Against All Odds Ch. 04


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"Do you see how little respect he shows me?" Lilian shook her head, feigning distress. "I hope your parents taught you better. Oh well, I guess they wouldn't have would they? How old were you when they died?"

Riley took a deep breath and tried his best to steady his nerves. "I was five, ma'am." He told her.

"So young." She said, showing mock sympathy. "How dreadful for you. Noah tells me that you grew up in foster care. How was that for you?"

"Mother." Noah shot Lilian a disapproving scowl.

"It's okay." Riley said, giving Noah a weak smile. "The foster families that I was placed with weren't that bad. I've heard some real horror stories from other kids about abusive families. I was never abused. I had a bed, three meals a day, and a roof over my head. It could have been worse."

Lilian sipped her coffee as she listened to Riley talk. "I can't imagine much worse than that." She said, setting her cup back down. "Being a burden to some poor family and a drain on the government. Well, I suppose it was better than being homeless. You should count yourself lucky that anyone was even willing to take you in, being an omega I mean. There can't have been many couples that charitable."

"It wasn't charity." Riley told her. "Each family I was with got an allowance for keeping me and I also did a lot of the house work and cooking for the families."

"Well good for you." Lilian smiled smugly at him. "Those are valuable skills for someone in your situation to have. I'm sure your foster family was just preparing you for the future. If your unsuccessful in finding a suitable mate then at least you have a career in the service industry to fall back on."

Noah's eyes flashed with a hint of irritation as he glared at his mother. "Riley is an amazing person, Mother. He isn't a burden or a drain on anything and he has more skills than just cooking and cleaning."

"Really?" Lilian folded her hands on the top of the table and leaned forward, looking directly at Riley. Her scrutinizing stare made him a bit nervous and he lowered his eyes to the food on his plate that had so far, remained untouched. "Do tell, Riley. What amazing skills do you possess?"

Riley shrugged some. "It's nothing really. Just something I dabble in."

"Don't be so modest, Riley. You should be proud of your work." Noah turned to look at his mother, meeting her smug expression with one his own. "Riley is skilled in photography as well as graphic design. He makes stunning visual art that really brings his stories to life. He's quite talented."

"Yes, I'm sure he is very talented but, what good will art skills do for him? He can't make a living making silly pictures on a computer. Who would ever hire an omega?"

"You know, a mentality like yours is why omegas find it so hard to succeed in our society." Noah stabbed a piece of sausage furiously with his fork as he stared at his mother, his eyes boring into her. "Maybe if more people were willing to give them a chance there wouldn't be so many omegas living on the streets or turning to crime just to survive. People complain all the time about rising crime rates and homelessness but no one wants to do anything to help solve the problem."

Lilian scoffed, dismissing Noah's concerns. "I'm just being practical here. This is the world we live in, Noah. Omegas will never have the same opportunities as alphas or even betas. It's a fundamental truth that you had better learn to accept."

Riley, trying to maintain his composure, spoke up. "I believe everyone should be judged based on their abilities and character, not their designation. There's a lot more to a person than just being an alpha, beta, or omega."

"I agree with Riley." Noah said. His frustration with his mother's views on omegas fueling his desire to defend not only Riley, but all omegas. "You might be surprised at how many talented individuals are overlooked just because of their secondary gender. It's not fair and it perpetuates stereotypes and discrimination."

Lilian rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Well, life isn't fair. That's just how things are. Omegas need to learn their place and stop expecting hand outs. We're far to generous with them as it is. It's no wonder so many of them prefer to be on public assistance instead of finding a job and earning their own way."

Riley took a moment to compose himself before responding. He just couldn't believe the nerve and utter ignorance of this woman. Of course she couldn't understand the struggles that omegas faced every single day but to outright call them lazy? It infuriated him to no end. Lilian was born into privilege. Everything she had had been handed to her. Riley wondered if she had even ever worked a day in her life. Probably not yet, here she was, making claims that omegas would rather be on welfare than work. It was an outrage.

"I don't expect hand outs, Mrs. Reaney. I believe in working hard and earning my place, just like everyone else." Riley narrowed his eyes angrily as he spoke. He tried not to let the woman get under his skin but it seemed like she was purposely pushing everyone of his buttons, trying to illicit a response from him. "And, to assume that omegas would rather accept public assistance thank work is just ridiculous. Omegas make less on public assistance than alphas or betas, the medical is a joke, and the food allowance is barely enough to keep you alive. Besides that, in order to qualify for any kind of help you have to submit yourself the a mating house and basically lose any sense of self or freedom."

Lilian sighed as she lit a cigarette, took a long drag, then blew out an impressively large cloud of smoke. She then turned to Riley and raised an eyebrow, staring at him with an arrogant gleam in her eye. "You speak of mating houses as though they're a bad thing. I would think that you'd jump at the chance of finding a suitable mate. Isn't that what all omegas want? An alpha to support them financially?"

"Mating houses are glorified slave auctions." Riley said, clenching his jaw as he spoke. "Omegas are paraded around like live stock and sold to the highest bidder. We have no choice in who we're given to or what happens to us after. Once you sign the contract you're basically signing your life away."

