After the End Ch. 10

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Rope bondage takes threesome experiments to the next level.
17.7k words

Part 10 of the 19 part series

Updated 05/13/2024
Created 09/30/2020
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Author's note:

"After the End" Part 1 is an original erotic novel set in a dystopian future about one hundred years from now. It is a fantasy about the progression of a romantic relationship, with a focus on fully-developed characters, emotional connection, and sizzling sex. Part 1 consists of chapters 1-7.

Part 2 begins with chapter 8 and explores the addition of a new sexual partner to the central relationship between Avery and Julian. I can't make any promises about timing, but I will release chapters as they are completed. Part 2 is planned to total five chapters.

Feel free to drop in on specific chapters or sections based on your mood or interest, but the dramatic tension is strongest if you start from the beginning of Part 1. As always, I appreciate hearing your reactions and feedback. It truly does help me create the best stories that I can for readers to enjoy.

Tags for this chapter include: #bisexual male, #threesome, #dystopia, #novel, #romantic, #teasing, #tickling, #denial, #bound, #male submissive



"Here are the rules for tonight," I announced to Avery and Vik, who were sitting in comfortable proximity on the bed in front of me. We were gathered for our third session in the quarters Avery and I shared. Inspired by his visit to Vik's home last week, Avery had acquired a pair of beeswax candles that flickered softly on the nightstand and gave off a faint honey-sweet aroma. Like him, I rarely took thought to the aesthetics of our living space, but I had to agree that the natural orange glow lent a more intimate atmosphere than our LED lamp normally did.

"I will position Avery in front of me," I said, "and he will position Vik in front of him, exactly the same way. Avery will then mirror all my actions: whatever he feels me do to him, he will do to Vik."

I gave them a moment to work through the implications of this scenario. We'd already reviewed limits (none offered), who was running the session (me), consent (provided by all), and safe words. Avery seemed noticeably less nervous this time, which victory I attributed to the night I'd arranged for him to spend alone with Vik. There was still a charged quality to his posture and rapid glances, but I read it as excitement rather than anxiety.

"Avery is allowed one orgasm, to use whenever he chooses," I added. "Vik, as usual, will go without."

I paused again to watch Vik's deep-set eyes and rounded cheekbones for that delectable mix of relief and dread I'd come to expect when denial was imposed on him. He didn't disappoint. Interestingly, this time he also glanced at Avery to share what I guessed was a private memory -- something both sweet and spicy.

I'd told Avery after he went to Vik's that as much as I'd love a recording of the entire encounter, I wouldn't ever require him to divulge details. I didn't want him worrying I'd intrude on his experience every time I requested control. From the broad outlines he'd chosen to give me, I could imagine what he and Vik were remembering.

"Ready?" I checked. When they confirmed, I got up and stood in the center of the room, below the foot of the bed. "Here," I instructed, motioning for Avery to join me.

From his widened eyelashes and slight hesitation, he clearly hadn't expected our activities to move beyond the bed. I'd been counting on that. Throwing him off balance from the very beginning of a sex game was one of my favorite high-reward strategies. I could see him recalculating and anticipation escalating as he joined me. I guided him to stand in front of me, facing the bed.

I left my hands on his hips, where his snug slate-grey t-shirt met lightweight lounge pants that clung enticingly to the lovely, firm shape of his ass. "Now you mirror Vik in front of you, the way you are in front of me."

Vik dutifully moved to stand by the bed frame, this evening having chosen an emerald button-down shirt with well-fitting jeans. I didn't think I even owned dress shirts anymore. Avery and I favored durable cotton for working and supple hemp at home. He wore nicer shirts occasionally when going out with his friends, but Vik seemed to dress to impress any time he wasn't in scrubs.

I stroked one flat palm down Avery's spine -- a test gesture. I watched while he repeated the same gesture on Vik's back in front of him.

"Good," I told him.

I brushed shower-damp hair from the nape of Avery's neck and leaned in to kiss him there. When he moved forward to transfer the kiss to Vik's neck, I followed, keeping my lips attached. I lingered at his caramel skin for a minute, enjoying as always the subtle melt of his flesh against mine. And in this case, as a bonus, I knew I was indirectly providing the exact same stimulation to Vik.

