Ah Hawaii...


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"Feels like nothing," you say.

"Don't worry... it's subtle and cumulative. These are Ben Hwa balls ... thought it might be worth a try... jump."

You're a little embarrassed. "What?"

"Just a little jump. try it." You do... and the sensation is strange, intriguing, and very subtle. "It's the balls knocking against one another. Like it?"

"I don't know yet."

"Give it time. Tell me what you think after dinner."

We dress - you in your new "muumuu" and me in a Don Johnson Hawaiian shirt, shorts and sandals - and then we go to the roller skate of a car we rented and head out to another umbrella drink restaurant. Tonight it's a luau... sitting on the sand and eating with our hands. When we get to the restaurant, you whisper to me as we go in, "I'm getting very damp." My only answer is "kewl." I pull you to me and kiss you. "Let's eat."

Hawaiian music. Great, exotic food. Drinks that go down like water. We are feeding each other with our hands, kissing between bites. The Ben Hwa are truly affecting you. You squirm to increase the feelings. "Just squeeze rhythmically," I say. You try it. It's amazing. You feel like you want to fuck right there, right then, in front of everyone if it's necessary. Not frantic, just building desire.

You look at me with that wonderful needy stare of yours that tells me I'd better be ready for at least one more fuck tonight. I stare back. No problem. My cock is soft, but dripping in anticipation. There is a wet spot on my shorts that hasn't been there since junior high when I slow danced with Kay Parker in Phyllis Brown's rec. room. Boy am I ready. After dinner, we walk slowly along the beach. It's sunset and there's an amazing Technicolor display in the Western sky. I sit on the beach and you sit in front of me... my arms wrapped around you. I nibble on your neck. You find rather suddenly that your whole body is on fire. The balls are teasing you with sensation and my nibbling makes another orgasm imperative. Your breathing is deep, slow gasps. My hands slip under your blouse and cup your breasts. Electric shocks travel between your breasts and your cunt. You squeeze... more electric shocks. "Remember there was a time when you thought I might be able to make you come just by playing with your breasts? Let's try."

"It's almost cheating," you say.

"Wanna try anyway?"

"Maybe," in a throaty whisper.

My hands move toward your nipples. I squeeze both at once. You gasp. You hadn't realized just how close you already were. You lean back against me, surrendering to the moment and very quietly whisper, "Ohhhh" as only you know how to do. My fingers are twisting your nipples now, almost painful, but more just insistent. I'm nibbling on your neck. "Just let the feelings take over," I say. "Don't try to come." As we sit and watch the sunset on this deserted stretch of beach, the colors in the sky become deeper. Your cunt is now feeling very full, and you squeeze... release... squeeze... release... the ben hwa are sliding up and down inside you as I nibble your neck and stimulate your nipples. Your whole body begins to shake. There is an orgasm already here, but building so slowly, it's hard to say when it actually starts, or where it actually starts. Your thighs are shaking. Your cunt is pulsing. Your breasts seem to be having an orgasm of their own. The ben hwa which were so subtle before are now clanging inside you. You can almost hear them, stirring new feelings. There are little orgasms all over your body... tiny ones. You're confused... you don't know which to concentrate on. I tell you to not concentrate on anything, just let them do as they will. As soon as I say it, all the little orgasms join forces together making so much more than all the little ones separately. Synchronicity. You're coming like you've never come before. An orgasm that seems to have a life of it's own. No control from you. It's so deep, so strong, so... everywhere... that you seem to be watching it from somewhere else. It has your body now, and it's delicious, sweet, almost overwhelming.

I have to keep reminding you to breathe deeply, slowly, and this time it's not so hard to do. It's an orgasm without end - either physically or temporally. It has you in its grip, and you're very happy to be there. Then the spasms start. Your cunt muscles... stomach muscles... thigh muscles... your arms, throat, breasts... all of you joins together in long, slow spasmic delight... Deep, slow, hard spasms that make you want to scream. You do scream, but think you're not. You just know you want to. The surf covers the sounds. Your head arches back toward my lips, still nibbling your neck. Your nipples are on fire from my constant gentle twisting and squeezing. You're breathing slowly, letting the force of this orgasm be as strong as it wants - and it wants to be very strong. It seems as if the surf itself is joining you in this celebration of life. You are one with everything around you. it's magnificent.

As it subsides, you turn to kiss me. Your leg goes over mine and an electric shock goes through you as your clit receives its first attention of the evening. Brushing against my leg, you then need to rub harder against it. Immediately you start to come again. You can't believe it. You rub your clit back and forth against my leg and another wave hits you. You can't stop. The pounding of the surf almost keeps time with the spasms in your cunt as - again - wave after wave hits you. Your breathing is ragged now. Groaning. Coming hard. Then, exhausted, you collapse onto me, kissing and hugging me almost desperately, as if there were no way to get close enough.

You see the wet bulge in my pants. "I'll bet you need a good fuck right now."

"Yes," I respond, "the thought had crossed my mind."

"Walk back to the car with me."

