After the End Ch. 08

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Avery's first all-male threesome with submissive doctor.
13.3k words

Part 8 of the 19 part series

Updated 05/13/2024
Created 09/30/2020
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Author's note:

"After the End" Part 1 is an original erotic novel set in a dystopian future about one hundred years from now. It is a fantasy about the progression of a romantic relationship, with a focus on fully-developed characters, emotional connection, and sizzling sex. Part 1 consists of chapters 1-7.

Part 2 begins with chapter 8 and explores the addition of a new sexual partner to the central relationship between Avery and Julian. I can't make any promises about timing, but I will release chapters as they are completed. I anticipate that Part 2 will have a shorter story arc, totaling about 4 chapters. Someday I hope to be able to write Part 3 as well, and perhaps even Part 4.

Feel free to drop in on specific chapters or sections based on your mood or interest, but the dramatic tension is strongest if you start from the beginning of Part 1. As always, I appreciate hearing your reactions and feedback. It truly does help me create the best stories that I can for readers to enjoy.

Tags for this chapter include: #bisexual male, #threesome, #future, #dystopia, #novel, #romantic, #denial, #edging, #submission, #male submissive



Dr. Vik Naresh and I were trudging through late-summer woods after an afternoon leading field medicine exercises when I decided the time was right.

"Question," I interjected into the next conversational lull as we neared the rough plank walls of Fort Laurel.

The change in tone drew a quick glance from Vik, his dark brown eyes level with mine.

"Feel free to stop me if you'd prefer not to discuss this," I said, keeping my volume low enough that the others carrying guns and gear nearby couldn't overhear. "But a year and a half ago, we had a brief conversation in which you proposed that Avery and I include you in our sexual relationship."

The shadow of a private smile crossed Vik's handsome features. "I remember."

"I told you then that I'd let you know if it ever became an option on our end. Bear in mind that I haven't discussed this with Avery at all. But in the event that we were...available, is there a chance you'd still be interested?"

I'd originally imagined, after Vik made his offer that year, that I might be able to take him up on it much sooner. But fate had other plans: The bright promise of my first spring with Avery ended in disaster a couple of months later, our partnership shredded and scattered by a hurricane-strength vortex of infidelity, insecurity, and misinterpretation. We'd rebuilt, on much more solid foundations, but introducing any new sources of potential instability was nowhere on my priority list.

A few weeks ago, Avery and I had celebrated the first anniversary of that magical cliffside twilight when we'd made our marriage vows, and I no longer saw any obstacles to proposing this venture. Not to suggest that our sex life needed any spicing up. On the contrary, we both possess perhaps higher-than-average appetites for "spicy" activities in bed (and out of bed), and we keep ourselves well sated. Despite my somewhat conventional decision to be married, albeit sanctioned by neither church nor state, I've never believed a committed partnership necessarily required forsaking all others, if the involved parties agreed on something different. By now, I had quite a successful track record of sex experiments with Avery, but there's only so much that two can do alone. I was eager to share with him the vast landscapes of intrigue and pleasure that a third partner could reveal.

Vik was a man of gentleness and subtlety, so his eagerness came through in a certain expressive glow rather than an intensity of tone, but his reply was unhesitating. "One hundred percent."

"Glad to hear it." A few more strides beneath leaves that had as yet made no concession to the approaching autumn, then I asked the most important question. "Same terms?"

"If you mean that you can set the terms, any terms you like, then yes."

He met my gaze, and the naked invitation in his face ignited sudden flame in my groin. Those eyes promised obedience, and devoted service, and the best kind of sacrifice. They belonged on someone kneeling at the foot of my bed, exposed and surrendered, awaiting my orders.

Resolutely, I smothered the fire before it could build. The middle of this company in broad daylight was no place for an erection.

"I'll speak to Avery and get back to you," I told Vik as we came within range of the guard towers on either side of the gate.

"I'll be waiting."

The rest of the afternoon and evening passed in the usual toil of provision and protection, interluded by one of the usual variants of jambalaya for supper in the main hall. Avery had participated in the last round of field medicine training, so he'd spent his day on a supply mission to the farming collective we'd allied with a year ago. When the team finally returned with carts of corn and ripened vegetables, I was happy to see him. But then, I was always happy to see him. I helped unload before Avery and I retired to our quarters for the night.