After a few minutes of gentle pleasure, I removed my mouth and slid my hands beneath the hem of Avery's shirt until I reached skin. A quiet gasp escaped as my fingers made contact. He'd always responded strongly to being touched under his clothing, as least as much as when I stripped him naked. In accordance with the rules, he slid his own hands beneath Vik's dress shirt and undershirt.

"I've put you in an interesting position here, I think," I said over Avery's shoulder in the seductive tone I used to stir him up. My fingers glided slowly from waistband to waist and back. "I know how much you like to tease Vik. But anything you want him to feel, you'll have to feel first. So I'm not sure which you're going to be rooting for -- more gratification, or more provocation."

That earned the first muted groan, which quickly traveled my nervous system to settle in my cock.

I decided to start with provocation. I curved my fingers at his flanks, lightened the pressure, and made a deliberately ticklish pass.

Laughter spilled out along with my name in what sounded more like reflex than protest. I watched as Avery's fingers did the same thing to Vik's even more ticklish sides. Vik let out a startled laugh and jerked minutely, though he was too disciplined to go anywhere without permission. He even clasped his arms out of the way in front of himself, so as not to hinder Avery's access.

"That's what I call entertainment," I said, greatly amused. I lightly tickled Avery a little more and, via him, Vik at the same time. With his hands on the man in front of him, Avery was forced to leave his own sides unprotected. Hence the genius of this setup.

"What do you think?" I tantalized him. "More?"

His stance shifted while he seemed to struggle between what he wanted to do to Vik and what he was willing to endure himself. "I don't know..."

"Well it's not up to you, is it," I told him, smoky and inexorable.

Under his clothes, I crawled my fingertips across his sides like some long-legged insect, and he giggled while he transferred the sensation to Vik, who laughed in turn and twitched in place.

I chuckled quietly. I could probably occupy myself with that for hours, but small doses keep the effect freshest. Besides, I had other plans for tonight.

I grasped the hem of Avery's t-shirt. "Arms up," I directed him.

He complied, letting go of Vik to lift both arms over his head. A thrill hit my groin as it always did when vulnerable flesh was surrendered to me. I peeled his shirt slowly up his body, but just at the awkward point when it was tangled around his head and biceps, I let go and snuck both hands in to jab his exposed armpits.

He squeaked and tried to twist away from my prodding, but with his clothing trapping his arms, it took some effort.

"That's not fair," he huffed, flustered and smiling, when he'd finally disentangled himself and thrown his shirt on the bed. His thick, shiny black curls were adorably mussed.

"It's completely fair," I replied. "Especially since now it's your turn."

Vik, still obediently facing away from both of us, could hear but not see what had happened. So when his own shirts were pulled over his head and his own stretched armpits invaded, it was just as much of a surprise. Unlike Avery, he chose to submit instead of fight, so Avery got to take advantage of his raised arms for longer, while Vik just squirmed and laughed helplessly.

Finally, Avery gave him quarter and finished undressing his top half. He carefully separated the deep green button-down and laid it flat over the covers. For good measure, I removed my shirt as well.

"You see how good Vik was for you?" I commented with my hands on Avery's shoulders when they were both standing still again. I dropped into a sexier tone. "That's how you're supposed to behave when I'm in control, you know. By rights I should be punishing you for insubordination."

He didn't seem uninterested in the idea. "Are you going to?"

"Maybe later," I smiled.

I warmed them up a little longer, stroking bare skin and giving attention to sensitive nipples. Avery dutifully transferred all my actions to Vik, who seemed to be enjoying them as much as Avery was.

When I thought they were ready, I grasped the waistband of Avery's pants and slid them all the way down over his feet. In turn, he reached around Vik's hips to unbutton, unzip, and strip off his jeans.

From over his shoulder, I could see a firm erection in Avery's trunks. I cupped my hand to it, which caused him to suck in an eager breath. Then he reached for Vik's crotch.

"Is he hard?" I asked.


I rubbed Avery teasingly through the thin fabric of his trunks. "How about some of this, so you can do it to him?"

He'd always found that kind of indirect stimulation both exciting and frustrating. He bounced on his heels, and the conflict was evident, but his desire to play with Vik won out. Not that it was really his decision.

"Yeah..." he agreed again.