"And so, you'd rather live in a motel room, cleaning up after strangers?" Lilian glared uncomfortably at Riley as she waited for a response.

"If it means getting to choose who I mate and when, absolutely." Riley glared back at her, narrowing his eyes as he spoke, the volume of his voice raising ever so slightly.

"So, am I then to assume that's the reason you've attached yourself to my son? I'm sure you see him as a meal ticket and nothing more."

Riley took a deep breath, pursing his lips. "If you're insinuating that I'm after Noah's money, you'd be wrong. I'm not looking for someone to support me financially. I want a partnership based on love and mutual respect."

Lilian waved her hand dismissively. "Riley, dear, do not think me so naive. I know how common it is for omegas to seek out young, successful men who can provide for them. They latch onto someone stable, and sink their claws in deep."

"That's not Riley." Noah clenched his fists tightly, his patience with his mother wearing thin. "Our relationship is built on trust and understanding. Something you, Mother, are apparently struggling to comprehend."

Lilian shrugged, feigning indifference. "Well, time will tell I suppose but, please remember," she turned her attention to Riley once more. "My son is a caring, loving, and compassionate man. Sometimes too trusting. He sees the good in others, even when there is none. I love my son dearly and I will not stand by and watch him be taken advantage of."

"Then, you have nothing to worry about." Riley shot back. "Because that is not my intention at all."

"Good." Lilian stood, tossing her napkin down onto her plate of barely touched food. "I'm glad that we are on the same page because, if you hurt my son in anyway, you, my dear, will see just how much of a bitch I can be!" Lilian turned on her heels and stormed out of the room, leaving Noah and Riley reeling from her little outburst.

For several minutes they sat in silence, each of them trying to recover from Lilian Reaney's harsh words. Riley was shaken but refused to give Lilian the satisfaction of knowing she'd upset him so much. Instead, he sipped his orange juice as he attempted to collect his thoughts and figure out what he was going to say next. Fortunately for Riley, it was Noah who finally broke the silence.

"I'm sorry about my mother." He said. Riley could hear the remorse in his voice and it broke his heart. Of course he didn't blame Noah for his mother's shortcomings but it was obvious that Noah took all the blame for the way she had acted. "I didn't bring you here to have her insult you that way."

"Why did you bring me here?" Riley asked softly. There were no accusations in the question, no blame, just a question.

Noah calmly wiped his mouth on his napkin then stood and offered Riley his hand. "Come with me." He said softly. "There's something I want to show you."

Riley stood, taking Noah's offered hand and allowed Noah to lead him away from the bustling household to a secluded corner of the estate. Noah led Riley outside, the crisp February air nipping at Riley's bare arms and face. He suddenly wished he'd brought a jacket along. Luckily, their destination was close enough that they didn't have to suffer in the cold for long. As they walked, the air around them was suddenly filled with the sweet scent of flowers in bloom. Riley smiled as he inhaled the fragrant scent, letting it envelope him. It was as though spring had come early, chasing away the frost and frigid temperatures of the lingering winter.

Coming to a wrought-iron gate, Noah gently pushed it open and allowed Riley to enter first. At once, the world had changed around them as they stepped into a quiet greenhouse garden. Rows of vibrant flowers stretched out before them, each one as beautiful as the last. Riley let out a breath as he looked around, finding himself immersed in an ocean of lush greens and a rainbow of different colors all reaching towards the heavens.

"Wow." Riley stood in awe, marveling at the kaleidoscope of nature before him. "I've never seen anything so beautiful in all my life."

Noah smiled, his eyes reflecting the joy he found in watching Riley's amazement in something that meant so much to him. "This is my favorite part of the estate." Noah told him. "I come here whenever I need a break from, well, everything--the responsibilities, the expectations. It's my private sanctuary, nestled in my own backyard."

The greenhouse truly was a haven of tranquility. Riley could see at once why Noah would choose it as his hideaway. The fragrances of roses, lilies, and lavender permeated the air, creating a symphony for the senses. Soft rays of sunlight filtered through the glass ceiling, casting a gentle glow over the blooms.

"I used to come here with my father when I was a child." Noah explained. "He loved gardening. He said it relaxed him. Many of the plants and trees you see around us were planted by my father. We of course have a gardener who looks after it now. I don't have the green thumb that my father had." Noah laughed a bit as he reminisced about the past. Riley could see that the memories of Noah's father were fond ones.

Noah looked down at Riley, still holding the omegas hand in his. "This garden is special to me, Riley. I wanted to show it to you because you're special to me too. I know that we haven't known each other for long but there's something about you that feels so familiar, like I've known you my whole life. Talking to you on the phone or seeing your face on a screen just wasn't enough anymore. I wanted to see you in person, touch you, know that you were real. I wanted to stand in your presence and really see you as you are." Noah took in a deep breath, and chose his words carefully and with great consideration. He wanted Riley to know that what he said next, he meant.

