Age Really is Just a Number Ch. 04


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"I'm sure we can come up with something," I replied.

"So am I," she agreed. "I don't mean to be imposing, but were you planning to eat tonight?"

"I thought I might have a bite, yeah. Are you trying to say you're hungry," I laughed.

"Starving. The last thing I ate was a bagel at 10:30," she said. I reached down and gave her amazing ass a playful swat. She looked at me in surprise.

"You don't need to be told you that's not a proper diet for a young weightlifter, do I," I asked.

"No, you don't. I was just nervous about my organic exam," she said.

"I understand. Let's go, I think I can scratch us something up," I smiled.


I made us each an omelet and we sat at my kitchen table watching the sunset as we ate. Neither of us bothered dressing, so after we'd finished, our hands roamed one another's bare skin.

"You keep that up, I'm going to be feasting on you on this table," I said.

"How do you know that's not what I want," Kasey smiled.

"I'll get you my pretty," I said in the best wicked witch voice I could summon. She looked at me confused. "What? Never seen The Wizard of Oz?"

"No, I guess not," she laughed.

"Okay, you'll have to see that one sometime. It was one of my favorite movies growing up," I explained. She picked up her phone.

"God, you're not that old," she said.

"It was kind of cult favorite," I explained. "They used to play it once a year on one of the major networks."

"Very interesting," she smiled at me. "Have you ever seen Finding Nemo? It was one of my favorites."

"Can't say I have," I grinned.

"We should have movie night this weekend, then," she laughed. She got up from her chair and sat in my lap.

"I'd love that," I smiled as I wrapped my arms around her.

"Me too," she said returning the smile. "It's dark outside, you think we can get in the hot tub?"

"I think we could," I replied.

"Let's go then," she said.


The hot tub was just a precursor to more wonderful lovemaking and it was almost midnight before she snuggled up against me and fell asleep. I held her for a brief period thinking about what we could do the following day. I finally decided on taking her hiking to Emerald Falls. That would be perfect I thought. I soon drifted off myself.

I'd forgot to turn my alarm back before I fell asleep, so it was a bit of a jolt when it went off at 5 AM. Kasey quickly bolted up and in a semi-confused state said, "Oh, I'm late for class!"

"Baby, whoa. You're not late for anything. I just forgot to reset my alarm," I replied.

"Oh, okay. I was worried. That's my backup alarm sound," she smiled.

"Damn technology," I said.

"So, we're awake," she said, snuggling back against me.

"Yes, we're awake. I've thought of something to do today," I said as I wrapped my arm around her.

"Oh, really," she said looking up at me.

"Yes, I'm going to take you to Emerald Falls," I said.

"Where's that," she asked.

"It's pretty close, just about an hour away. It'll take us an hour or so to hike back to it," I explained.

"This sounds great. Is it really pretty," she asked.

"It's beautiful baby. Almost as beautiful as you are," I smiled.

"I love you, Scott. I know you mean it and it just makes me melt," she said as she laid her head against my chest.

"I love you, too," I replied as I stroked her hair.

"Will we get back in time for gym tonight," she asked.

"Yeah, of course," I replied.

"We should probably get moving then," she said.


After a long shower together, we were on the road by 6:30. The falls were easterly facing so they were most beautiful in the morning. While Kasey finished getting ready, I made sandwiches and everything else for a light lunch. I prepared us both a protein and caffeine packed shake for the drive. She walked in the kitchen just as I was stuffing everything into two backpacks.

"Are we ready to go," she asked.

"Yeah, I think so. You have your choice of vanilla or chocolate for breakfast," I said.

"I'll always be pro-chocolate," she laughed. I handed her the chocolate shake. She took a sip. "Oh, wow. I think I need the recipe."

"Easy now," I smiled. "The recipe is top secret."

"I think I can get it out of you," she said confidently.

"We'll see," I replied.

"Yes, we will," she said as she pressed herself against me. Her hand grabbed my soft cock and squeezed it through my shorts.

"You're getting very forward," I smiled at her.

"You're the one to blame. I was a pretty good girl until a couple weeks ago," she laughed.

"You're still a good girl. You're just developing some lusty edges," I laughed.

"Lusty edges," she smiled. "I like that."

"Come on, you little devil," I said, taking her hand.


