After the Pub Closes!


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As Wendy made her way up the lanes no more than 15 minutes later, wrapped up against the cold night air, she thought about the little display she gave. It was only a fleeting glimpse of her legs and panties for the two old men, but it had given her a gentle thrill. It had reminded her of that night with the old men and how they had seen not just her lovely thighs but all of her delicious body.

It had also made her briefly ache and twitch in her loins, thinking of the sexual thrills she experienced that night. If only, if only...Christ no, get on home, she told herself. 'I'm a married woman, and these are just teases for some of the old men who don't have too many thrills in their lives any more'.

Wendy went to sleep a contented woman...and a tired woman.

The next morning, after Jim had gone to bed, Wendy went into the village to buy the veg for Christmas. Loads of brussell sprouts, carrots, spuds and anything she could think of that made up a wholesome Christmas dinner for the family. She was feeling good about herself and looking forward to seeing all the family on Christmas day...but first she had to get through two more nights at the pub.

Actually, if the truth were known, Wendy was quite looking forward to the evenings. She never knew what was likely to happen, what sort of customers were going to be in the pub, but one thing was for the old boys had got to know she was working there over the Christmas period, they were more than likely to be there in force, trying to tease her, to enjoy watching her wonderful body as it moved around the bars and, of course, trying to lead her on to whatever naughty pranks they could get away with!

It was still chilly on Thursday evening when Wendy walked down the lane to work. She had put on her big coat again, and a black pair of boots, but under the coat, she had decided to cause a little more provocation by putting on her little red tartan skirt and a tight, black jumper. It more than accentuated her firm breasts and thighs and she knew that it would keep the drinkers happy for a few hours. And why not? She could handle these old boys and their lewd was Christmas and she would have seemed like a big spoil-sport if she had dressed like a nun for the festivities. She had known all of them most of her life and, even at the age of 42, Wendy was quite proud of herself that she was still feminine enough, and alluring enough, to get these old men of the village hot under the collar.

They had given her some spectacular and memorable experiences over the years (not that she would ever speak about them), and she was more than happy to brighten up their hum-drum lives, as well as her own.

Sure enough, within an hour of starting work at the pub, some of the old men sauntered through the door. It was Bill and Tom, along with the two from the previous night, Fred and Joseph. They were straight up against the bar to order their pints but, more importantly, to get a a look at Wendy's gorgeous body moving about.

The skin tight jumper did wonders for her shapely breasts, holding them firmly in place, but it was the short, tartan skirt that set Tom off.

'Corrr, young Wendy. That little kilt you've got on there. Is it true that you don't wear anything underneath it?' and he laughed at his little joke. The pub was quite busy by now and Wendy didn't really have time to take the old man to task, but she gave as good as she got.

'I haven't seen you for a long time, Tom, but I see you're still a perverted old devil, aren't you? What I've got on under this skirt has got nothing to do with you, so you can keep all those dirty thoughts to yourself. Now, take your mates and go and sit by the fire in the snug and behave yourself.' After a few more ribald remarks, the four old men wandered down into the snug and warmed themselves up until closing time.

Luckily for Wendy, they didn't cause her any more serious embarrassment, except for one little incident in the snug while she was collecting glasses during the evening. Tom kept on about her sexy little kilt and whether she wore anything underneath, and suddenly, out of the blue, and when Wendy was at least three feet away from them all, she split the red kilt open at the front to reveal the tops of her gorgeous thighs and a tight pair of little white panties.

It was done in a second or two and then Wendy let the skirt fall back into place. It was enough to raise a few temperatures all around the table, and then Wendy was grinning and making sure she was close to the door before they could make any false moves!!

'Corrrr, Wendy. You're a little rascal, so you are. Them's a lovely pair of legs you have. It makes me want to shiver me timbers,' and they all laughed at the childish banter. 'You working here tomorrow, young Wendy, on Christamas Eve?' continued Bill.

'I might be,' grinned Wendy. 'Why do you want to know?'

'Well, it's Christmas Eve, isn't it,' carried on Tom. 'We're all going to come in tomorrow, and old Albert is coming too, so I hope you're going to have some mistletoe hanging over the bar. Time for a Christmas kiss, young Wendy, especially if you're wearing something sexy for've got to wear something sexy for Christmas, young Wendy, to keep us old pensioners happy,' and they all sort of cheered in agreement.

