After the Reunion Ch. 19


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His hands were underneath her breasts, pushing up even more; the dress pulled up above the top of the black stockings. Any higher and...

Ginger's lips were back on mine. I couldn't stop myself, my hands went lower on her body, to the cheeks of her butt, pulling her tight against my erection. There were no panties under that dress, I was certain of it. Couldn't be. Ginger didn't resist. She pulled her lips from mine and said, "Mmm, any more of that and I might drag you out of here."

I was embarrassed at what I'd done. It wasn't me, but I'd gotten carried away in my own lust. I started to move my hands away, back up her back, but Ginger admonished me, "No, don't you dare stop," and her lips found mine again. My head was spinning, my hands feeling her body through her dress. I wanted to move my hand just a little, press it through that slit, onto her skin. My libido warred with my reason. The libido lost. I couldn't do it, badly as I wanted.

The music ended. Ginger pulled her lips from mine and looked at me with lust in her beautiful, emerald-green eyes. We were both breathing hard. I was lost in a haze, entranced by this woman.

Addie and Nick were gone. I looked around, afraid they'd left. Then I saw Nick, dressed in his casual shirt, walking back to his table, alone. Addie must have gone to the ladies' room.

Ginger excused herself, said she needed to use the ladies' room. I watched as she walked away, her hips swaying, her red hair swaying back and forth just a little. The brief thought went through my mind wondering if it tickled. She stopped at our table first, picking up her little handbag, then to the ladies' room.

As I walked back to our table, my phone chirped again. After I sat down, I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at the picture. My wife in the restroom mirror; her soft red lipstick smeared, the front of her dress with her distended nipples so clearly exhibited. A red-haired woman in a green dress was walking past, right behind her. I wondered if they'd talk. Did Addie open her eyes to see me? Or had she turned away, back toward Nick first? She sent the picture to tease me, torment me, thinking I was at home, awaiting any tidbit with bated breath.

Addie came out of the restroom first, sitting down next to Nick. It amazed me, he still looked like that first picture Addie had sent me, their first date at Michelle's; long blond hair, uncombed; face covered with blond, untrimmed whiskers. Somehow, he could pull off the look, obviously sexy as hell to my wife.

They sat talking and laughing, tearing my heart out. Yeah, this is what I was here for, but being here, seeing how close they'd become, that they were actually a couple, was almost more than I could take. Just watching Addie, MY Addie leaning into him, laughing with him, the little kisses was tearing me in two. And I know, what the hell did I think was going to happen? That they'd just sit side-by-side, dance, make out and sit side-by-side again?

That's not what I was seeing. What it was was two people falling head-over-heels with each other, at least from my vantage point. But seriously, watching my wife being seduced like she was... and seducing right back, especially knowing what she intended for later, had me so fuckin' turned on!

Well, that and the woman beside me. Her whispering sweet nothings in my ear, her hand on my groin, her perfume, and those kisses was only adding to my hyped-up libido.

We danced some more, I remember one song in particular, 'I Cross My Heart', a George Strait song from the movie 'Pure Country' (that movie was forty years old, but Addie and I loved it). It seemed like this woman singer was born to sing that song. I wished I'd gotten her name!

Ginger didn't let up on 'giving her something to think about'. When we danced, we kissed. Ginger's arms were wrapped tight around me and she encouraged my hands to roam over her back and her butt. I still couldn't bring myself to reach under that dress, though, even if I did think she wanted me to.

If Addie was doing the same, trying to make me jealous, she was doing a damned good job of it. Problem was, she didn't know I was there, so she wasn't trying to make me jealous. She and her guy were simply seducing each other. Doing a damned good job of it, too!

After one particularly hot dance, Ginger had retreated to the ladies' room one more time. Addie and Nick sat down and she whispered something in his ear, nibbling on his earlobe. Then they each took a short drink and got up, walking toward the front of the building, directly toward where I was sitting; holding hands, fingers intertwined, looking at each other, Addie giggling at something Nick said.

She was going to walk within a couple feet of where I was sitting. There wasn't anyplace to hide. Up till then, I'd managed to stay back, at least some distance away and I was sure Addie hadn't seen us. I turned my head away, looking out the window, barely able to breathe as she walked past - still looking toward Nick. She hadn't seen me; no way. No reaction at all as she walked within a foot of where I was sitting.