We shared our habitual embrace and kiss as soon as the door was shut behind us. When he looked up, I brushed the wild, wavy locks back from his forehead and studied his beautifully expressive features. The summer sun, brutal in these sub-tropical latitudes, had brightened the freckles that in a few months would be camouflaged against the gorgeous sienna of his skin. As always, the ocean-blue pendant I'd given him a year ago hung on its leather cord around his neck. Its mate, the mahogany stone forming the other half of the circle, hung around mine.

"Missed you," I told him fondly. I traced a fingertip over the smooth stone just below the hollow of his throat.

"Missed you too," he replied, the matching mahogany in his eyes soft and warm. His mouth reached the couple of inches up to mine and claimed another kiss. "How was training? Everyone clear that if they get shot more than a few miles away from the fort, they might as well say their prayers, because they're going to bleed out before Vik can operate?"

It wasn't untrue, but what was the point of surviving the apocalypse if you couldn't joke about it? "Only if the bullet pierced a major blood vessel. Or a vital organ. Or an extremity they're not willing to part with." I paused for comedic effect. "The other five percent of the time, they'd fully recover."

Avery laughed and peeled off his t-shirt, revealing an exquisitely molded torso highlighted by the slightly sweaty sheen that Louisiana summers made nearly permanent. "I'm sure that was reassuring."

"Hey, I've survived a gunshot wound." I pulled my shirt off as well. The scar would be faint but still visible on my lower back, though I rarely had an opportunity to see it.

"You had a whole team of surgeons and all kinds of pharmaceuticals that our doctors could never get." Avery slid his pants over his hips, kicked off boots and socks, and left the lot in a heap on the floor. "Plus a real hospital to recover in. The best in Washington state."

"And what would you know about the relative merits of Washington health systems?" I teased, settling on the bed and playfully pulling him along.

He stretched out on his back beside me, his posture relaxed, his expression some brand of indulgent. "I know because you told me. And because there's no way they'd take Major Julian Demos anywhere but the best. Not with all the generals in your family."

I smiled down at him for a moment, an affectionate hand resting at his waist. Avery's daily presence was a gift from the universe that I still didn't quite understand how I'd managed to obtain.

"I wasn't a major yet, then," I told him. "Only a captain."

"Oh right. You were only in command many soldiers again?"

"A couple hundred."

"And you were how old?"


Avery shook his head slightly. "You're ridiculous, you know that?"

I smoothed my palm over the taut strength of his abs, then slid down to stroke his flat stomach. Avery's slim frame had filled out some since I met him, but at twenty-five, he was still ripening to full manhood. Cognitively, I knew he likely wouldn't reach prime physical form for another five years, yet it was very difficult to imagine anything more beautiful than the youthful confection of smooth skin and muscle beneath my hand.

My fingers drifted along the line of dark hair leading into his waistband, and he sighed in contentment at my touch.

"You're ridiculous," I informed him. I followed the trail up and down a few times, then dipped one finger into his belly button.

An inhale this time, sharper, and movement inside his trunks. My fingertip circled the tiny crater's edge, slow and deliberate, while his breath stalled in his lungs. He wasn't super ticklish, but I knew his weaknesses intimately. After a few moments, I moved on to comb my fingers lightly over the softness of his belly, that vulnerable stretch between ribs and hips protected only by the thin abdominal wall.

"Not as ridiculous as you," he countered unsteadily. He was watching my face, anticipation already smoldering behind his eyes. I traced a groove between two muscles, and his slender torso tensed beneath my fingers.

Two years had not come close to exhausting my delight at the way Avery responded to me. A myriad of pathways could activate his need and excitement. The right sequence of touches, the right pace and pressure, the right combination of teasing, pleasure, threats, and surprise...all leading to this deliciously sensitive state of yearning.

"Far more ridiculous," I replied, my own tone blending love and lust. I reached to switch off the lamp, sealing us in darkness, then I lay beside him on the lightweight cotton blanket we used in summer. "Come here."

