Aftermath Confessions Ch. 06

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Wife tells husband what really happen on their wedding night.
5.5k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 02/17/2011
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Author's Note: This story is hard to categorize. Loving wife, group, threesome with a touch of bi. There's not a lot of bisexuality, but there is some, so if this offends you PLEASE don't read. And for God's sake don't sent me a note. On the other hand, if you'd like to see the illustrated version, drop me a line.


"How exactly did you end up in bed with Jeff on our wedding night?"

"Not just Jeff..." She flashed a mischievous smile in response to the incredulous look on my face.

The idea of Carol sleeping with my college buddy on our honeymoon was inconceivable enough, but the idea that she shared our bed with multiple people was just ludicrous. I was beginning to think she was making the whole thing up, when she took my face in her hands and asked, "Are you sure you want to hear this?"

All morning long she had been light hearted and teasing, but there was a seriousness in her tone that told me whatever was coming next would change our marriage forever.

"Up until now, we've been talking about things that happened before we got married. From here on out, it's uncharted territory."

But it was too late to turn back now. And the truth was the picture of Carol with Jeff's big cock was already beginning to stir my loins.

"Hey! No way you're backing out now. Not after torturing me all morning. The deal was I tell you mine and you tell me yours. I can't wait to hear what that bastard did to get you out of your wedding dress."

Visibly relieved, the smile returned to her face. "Well, the first thing you should know is that Jeff was a complete gentleman." I laughed. "Okay, not a gentleman, but trust me, he wasn't the aggressor that night. In fact, if anyone was, it was you."

"Me!?" The sad, humiliating truth is that I got so drunk at our wedding night, I ended up passing out and didn't remember a thing.

Seeing my distress, Carol pulled me to her lips and kissed me. "It's alright. It all worked out. And now that I know what happened between the three of you before we met, it makes a lot more sense. I just wish you had told me sooner."

Then, giving my face a playful slap she added. "Now, fair is fair. I played with you while you were talking, how about getting down there and returning the favor." Without waiting for my response, she began pushing my head down toward her open legs. "What do ya say? Are you up for some cream pie?"

Her words left me breathless. I was crazy, horny in lust with my wife. With a shit-eating grin I got off the bed and walked to her dresser. "I'll do better that that." Rummaging through her panties, I pulled out a 7" vibrator and walked back to the bed.

"How did you know that was there?"

"We've been married 25 years, you don't think I know where you keep your toys?"

With a laugh, she reached into the headboard behind her. "Baby, you've been looking in the wrong drawer." And, to my shock, she pulled out a huge fake cock, 9" long and a good 6" around. "Trust me, this one is more appropriate to the story I have to tell. But wait to the end, or I'll never get through telling you."

My heart was pounding and I wondered for the umpteen time, who is this woman? And with that, I settled down to eat my first cream pie ever served up by my wife, as she proceed to tell me about her honeymoon infidelity.


You always talked so much about Jeff and Allie. When I didn't see their name on the guest list, I just thought it was an oversight. I remember how you reacted when they showed up on our wedding day. You kind of skipped a beat. I thought it was odd at the time, but then you and Jeff acted like long lost brothers and I just put it out of my mind.

I'd never met them before that day. The first thing that struck me was what a good looking couple they were. At 6' 1", Jeff could have been an athlete. He had this confident masculine aura that you could sense just by looking at him. From word one, I knew he was a player, all flirty and outgoing.

In contrast, Allie seemed conservative and a little standoffish at first. When Jeff came up to hug us, she hung in the background looking out of place. Even then, I couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was. While not overtly sexual, her hour glass figure and perky breasts gave her a demur sensuality. I noticed more than one guy, including you, checking her out.

As the day progressed, I went off to do my bride thing, while you went off with Jeff to do whatever the hell it is that guys do to get ready. Allie didn't know anybody there, so I invited her to join me. She was hesitant, but Jeff insisted.

Over the course of the afternoon she seemed to loosen up and I found I liked her. She was witty and smart and easy going. My first impression that she might to be a little stuck-up, proved to be wrong. If anything, she was self-effacing, deflecting any comments about how nice she looked. All afternoon she kept telling me how beautiful I looked. And, while everyone says that to a bride on her wedding day, she had a way of making me believe it. She clearly thought the world of you and seemed genuinely happy for us. When the wedding was about to begin, we parted ways and I felt like I had made a friend.