I turned around, watching Addie nibbling on Nick's earlobe, whispering in his ear, her hand rubbing up and down his back as he paid their bill. Then they were gone.

I knew then, they were on their way back to Nick's house. To make love - or fuck. Probably both, all night. Seeing what I had seen and spending the evening with the beautiful Ginger had been worth every bit of the angst. I briefly thought about those minutes in the Jeep; outside Ginger's house, then at Ginger's door, where I had nearly run away from fright, what I would have missed. And I was so fucking horny!

Ginger returned and sat down beside me, not even trying to cover her leg when the slit in her dress gaped open. "Having fun?" she asked.

How the hell do I answer that? There isn't any word in my vocabulary to express my enjoyment of the evening. "You're making the evening better than my imagination could ever have dreamed," I told her.

"Wanna make it even better yet?... I'd really like you to come home with me... if... if your wife... I know she's here... I don't know... "

Oh. My. God! I hadn't even considered the possibility of taking it further with Ginger. Why the hell wouldn't I have? Cause I'm a freakin' scaredy cat nerd, that's why!

She apparently took my hesitation for a rejection, "We don't have to. It's just..."

"No, I do. Want to, I mean. I... just didn't think..."

She laughed, "Didn't think an old lady like me would want to make love with a young, handsome, virile man?"

Oshitoshit! "Old?... God, Ginger, you're..."

She smiled, leaning into me, giggling, finishing my sentence, the words I'd meant to say, "Cute, sexy, cuddly, charming? Definitely horny!" Then she leaned a little closer, right in my ear, so softly that I could barely hear her, "My pussy is so wet!"

Oshitoshitoshit! If my cock hadn't already been hard before, it sure as hell would be now!

"Your wife... is she... okay, if we...?"

I nodded. I don't think I could have spoken then if I tried. I took Ginger's hand and tugged gently. It didn't take much. Like Nick had done, I stopped and paid our bill on our way out. A total of four glasses of wine each. Ninety-six dollars.

Four glasses of wine over several hours weren't too much for driving. At least I didn't think so. I didn't feel tipsy. Well, maybe a little. As you know if you've read many of these, I don't drink, so it doesn't take much. "We better call a cab," I told her. I asked the hostess if she'd mind calling us a cab and she did so. Then, surprisingly, I had the presence of mind to ask her, "Okay to leave the car in your parking lot?" I don't know what I'd have done if she'd said no.

She smiled sweetly and said it was fine, better than driving.

We waited in the lobby, what seemed like forever, snuggled together, until a little car with a funny little 'taxi' marker on top pulled up to the front door. I opened the back door and followed Ginger in. She gave the guy her address, then we leaned together and kissed. The slit on her dress was open so my right hand went to the outside of her leg, just above her knee.

She wasn't wearing any stockings so my shaking hand was on her bare skin. The thought went through my head, I wonder if my dad is feeling Laura's leg like this tonight. Maybe even more.

It was fleeting. I was brought back to the present in pretty damn short order when I felt Ginger's hand on mine, moving it to the inside of her thigh. And her tongue inside my mouth.

I kissed her harder and felt her reposition herself so that she could spread her legs apart a little. My hand had just started to move up her thigh when the taxi stopped at her house.

I cursed to myself, then realized how stupid that was. We were there and would have privacy in a matter of seconds... and I was upset because the damn taxi had stopped before I'd moved my hand where I wanted it? I fished out my billfold and gave the guy two twenties. I had no clue how much a taxi cost, but that seemed like plenty for the couple minutes we'd been in it. He didn't complain so it must have been.

Ginger fiddled, trying to find the key in her purse, then dropped the damn thing when it wouldn't go in the lock. She looked around really quick, then under her breath, "Yeah, right house."

I picked it up for her and my shaking hand managed to put it in the lock and turn it. The door opened and we stumbled through. I thought a moment later that I should have picked her up and carried her over the threshold. No way in fuckin' hell I could have done that with my rubbery legs!

I saw the flowers, still sitting on the table where Ginger had put them, what, four-five hours ago? What a damned difference a few hours can make!

The door closed behind us. I don't know if one of us closed it or it just swung shut. All I knew was that the woman with me was in my arms and we were kissing. And this time it was for us, not for 'giving my wife something to think about'.