My hands prompted Avery onto his side so his back nestled against my front. When I tugged on his trunks, he quickly removed them, and I heard them land near the pile of his other clothes. For a few moments, I ran my hand over his shapely hip and ass. Then I found his fully erect cock.

"Julian," he sighed as I stroked him from behind. I'd discovered early on that Avery was a fan of some activities or approaches to sex that could be considered kinky. He wasn't as far along the spectrum as some people -- as far, for example, I suspected Vik was -- but Avery's arousal and satisfaction could be substantially enhanced by injecting power play into the mix.

Over the past couple of years, we'd settled on a system that worked for us: Much of the time, we had sex like any traditional couple, but if I wanted control, I asked, and usually he said yes. The level of authority and length of time varied, depending on the game or mood. I might simply restrict his physical movement, require him to perform a certain activity, or delay his orgasm. Or I might take complete ownership of his body for a day, or a series of days. He never knew when I might be planning to tease him into a frenzy and then deny his release. It lent a delicious edge of excitement to all our sexual encounters.

Right now, we weren't in the middle of any games, and he'd been quite thoroughly satisfied just last night. But he was young, healthy, and deeply attracted to me, so his libido rarely flagged.

I worked his cock for a while, my fist pulling up and down his rod, firm but not too fast. He verbalized his approval with quiet, throaty sounds.

I realize not everyone is attracted to male anatomy. Personally, I'm fascinated by the possibilities presented when the primary sex organ is external to the body. The cock is so readily available for manipulation, which can translate to quick, easy pleasure as well as to extended sessions with shattering climaxes. By the same token, that easy access is a special form of vulnerability. An erection is easy to provoke, difficult to hide, intense to experience, and sometimes impossible to avoid. Especially when someone else is touching you.

When Avery was well warmed up, I paused and reached for the bottle of oil we used for lubrication. Settling back against him, I dispensed some onto the fingers of my right hand and replaced the cap. My left arm cradled him against my chest and tucked his arms safely away from his own cock. Then I reached between our hips and slid one finger into the crevice of his ass.

He gasped when I made contact with his hole, but I didn't breach it. Fucking him was one of my favorite pastimes, but making him desperate to be fucked was a close rival.

My fingertip brushed his pucker, sliding through the oil for a nearly-frictionless touch. I knew from experience that he found this kind of gentle stimulation to his private back entrance intensely arousing, yet never enough to satisfy.

He probably expected me to move on after a minute, but I didn't. I kept stroking the outside of his hole, pressing lightly against the ring of muscle but never opening it. When he started to moan, I kissed his neck and let my tongue wet the delicate skin below his ear.

His hips pressed toward my hand, driving it against my own hard cock, but I didn't increase the pressure.

"I want to talk to you about something," I said, followed by another wet kiss to his neck. "Ask you something."

"Right now?" His pitch was half an octave higher than usual.

My finger continued teasing his asshole. "Yes."

"Is it, 'Do you want me to fuck you?' Because the answer is 'God, yes.'"

I smiled against the back of his neck. "Not exactly, but it's related." I pressed my finger a centimeter into his back chamber, then retreated to circle the outside. Avery waited panting in my arms. "Would you like me to fuck you, while another guy sucks you off? Or would you like to fuck him, while I do this to you? Or maybe you'd like him to rim you, while I lick your tip. There would be so many new options, if we included a third person."

"But..." It was quiet for the space of several strained breaths before he said uncertainly, "We're married."

"We wouldn't be any less married." My wet finger made another slow circle around his hole, then returned to brushing across it. "This would only be something we did for fun, if we both wanted it, and if we established parameters in advance that we were both comfortable with."

"Fuck," he breathed. "I mean, you know you're making me crazy, and I'd kill to have a mouth on my cock right now. But...are you serious?"

"Mmm hmm." I kept my tone level and my finger moving. "I want to be clear that I'm mainly suggesting this to enhance your experience. Naturally, it would enhance mine as well, but only to the extent that you enjoyed it. It's not an excuse for me to have sex with someone else. The relationship between you and me would stay committed and exclusive. You'd be in complete control of how you wanted to include the other person, and I'd be in complete control of what he did during a session."

