Age Not Always an Issue


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"Red wine thanks."

She hurried off fretting heavily. He thought of them as being near strangers. She had no hope of having sex. This was so terribly tragic. She reached for the red wine opened and 'breathing' on the bench and knocked it forward and only by lunging just managed to catch it toppling off the bench. Panting, red-faced and in despair she thought she'd be a maiden for the remainder of her life.

A maiden?

She giggled helplessly on the brink of crying. She'd never been good at handling frustration. She knew she was probably 500 times away from being a virgin. What the hell had she been thinking?

"Steady on Ella, take hold of yourself and no clutching your vulva. Keep calm and you might manage something, even just a grope with a fellow stranger. Yes -- he had kissed her, fulsomely. That must have stirred up his dick a bit.

Ella poured two wines, checked the dinner in the oven and went into the lounge confidently, not feeling like an over-wrought teenager any longer. She was a mature adult, totally in command and her expectations had been unreasonable. She should just get on with it and enjoy having someone for company.

Carson stood as she entered the lounge. Ella's mind roared off again. He stood so straight and looked so fit for a man almost old enough to be her father. Into her mind jumped a vision of her mouth been around the purple head of his fat dick and...

Carson was looked at her, slightly flushed and took his wine from her. She stepped back and looked at him. Now he was looking at her a little nervously.

"Are you wearing panties?"

Roaring sounded in her ears as her blood pressure soared. "Yes," she squeaked. "Why?"

"I wanted you to pull up your skirt and show it to me."

Shaking but determined not to back away or be overcome with excessive emotion, Ella said, "W-what is IT?"

"Your pussy."

"Y-you want to see my pussy?"


"Before dinner?"


"May we wait until after dinner?"

"I suppose so."

"I'll remove me panties now. Actually it's a good idea because all of this suppressed sexual undertone I feel surrounded by has made me dampen them."

"Here, allow me to hold you wine."

They both knew a woman removing her panties was rather an inelegant sight but they both may have known a man attempting to remove them was like watching a film clip of Charlie Chaplin removing his braces with the film running backwards.

He held out her wine and as Ella reached for it he kissed her and said, "You performed that very difficult maneuver very credibly."

"Thank you. I had visions of my worst nightmare."

"What was that?"

Ella's face turned crimson but she knew to reply, knowing this would establish intimacy between two near-strangers in the best possible way.

"That I'd fall over, my left leg flying out to expose myself and pussy juice flying everywhere."

He nodded like a bishop but then said, "That's funny; I had a similar vision except your legs flew up higher than your head and you did the splits."

Ella started it... her rumble of a laugh building to a hee-hawing bellow that had him in near hysterics, both of them fighting to keep their wine in the glass.

"God that was funny," he said, taking both glasses and putting them down, noting that Ella's shoulders were still shaking. He held out his arms: "Want to come over here and allow me to dip for pussy juice for an aperitif?"

"Yes, providing you share your aperitif," she gurgled, gliding to him.

Never again would they feel there were near strangers.

The cunning swine, she thought. He's manipulated me.

They ate the beautifully cooked and presented chicken roast dinner appreciatively, chatting sensibly and drinking sparingly. When they'd cleared away Ella suggested they walk a couple of blocks and return via the river walk to settle their dinner.

They walked hand-in-hand, finding out a lot more about one another. They stopped occasionally to kiss but made no attempt to touch genitalia.

Unlocking the door Ella walked in and as Carson turned from closing it she slammed him against the door and bit him quite hard on the shoulder.

"Ouch," he said. "What was that for?"

"Just a reminder I want to be fucked, not teased and especially not lectured about our age difference."

"Okay," Carson said calmly and Ella relaxed. He took that opportunity to seize her and carried her kicking and punching him to the sofa where he threw her on her stomach, lifted up the back of her dress and as Ella spread her legs she felt his tongue against her pussy and a finger rimming her asshole. She creamed herself. Carson unzipped and it was up into her vagina like a snake before she'd completed pulling down her bra to free her breasts for him... er and her.

