After the Reunion Ch. 17


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I was nervous all day Friday. Addie wanted steak, but I was afraid it'd be too cold outside to grill. She'd bought the steaks; five big, fat, juicy rib steaks.

Addie came home early and told me that Nicki had framed and hung several of her nice landscape photos, including a couple from the trip Saturday. She laughed and said Nicki was going to ask fifty dollars for them. "I told her at least a hundred-and-fifty. Heck, she's got thirty or forty in just the frame. I also told her that the store won't take any percentage when they sell." Sounded fair enough to me.

Addie got busy making a potato salad and getting some baked taters ready to go in the oven. I opened a couple cans of 'Grillin' beans' for my culinary expertise. She wanted to give Samuel a good western, country-boy meal, different than he's used to.

By quarter till seven, we were ready. The potatoes were in the oven, steak seasoned and the grill at 500 degrees, waiting for the steaks. Fortunately, it had warmed up outside to the mid-fifties, plenty warm enough to grill the steaks on the pellet grill. Katie was reading a story to Kevin in the living room. Addie had dressed in a just-above-the-knee, bright red, sleeveless dress with spaghetti straps, red strapless bra, and I didn't know what for panties. Attractive and feminine, but not overtly sexy. Her black lingerie from 'that night' was tucked away in a drawer and I had no idea if it might be seeing daylight later on. I doubted it since we hadn't taken the kids to Joanie's. I had on a shirt and blue jeans. Fancy, schmancy!

My stomach was churning, worried about how to interact with the famous Samuel. The big, good-looking, tough guy with the huge cock who Addie had drooled over sexually for over two months; who had fucked her starving cunt in front of a thousand people, then taken her home and spent the night fucking and making love with her. The 'making love' was almost the hardest part. I know that Addie has strong emotional ties to the guy, that she probably desperately wanted to jump in bed with him all over again.

At least I had some things in my favor; I'd be grilling the steaks to keep myself occupied shortly after he got here. Addie was MY wife and he knew that, actually seemed to respect that, at least somewhat, from what Addie had said.

The doorbell rang at 6:55. Naturally, Addie was busy putting plates on the table and asked me to get the door. I wanted her to let the guy in, then introduce us. But, good husband as I am, I opened the door. "Nicki?" I looked around. It was Nicki and Livvy. She looked a little confused at my 'greeting'. "I'm sorry, I didn't even realize you were coming tonight." I stood back, holding the door for her, "Come on in. I'm happy you're here."

Addie didn't seem surprised at all. "Hi Nicki, I'm in the dining room, just setting the table. Come on in, you can give me a hand."

Livvy went straight into the living room and plopped herself down beside Katie. I heard Katie ask, "You wanna play a game?" Then all three kids jumped up and skipped into Katie's bedroom.

I was still confused. I had no idea that Nicki was coming to dinner. Then it all made sense to me! Matchmaker Adriana! Lonely Nicki, lonely Samuel, both had little girls roughly the same age. That was obviously her plan from the first time she asked about inviting Samuel. I remembered her words, "Trust me," but I hadn't, not really. Maybe, sorta, but it had still been in the back of my mind that Addie might be going off with him tonight after dinner.

Then another thought hit me, what the hell? Samuel lives six-hundred miles away. What does she think's going to happen, Nicki move to Sacramento? Samuel move to Idaho?

I shook my head, wondering at the deviousness of my wife. Then the doorbell rang again. It was exactly seven o'clock. This time, knowing Addie's plan, I was much more prepared to meet her lover. The thought quickly went through my mind, 'does Nicki know?' That was Addie's problem, not mine.

I opened the door and there stood the man and his cute little girl. He had a pleasant, but nervous-looking smile on his face. He obviously didn't know what to expect, either. I hadn't realized his skin was quite as dark as it was, not 'chocolate', but actually black. I guess the time I saw him, my mind was a little distracted.

I gave him a smile in return and shook his hand, telling him I was glad to finally meet him. "Addie has told me so much about you," I clumsily said. I didn't know what to say. I invited them in, then hollered in the other room, "Katie, Kevin, Livvy, there's someone here that I bet would like to meet you."

Addie and Nicki came into the living room at the same time as the kids. Addie knelt down and gave Lily a big hug, telling her how happy she was to see her again, then introduced her to the other three kids. The first thing out of Livvy's mouth was, "Do you like to play Chutes and Ladders?"