After a far too short few moments, Ginger pulled away from me, breathing hard and said, "My bedroom."

I followed along, up the stair and into the most frilly, feminine bedroom I'd ever seen. Her curtains were lavender colored, held back by little ribbon things. Who the hell am I kidding, you don't care about her curtains! Neither did I. I will mention that it smelled wonderful, though. So fresh and 'perfumy', like you, would expect a woman's bedroom to smell... only better.

Ginger turned to me and said, "You've been admiring my dress all night, would you like to take it off of me?" I thought I'd been hiding my lecherous eyes a little better than that, but damn right, I'd like to take it off of her!

She turned around and, holding her hair out of the way, directed me to the button on the back of the halter around her neck. I think she was trembling almost as much as I was. I undid the button with my quivering fingers and separated the two sections. Ginger turned again, facing me, holding her top in place. I reached around her neck, grasping the two sections of the halter-top and slowly began to lower them.

She let her hands drop and looked down, watching herself as I lowered the front of her dress off of her. The first thing that came into view was her strapless, nude-colored bra. "I didn't use to wear one with this dress," she said, laughing, "but age and reality have taken their toll."

I sure as hell didn't see much adverse effect of 'age and reality'!

I knelt down in front of her, letting my hands feel the soft skin of her waist, then hips, then down her legs as her dress continued to fall away. She was beautiful. "I work out a lot, almost every day," she explained, obviously realizing I was admiring her body.

Then it was pooled at her feet. I was right. No panties. Trimmed, red pubic hair. Beautiful! I wanted to touch it, kiss it, run my tongue up and down, tasting her.

It was the first time I'd really noticed her shoes, four-inch heels, fake emeralds in the straps and across her toes. She sat at the end of the bed and let me unstrap and remove them.

Then My hands rubbed along the outside of her legs to her waist, then her tummy caressing it and feeling her belly button; then back down her hips and the inside of her thighs. She spread her legs apart... just a little, enough to entice and excite the man in front of her. That is if he hadn't already been so damned enticed and excited!

I kissed her belly button, then slowly a couple inches lower before I looked up at her. Ginger's body was shaking and so was mine. She stood naked, except for the little bit of a bra covering her breasts, her hands running through my hair.

I stood, fingering her ribs, then slowly raised my fingers up underneath the bra. As my fingers worked up, pulling it away, then circling her nipples, the bra fell away. I have no idea how it was held in place, but at the moment, that problem wasn't high on my list of concerns. My fingers caressed her breasts and we leaned together into a kiss.

My lips moved down her body, tasting her femininity and as I got closer to her breast, I heard a soft, "Ohhh," then her first moan as my lips circled her nipple and sucked. I was in a near trance of sexual bliss, my entire body trembling with need. I thought briefly of Adriana, was she standing naked before her man who she'd been wanting for the last three weeks? But very briefly because of the vision in front of me, my lips pulling her breast deep in my mouth.

She pushed me away, then started unbuttoning; first, my jacket, pushing it off my arms, then my shirt. In a moment, I was naked as Ginger, on her knees in front of me, her mouth wrapped around the head of my cock. I groaned as she slowly sucked my cock deeper in her mouth. I was barely able to breathe, feeling the head of my cock against the back of her throat, and then it wasn't. She'd backed off a half-inch or so, then let it slip in further again, this time with no resistance... into her throat.

I felt my orgasm start to build and abruptly pushed her away. When she looked up at me inquisitively, I told her, "No, I don't want the first time to be that way. I want to be inside you."

She stood and kissed me, then lay down on her back, knees spread and in the air. There was no doubt what she wanted... and I wanted, too. I climbed on the bed between her legs and kissed her thigh; up her thigh to her apex and teased her pussy lips. Ginger pushed her hips up off the bed and with her own fingers pulled her pussy lips apart, letting me know what she wanted.

When my tongue tasted her for the first time, she let out a loud groan and her hands gripped her soft comforter, scratching at its surface. "Pillow... under my hips... please," she moaned out.