I wasn't too happy when you showed up buzzed, but the ceremony went off without a hitch. By the time the reception started, all was forgiven. I know you've always felt terrible about getting so drunk, but the truth is we were all three sheets to the wind by the time 10 o'clock rolled around. I knew early on that we probably wouldn't be playing honeymoon that night, but it didn't seem like that big a deal. It's not like we'd never slept together before and we had all week to make up for lost time. It didn't really get to be a big deal until later, when it was already too late.

Things started out innocent enough, everyone hugging and kissing and congratulating us. As the evening progressed we found ourselves paired up with Jeff and Allie. We'd dance together and then switch off and dance with them. The champagne was flowing and none of us were feeling any pain. It was probably the second or third dance with Jeff that my thigh brushed against his and I realized that he was sporting a massive hard-on. He pretended not to notice, but I was quite flustered and made some excuse about needing to take a break.

A couple of minutes later I was back on the floor with you, only to realize you were sporting a very nice hard-on of your own. The way the reception was set up, half inside, half outside on the patio, it was easy to move our dance outside where our heavy petting went unobserved. Your hands were all over my ass and I happily let you grind yourself against me as we moved around the floor. By the time we got back to the table I was breathless and more than a little wet.

You wanted to keep going, but I needed a minute. So, you took Allie by the hand and lead her away while I sat with Jeff. If I had been sober, it would have probably been awkward, but the truth was I was drunk and horny and enjoyed knowing that the man flirting with me had a big hard-on in his pants. The conversation was heavy with playful innuendoes, each of us tickling the other's arousal without crossing the line of plausible deniability. A few minutes later, when he asked me to dance, I readily agreed.

I was surprised when he lead me outside. And doubly surprised to find you already out there with Allie. For the next half hour, we followed that routine, switching off partners and going back to the table. My dances with you got to be so heated, they were practically a form of mutual masturbation. I'm not sure when that started extending to Allie and Jeff, but before long I found myself pressed up against his member as we moved across the floor.

That was the first time I realized just how big his cock really was. It kind of brought me back to my senses, but, when I turned to look for you, I saw that I wasn't the only one enjoying themselves. Your hands were on Allie's ass and she was practically humping your leg as you danced. I thought, "fuck it" and gave myself over to Jeff's attentions. I was feeling no pain and I had a massive cock rubbing against my pussy.

When the dance ended I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and told him I thought it was time I got you up to the room. He gave me a knowing smile and I thought that would be that. A little naughty fun - no harm done.

But getting you up to the room proved more problematic than I anticipated. In the end, Jeff and a couple of the other guests had to help take you up to the suite. You were the source of some good natured ribbing and a small group of our friends formed a conga line up to the room with us.

Jeff took you off to the bedroom while I played hostess to a handful of our friends. It would have been pretty easy to get them out of the place, but I was resolved to the fact that, as horny as I was, I wasn't going to be getting any satisfaction that night. It was only 11:00 and the prospect of sitting around the hotel, watching TV next to my unconscious husband, was just depressing.

There was a glimmer of hope when Jeff came back soaking wet and said that you were in the shower trying to sober up. But when I went to check on you 10 minutes later, you were passed out on one of the two beds wearing nothing but a robe. I spent a few minutes trying to wake you but finally gave up and went back into the other room.

It was like a bad joke. The suite's only bathroom was off of the bedroom. Any time someone had to go, they'd come back laughing at the passed out groom. Your friends thought it was hysterical.

I was feeling pretty bummed out, but as we drank and talked and just generally partied, I felt better as the evening went on. By midnight I was buzzed and happy as people said their good-byes and began filtering out. Finally, it was just Jeff, Allie and I. Sensing that I wasn't quite ready to be alone, they sat and talked for a while longer. Mostly about you and things that happened in college. Not the good stuff, as it turns out, but the time went by pretty quick and I felt like I was ending the evening on a high note.

Along about 1 AM, Allie rose unsteadily to her feet. "I've got to use the rest room and then we better get going. I'm more than a little drunk and we've stayed way longer than we should have."