Lily looked bashful, glancing up at her dad, "I don't know. I never have."

Katie grabbed one of Lily's hands and Livvy the other, Livvy saying, "Come on, we'll teach you. It's fun," then she added, "of course you gotta let us win," with a cute little laugh. Then all four disappeared back into the bedroom and we heard lots of kid-chattering and giggles.

Once that was taken care of, Addie stood back up and faced Samuel. I almost expected a passionate kiss among lovers, but they just hugged briefly, then Addie introduced Samuel and Nicki. They hugged very briefly, acknowledging each other, then Addie introduced me. Samuel's first words were, "Glad to meet you, man, you must be so proud having this woman as your wife."

I glanced at Addie, her face turning a bit red, then back to Samuel, "Yeah, I am. She's pretty damned amazing!" I already liked the guy. He handed me two bottles of wine, not realizing that a wine-connoisseur, I am not. I thanked him profusely, then handed them to Nicki to do whatever with. I saw her a moment later setting wine glasses on the table. Personally, I had no clue; white wine with steaks, red wine? I didn't really care, seemed like a waste of perfectly good grapes to me.

Speaking of Nicki, when she came in I was too surprised to really notice what she was wearing. She had on a short, dark purple skirt and lighter purple, silk blouse. She looked nice, really nice!

Samuel followed me out on the back deck to put the rib steaks on the grill. I explained the grill to him, how the different species of wood pellets flavored the meat differently. I like to use mesquite pellets. They give it a delicious mesquite smoke flavor.

I asked him about being a Navy Seal, and he told me of some of the missions they had. I never broached the subject of his wife that had been killed. Figured he could bring her up if he wanted... or not. I can't even imagine what the guy had gone through. If something like that ever happened to Adriana... Urgh!

We talked about Addie's stores, explaining to him the very short version of how they came to be. Before the steaks were done, we were friends. I understood why Addie had been so infatuated with him, even aside from the obvious.

Samuel retrieved a platter from Addie and a moment later we were sitting down with sizzling hot steaks, medium rare, with one well done for Nicki. Addie and Nicki put together plates for the kids and called them to the little 'kid table'.

Nicki and Samuel sat on one side, Addie and me on the other. By then, Samuel understood, too, what Addie's plan was and he didn't seem the least bit averse to back-and-forth flirting with Nicki.

Neither did Nicki, by the way. It was pretty obvious that by the time dinner was over, Nicki was totally infatuated with Addie's 'friend'. Neither had mentioned the unhappy ending to Nicki's marriage or the tragic ending to Samuel's.

Samuel didn't seem to mind our country-style meal, grillin-beans and all. He complimented us for the food several times.

The kids had finished and abandoned their plates on the table to resume their Chutes and Ladders game. Once they were gone, Addie suggested, "We'll watch the kids if you guys want to go out somewhere." I could see Addie's mind working, take her back to your hotel, Samuel, fuck her like you did me.

Nicki and Samuel both wanted to help clean the table off, but Addie insisted that she and I could take care of that. Yeah, then we can fuck. God, I was horny after thinking about Samul and Addie all evening. Putting a real person, with a real face to that picture in my mind of the two of them inside that glass cage had done a major number on my libido.

Nicki looked over at Samuel and said, "I know of a place, at least I hope it's still there... it's been a long time."

Samuel glanced at both Addie and me, "You sure? We can help clean up."

"We got this," I told him, "just take a little while. You guys go."

They went back to the kids' room and told their little people they were going out for a while, so be good. I laughed, watching the kids intently playing their game, not paying a bit of attention. Lily had been fully absorbed into their group.

Addie and I watched Samuel very politely open the door for Nicki. "You know the place Nicki was talking about?" I asked Addie.

She laughed, "No clue. But maybe if we're lucky, it'll be an all-nighter type of place."

I kissed the back of her neck, "I know of an all-nighter type of place I'd kind of like to take you to, right now."

She turned and wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me, hard, then pulled away and said, "Mmm, I'd like that... but not tonight..."

I groaned. I was horny! I'd forgotten all about Addie's date. Thinking of Addie, already all hot and bothered, with Nick, drove my libido up another ten notches. It was hell being married to that sexy of a woman.

We cleaned up the dining room and kitchen, then sat down to watch a movie together. Anything to take my mind off of what my mind was on. Addie snuggled up next to me and said, "I think I have a plan."