The drive up to the falls was enjoyable as we held hands and she filled me in a little more on the details of her life. Her mom and dad divorced when she was in middle school. Her mom still lived in California and remarried the summer after Kasey's freshman year of college. She hadn't visited her mom or stepdad the previous Christmas.

"He's a complete asshole and I don't feel welcome there," Kasey explained. "I went back for Thanksgiving and he was immediately reminding me that I was only visiting, and I needed to be respectful of their privacy now that I was away at school."

"How did your Mom take that," I asked.

"In her usual way these days," Kasey replied. "She shrugged her shoulders and walked away when I confronted her about it."

"I'm sorry," I explained.

"It's not your fault, Scott," she smiled.

"What about your dad," I asked.

She took a deep breath before she began. "I don't know what to think about him. After they got divorced, he moved to Ft. Lauderdale and opened a restaurant. He was an attorney and from my grandmother told me, a really good one. Mom apparently had a boyfriend and he was crushed as he'd always tried to make her happy. He just lost it, I guess. He's doing really well now, and seems happy. He flies me down there whenever I want. He texts me nearly every day."

"That's nice at least," I said, as I looked over and smiled at her.

"Yeah, it is," she smiled.

"He hasn't remarried," I asked.

"No, he hasn't," she laughed.

"What's so funny," I asked.

"The women he dates," she said with a smile.

"What about them," I asked.

"They're usually not much older than me," she replied.

"Oh," I said.

"Yeah, it's funny really. I was worried about falling in love with you and Daddy dates younger women all the time," she said. "I guess a lot of my issues were with what my mom might think."

"That's certainly not something to be ignored. I don't know what she'd think," I replied.

"Me either," she said quietly. "But I'm not going to care about it. My dad is paying for my school, not her. After the way she's acted, I'm done."

"I'm sorry you feel that way, but there's not much you can do about it," I replied.

"No, not really," she agreed.

"As for your dad, I don't know his thoughts. People can have fun with one another and not get entangled. I've never been that way unfortunately."

"I guess I haven't been either. Granted, I've not had a lot of experience in these things," she replied with a smile.

"I understand. I was with the love of my life until I lost her. Now, I'm looking at you and wondering," I said.

"About what," she grinned.

"Just wondering where this will all go," I said. I saw the look on her face and I quickly smiled, trying to alleviate the seriousness I saw. I added, "we'll give it some time. You may be sick of me next week."

"Whatever! You may be sick of me," she smiled.

"We'll probably be fine unless you turn into a big pain in the ass," I smiled.

"I'll try not to," she laughed.

""Good," I laughed. "The trailhead is just around this bend.

"Okay," she smiled.

I pulled off the road and parked the truck. There were no other cars, so I knew we'd probably have the view to ourselves at least for a little while. We got of the truck and after we had our backpacks on, we started up the trail. It was a well-groomed trail, but there was enough elevation change that the casual sightseer didn't venture in too far. As we walked, she took my hand. I looked over and smiled at her.

"Is this a good way to spend your day off," I asked.

"I think it's perfect. I've been wanting to do something normal with you," she laughed.

"You thought you were some plaything I was hiding away," I smiled.

"No, but you know what I mean. We're going to have people look at us weird," she said.

"Oh, I know that for sure. We'll just have to decide whether we'll let it bother us, baby," I said.

"Yes. We will," she smiled. As we continued up the trail, she asked me more about my life. In approximately 30 minutes, I told her all the important details. I'd been an only child as well. I lost my Mom in a car accident when I was in college. My dad had a fatal heart attack in early 2016. Marsha started her last round of chemo barely a month before. She made it another 3 months. Kasey's fingers were intertwined in mine and gripped them tighter as I related each note of sadness. Finally, she stopped on the trail and wrapped her arms around me.

"I'm so sorry," she said, as I heard her begin to sob.

"Baby, please," I said, as I wrapped my arms around her and began softly rubbing her back. "It's just a part of life. I wish I'd had them all for many more years, but I didn't. The time I had with all of them was special and I will never forget it. Each ending can be a new beginning."

She looked up at me and I stroked her hair. I could see the tears streaming down her face behind her glasses. I reached up with my forefinger and wiped them away, before I licked them from my finger. She looked at me quizzically.