'Well, we'll just have to wait and see, won't we.' Old Albert, who must be in his late 70s by now, was instrumental in Wendy's last episode with the old boys a couple of years was on his 75th birthday that Wendy visited his house to have a glass of wine and some birthday cake...and the rest, as they say, is history.

'I don't know about any mistletoe...I'll be too busy for that', chided Wendy. 'And anyway, give you old boys an inch and you try and take a mile, don't you. We'll just have to see how you behave, won't we? Actually, the landlord is thinking about getting a bouncer tomorrow, just to keep an eye on you be warned,' and there was a big cheer from the men who all knew that she was pulling their legs like they pulled hers.

As she walked home in the cold, night air, Wendy thought of the old boys and the sort of lives they led. All widowers, all in their late 60s or 70s, they couldn't have much pleasure in life now. Some had allotments, some had distant relatives who they only saw occasionally, so what else was there for them in the small village? They had each other as friends, but in the cold light of an empty house, they must often be lonely. Teasing Wendy and trying to seduce her was probably one of the better pleasures they enjoyed. She couldn't be too angry with them and, if she was honest, she quite enjoyed the exchanges...she had certainly enjoyed the sexual experiences that had occurred over the years.

Again, Wendy arrived home feeling tired and went to sleep thinking about what to wear to the pub on Christmas Eve, perhaps to give the old men (and other drinkers) some nice 'candy' to look at on the festive night!!

When Jim came home from work the next morning, he was tired but happy. He had finished his night-shifts for the week and now had some time off over the Christmas period. Over breakfast they conversed about this and that and Wendy's stint at the pub came into the conversation.

'Last night, tonight, then Wendy,' said Jim. 'I expect it'll be quite busy as it's Christmas Eve and all that?'

'You don't have to tell me, Jim. It'll be hectic, won't it...and there's an extension until 12 as well. Still, it's my last night and I expect there will be some fun...and perhaps a few tips.'

'I might pop down there myself, for an hour or two,' went on Jim, 'and I might see my wife looking sexy on her last night...after all, you know how the old boys of the village like to see you and tease you. You're going to wear something nice for them, are you?' he smiled.

'Oh Jim...they never leave me alone, the old devils. They're always trying to see up my legs, or get me to show them a bit know what I mean, Jim...they're little buggers, they are!'

'Well, it's only a bit of fun for them, to see a sexy woman in their midst. You've known most of them all your life, and no-one gets hurt, do they? (if only you knew, thought Wendy!!) Are you going to put something nice on, then,' Jim reiterated. 'You've got those sexy boots, haven't you...they'll look nice, and get them going.'

'Do you really think so, the black boots? I don't really know.'

'Yes you do, you'll look great in them, and keep the customers happy...and get loads more tips,' and Jim laughed again. 'Anyway, I'm going to have a few hours kip and I'll see you later,' and he gave Wendy a quick peck on the cheek and went off to bed.

As she sat at the kitchen table, sipping the last of her coffee, Wendy thought about Jim's words. The black boots!! Dare she? They were over the knee high heel boots and she had to admit that they did make her thighs and the shape of her legs look really sexy. If she was really daring, she could wear them with the little black dress that was hanging in the wardrobe...but what could the whole outfit lead to? She knew damn well what it would do for the lecherous old boys...probably a few heart attacks!! But Jim had teased her, it was Christmas, and it would certainly cause some excitement at the 'Waterside' pub. Wendy's mind was made up. She would do it!

It was a dry, cold evening again when Wendy trotted down the village lanes with her big, winter coat on again. She could hear the sound of her boots clipping on the roads as she walked and, underneath her coat, the little black dress felt very flimsy in the night air. Oh God, what effect would it all bring?

It was about 7o'clock when Wendy looked out on the cold, dark sea before she turned and walked into the Waterside Inn. There were quite a few people already supping their drinks and sitting at the tables. When Wendy appeared at the bar, ready to serve, she saw straight away the young men trying to get a look at her wonderful legs. She looked awesome!!

