After the Reunion Ch. 12


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He pulled his mouth away from her tit and raised his head so his lips were an inch or so away from hers, "That feel good, whore?"

Her head rolled back, wide-eyed and groaning, "Please, Jonah..." she whimpered.

"What, slut? Please what?"

"Fuck me, Jonah, PLEASE!" I couldn't even begin to imagine what her libido must have been like.

He laughed and looked down at her bare stomach, putting his fingers a few inches above her belly button, "Been a long time, you remember how far inside you that fat cock will reach?"


He turned her back around, facing away from him, then pulled one of her arms behind her, putting her hand over his crotch. "You feel that, babe? Know how bad it wants to be inside you, right now, sliding in and out of that cunt? Know how much that Ashanti girl enjoyed the fuckin' that cock gave her?"

"And remember, there's over a thousand people out there, every one of 'em wantin' to be where I am, 'bout to fuck that cunt of yours."

He looked up at Addie's face again, her mouth twisted in lust, noises still coming out of it. I heard a 'click'. He looked down, there was a furry-looking handcuff around one of her wrists. He pulled her other arm behind her and the other half of the handcuff clicked around her other wrist.

"Jonah!" Addie's voice had changed, she sounded a little afraid. Her arms were handcuffed behind her and she was looking out of the cage at yet another table full of people, this time, one with several women. That is, she was looking out at them until Jonah suddenly wrapped the black bandana around her eyes and tied it behind her head.

My wife jerked, trying to pull her head away, but he had already tied the knot. "Jonah... Please... No... I want to see."

"Trust me, my little slut, it'll only be for a few minutes." She seemed to relax, apparently believing that he'd take it off soon.

He held her a few inches from the edge of the glass enclosure, and as they slowly rotated in front of couples, he began fingering and pinching her nipples once again, Addie whimpering from her longing.

Jonah pulled away from her and turned, looking down in the corner of the cage. I hadn't seen it before, but there was a small, blue bag, like a gym bag. He kneeled down and opened it, taking out a leather contraption, I had no idea what it might have been.

He stood back up, stepped back to my wife, who was now blindfolded with her arms handcuffed behind her back. Jonah unfolded the contraption and began to wrap it around Addie's back and upper chest, above her tits. I was starting to get an inkling what it might be, but still wasn't sure. I'd never seen anything like it.

"Jonah?" Addie's startled, concerned voice was back. I was beginning to think, with good reason.

He never said a word, simply continuing what he was doing, strapping what looked like some kind of leather harness around my wife's body, fastening a couple straps in back and pulling them tight.

"That hurt, babe?"

"No... but... Jonah, you're starting to scare me..."

He had kneeled back down and was taking some long straps out of the bag. "This is just something for a bit of fun, babe, nothin' to be worried about." He stood back up, attaching the straps to clips on the harness above both shoulders. "That is, nothing to worry bout... unless you might be wondering if ol' Jonah is thinkin' bout last night... you know, when you blew up at him." The straps came together into a single one with a ratchet and hook on top above her head. He looked up and another thing I hadn't seen was a small hook on the top of the cage, right in the center, where he slipped the hook on the strap over. Then he began turning the ratchet, pulling the straps tight and then enough to barely lift her feet off the floor.

"Jonah... what... what are you doing?"

"Sweetness, just trust me, you're gonna love this," he laughed, "and I think your adoring public will, too."

When Jonah glanced down, they were still up about ten feet off the floor of the room, with people looking up through the glass floor at them.

"Just a couple more tiny additions and we'll be done an' you can get yer wish." He retrieved a couple more things from the case, looked like two more sets of furry handcuffs, with a little longer chain between the cuffs. He turned back around and slipped one around one of Addie's ankles, pulled her leg maybe three feet to the side, then the other end around another inconspicuous hook in the bottom of the cage, where the floor meets the glass wall; then the same with Addie's other leg and ankle, so that her legs were held probably six feet or so apart.

"Good." He stood back up and reached up above her and began ratcheting the strap until the chains on the ankle restraints were pulled tight with her legs held apart so she could barely move. "Anything hurt?" he asked her.

"No, but..."

"Good, now we can have a little fun."