They went at it slowly, finally gaining beautiful rhythm until she creamed again, this time powerfully. He then pulled out and creamed over her face and hair, she turning on to her side, knowing what was coming. Ella then took the dripping dick and sucked it, signally she accepted him fully and hoping like fuck he was disease free.

"I forgot a couple of things," he said.

She scowled and said, "Well one of them would have been foreplay."

He grinned and said three things. He should have asked did she want him in a condom and he ought to have asked was she 'safe'.

"Yes, yes and yes."

"What's the third yes for?"

"I believe I have no STDs. I had a general medical check two months ago, was clear and have not had sex for three months."

Carson confessed, "I had my annual medical check at the plant a week before I was laid off and it's been two months since I've had sex except with my own hand. Sorry I didn't..."

"It's okay. With that declaration you have my confidence. I had my tubes tied six years ago after a big row with my husband and he punched my around the room. I was determined never to have that bastard's child."


"It is reversible, perhaps. Let's clean up and have coffee. Then I'll crawl on to the dinning table for you to lick me into a rousing climax. That is one of the great pleasures I have in life. I suppose your desire is to give it to me backdoor?"

"No, we'll both know if we want that. I'm rather partial to a well performed sixty-nine."


Carson accepted the invitation to stay the night. He was open to more sex of course but he also wanted to be alongside Ella when she awoke in daylight beside a much older man than what she'd have been used to. There was no problem. Ella kissing both his eyes awoke him slowly in the morning and after they'd exchanged greetings with delight in their voices she sat down with her pussy over his mouth. Carson didn't have to be told what to do.

An hour later they both headed off to work.

* * *

Debra greeted him and said nervously. "We've had three complaints about the wives of army men about your masquerading in military uniform.

"Is that so?"

"Yes. Don't make it tough for me Carson."

"Do you mind if I go out and make a call?"

"You mean to another supermarket?" Debra said anxiously.

"I just want to make a call."


Ella answered the phone, yawning. "Oh hi darling... er, am I allowed to be that affectionate."

"Be what you wish Ella but be happy."

"Oooh, you are a real tonic for me."

"Ella, think carefully. If you can't answer now then give me a call back. Would you like me to move in with you indefinitely?"

Ella had only one answer. "Oooh Carson. You've made my day. How about moving in tonight?"

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely. I have been very lonely Carson and your arrival has given me a great uplift."

"I like hearing you say that. But aren't you worried about what your friends will say. I'm much older than you?"

"My husband is fifty-one Carson. He's a couch potato compared with you. So what do you think about that?"


"I bet, with a grin on your face about as big as that when you were pushing into me for the first time last night."

"Thanks for saying that Ella. I find you exhilarating."

There was a pause and Ella said tentatively, "Are you sure about that Carson. I though this was all one sided."

"Oh yeah. Baby, you have given me new meaning to life."

"Oh darling."

Carson drove home, changed, and took his two uniforms back to Debra. He found the operations manager with her. Derek said, "Debra tells me you are digging in about changing back to general issue uniform."

"No longer. Here are you uniforms sir and I'm out here."

"But I've just found our customers have voted you employee of the month although you've only been with us a week. You are streets ahead of anyone else."

"Well isn't that interesting sir. You are the second employer in succession who hasn't stood by me in face of outside pressures. So I quit, as from this minute and you'll not get my resignation in writing."

"But Mr Kline. I insist you stay with us and you may wear your ridiculous uniform."

"Ridiculous? I suggest you ask your wife about that sir. It's not wonder you haven't risen higher in life at your age than running a big supermarket. But there we are. Kiss me Debra and please put your husband out of his misery and give him a second chance."

Debra kissed Carson and sobbed he was by far the most impressive employee she'd ever hired."

"There are other prime candidates out there Debra, believe me."

Carson walked off and walked around his area of command for the last time, women at their trunks and tailgates looking at him furtively, as if fearful of being molested. He saw the short fat blonde loading his vehicle and helped her.

"Thanks Carson. I say, my husband is out of town at the moment, would you like to call this afternoon when you finished here."

"Thanks ma'am but some other time. I have other priorities. Have a lovely day."