As she sat down briefly between serving, the leather boots were up over her knees, and her little dress had rucked up to the tops of her thighs, showing her gorgeous legs and...was there just a hint of stocking tops??

She was certainly aware that a lot of the men were up against the bar, supping their drinks and chatting, but she also knew that her sexy attire was causing plenty of lecherous looks and she couldn't help but notice that the looks were sliding up and down her body to her legs and thighs, and to the tight hem at the tops of her thighs.

There was no doubt that she was causing quite a stir amongst the male population of the pub, and Wendy did nothing to stop the leering. It was Christmas Eve and everyone was in a happy mood...why spoil it?

As the evening went on, the place got busier and there were more and more requests for Wendy to get drinks down from the top shelf...or even right down at the bottom of the bar. Of course, this was only done so that Wendy had to reach right up, or bend right over so that her gorgeous legs were stretched to the limit. She knew quite well what was happening, but the boisterous atmosphere only spurred Wendy on so that no-one seemed to be disappointed by her reactions!!

It was only when Wendy went into the snug bar to collect some empty glasses that it suddenly became apparent that the five 'just men' had arrived and were all sitting around the glowing log fire supping their pints.

There was a huge cheer as Wendy entered the snug, and the pensioners all immediately lifted their glasses to cheer the mature barmaid who had over the years become their favourite. The eyes of Bill, Tom, Albert, Fred and Joseph all viewed the wonderful sight, with lust escaping from every pore in their bodies.

'Good evening, you old devils,' Wendy smiled. 'I thought I might see you down here tonight. Well, merry Christmas to you all, and I hope you all behave yourselves!! We don't want to have to throw you out for improper behaviour, do we,' and there was more ribald cheering from the old men.

'Oh Wendy, how could you say such a thing,' said Bill. 'It's Christmas, isn't it, and we had to come down to the pub to wish our favourite girl a merry Christmas...and we've even brought a piece of mistletoe to celebrate with,' and someone waggled a piece of the plant high in the air. 'Come on, Wendy...let's have a Christmas kiss,' he carried on.

'Not likely, you old devils. If I bend over to give you a kiss, I don't know what you might get up to, do I? It's not even 9o'clock yet and you're starting already.' As she reached over to collect some empties from the table, an old, gnarled hand gently ran onto the back of her thigh and Wendy tried to ignore it as she picked up a glass.

'Look, she's got them sexy boots on, right up her legs,' said Tom, who was never backward in coming forward. 'Corrr, young Wendy, you look real sexy in them boots there,' and his hand moved very gently and surely up her thigh until Wendy had to smack him away.

She managed to escape with some glasses and returned to the main bar, only to see her husband, Jim, come through the door. He managed to get to the bar where Wendy served him a pint and they grabbed some words together.

'I'll only stop for an hour or so,' said Jim. 'I could do with a good night's sleep after all those night-shifts, so I might not be up when you get in. What time do you think you'll finish?'

'It could be quite late,' smiled Wendy. 'There's an extension and we'll have to tidy up a bit, so I don't really know. Anyway, don't worry, I'll get home get an early night if you want one, and I'll see you in the morning.'

She carried on serving other customers and Jim was able to admire the view of his wife behind the gave him a sense of pride, knowing that his wife was still able to appear sexy and get other customers hot under the collar with her looks and attire! He just quietly sipped his drink, and was glad that he would get a good night's sleep and not have to worry about getting up early in the morning.

Eventually, Jim left after having a chat with a few of the locals that he knew, and after teasing his wife a little more about her sexy looks.

'Don't forget to keep the old boys entertained, will you,' he grinned. 'I expect they'll want to see some more of those boots...and I expect they'll want to get you under that mistletoe, won't they? Don't go sucking the air out of them, will you? Anyway, if I don't see you later, I'll see you in the morning. Take care and Happy Christmas,' and he gave his wife a peck on the cheek and slipped out of the door.

Time was getting on and Wendy didn't know whether she was getting more tired or more alive as the midnight hour approached. It was Christmas and everybody was happy and in a good mood, laughing and joking and wishing each other a merry Christmas, and Wendy seemed to be getting a second wind.