I fondled his solid cock while it stayed trapped in his underwear. I kept my touch slower and lighter than what his swollen organ really wanted, which only spurred his lust and increased his capacity for eventual fulfillment.

My own erection got harder knowing that Avery was providing the same treatment to Vik's cock. It was kind of like feeling them both up at the same time, except arguably better, because Avery was getting a double dose -- both teasing and being teased. As had been well established over the past two years, nothing turned me on more than ratcheting him to extreme levels of erotic tension. I doubted he'd put the pieces of this puzzle together yet, and I was greatly looking forward to the end result.

I moved my left arm around his body to tweak his nipple, while my right hand slipped into his trunks and groped the warm, taut skin of his erection. He groaned quietly in response, then he pulled Vik closer and reached into his pants. I could tell when he found his target, because his own cock pulsed against my fingers.

"That get you hot, babe?" I murmured behind his ear. "Touching your doctor in his private place?"

He groaned again and thrust toward my hand, which pressed it into Vik's underwear-clad ass.

"I think I'm gonna have you give him a prostate exam next," I said in the same tone.

Another spasm in his underwear. "You make everything fucking dirtier than it needs to be, Julian," he groaned.

I took that as a compliment. "Having your ass penetrated and your prostate stimulated under the guise of a clinical procedure is never not going to be dirty," I returned.

"Agree," Vik chimed in. A certain breathlessness indicated that his arousal level was climbing as well. "I'm as respectful as I can be about it, but there's no pretending it isn't a sexual activity."

I gave Avery's cock one more squeeze, then I pulled his trunks off. While he removed Vik's, I stepped to the nightstand to retrieve the bottle of lube and small towel.

"You get turned on fingering men who are several decades older than you, Vik?" I teased.

"Thankfully, no. But sometimes they do."

"Damn," Avery commented. "Vik giving old guys boners...can't tell if that's hot or nasty."

Returning to my place behind him, I nudged Avery's shoulder. "Have Vik lean forward, then you do the same. Legs apart." I guided them into position: Vik bent at the waist with both palms on the bed, and Avery propped with his left hand at the edge of the mattress, slightly to the side so I could see Vik's bare ass too. I grabbed Avery's other hand and drizzled some lube onto his fingers, then I lubed my own.

Gripping his hip for leverage, I placed one oiled finger at his asshole and slowly pressed inside. "I'd like to see you try not to get hard, if Vik were doing this to you."

The only thing I'd wanted to know about their night alone together was whether Vik had penetrated him. Theoretically, there's nothing different about penetration compared to all other forms of sex, but in my experience, it can be connected to quite different emotions. Particularly for people socialized to a sexist hierarchy, where penis-in-vagina is considered the gold standard of sex acts, and all others are grounds to call into question a person's masculinity, morality, even their humanity.

Avery hadn't wanted to receive anal intercourse until we'd been together a month and a half, and that was under the specific circumstances of being committed, exclusive, and in love. I wasn't sure when he might be ready to go there with Vik, if ever, but I had to admit the arrangement featured in certain of my fantasies.

It could have just been the effect of my finger forcing open his anal rings and creeping into his private back passage, but I thought Avery also was intrigued by the idea of Vik inside him.

I watched while Vik's hole was breached and his subtle but eager response -- letting out a long breath, angling his hips up for better access. Someday I might have to finger them both at the same time...maybe while they made out and jacked each other. Maybe while they competed to see who could hold off orgasm the longest. My cock was definitely interested in that scene. But right now, I was content knowing that not only was my partner benefitting from my touch, he was also gaining the satisfaction of invading another beautiful man's naked, pliant body. One of life's greatest joys.

I added a second finger, and soon both had worked their way to the special gland embedded behind his anal wall.

"Now stay still, young man," I intoned in a fake-clinical manner. "It's very important to check for good prostate health six or eight times a month, even at your age."

Avery stifled a laugh, and a moan, because my fingers were pressing his button just the way he liked.

I kept up my parody while I rubbed him inside. "Most boys find this part of the exam enjoyable, so there's no need to worry about getting excited in front of your doctor."

Vik also was getting a thorough prostate massage, which was making his lungs pump faster than usual.

I shifted to a circular motion against Avery's trigger, swirling the pleasure while he stayed bent over and spread open. "Everything seems normal, but I want to be very, very sure" -- I emphasized each word with a generous press inside -- "before I let you go."