Arriving home the first thing Carson did was to call his wife.

"Sara, it's Carson."

"What do you want?"

"To talk to you. How's your mother?"

She only addressed the first point. "What about?"

"Selling the house."

"Sell it for the best price you can get but I want to see the offer when it comes in."


"Sara said she wanted to split their investments and then he would be out of her life.

"Fine Sara. Bye."

"Next time don't call when we're having lunch."

Carson didn't bother replying, knowing there never would be the right time to call his wife. He'd not mentioned divorce because she'd probably say not\. The best tactic was to wait until she suggested they divorce because that way she wouldn't be digging her toes in. Anyway there was no hurry. Ella had mentioned her husband was not seeking a divorce and she had no compelling wish to be rid of the grumpy bastard... er those were her words.

Before lunch Carson called two Realtors and arranged for each firm to appraise the property. One could send someone at 2:15 and the other would send someone around 5:00. Both managers he spoke to appeared interested because the house was near schools, a mall and was near the edge of a stable rock face directly overlooking the river.

"I think I know your property," said the agent sending someone at 2:15. "A top shelf property and should sell quickly."

"Aren't we amid a recession?"

"Not for buyers of top residential property. The astute people with good money protect themselves from changes like economic recessions and local government changes in policies."

Carson was almost asleep listening to a Japanese violinist from his collection when Ella called.

"Is that Midori I can hear in the background?" she asked in surprise.

"Yes. Well now we have not yet discussed out interests apart from work and the bedroom."

She giggled. "Ah yes. I have that CD... Midori Live at Carnegie."

"Correct. I suppose that an ex-soldier likes classical music is a startling revelation to you?"

"Well if it were I'm still rather pleased," Ella said. "Over the moon in fact. It adds dimension to our association. May I take you to dinner tonight? There is something I need to asked you."

"Ask me now."

There was a slight pause. "We'd like to shoot one more scene of that filming of you in the bar. I want you filmed catching the clipboard and then saying what you said to me. We have the sound but nothing of me because I was behind the camera. I wish to work that 'take' into the film for our client and then to see if I can sell it for good money for screening on a TV Bloopers show."

"Okay, when?"

"Tomorrow morning so perhaps it's best you sleep with me tonight."

Carson laughed. "What an incentive to cooperate."

She laughed and was told Carson has quit his job and called his wife who'd agreed they should sell the house and divide the money. "I'll buy an apartment."

"You can share with me."

"I'd love to do that. But I'll buy an apartment as an investment in case you get sick of me or your husband comes back to reclaim you."

"You can forget the later and I hope like blazes the former does not occur."

"That sounds encouraging."

"Oooh, I like the sound of that. Drop by sevenish. I must go. Make sure you wear the clothes you had on when filmed the other night. I really was hoping you would shift in tonight."


"What's wrong?"

"My supermarket uniforms. I've handed them back in."


"Hold on, my ex-manager had a soft spot for me. I'll ask to borrow it back. Best I call now in case why gaudy uniforms go out in the refuse today. Bye, sevenish it is."

Debra said yes he could have both uniforms. They were in her office ready to be tossed out.

"Thanks, I'll stay and have coffee with you. You're a good sort Debra."

"Thanks. If more men were more like you I could have stayed interested in men."

Ella's PA answered the cell phone so Carson gave his name and asked her to pass on the message that he had the uniform for tomorrow morning's filming.

After visits by the two real estate appraisal teams Carson called both firms and organized the house to be advertised for sale for an asking price at the top of the suggested price range. If it sold for or near that the house would sell for around $320,000 more than what he and Sara had paid for it nine years ago. It was now mortgage free.

Carson arranged times to be home when the listing inspections would be made and said yes he understood his estranged wife would have to co-sign the listing agreement and all documentation thereafter. He was sad about quitting the house, sadder than when Sara had announced once again she was leaving him but that last time she'd added 'for good'. Her bad moods had begun after the youngest of their two daughters and her favorite of the three children, Sally had left home and her moods positively darkened after Sally was caught in a drug bust three years ago and received a five-year jail term. Despite efforts by both parents Sally refused to see them or to write. At least Pete the guy she'd been living with had stood by her and continued to do so.