He moved around to the front of Addie, taking her nipples in his fingers again, pinching between his forefinger and thumb, both at the same time. "I do like these titties... think some other people here do, too... That feel good?" he asked her as he drew one out with his fingers and sucked it in his mouth.

"Oh God, Jonah!" Addie tried to squirm, but could barely move. She obviously was enjoying what he was doing to her tit. Then he switched his lips to her other nipple and sucked it into his mouth, making her whimper all over again.

"I bought you a couple little presents, babe, hope you'll like... it matches your other jewelry." He had pulled out what looked like another necklace, but this one clipped onto her hard, bloated nipples, with a double chain, and little butterflies hanging from the chain. "I know you liked the little gold chain I gave you in Reno, hope you like this one, too," as he clipped one end to the very back of a nipple, then the other one. They looked heavy, tugging Addie's tits down a little.

Addie simply moaned, "Jonah... "

"Would love for you to have these pierced. They'd be so beautiful with pretty rings."

"Oh God... Yes, Jonah... Anything... Just... please fuck me!"

"Good, maybe tomorrow..." Holy crap, was Adriana going to come home tomorrow with pierced nipples and nipple rings?

Then he kissed her. The first time I'd ever seen Jonah actually kiss my wife. She acted desperate, her face an inch from Jonah's glasses; blurry from the closeness but still clear enough to tell she was desperately returning his kiss. He pulled his face away from her and when she came back into focus, her eyes were still covered with the black bandana, mouth open and breathing hard.

He backed away from her, "Another gift." He returned to the blue bag and picked up an object; round like a small ball, flesh-colored, three-inch or so shaft on one end, then smeared something from a tube on it. I was beginning to get the idea what it was. He returned to stand in front of her, with one hand running his fingers up and down her body; around her neck, over her nipples, down and out of my sight, but from Addie's groans and her body jerking, I presumed his fingers were teasing her pussy. He glanced down briefly and I was right, they were outside her panties, but pressing against her and rubbing up and down.

He looked back up at her face and a moment later, she jerked and almost began spasming, her mouth opening and closing, "Jonah... please... no..."

"Relax, babe, this won't hurt. It'll only make your cunt more sensitive when that cock slides inside you."

I hadn't even been paying attention to where they were, where the glass cage was. But then I noticed. They were at a table, with Addie knowing that several men were only a few feet away, watching Jonah pulling her panties aside and slipping that flesh-colored ball into her ass, the rest of the eleven-hundred people watching on the big monitors.

When he was done, he asked her, "There, not so bad? How's it feel?"

"Ohhh!" was all she could say.

He stepped back, he only had a couple feet to the glass, but it was enough, looking at Addie. "Damn woman, you are just about the sexiest slut I think I've ever seen!" I have to admit, she damn well was. With the nipple chain, sexy lace panties, fishnet stockings and heels she was still wearing, she looked so fucking good! Especially suspended, tied and that horny look on her face. I just wished he'd take off the damned blindfold.

He stepped back up closer to her, running his hands over her body, tormenting my poor wife. He watched his hand as it slipped underneath Addie's panties. This time there was no doubt. His fingers were reaching up inside her.

All she could do was writhe, but couldn't even do that from being tied so tightly. "Oh God, Jonah, please, fuck me, let me come!" She was begging now, almost crying with her need to come. Like she had been when she was curled up on the hotel floor in Umatilla, sobbing.

"It's going to be a little hard to fuck you with these on, isn't it, whore."

She whimpered something unintelligible.

"Isn't it? Answer me."

"Y... Yess... "

He looked down and jerked, ripping them off of her. Addie screamed, startled. And now exposed, her waxed bare cunt, legs spread apart, wet pussy lips pulled apart both from her legs being tied apart and Jonah's fingers having just been inside her; with a glass floor so people could look straight up at her most private girl parts. My cock was so hard from all of this, and now... Damn, I was having a hard time keeping from grabbing my cock and making myself come.


I was back at the dinner table, at the reunion, sitting with Adriana (she was Adriana then, I'd just heard the nickname, Addie, for the first time), Tanner and Tanya; three months earlier. I remember she had just told me she used to date Tanner. Then it was, "We, um... we more than just dated." That was when it started. Three. Months. Ago.