"Why did you do that," she asked.

"To take away your pain," I said.

"Oh, Scott," she said, before she hugged me ferociously.

"We're gonna be okay baby," I said. "Let's just keep moving forward with each other."

"Yes, that's what we can do," she said softly. She released me and looked up the trail. "Are we getting close?"

"Yes, we are," I smiled.

"Show me," she replied. I nodded and took her hand.

"I love you," she said.

"And I love you."


When we made it to the falls, it could not have been more perfect. There was just a slight rise in the trail where you could hear the water rushing but you still couldn't see it. A few more steps and you were on this cliff looking at one of the true little wonders in the world. The water fed from an underground spring and was unique in that it never ran dry or froze. The water flowed through and dissolved several different rock formations, so by the time it cascaded down the falls it had a greenish hue, especially in the morning sunlight, which was just right that morning.

"Wow, it's beautiful," she smiled.

"Yeah, it is," I replied. "I knew you'd like it."

"I love it," she smiled again. I took her hand and led her down the slope to the base of the falls. I reminded her to watch her footing as the rocks became increasing wetter. Finally, we stood next to the pool where the waterfall landed. I reached down and felt the water which was quite warm compared to the morning air.

Kasey: It was the most amazing spot. I'd been in school for over two years at U of A and I'd never heard of this place. There were lush pine trees, rocks and this beautiful waterfall. I was sure Scott had taken Marsha there and that he was probably thinking of her. I didn't want him to be dwelling on that. I wanted us to make our own memories.

"It looks perfect for swimming," Kasey said, pointing to the pool.

"It's not bad," I said.

"Really," she asked.

"I've been in there a few times," I laughed. "It might be a little cold this morning, though."

"Come on, where's your sense of adventure," she asked.

"Don't challenge my manhood," I smiled.

"I love your manhood," she laughed. I shed my backpack and reached for the bottom of my hoodie before pulling it and my t-shirt off. Kasey watched me intently as she shrugged off her own backpack. I wondered about the possibility of other hikers coming along and catching us, but I could see the look in Kasey's eye. She yearned to do something adventurous. I kicked off my shoes and socks before I dropped my shorts. She looked at me and smiled, before she began undressing herself. First her shoes and socks, followed by her hoodie and her leggings. She peeled off her sports bra, leaving her standing in front of me in just her tiny blue thong. Her nipples were rock hard in the cool morning air.

"You missed something," I smiled.

"I was waiting until you jumped in," she laughed.

"If that's the price," I smiled. I jumped into the pond and just barely touched bottom. As I remembered, it was bowl shaped as the falling water slowly eroded the sandstone at the base of the falls. The water felt warm compared to the air, but only slightly. I looked at Kasey on the rock ledge above me.

"Is it cold," she asked.

"Only one way to find out," I smiled deviously.

"I was afraid of that," she smiled back. I saw her hook her thumbs in the waistband of her thong. Suddenly, she was naked. She looked at me with interest as I treaded water in the deepest part of the pool. I could see the indecision, but finally she stepped towards the edge and jumped in. I swam towards her and wrapped my arms around her as soon as she surfaced.

"It's not bad," she said with more enthusiasm than she should have felt.

"It's going to be cold when we get out," I reminded her.

"We'll just have to stay close to one another," she replied. She wrapped her strong legs around me and used them to pull my hips to hers.

"Yes, we will," I said before I grabbed her wet hair and pulled her towards me. The kisses we exchanged were beyond description. The passion and intensity were unlike anything I'd experienced. As we continued kissing, I found myself foundering and began pushing us towards one of the walls, away from the spray of the falls. When I made it, I could feel the wall was very smooth from the constant flow of water. I pushed Kasey against it, and I managed to get my hand between us to direct my cock towards her most intimate place. I pushed forward and entered her. Her legs squeezed me tighter and we began fucking in the shallows of the pool.

"Nnnnggggghhhh," she groaned as I began fucking her more forcefully.

"Yes," I said in agreement. "It feels so amazing!"

"Fuck me, Scott," she panted. "You make me feel so good. Oh!!!"