Dealing in drugs -- what a stupid, sad girl who was not interested in redemption, Carson sighed. He believed he was receiving the backlash of the guilt Sara had about Sally's behavior. Both were stubborn women so nothing would change. His attempts to persuade Sara to seek counseling had failed. It really was time to move on. Carson knew it was now easy to say that because he'd found someone else. He spent the rest of the afternoon loading his vehicle with junk from around the property and taking it to a landfill to dump.

Carson arrived at the apartment and Ella greeted him with a huge kiss, told him she'd missed him and took him into the kitchen.

"Here, sit down for coffee and I've bought you this lovely piece of pumpkin pie.

Carson's heart leaped... she knew! She knew the decision to sell the house would be a regrettable milestone in his life. Oh the little darling... not that she was short, she was as tall as he was. The thing was she felt for him!

"You are such a beautiful lady," he said, enjoying how she had stopped in her tracks to stare at him and blush. He couldn't ever remember Sara reacting like that. Whenever he'd attempt to pass compliments to her Sara would either find a job for him or tell him not to be silly. But enough of Sara.

Ella told him about her day, just the interesting stuff or stuff he knew she thought might interest him and she then said, "Poor boy, ending your job and putting your house up for sale in the one day... that is enough to rattle your timbers. Come I've run a bath."

"What to watch you?"

"No funny man, to..." She stopped, catching his look and now the shuffle of her feet.

"Oh god darling, you're never bathed with a woman have you?"

"Um, with my mom before school age."

"But you've showered with wenches?"

"Yes but bathing is different."

"I want it to be different darling. Grab a beer. You may undress me if you wish."

"No, that's okay," Carson said resolutely, like an ex-military guy under attack.

Carson watched Ella undressed as he undressed and was forced to admit, "I'm developing a boner."

Ella trilled, getting into the water, "I would have been disappointed if you hadn't."

Once they had settled and Carson took his first swig of beer, Ella said gently, kissing his foot, "Now tell me about what upset your relationship with your wife."

Carson's eyes rolled but he began and manfully stuck to the task, telling her everything including all about Sally.

Almost an hour later Ella smiled and said thank you. "That's off your chest; we'll never have to talk about it again unless you want to."

Carson agreed with that and admired her for offering no comment about what she'd been told or fussing over him. Instead she told him what he wanted to hear: "Let's go to bed and fuck before we go out to dinner." In one hit she'd mouthed the two big interests in his life. Ah, but she'd not mentioned work. He must find a job to keep busy and the income would be handy.

Remarkably -- or was it destiny -- that third major factor in Carson's life called work came up over dinner.

"Choice steak."

Instead of replying Ella said casually, "Do you like me well enough to want to work with me, to be hired by my company?"


"Um could you sound rather more convincing than that?"

"I need a job and if you have a vacancy then we should talk. My only concern would be working with you all day and being with you all night."

"That's a management problem. Besides, during setting up and post-production you wouldn't see me for hours on end."

"You mean on some days I'd loll around waiting for something to come up or even being told to take the day off on pay?"

"Bright boy. That's exactly it. I hire outside people but maintain a core of key personnel like the other night in the bar -- all those people are my core and we can make a small film, particularly under closed conditions such as in a studio or office, without outside assistance. As sole owner of the business I'm the producer/director and have an AD, called an assistant director, whose name is Mollie O'Keefe. In effect she runs my business while I concentrate on finding new work and the creative aspects such as filming, giving close attention to conceptualizing the storyline and then controlling post-production work. Although Mollie is happily married you may feel tempted to have sex with her... men find her adorable."

"Then why ask me to work as part of your crew?"

"There are other considerations beside casual sex. You would be teamed with Mollie to ease her workload. Not only is she involved in business management but looks after the day to day running of our operations, scheduling, catering -- you name it. I've spoken to her and she suggests your duties cover being principal driver, assisting with locations once she'd found them, and during filming of small productions being second boom operator, assisting with cables which is called third man and being an assistant gaffer to hold reflectors."