I looked at her with what must have been a very befuddled expression on my face, "Plan? You mean Nicki and Samuel? You've already done that plan."

She giggled again, "No, silly, our parents. You know, what you and Russ talked about."

"Ahh, that plan. So, what is it?"

"Not going to tell you. Not till I talk to my mom. Get an idea if it's something they want."

"And if it is?"

"Then I told you, I have a plan."

"And you're not gonna tell me, are you?"

She shook her head, "Nope, nada, nyet. You got any more words for 'no'?"

I gave that line of questioning up. "You hear any more from Tanya, how the last couple days of her photo-shoot have gone?"

"Uhuh, not a word. She's probably been too busy fucking poor Tanner to call."

"Hah! Poor abused guy."

"You know, sweet, you could have told me a little more about what you were doing tonight, Nicki and all," I told her.

She laughed, "And what fun would that have been? You should have seen your face when you opened the door and Nicki was there."

"How do you know? You were in the kitchen."

"You think us girls don't talk behind your back?"

"What do you think they're doing?"

She snuggled her head up against my cheek, "I know what I hope they're doing, but I Imagine they're someplace where they can dance, get to know each other."

"You miss him?"

She cocked her head around and looked at me, not answering, then snuggled back where she was before and said, "Yes."

We were quiet after that, watching the movie. I have no idea what it was, it was going in and back out just as fast with no interaction with my brain at all.

At nine-thirty, Addie suggested, "We should probably get the kids in bed."

"Nah, it's Friday night. They can sleep in tomorrow. Let 'em play a little longer, get to know Lily better." Besides, I figured I wasn't getting any tonight and the sooner the kids went to bed, we probably would, too. And I wasn't eager to go lay against my sexy wife and not get to do anything with her. Snuggling on the couch was just fine. Other than the fact that her dress had slid high up her thighs and I was left with that view above the top of her lacy stockings. Couldn't keep my hands away, either.

A little later, she relaxed, apparently asleep. I wanted nothing more than to wake her, push her face first over the back of the couch, rip her panties off (if she's wearing any - I still didn't know) and bury my cock all the way inside her cunt, hard. She'd probably like it if I did exactly that, probably come so fast. But I didn't. I couldn't. It's not me. Besides, there were four kids playing in Katie's bedroom.

Instead, I kissed the top of her head, woke her up and led her into our bedroom. "Sorry," she said, "all the stress, worrying about tonight, how it was going to turn out... I'm exhausted." She went in the bathroom and I sat on the edge of the bed waiting. She came out a little later, wearing a long peach-colored, silk nightgown. The kind that covers her completely, except that every curve shows through, her nipples poking holes... and was so fucking sexy!

I needed to check on the kids. It was way past their bedtime. I sat on the couch watching the stupid movie, trying to get my mind off my sexy wife in the other room. The tent in my pants gradually dissipated so I checked on them. I asked the girls if they wanted to sleep on the floor so they'd all be together and Kevin started pouting, "Me too, Daddy. Can I sleep in here, too."

I laughed and couldn't think of a reason why not. "Sure, Kev," I told him. I grabbed a couple blankets out of the hall closet, laid one down, then kids, then another blanket on top. "You four be quiet and go to sleep, okay?"

A little after ten I heard Addie's phone chirp with a text message and checked it. Okay if the kids spend the night?

Addie was asleep so I answered it for her, Sure, they're already asleep. Have fun. Addie would be pleased. So far, her little plan seems to have worked out exactly as she'd hoped. I knew from Nicki that it had been two years for her. They should have a very good night ahead.

When I went to bed, I had to keep my hands to myself. It had only been two days since we'd made love, but it seemed like a hell of a lot longer than that! I knew that Saturday and especially Saturday night would be torture. There wasn't much sleep that night.

The next morning, I was asleep. When I woke up, Addie was up and her suitcase was already packed. I scooted up in bed and asked her, "You going to show me what you're wearing tonight?"

Addie scoffed at me; actually scoffed! "You should have woken up earlier. It's all packed now. I'll send you a picture tonight." Oh God, what the hell was it? Sent blood away from my brain all over again. That morning, she was wearing a loose pair of slacks and one of her nice, stretchy sweaters. Not sexy, just... sexy!