She had made a few pounds extra for herself with all the tips, and she'd also had a few glasses of wine to drink and was now feeling very relaxed indeed!! But what about those old devils in the snug bar? She had not seen them leave so she knew that she was likely to have to run the gauntlet of collecting more glasses within the next 10 minutes or so as it approached midnight.

Many of the customers were slowly drifting off home by now, into the cold night air, away to their homes to get some sleep before the excitement of the big day arrived. But Wendy knew that the old boys didn't really have much to go home to, so she knew that they would be hanging on until the bitter end!! Here goes, she thought, and she prepared to go down into the snug where she knew it would be like going into the lion's den!! But what sort of lion's den would it be??

As Wendy quietly slipped down the two steps into the snug bar, there was still warmth from the embers of the log fire glowing in the hearth...and there were still the five old boys sat around the table by the fire. They all still had a drink in front of them on the table...and they all seemed a lot merrier than the last time Wendy went into the room!!

'Here she is,' piped up Tom, 'even sexier than the last time she came in. Corrr, you look really gorgeous tonight, young Wendy, you do! And we haven't had that Christmas kiss yet, have we, Bill?'

'Don't keep going on about a Christmas kiss,' laughed Wendy. 'It's time to be going off home now, you know. Time for your's almost midnight...and you'll all turn into pumpkins if you don't get home.' This was ignored and Bill carried on the verbal attack.

'Oh Wendy, you can't let us all go home to a cold house without giving us a Christmas kiss...especially as you look so inviting with them long, sexy boots. Come on Wendy. It wouldn't be fair, would it,' and an arm came out to grab her hand as she stood by the table and cast her eye over the 5 old men who had obviously enjoyed a few pints during the evening.

The mistletoe quickly reappeared and it was Tom who held it on high, just over the fire place. He placed himself with his back to the fire, holding the green leaves above his head.

'Now, young Wendy. All we want is a little kiss for's only once a year...that's not too much to ask, is it?' Wendy grinned to herself and knew damned well that if she gave them an inch, they would try and take a mile. But was she going to be a spoil-sport at this celebratory time of year? Gingerly she moved forward towards the fire place, the hidden hand still holding her own.

'Now, Tom, you old devil, if I give you a little kiss, you just make sure your hands don't go wandering,' she smiled. As she closed in on Tom, another hand grabbed her free hand and now both of her hands were being held.

Tom, seeing this golden chance, reached out and put his hand on Wendy's waist and eased her closer towards him and the mistletoe. She had no arms to use herself and she suddenly felt almost helpless as Tom moved his head towards her, and then his lips were on hers. The kiss was gentle until Tom's hand went behind Wendy's head to hold her. Then, suddenly, Wendy felt a hand on the back of her thigh. She had no idea who it was, but it was Bill, and his hand was moving gently up and down the back of her leg, going higher and higher each second.

Wendy tried to pull away, but Tom's hand was holding her head firmly while Bill's hand gently caressed the gorgeous thigh, going up and up until he was feeling naked flesh above the stocking top.

'Corrrr, Tom, she's got them stockings on again, she has,' giggled Bill, 'and they go all the way up her lovely legs.'

Wendy struggled a bit but she'd been through all this before. These old boys knew just how to get her juices flowing, and when Tom's tongue eased into her mouth, Wendy almost gave in. She quickly kissed Tom's tongue but managed to wriggle her mouth free and began to protest.

'No, no, we mustn't do this, not here in the pub. You don't know who might walk in at any minute!' Thank goodness the snug was empty apart from the old men and, luckily, there was a door separating them from the main bar. The hands still held her, and the other hand was still sliding up and down the back of her thigh. Her protests did not deter the pensioners' one iota.

As Tom slipped away, he was quickly replaced by Fred who took over the mistletoe from Tom. He, too, grabbed Wendy's waist and held her head for a prolonged kiss. His tongue was straight into her mouth and Wendy could do nothing but reciprocate with her own tongue. Had she given in? Was she going to accept the inevitable? Certainly, the hand sliding up and down her leg was bringing gentle, warm feelings, but now another hand had joined in on her thigh.

The hands were high up her legs, above the stocking tops, and Wendy tried to keep her thighs together as her tongue wrestled with Fred's. But there would be no stopping these experienced old boys. A hand gently moved onto her panties at the rear, squeezing her firm cheeks through the material underneath her dress.