"God --" Avery groaned. "Please tell me this isn't really what it's like, Vik."

"This is a bit elaborate," Vik answered, sounding strained. "But to be honest...I do have to check pretty carefully."

"What's the matter there, lad?" I asked in my pervy doctor voice. "Is some other part of you starting to ache? It's not my policy to provide happy endings, but if you beg, I might make an exception."

Avery's hips rocked against my probing fingers, betraying his urgency. "Julian, seriously -- are you just going to finger us all night?"

"I might. And if so, what are you going to do about it?"

A space filled only by two sets of rapid breathing. "Beg?"

"Good choice," I laughed. "Luckily for you, there's another instrument I plan to use on your prostate instead. Which I believe you'll find more satisfying."

It took a moment for Avery to think that through. "Really?" he breathed.

"Mmm hmm."

"Fuck. Yes. Please."

I pulled my fingers out and we both sterilized. I kept Vik waiting, bent over the bed with his ass exposed to the room, just for fun.

"Same rules," I reminded Avery when we were back in line. "You do whatever I do, and nothing else."

"Yeah," he agreed, practically bouncing with excitement.

I let him lube his cock first, then I applied oil to my own rod. "You good, Vik?" I checked. Maybe it was all the rape reports I had to read while a military commander, but I was still paranoid about putting a cock into anyone's body without their full and complete enthusiastic consent.

"Definitely," he replied, enthusiastic enough to satisfy anyone.

We were all standing quite close together now, Avery sandwiched between his two lovers. We adjusted our positions so Vik was at the right height to take Avery, while he was spread and leaning forward enough to take me. Carefully, I inserted just the tip of my cock into Avery's hole, and I waited for him to do the same with our third partner.

"Oh my god," Avery exclaimed in an undertone when he was both breaching and being breached at the same time. "Fuck -- Julian --"

"Easy." I stroked his back, then I stopped him before he tried to mirror my movement. "My left hand is just for you. Leave yours anchored. If you need to hold onto Vik instead, you can." I kept grounding him with soothing strokes. "We'll need to take this slow so you don't get overwhelmed. I want you to enjoy it. Take a few breaths."

He did as I said, his ribs slowly expanding and contracting. Before he could complain, I pushed in a little more.

"You take this at the pace you and Vik need," I directed. "Let me know when you're all the way in."

Gradually, I worked my cock into him, and he worked himself into Vik. There was a fair amount of gasping and swearing as his anal muscles adjusted to my girth and his own shaft forced Vik open, but it was the good kind.

"I -- I'm there --" he exclaimed eventually.

"Good. How does it feel?" Due to my aversion to receiving intercourse, I'd never experienced what he was at this moment.

"It... Amazing. It's much. It's hard to process." He struggled to control his breathing. "I feel him all over my cock, and your cock all up in my ass, and I'm in the middle of you... Damn. I think I could accidentally explode if I move the wrong way."

Keeping myself stationary inside, I turned his face back and claimed a kiss. His lips moved passionately with mine while he clenched around my shaft.

"Please can we start?" he exhaled in a rush when I let him go.

"I think you owe someone a kiss first."

"Oh." Vik was a little taller than him, but the difference was mostly in the legs, so he was able to make out for a minute with the man impaled on his cock.

I played with them for a while, experimenting with various speeds, depths, and styles. Avery and I figured out how to move together so he could both fuck and be fucked, which soon had him shouting obscenities. I made him pause when he got too overheated, or I teased him by using just my tip and forcing him to do the same. Occasionally I pulled all the way out and assaulted his entrance again.

Eventually I left myself fully sheathed and stroked the top of his cleft with my thumb, soft and relentless.

Vik was the one to buckle first that time. "Oh my god, Avery! Fuck! I never knew what that felt like."

"I know, it's insane, right?" Avery was tensed against the onslaught. "Shit, Julian, I'm gonna have to come soon."

"What, you can't come like this?" I mocked, still not moving anything except my thumb.

He just groaned my name.

Truth be told, I wanted to come pretty badly myself. "I just have one question for Vik." I kept teasing Avery's cleft, so he kept teasing Vik's cleft. "And I expect you to tell me the truth."