled me up to my knees. Then he pulled my ass back even further until my breasts were touching the tops of my thighs.

When he reentered me this time, I felt the familiar deeper fullness that I had been missing for a while and when he started that long and slow rhythmic thrusting motion I wanted it to last but I knew that I couldn't last through that for very long, knowing from the state that I was in, another orgasm was eminent.

When I came this time, I couldn't control my moaning and Peter made no attempts to silence me like before, then I heard both Joe and Jess saying, "that's it Barb, go with it, savor it, this is what it is all about." and prior to him cuming himself, Peter pulled out.

Just before that strong orgasm fully subsided, I felt Peter's hand move to each side of my waist and him positioned himself a little higher on his knees. I felt his left thumb and forefinger spread my butt cheeks and without question, explanation or warning, in one forward motion, using only the lubrication of my vaginal juices on his cock, he pushed himself deep in my ass.

This sudden overly full sensation was so overwhelming that I could only grunt while shaking my head no and shock and surprise came over me. For the second time of this cruise I was having a sexual first and I wasn't expecting this totally uninvited one. In all of my life I have never experienced full anal intercourse and I never entertained the idea of ever having it. I have never allowed anything larger than a finger in there and just up until recently I didn't enjoy that either. This action knocked the wind out of me and I felt as if I couldn't breathe.

That instant sensation was a blend of humiliation, discomfort and sick forbidden pleasure as my bowel was uncomfortably stretched and extended to accommodate both the thickness and length of Peter's cock.

My lower belly started to cramp much worse than it would when I had to go real bad and that added embarrassment to this odd mix of emotions because I knew that this was actually happening in the presence of my husband and two close friends.

I heard Peter's winded voice said, "sorry Barb, I just can't waste this hard on, I've seen to it that you've had yours , now I need to get mine."

His hands started gripping may ass cheeks and I felt his two thumbs spread them so far apart that I thought I would tear and as I threw my head back in protest, I heard Jess say "Just relax Barb and retract your muscles with each of his forward thrusts, you're pushing on it, quit bearing down and accept it!"

In that cold stateroom, I started to feel real hot and overheated and I felt myself turn pale. Then Joe got on the bed and kneeled in front of me so I couldn't crawl away and as he lifted his chubby of a Jessie soiled tool to my lips, I took him deep in my mouth and started sucking him.

Two more full thrusts and I felt some air queef from my pussy on Peter's nut sack as it slapped against me there and though I hoped out of sheer embarrassment that no one heard it, I was sure that Peter had felt it on his balls.

Peter reached under me and rubbed and fondled my soft hanging belly, then with two fingertips from that right hand he put a firm steady pressure on my clit pushing it up toward my navel and I as I intentionally retracted my sphincter muscles to draw him in so I could pinch that invader off like I would a gigantic turd, the cramping subsided and within seconds, I exploded in the most intensely gratifying orgasm of all time.

My screams from pure deep rooted animalistic lust,pleasure and gratitude vibrated over my husband's firmness and right before I collapsed with my head between Joe's knees, I felt Peter's cock head swell as it deposited his warm load deep inside my ass and then I tasted the familiar vinegary, salty, fish flavor of my husband's ejaculate and I thought at the time that my sucking had made him cum.

It was Jess who spoke first as she slapped my ass and asked, "well girl now tell me, what did you think about that?"

I let Joe and stringing drool slip from my mouth and between deep breaths, all I could bring myself to say was, "I have never in my life experienced anything like it" and to this very day I still cannot for the life of me understand why any woman would be selfish enough to deny her partner and herself such true overwhelming pleasures, publically forbidden or not .

Joe petted my head for a while and as Peter finally started to withdraw from my ass, Joe said, "hey look, it's starting to get light out, let's take advantage of all the time that we have together and get an early breakfast!"

I asked, "Joe, is that all you ever think about?" ... "I just had my brains fucked out!"

Joe answered," I know I was there for it, ... Breakfast anyone?"

Our two husbands passed through the connecting door to our stateroom to get cleaned up for breakfast and Jess and I didn't waste any time. Though we have no lesbian tendencies, under these circumstances we've seen everything else so we just decided to shower together.

While we were rinsing off I told Jess though Joe's an early riser, I have never known him to press for breakfast like that before and other than wanting his coffee he was never real hungry the first thing in the morning.

Jess asked, "when was the last time that he came twice during sex?"

I said, "you have got to be kidding me, right?"

Jess said, "no, once in my mouth and he popped in me the second time while I was doing him cowgirl, right at the exact time that he looked over and saw Peter take you anally" and I knew it was his cum from that last act with her that I had sucked out of his dick.

I looked down, grinned and said, "now please don't take this the wrong way, but I thought that he tasted real nice while Peter was butt fucking me and that's the second time that I tasted you prior to having the most powerful orgasms of my life" and she hugged me as a good friend would as we stood under the warmth of the water.

Breakfast on deck in the south of France during a sunrise is surreal, hot coffee seven or eight types of juices, fresh fruit from everywhere, soufflé, keish, eggs of every variety and the list is endless. We were told as we ate that there would be a tour of a French village today at a small port and if we were interested, we should get our names on the list because that buss tends to fill up fast and since we were early and had the time, we decided to take advantage of it and we gave our server our names.

As our ship docked, due to the fact that we were out so early, the four of us were about the first passengers to board the little transport vessel to go ashore and we noticed among the next four to five people getting on were the two young men who hassled us in the spa at the direction of our husbands. They greeted the four of us with a "good morning" and a smile and started talking between themselves in French.