He squirmed against the finger tantalizing his hole. "Are we talking about...someone specific?"

"Yes. He made the offer, and I think it's a good match."

Avery took a moment to process that information. I took the opportunity to suck lightly on his neck.


I inserted just my fingertip into his ass and left it there. "I'll tell you, but I want to know your thoughts about the concept first."

"God, Julian, I'm so fucking hard. Can I at least jack off while we talk about random people wanting to have sex with us?"

"Technically I haven't asked permission to control access to your cock." I used my low, seductive voice. "But I'd really like you to wait."

Avery groaned, but he didn't change positions.

"So?" I asked.

"I... It probably depends on who it is..."

I couldn't help wondering whose images were flashing through his mind. Since the initial disturbance when Avery feared Vik was trying to steal me away, the three of us had been on friendly terms, and not infrequently Vik joined our table in the main hall for supper. At my request, he'd stopped the overt flirting, but I knew he was fond of Avery, and I was pretty sure Avery liked him too. More than he'd probably admitted to himself.

"As long as it's just for fun," Avery continued, twisting slightly on the stationary intruder in his ass, "and it's not like me watching you fuck someone else..."

I pressed my lips to his skin. "Of course not, babe."

"Then yeah...I could be hot."

"I think so too."

"But come on, who is it?" He thrust his hips again, but I removed my finger.

"You remember last year when you were upset that Vik was hitting on me, and I told you he liked you as much as he liked me?"


"That's because when I asked him to back off, he confessed he was hoping for a threesome. And I confirmed today that the offer still stands."

Avery was silent for a moment. When he spoke, new heat in his voice suggested a blush on his invisible cheeks. "He's been wanting to sleep with us this whole time?"

"From what he told me and the way he said it, it sounds like he prefers to take a submissive role in sex. Which is why I think it's a good match. He'll agree to do anything we want. I'll be able to use him as I please, to create the experiences I want us to have."

Even in this position behind him, I could tell that Avery's pulse was racing.

"I know you like it when I'm in control," I went on, "but I thought you might like to be in control sometimes. Submission isn't something I personally enjoy, and it wouldn't really fit our dynamic, but I can easily imagine Vik being hot as hell to take your orders, and your teasing, and your cock. Wouldn't you love to see calm, collected Dr. Naresh as horny and frantic as you were a minute ago, and to send him home without an orgasm, and then sit across from him at supper like nothing had happened?"

From his shuddering exhale, it seemed clear that Avery would love that.

I licked up the side of his neck and returned my fingertip to his lubed asshole. "Just imagine him feeling this." I started to probe his ass, only up to my first knuckle, in and out. Teasing the nerve endings in his sphincter over and over, without actually filling him or reaching his pleasure center. "Imagine me playing with his ass, just like this, and you on the other side of him, pinning his hands so he couldn't jerk himself."

Avery swore under his breath. Sweat slicked his bare back where it pressed against my skin.

"He'd be so hot," I went on wickedly, "and his cock would be swollen and aching, just like yours is. But we would have already told him he couldn't come until he got home."

"Julian, please," Avery whimpered.

"Yeah, I bet he would be begging too." I kept up the maddingly slow pace of my gentle fingering. "But all you'd do is tease him more." I shifted my other arm to free Avery's. "Now touch your cock, softly, like you would to tease Vik, to make him desperate."

I felt Avery arch into his own hand. "Oh god..." he moaned.

"Tell me what you're doing to Vik," I commanded, still impaling him rhythmically.

"I'm -- just brushing my tip -- his tip -- with my fingers --" Avery panted. "It's -- I want -- he wants more, so bad --"

"He's not going to get any more, though, is he? He has to take what you're doing to his cock, and what I'm doing to his ass, and he doesn't get to come."

Another anguished erotic groan, and suddenly Avery's arm went into rapid motion. "Oh fuck -- Julian!" he exclaimed and burst into orgasm.

God, it was hot, and my cock wanted to burst too, but I held him patiently until he was empty.

"So, you want me to set a date?" I asked when his breath steadied.


I turned him slightly so I could claim his mouth, and he melted against my lips.

"Can I fuck you now?" I requested when he was thoroughly kissed.