I was already slumped against Jeff on the love seat and the prospect of getting some sleep sounded pretty good. He put his arm around me and gave me a little hug.

"I have to tell you, I haven't enjoyed dancing so much in a long time. Paul's a lucky man."

Without thinking about it, I put my hand on his thigh and gave his leg a squeeze. "Between you and Paul, I thought I was going to cum right there on the dance floor." I laughed. The words flowed out so easily, I didn't even think about what I was saying. "I just wish he hadn't passed out on me."

I turned to look up at him and the next thing I knew we were kissing. There was nothing forced or rushed about it. His lips met mine. I opened my mouth. And our tongues slipped into each other. I honestly can't say whose hand moved first, but I moaned into his mouth as he reached up and cupped my breast. And he moaned into mine as my fingers moved across his lap and enveloped his cock.

I have to tell you, as kisses goes, that one is on my all time top five. I was tingling from head to toe as we sucked and nibbled and massaged each other. I could feel him getting hard in my hand and all the arousal of the evening came flooding back in a heated rush.

Breaking our kiss, I looked down at the outline of his thick length draped against his thigh. "Damn, Jeff. That Allie is a lucky girl." Pulling myself away, I stood up. "But, now I think you need to go back to your room and fuck your wife while I go try to wake the dead."

Smiling good naturedly, he followed me as we went in search of Allie, only to run into me as I stopped dead in my tracks just outside the bedroom door. Looking at the mirror just inside the doorway, I saw you on the bed. Your robe was open, your hard cock was jutting out and you were in the process of pulling Allie down on the bed. Your efforts were clumsy and it was pretty clear you were still pretty out of it.

From where we stood, I could only see Allie's back. She seemed to be trying to fend you off, but it was a halfhearted effort at best. Grabbing her by the arm, you pulled her hand to your cock and her lips to your mouth. For a moment, she seemed to respond in kind. Her hand wrapped around your shaft and she sat down and began returning your kiss.

I started to charge into the room, but Jeff wrapped his arms around me. "Wait. It'll be alright. Trust me."

Allie seemed to remember herself and pushed you away. You fell back on the bed, and just like that, you seemed out of it again.

Allie looked down at you, sprawled naked on the bed and then gave a hurried look towards the door. I could see the visible slump of her shoulders in relief and I thought the incident was over. Except instead of leaving she just stood there looking down at you.

Jeff and I silently watched her in the mirror as I tried to wrap my mind around what I had just seen. It wasn't until her short dress started rising higher on her hips that I realized she wasn't just standing and looking, her hand was moving into her panties. She was fingering herself.

I was too stunned to move. I thought I heard a small groan from Jeff and, for the first time, I realized I could feel his hard cock pressing against my ass from behind. We stood there watching as she rocked against her fingers, staring down at your cock. I'd never seen anyone masturbate before and watched in awe as she shuddered and then quickly pulled her dress back down. With one more look towards the door, she bent, French kissed your cock and hurriedly ran around the bed and into the bathroom.

As soon as the door shut, I broke free of Jeff's hold and moved into the bedroom. But I had no idea what I was going to do next. My head was spinning and I was having trouble breathing.

Jeff wrapped his arms around my shoulders and sat down with me on the bed next to yours, trying hard to reassure me. "It's okay. It's alright. Nothing happened."

"Nothing! My husband just tried to fuck your wife on our honeymoon bed!"

He turned my head to face you. "Look at him. He's so out of it, he had no idea what he was doing. Hell, he probably thought she was you."

As much as I wanted to believe that was true, I knew better. I turned on Jeff. "And what about you! That's your wife we're talking about."

"Believe me, if it was anyone else but Paul, I'd be knocking their block off about now, but... well, let's just say when it comes to Paul and Allie there's extenuating circumstances."

I had no idea what he was talking about. I burst out crying and, for a long time we just sat while he held me. The fact that Jeff and I had been in the next room doing almost the same thing didn't change the hurt and anger I was feeling.

Suddenly it occurred to me, if Allie could have her hands and mouth on my husband's cock, then, by God, I could damn well have mine on hers. I stood up suddenly and pushed Jeff back on the bed. He went through the motions of trying to stop me as I unzipped his pants, but we both knew he wanted it to happen. All pretext was lost as he lifted his hips allowing me to pull them to the floor. His cock came flopping out and my heart froze in my chest.