I couldn't even begin to imagine how Addie must have felt, naked, horny, humiliated, on exhibition like in a fishbowl and not a damned thing she could do about any of it.

Again, I hadn't been paying any attention to where they were in the room. But now I realized they were actually on the stage. The cage had quit rotating and Addie was facing the crowd. Addie, obviously, would have no idea where they were.

"One last little present I bought for you." He went back to the bag, stuffed the lingerie top she'd been wearing earlier and the ripped panties into it, then pulled out a dildo, about five inches long, curved with a rounded hook - almost between an 'L' and 'C' shape.

He stood again, right behind Addie, reached between her legs and pushed the thing up inside her pussy, then said to her, "Remember whore, YOU... DO... NOT... COME!" He exaggerated every word, emphasizing the fact that there would be severe consequences. Addie would obey, no matter what. She would know only too well what those consequences could be.

Addie was trying to jerk away from him, but she was tied so tight she could barely move. Then he opened the cage door behind him, pulled the bandana off her eyes and stepped out, closing the door behind him.

As the enclosure containing my wife, dildo inside her cunt, already desperate for the release that had been forbidden her, totally and obscenely exposed, started to raise up and move out a couple feet above the heads of more than a thousand people, we all heard the screaming, piercing, soul-shattering wail, loud over the intercom system, "Nooooo!"As Jonah stepped off the stage, my naked wife, with her bare, waxed pussy gaping open, and on the monitor Jonah was looking at, he quietly said, "Okay, friend Matthew, your turn. Don't disappoint us."

A vibrator! The fuckin' app I downloaded earlier! That thing wasn't a dildo, it's the vibrator. I pulled my headset off and went hunting for my cell phone, searching everywhere... and finally found it in my shirt pocket I was wearing.

I pulled my headset back down over my eyes, needed to see what was going on. Yeah, it'd only been maybe a minute, but still...

Jonah had sat back down with Ashanti sitting where Addie had been earlier. He watched her as her little hand wrapped around his now-hard cock. Shit, she couldn't even reach all the way around. He looked up, watching Addie inside the cage drifting over the room, about six feet or so above the floor, just enough to clear the people sitting in chairs so that when they looked up they'd be looking straight into her bare pussy.

Jonah glanced at one of the big screens; it was a split image showing a close-up of Addie's face on one half and her body on the other. She looked so fucking sexy, naked except for the stockings and heels she was still wearing. She was pulling at her restraints but was suspended so tight that she could barely move. The only noises she was making were grunting noises from the effort of trying to free herself.

The body shot zoomed in on her pussy, showing her pink and puffy cunt, wet with her arousal and gaping open.

I pushed my headset up enough so that I could see my cell phone and opened the app for the vibrator. The first thing I saw was the short blurb I'd read earlier, "Ultimate feminine arousal of the G-spot and clitoral suction for wave after wave of orgasmic stimulation." Okay, I have no idea how long Jonah is going to leave Addie alone in there and I know how much control he has over her, commanding her not to come.

I looked at the vibrator's control panel on my phone, then pulled my headset back down. My wife was being lowered down over a space between tables this time, all the way to the room's floor, with people all around looking in at her. I pushed my headset back up and toggled the g-spot vibrator up to about half, then quickly pulled my headset back down.

She didn't do anything different for a few seconds, then her mouth opened, I heard a loud, "Ahhh," her head flew back and her body stiffened, quivering. "Oh God, please nooo... " she begged. I pushed my headset up quickly and turned the vibrator off, then pulled the headset back down quickly. Addie's body relaxed; I could see the look of relief on her face. That is until I toggled the 'clit stimulator' up to 75% and left it for about fifteen seconds. I wished I could figure out how to do it without having to push my headset off to see the screen.

The cage began to lift up toward the ceiling. I left the vibrator off and just watched. Jonah went back and forth from watching Addie inside the cage to the nearest monitor. Addie was breathing hard, obviously from struggling to avoid the orgasm she wanted so badly. I fully intended to test her resolve with however long I had. And it was testing my own as well. I was so fucking hard!