I could tell from the wild look in her eyes that she'd gotten off. I smiled briefly before I moved my hands from her back to her breasts. Her nipples were soon in my hands, and the wildness in her eyes increased. I massaged them softly before increasing pressure. When I squeezed them tightly, she came again and again in almost a rhythmic cycle. She began pushing herself to meet me, which I absolutely loved. I kept thrusting into her tight wetness, rewarded by her continuing to orgasm. After 6, I lost count as I was getting close myself. I'd always convinced myself I had superior stamina, but it didn't matter with a sexy 20-year-old that was truly coming in to her own. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore.

"I'm gonna cum, baby," I said. It felt like she was literally sucking it out of me!

"God, it's about time," she panted.

"Nnngghh, oh fuck, I love you" I groaned, not caring that anyone within a half of a mile could have heard me.

"I love you, too," Kasey shrieked. Her hands clawed at my back as I thrust my cock in and out of her a few more times. "That was unbelievable."

"Yes, it was," I agreed. We kissed and caressed until I realized her teeth were beginning to chatter. "Come on, we better get out."

"If we have to," she whined.

"You're going to turn blue if we don't," I insisted.

"Fine," she said as she reached for my hand and I pulled her up to the ledge we'd left our clothes on. It would have been comical to watch us, as we both hastily dressed since the air temperature was much lower than the water. Finally, we were both clothed and I suggested we hike a little further to warm up. Kasey readily agreed and we walked off hand in hand.

We found a quiet place that looked like a great place to have lunch. It was next to a large rock outcrop, with views of mountains in all directions. I spread out a blanket I'd brought. Before we sat down, Kasey took me in her arms, and we kissed.

"Thank you," she said as we parted. I smiled at her briefly.

"You're more than welcome," I said.

After we sat, I pulled out the sandwiches I'd prepared and we both began eating. I kept noticing her smiling as me, and I reached over to caress her legging covered thigh each time she did.

"What are you thinking," I finally asked.

"It's nothing really," she said.

"I think it is," I continued. She shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know, that just really meant a lot to me earlier. I figured you'd been there with Marsha and now you had memories with me there, too," she said.

"Baby, no. That's not the case, we never went there," I said.

"Really," she asked.

"No, never. Marsha hated hiking," I laughed. "She was a city girl, I could never convince her to come up here. After she passed, it's been a place I've came to make sense of things."

"Oh, I see," she said. I could see the sparkle in her eyes and the recognition that we'd shared something new to both of us.

"You like that don't you," I asked.

"Yes. So far, it's been you showing me new things and new experiences. I got to do it for you this morning," she beamed.

"You certainly did," I grinned.

"I love that," she replied.


We hiked some more before I realized we needed to start back. I'd given too many lectures about being on time, I certainly wasn't going to be the one that was late. When we made it to the gym, I saw Joel and Shana were already there. I parked and we shared a quick kiss before walked to the door. When I held it open, I could hear that Joel had the latest Slayer album cranked up. I led Kasey over to where Joel and Shana were stretching. Joel looked at me curiously but didn't say anything. I studied the smile on Shana's face. It was directed solely at Kasey. When I turned to Kasey, I saw her smiling at Shana equally. So much for secrecy I thought.

We stretched and then moved to our individual groups. Like last week, I took Kasey and Shana. I had them do some additional shoulder work before we moved to the bench workout. Shana's intensity was even more intense than the week before. Kasey seemed to feed off it, and the two of them pushed one another. I spotted them both, but I found that I scarcely got a chance to offer encouragement as they were giving each other all they could handle.

With Shana's encouragement, they loaded 225 on the bar again for Kasey. She looked at it uneasily and Shana took her off to the chalk bowl before she began coaching Kasey. Despite all of my experience with lifting, I'd realized there was never anything more powerful than one strong woman encouraging another. I could show them proper form and how to train, but Marsha could encourage Shana and the other girls to push themselves further than I ever could. I watched as Shana grabbed Kasey in a bear hug and they slapped their hands on each other's backs, causing a small cloud of chalk dust.

Kasey walked back to the bench much more confident than she'd left it. She tightened her belt and slapped my hand before laying on the bench. I nodded and admired her seriousness. After she laid back, she grabbed the bar with a vengeance and nodded her head. I helped her lift it out, before slowly letting it settle above her. I moved my hands, and she lowered the bar to her chest, before confidently pushing it back up.