When we walked from the dock to the bank of that quaint little river town, Joe was reading a flyer on the many attractions there and of course our husbands wanted to see where the booze were made and Jessie and I wanted to hit a few of the little shops.

Jess said, "hey let's split up and meet back here in a few hours."

Peter said, "look, we're in another country and this is a river town. I think that under the circumstances you two girls shouldn't go off on your own by yourselves."

By then the other passengers were walking past us and our two young spa buddies offered, "if you like, they can come with us, we're here to do some shopping and we'll keep an eye on them and make sure that they are safe." Jess and I looked at each other, then at our husbands and with a nod of approval we were off on our separate paths.

We went through the various shops with them and those that they had no personal interest in they would always wait outside for us and grab a smoke. They made the day fun and at one point when Jess and I were approached by a street vendor they became aggressive with him and ran him off while cursing at him in French.

We met up with the boys right on time walking up to them arm and arm with our new friends as an attempt to get back at our husbands for their hot tub incident, but when they intentionally showed no reaction Jessie and I both knew that our actions were not very believable.

Back onboard our ship the four of us thanked them and we parted ways to take our few purchases back to our staterooms and get ready to enjoy that spa again before dinner.

It was another cool evening and as the steam rose from the bubbling water it felt good on our upper bodies. As Jess and I sat and chatted about our day in town, she stopped, looked over at me and asked the same thing that I had been thinking about since last night, "Barb, we only have two nights onboard left, don't you wish that this would never end?"

I answered, "more than you could ever know."

We stayed a little too long in the spa and we got out, toweled off and met the boys for drinks at the cabana bar. Then the four of us decided to just have a quick informal meal before heading back to the stateroom to see what our two European massage tables had in store for us that night.

When Joe asked, "aren't you two getting a little tired of these tables buy know?"

We both laughed and answered, "no, but we'll let you know if we ever do?"

Peter said, "wouldn't you like a little variety?"

I answered, "variety ... are you crazy? Let me be the first to tell the three of you that I don't think that I could stand any more variety induced pleasurable excitement without my head exploding!" and we all laughed.

Joe said, "well, we'll see if we can just make it special for you then." and both Jess and I told them that it already was and for tonight, a repeat performance of our first night aboard ship would do just fine.

Peter told the bartender to please have a magnum of champagne on ice in our room for later and we took our after dinner drinks to the deck chairs to watch the sun set over the shoreline.

I wasn't wanting to overdo the alcohol because I wanted to be alert to experience everything that our husbands had in store for us, but just like last evening, the drinks went down smooth. That evening air was relaxing and we thoroughly enjoyed each other's company, right up until the time our sever walked up and asked if there was anything else he could bring us.

Joe said, "No, we're going to head back to our room when we finish these, we have some champagne on ice waiting for us" and my anticipation was as strong for me then as it was on our first promiscuous night together.

Just like the times before Jess and I prepared ourselves to receive our husbands lustful touch and the intrigue and excitement was still very arousing as we walked in to receive them. Joe was standing at the first table that Peter had directed me to for our previous sessions and Peter was waiting at Jessie's table.

When Jess said in the form of a question, "no champagne tonight?"

Joe answered, "we thought that we might switch things up. we'll enjoy that for your cool down after."

Though I was a little surprised at the fact that our own husbands would be doing the deed and though I was looking forward to Peter's touch, this change seemed somehow to be romantic after the great day ashore, I found the fact that we were going to get naked together as two couples, still very titillating.

I watched as Jess dropped her robe and I followed suit and with a touch of Joe's hand on the small of my back, I mounted the table on my stomach and placed my face in the relief hole. Joe stepped back and I heard Peter say, "now just get comfortable and adjust to the table for a moment" and there was a unusual momentary pause differing a little from their normal actions.

Then I felt the familiar touch of my husband's hands on my back, one between my shoulders and the other just above my butt and then I thought that the pause must have been caused by them removing their boxer shorts.

After a few minutes he started to work down over my ass toward my feet and I could tell from his breathing that he was getting both anxious and aroused himself. Then I felt the table spread my legs apart and Joe came back and stood at the head of the table in front of my face.

When he placed his hands palms down on each of my shoulders, I opened my eyes and looked directly at his naked cock and as I watched, it slowly twitched and swelled to a semi firm state and then I felt Peter step in between my open legs.

When I raised and turned my head to check on Jess, I looked directly at the naked young man that pared off with her when the two accompanied us through town and when I looked over, I saw Peter standing with his crotch against her face at the end of her table.

When I started to react, Joe pushed my face back in the opening and I heard Jess say, "hey wait a minute, what's going on here?"

Then came Peter's stern, determined but calming voice saying, "just relax ladies and go with this, it's all about you tonight."

I watched as Joe lifted his cock and I closed my eyes as he pushed it in my mouth and I felt four fingers on each of the young man's two hands separate my ass cheeks, then a thumb and an index finger on what seemed to be his right hand gently parted my plump outer vaginal lips.

Next came the feel of a massive cock head slowly rubbing up and down between my inner lips. It felt like the size of a plum and I knew that any second it would be in me.

When I heard a loud gasp from Jess, I felt my young friend slowly press forward and into me and as it stretched me I knew that he was much larger than what I have experienced in the past. Once the head of his cock was in, he held himself there for a moment and then he slowly advanced his thick shaft deeper while making the head of it swell several times.

I could tell that he was experienced by the way he took considerate care with each partial stroke to allow me to adjust to his unusually large girth and though I found it a little uncomfortable at first, his patience did prevent me from feeling of any pain or the unpleasant t feeling of tearing flesh.