"That's why I brought you here. Not just to this garden or into my home, but into my life. Like this garden, you, Riley, have brought beauty into my life. I can be myself around you. You accept me as I am, and you understand me in a way that no one else does. I said that if you wanted to leave, I'd let you go, and I will, but, Riley, I don't want you to leave. I want you to stay here, with me. I know it feels a little rushed but I just have this gut feeling that if you leave, I'll never see you again, and that would be a tragedy I don't think I'd recover from."

Riley's heart swelled with admiration for the man standing before him. Never had he expected something so personal and heartfelt from Noah. No alpha had ever spoken to him in such a way or made him feel so wanted, so needed. Noah was just so perplexingly different in the most remarkable way. Taking a step closer, he gazed up and into Noah's eyes and what he saw there nearly took his breath away. Maybe it was too soon to call it love but it was close. "This place, it's amazing, Noah. Thank you for sharing it with me."

"There's no much more I want to share with you, Riley. If you'll give me the chance."

A chance. That's all Noah was asking for. An opportunity to see if what they had could grow into some more with time. Riley had wanted stability, had even planned to give himself, body and soul, to the right man as payment if that's what it took but now, Noah was offering him so much more. He was offering him the chance to be more than just someone's possession. How could he say no to that? Noah was right, Riley couldn't allow his doubts and fears to run his life. If he did, he might never find happiness and wasn't that what he really wanted? happiness?

"I want to," Riley said, "but this is all so new to me. Where do we even begin?"

"Begin by saying you'll stay." Noah told him. "The details aren't important right now. Just say you'll stay and we can figure everything else out as we go along."

Riley nodded. "If I agree to stay, I'll have some conditions."

Noah grinned, amused by the seriousness of Riley's tone. "Of course, anything you need."

"Is there someplace we can sit?" Riley asked, looking around.

"This way." Noah said, again taking Riley's hand and leading him further into the greenhouse. As they reached a bench nestled beneath a blooming wisteria, Noah pulled Riley close. "Here," he said, gesturing to the seat. "I come here sometimes to think or just appreciate the beauty around me."

Riley joined Noah on the bench. Side by side they sat, surrounded by the tranquility of the garden. "It really is beautiful here." Riley admitted. "I've always loved nature. I don't remember much about my parents or our home, but I do remember that my dads had a small flower bed near the front of our house. Whenever I see flowers in summer, I always think of that. I've also done some gardening at a few of the homes I've stayed at. It's something I've always enjoyed."

Noah nodded. "My father always said it peaceful out here. He loved to be alone with his thoughts and flowers."

"It is peaceful." Riley agreed. "Working the garden is one of the few good memories I have."

They each sat quietly for the moment, lost in thought. Finally, Riley looked up and with determination said, "I want to work here, in the garden. If I'm going to stay here then I want to earn my keep. I'll keep my job at the motel, at least until I can find something better, but in my free time I can help out with the gardening."

"Riley, you don't have to earn your keep here." Noah interjected, shaking his head. "You're my guest. I don't expect anything from you. You don't really even need to keep your cleaning job. Anything you need, I can provide. It's really not a problem."

"I want to work." Riley insisted. "It's important to me. I want to contribute something. It's not just about the money; it's about independence and staying true to myself. And, I can take the bus to and from work so it won't be an issue."

Noah hesitated for a moment, then spoke again. "If it's really that important to you then I only have one demand. Boyd will drive you to and from work. It's safer than the bus. As for the garden..."

"I really want to work in the garden." Riley spoke up before Noah could finish his sentence. "It's enjoyable for me and also, well, I just wouldn't feel right about staying here rent free. At least working in the garden would make me feel like I'm giving something back."

"If you had let me finish..." Noah gave Riley a playful wink. "I was going to say, as for the garden, I think it's a wonderful idea. Knowing that you've helped in maintaining it's life and beauty will just make it that much more special to me."

"To both of us." Riley's eyes lit up with gratitude. "This is going to be amazing." He said.

"You're already amazing." Noah told him. "Every second that I spend with you I see more and more just how wonderful you are."

Riley felt a deep blush rise up his cheeks. Sitting there, beside Noah, Riley felt a sense of belonging that he hadn't felt in a very long time and it was all thanks to Noah.

"Thank you for this, Noah. For making me feel like I belong here. You have no idea what it means to me."

"You do belong here, Riley. You belong with me. Don't let anyone tell you differently."

Riley nodded, feeling a new sensation of warmth and affection spreading through him. He felt like that small piece of his heart that had been broken since his parents death was slowly beginning to heal. He felt...whole.

As a thoughtful silence hung between them, Noah turned to Riley and their eyes locked on each other. Without saying a word, Noah leaned in slowly, capturing Riley's lips in a sweet and passionate first kiss.

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Chancem77Chancem773 months agoAuthor

thank you for the comments. I always look forward to hearing from my readers.

BidickulousBidickulous3 months ago

You’ve created an interesting world that Riley and Noah live in; I look forward to a delightful continuation of their story!

StraycatndcStraycatndc3 months ago

Fantastic chapter! I’m so glad Riley opened up to Noah about what he overheard. Continuous self doubt and misunderstands gets frustrating after a while. I think we’re off to a beautiful start. Now to deal with that mother 🤨

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