Addie's cunt was literally dripping onto the floor when the cage with my wife held tight inside it was lowered back down over a table. I pushed my headset back down clicked both the 'g-spot' and 'clit' toggles to fifty-percent and then pulled my headset back down. Addie reacted, throwing her head back and letting out a loud moan.

One of the cameras was near the bottom of the cage looking straight up into Addie's cunt, that was literally dripping with her juices. So fucking pornographic! And it was my Adriana!

The other camera was trained on her face, her lips opening and closing with weird noises coming from her and tears falling down her cheeks. I couldn't resist, quickly looking out of the headset and changing one of the toggles, I wasn't sure which one, up to seventy-five percent.

Addie's hips were mimicking grinding down on a hard cock as much as her secured body would allow. The tears were flowing down her cheeks, her face with a grim determination on it.

The camera zoomed back out so that it showed the people sitting at the table, and I could see why. Sitting right in front of Addie, I recognized the woman from the night before; very pretty face, crimson-red hair down below her back, with some of it spilling down over her chest, the same woman as I had seen the night before. But this time, she was completely topless and was rolling both her nipples between her thumbs and forefingers.

With Addie momentarily stationary right in front of the redhead and the camera focused on her, she reached under the table with one hand and briefly closed her eyes and let her mouth fall open into an 'O' shape. It wasn't hard to imagine what that hand under the table was doing.

I could only imagine what this scene was doing to Adriana as well, especially with that vibrator in her pussy.

The woman pulled her hand from under the table and stood, reaching up, putting her fingers on the outside of the glass and smearing the wetness on it right in front of Addie, while she was still rolling a nipple with her other hand.

As the cage started to lift away, the woman pulled her hand back and licked the juices off her fingers. Besides what she'd done to Addie, it was pretty obvious that the man (men?) with her was going to have a very good night later.

And it was so shittin' hard for me to not grab my own shaft and pump the cum out of it that was hovering right at the surface. But if Addie could resist her orgasm, so, by damn, could I!

I moved both toggles back to twenty-five percent, just enough to continue to torment Addie while the cage moved her to another table. Besides the lusty, anguished look on Addie's face, there was a sheen of sweat on her body. Probably from being 'hot' other than the temperature.

Over the next, I don't know... maybe half hour, forty-five minutes? Addie and the cage were moved from table to table. I continued to raise and lower the intensity of the vibrations. Occasionally I put it back all the way to zero when it looked like she wouldn't be able to stand a second longer. I even left it that way at a couple tables, raising it back up in-between so she wouldn't get into the pattern of knowing what to expect.

Addie's sexy moans hardly ever stopped. I wondered how many people inside the building were going home with wet spots on their slacks or sopping wet panties. I know of one red-head woman, at least, that had wet panties... if she was wearing any. I'd be willing to bet that the guys with her had sticky pants, too.

I had been wondering how long Jonah planned to torment Addie like this... not that I hadn't had my part. There had been conversation between him and Ashanti off and on, but I hadn't paid attention, being more interested in what was happening to my wife.

I mention Jonah and Ashanti because that's where Addie's cage lowered to, right in front of them. Actually, on the stage in front of where they were sitting and looking right at Jonah. I turned the g-spot vibrator up a little higher than I had before and remembered the one toggle I hadn't used, 'clitoral suction'.

I turned that one up and quickly pulled my headset back down to watch. Jonah was looking straight at Addie, not at the monitor like he had most of the time. Addie's naked hips tensed and started to shake, her face contorted and she started slurring, "No... no... noooooo!"

I turned it off, both the suction and vibrator. Addie continued to moan as the cage moved slowly to the center of the stage, but still at the edge with her looking out to the crowd.

At that point I expected Jonah to get up and join Addie inside the cage for what he had originally said she was there for; for him to fuck her. But he didn't. Instead, he watched Samuel step out of the back room. Samuel; shirtless, his broad chest and big arms bare, a tattoo of a beautiful woman's face with long, flowing hair on his right bicep, another of an eagle on his left arm and something that looked like some kind of military with an anchor across his chest.

This was the first time I'd seen him shirtless. The two times in Jonah's club, just in the distance and last night much closer, but still covered. Besides being so damned good-looking, he looks like a damned weightlifter.