Gladly! They were all underneath her comforter at the head of the bed, but I managed to frantically pull one out and push it underneath her hips. Then I resumed where I had left off, with my tongue in between her pussy lips enjoying her sweet nectar. And she hadn't been exaggerating earlier at the club when she'd whispered to me how wet she was. It was the first time since June that I'd been with a woman with pubic hair, Addie before the reunion dinner, and I loved the different feeling.

Addie had begun waxing since then and so had Tanya and Kayla. Ginger... her hips were bucking into me and I felt her tense, then scream, pulling my mouth into her pussy. If I hadn't gotten the haircut earlier in the day (shit, I realized it was the SAME day!) I'm sure she would have pulled clumps of it out.

I was nearly beyond any point of self-control and scrambled up her body. Ginger reached down, gripped my cock and held it at her entrance, "Now, please, NOW!" she shrieked. I pushed and was deep inside her!

She was hot, wet and with the erotic, emotional turmoil from the evening, along with my desire for her, I couldn't stop myself from coming almost the moment I pushed into her, pushing my cock as deep and hard into her as I could get. Ginger, too, must have been still pent up from the evening because she came at the same time, hips bucking, legs wrapped around me, groaning from deep inside her.

For a few moments afterward, I supported myself on my arms over her, then let myself down, my chest pressing against her breasts, my lips against hers. We rolled over, her off the pillow that I'd put under her a few minutes earlier, but kept my cock impaled inside her, even though temporarily shrinking.

Tonight was the night. Was my dad inside Laura like I am Ginger? What has it been like for Addie, making love with Nick? Those were some of the thoughts going through my mind. Not the least of which was that the woman whose body my arms are around is absolutely unbelievable!

"That was incredible, but I hope it won't be the only lonely tonight," she said.

"With my little man where he is right now, I'm pretty sure not,"

We spent the next hour or two talking about our respective love lives. I opened up to her about the real story between Adriana and Tanner, how they'd been lovers all through college, then how I learned about him at the reunion dinner and ever since have had the desire for Addie (even told Ginger that I'd never heard that nickname before the reunion, to which she thought was hilariously funny) to be with other men.

She said she understood that feeling with the relationship that she and Eric had with Robert and Michelle; that her first sexual relationship with anyone other than Eric was with Robert and that was when she bought the dress she'd worn tonight; then a weekend with them swapping spouses, which was repeated several more times.

I told her about Tanner and Tanya now; that whenever we were together, we swapped spouses, then about Tanya's going to be Playboy's Playmate of the Month in December. "Wow," she said, "she must be gorgeous!"

"She is, she's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, much less met. You remember," I asked her, "the movie '10'? Bo Derek?"

"How could I not. In my growing up years, I think she was the most beautiful woman on earth. I still don't think any of the supermodels can match her face. And that swimsuit scene!"

"Well, you would if you saw Tanya. She could be her younger twin sister, looks so much like her. Except I think a better body."

"Now you have me wanting to buy that issue."

I asked her if she wanted to talk about Eric, so she spent the next half hour telling me about her late husband; how they met, moving to Richland, his hobbies. She said that was where Robert picked up the photography hobby, from Eric. I wanted to tell her then about Robert taking the pictures of Tanya to send to Playboy for her 'audition', but she was still talking about Eric and I didn't want to interrupt her because I thought it was important to her to talk about him.

I was right. Later, she started to cry and told me this was the first time she's really talked about him since he died. I just held her tight, letting her cry until, probably five minutes later, she got herself under control again. "Thank you, Matt," she told me, "I've needed that for so long."

I didn't know what to say, so didn't say anything. I couldn't even imagine the pain she must have gone through. I wiped her tears from her cheeks with my thumbs first, then the sheet that we'd climbed under earlier and held her tight.

We must have gone to sleep, or at least I did, because the next thing I remembered was Ginger's lips on my cock once again, waking me up. What a wake-up call! I was rock-hard and aching all over again. Once she realized I was awake, she scooted up the bed and tickled my lips with her nipple. I may not be the brightest star in the sky, but I sure as hell recognized such a sweet invitation when it was this blatant!

I opened my mouth and sucked her nipple in, rolling it between my lips and gently with my teeth. Ginger groaned and I saw her watching me sucking her breast deep in my mouth. I switched to her other breast, repeating what I'd done with the first, getting lots of 'Mmms', 'Ahhs', and other noises of pleasure from her.