I mentioned the text message from Nicki last night. Addie sat down on the bed beside me with a wide smile on her face. "Seems as though my little ruse might have worked."

"Yeah, now you'll likely lose a manager and part of your volleyball team."

She wrinkled her nose. She's so damn cute when she does that! "Hope not. If it does work out for them, I hope it'll be the other way around, that Jonah would lose his athletic club manager."

Then she said, "Hon, I need to get going. I texted my mom and she's meeting me for breakfast in an hour."

That got my interest, "You're going to talk to her about... you know...?"

"I'll see how it goes. Going to try and back my way into it somehow."

"And you still won't tell me?"

She laughed, "Sweet, you're incorrigible! No, I'm not going to tell you. I'll see how it goes, maybe tell you later, but right now I'm gonna kiss kiddies bye." A moment later, I heard her in the kids' room telling them that she'd be home tomorrow and to have fun with Dad.

I climbed out of bed and pulled on a pair of blue jeans and pullover shirt while she was talking to them. I met her in the living room and she kissed me. "You're going to Robert and Michelle's again?"

She nodded, "Not sure about later."

That little comment made me almost instantly hard. She may be spending the night with a new guy. A guy that could turn into a long-term lover.

I carried her suitcase to the van and once again, watched her drive away. She'd just gone out of sight when I remembered that other little thing that I'd been wondering about. What had she told Nick about me, her husband? Shit!

Back in the house, I asked the kids if they wanted to go to the zoo later. I had no idea of Nicki and Samuel's plans, whether they were picking up kids later or not.

Boise has a pretty good zoo and the part our kids like is the little pond with a 'raft' as they call it. It's a little boat that they take kids all around the pond looking at the wildlife; frogs, birds, fish. The kids absolutely love it.

First, breakfast. I wished I'd made up some sourdough the night before, but I had been a little distracted. Instead, I made waffles from my trusty old Betty Crocker cookbook.

We were about halfway through eating when the doorbell rang. It was Samuel and Nicki, who both thanked me profusely for watching their kids. Lily told her dad, "We're going to the zoo!"

She seemed like such a sweet little girl that I hated to burst her bubble. I shouldn't have suggested the zoo until they'd arrived. "Lily, maybe your dad and his friend have other plans." Then I thought, why not? "Would you want to go to the zoo with us?" I asked the two of them.

They looked at each other briefly, each nodding. "Sure," Nicki Said, "sounds like fun."

So we finished breakfast, loaded up the kids in two cars and headed for the zoo. First thing there, Katie and Kevin dragged us straight to the pond with the raft.

That was about the time I got the text from Addie, "Verry interesting conversation with Mom. Tell you about it later." Damn, I wondered, what the hell? I didn't have a lot of time to ponder with Kevin pulling my hand onto the raft.

We had a great day. Samuel and Nicki seemed totally smitten with each other. Later, when we left the zoo, I offered to take their kids home to spend the night with us again, but they said they were going to Nicki's house and wanted them along.

It had a busy day and I hadn't had any chance to hardly think about Addie and her date. Home in the quiet house (how 'quiet' can any house be with a seven and four-year-old?), my thoughts reverted back to wondering, hoping about where Addie would be spending the night.

Oh yeah, and about that conversation Addie had had with her mother. I just couldn't even begin to bring myself to imagine our parents swapping spouses!

A little after nine that evening, my phone chirped with a text message. Then before I could even get it, it chirped again. The first was a picture of Addie and Nick sitting at a restaurant table looking into the camera. I had almost forgotten to wonder what she was going to be wearing that night. She hadn't disappointed in her choice. Turns out it was that 'date night' outfit she'd modeled for me and Ethan that night of her and Kayla's fashion show. It was a nearly transparent black lace, full sleeved, low-cut, V-neck blouse with what looked like a short, opaque camisole covering her very obviously, braless tits.

Nick looked about like he had the week before; long, unruly blonde hair, scruffy whiskers on his face, and a nice, satiny-looking shirt.

Addie and Nick both looked like the happiest couple on earth.

Then the next picture, that was the one that threw my libido into hyperdrive. Addie's and Nick's lips were coming together, about an inch apart. Her eyes were closed, ruby red lips open for him. Addie's left hand was behind Nick's neck and his hand was on her ribs, right underneath her braless breast, his thumb extended up, pressing against her lace-covered, braless nipple.