I've seen more than a few cocks in my time, but his was just magnificent. As I reached out, I could barely fit my shaking fingers around his shaft. His thick 9" length was topped with a swollen bulbous head the size and shape of a plum. Holding it in both hands, I pulled his foreskin back and covered it with my mouth. The hot spongy head seemed to swell inside me and I could taste the salty cream of his pre-cum coating my tongue.

Despite my arousal, it was an angry frantic blow job. Jacking him furiously with both hands, I began shoving myself up and down his cock. With each push forward, his shaft spread my lips wider and wider until I simply couldn't fit any more in. Groaning in frustration, I drove my mouth just that much faster and harder until I began to gag.

Grabbing me by my shoulders, Jeff lifted me off his cock "It's okay. You don't have to do this, Carol." I began to cry as he lifted me tenderly off the floor and laid me in the center of the bed. I softly sobbed as he laid down beside me and gently ran his fingers through my hair.

"Shhh... Shhhh... It will be okay. I promise."

My sobs slowly faded, as he began lightly kissing my face and shoulders and finally my lips. As I calmed, the tingling sense of arousal began to emerge once more. I could feel his fingers beginning to undo the clasps on my dress. I knew it was my wedding dress, but I didn't care.

Peeling open my top, he exposed my breasts and I felt a warm flush between my legs as he moaned his appreciation. Lowering his head, his hands and mouth took turns on my nipples, sucking and pinching and licking them in unison. My moaning grew more intense. I wanted more.

I tried in vain to reach his cock, but it was just beyond my grasp. Sensing my need, he stood and removed the last of his clothes. His beautiful dick stuck out from his body like an iron rod, swaying with his movements.

I held my arms out in invitation. He crawled between my legs and began working his hands under the folds of my dress. Lifting my hips, I let him slip my lacy panties down my legs. I quivered in excitement, waiting for him to discover the heated wetness of my pussy. Pushing back my dress, he spread my legs wide and I opened myself up to whatever he had to offer.

He lowered his mouth and my first climax came within minutes. The second one followed a moment later as he began sliding his thick fingers deep inside me. I was well on my way to another, when I noticed Allie standing against the wall watching us. I was too far gone to react.

My third orgasm came as I watched her undress. Her eyes caught mine and I could see the uncertainty in her face as she slowly shimmied her shoulders, letting her dress fall to the floor.

She was sooo beautiful. Her nipples sat high on her breasts, copper-pink circles with eraser shaped nubs that pointed towards the ceiling. I'd never thought of a woman sexually before, but I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She looked so damn sexy and sweet, biting her low lip as she hesitantly slid her thin black panties down her legs to reveal her luscious pussy. It was exactly as you described. Her rose pedal lips were shaved bald except for a patch of baby blond hair from which her clit jutted out like a small swollen penis. Through half opened eyes, I moaned my desire, but still she hung back until I reached my hands out towards her.

With a bashful smile, she lowered her head and walk sensually to the bed, running her hand along Jeff's naked back and through his hair as she came. Jeff released a low baritone, "Mmmmm" deep into my pussy, sending vibrating spasms through my loins.

I was cumming as she moved onto the bed and slipped like silk into my arms. Her pointy nipples brushed across mine as I parted my lips and welcomed her tongue into my mouth. I was delirious with shades of desire I'd never known before.

I moaned as Jeff took his mouth away and laid the hefty weight of his cock between my thighs. It felt huge and heated. Allie's lips moved down my neck and over my chest, enveloping my nipple. He began sliding back and forth along my swollen wet slit as I began lifting my hips off the bed to meet his hardness.

He was trying to go slow, but I was like a whore in heat, desperately trying to bring his bulbous head into the mouth of my pussy. And when it finally did, I gasped at its sheer mass inside me. I pushed my breast deeper into Allie's mouth and started rocking against his invading cock. He was barely in and I was already feeling my stretched pussy reaching its limits. I felt wonderfully painfully full and started cumming as he fucked me with the swollen plum sized head of his delicious dick.