We get to the car in the dark, quiet parking lot and you lean me against the car, kissing me. Then you bend down... unzip me and pull out my aching cock. It slides into your mouth easily. You suck on me and work your hands up and down my shaft. I get tunnel vision, and can't think of anything else but you. I become my cock in your mouth. There is nothing else in the world. You have total control of me and my orgasm, and you love it. You suck me deep inside your mouth, my cock loving your touching, licking, sucking. Your soft hands touching me as no one else ever could. As no one ever has. God. Oh, my God... I come... deeply... wonderfully... amazing.

As we drive back to the hotel, the internal massage you're getting from the Ben Hwa is still working its magic... slippery smooth, they are sliding against one another and still vibrating inside you... you can still taste me... you still need to be fucked... I can't keep my hands off you... my right hand is exploring your legs and occasionally moving up to your gorgeous breasts as we drive...

When we get to the room, I undress you very slowly, kissing my way down your body as each delicious inch is revealed, spending a lot of time painting your breasts and stomach with my tongue. You are delicious. I get to your clit and you start to shake all over. My hands cup your ass so I can hold you up because your legs seem to have lost all ability to stay in one place. I'm sitting on my knees in front of you. Your breath is ragged. The sweetness building inside you, I pull out the Ben Hwa; they slide smoothly, bringing you to new heights. Then I lower you slowly down, kissing my way back up your body. As I reach your breasts, you feel my very hard cock touching your cunt and then sliding in as you drop lower. Exquisite feelings surround you as you wrap your arms around me. Your legs (Ah, those lovely long legs) wrap around me. You make contact with my body in every way imaginable - arms, legs, neck, cunt - all wrapped snug and secure around me. We stop to savor this delicious moment, locked in an embrace we hope will never end.

Then you begin to rock back and forth. I can't move, so you have to. Your clit is rubbing against my pubic bone as my cock slides back and forth inside you. This is another slice of heaven. Your movements are slow and deliberate. Not yet ready to come. Not yet ready to give up this all-enveloping sweetness. My lips are everywhere they can reach - neck, face, breasts. My hands are moving slowly across your back, occasionally teasing the sides of those fabulous breasts of yours… your clit is standing up and begging for more attention, even as it rubs against me…

You begin those lovely whimpers you have just before you come… I feel you rhythmically squeezing my cock… delicious moment after delicious moment.

Then it hits. I come. My cock pulsing inside you splashing you deep inside with my come. This puts you over the edge and you too start to come. Deep, gentle waves of sweetness start at your cunt and move across your body. Not as strong as by the beach, but somehow sweeter, more intimate. We don't - can't - move for a while. Then you get enough energy to move and stand up, our mixed come dripping down your leg.

I start to stand and find that my legs have been in one position so long that they are totally numb. YIKES! I roll to my side and wait on the floor for the blood to re-enter my lower half. You start to giggle at my infirmity. I join in and it grows to a laugh. We are laughing at me, at us and our passion, at the fact that this is as good as it gets and life has dealt us an amazing wonderful hand to have found each other this way.

Somehow we manage to find the bed and cuddle each other to sleep.

When I wake, I watch you sleeping. My morning muzzies are starting to dissipate as I watch you. You turn toward me - still asleep - and wrap yourself against me. Your lips just touching my neck and moving only slightly in a gentle kiss since you're not really awake. Then I feel you relax against me, asleep and dreaming of something wonderful. Your breath a gentle brush against my neck. Your hair is tickling my nose, but I endure it for the wonderful closeness we're sharing. It's hard to tell where you begin and I leave off, a semi-dreaming oneness that it's possible to feel at no other time of day or night.

Of course, my mind strays to the sexual... before you know it you are tied to the four corners of the bed. You don't seem to mind. You stay almost asleep to keep it as dreamlike as possible. A small smile touches the corners of your mouth. A blindfold now covers you eyes to help you stay connected to the dream world. For the next half-hour you are dreaming, but feeling real events - a half-dreaming voyage to your erotic side.

Your arms and legs are spread and unable to move. You are flying. The feeling of the wind across your naked body is amazing. Is it feathers or the wind? No matter. There is a gentle covering on your eyes that your awake self knows is a blindfold, but it feels comforting in a way. Something very soft is rippling up your thighs. Erotic. Compelling. You feel your cunt getting wet, warm. Then the softness moves up across your stomach, around your breasts. Your whole body feels stimulated.

Then up to your throat. It's a sweetness that begins to envelope your entire body - soft, insistent - gently demanding. Your whole body is at attention. Your nipples are standing, begging for attention from the wind, or feathers or some unseen but needed tongue. A touch on the right nipple sends small fires down to your toes. Your whole body is alive and responding to the needs and desires. Then something slowly enters your cunt. Unseen but welcome forces are taking you to a higher level. You try to keep flying in your dream. You've always wanted to be fucked in a flying dream and now it's happening. Your cunt is now fully penetrated by something wonderful that begins to tease your insides. Your g-spot is now fully engorged and praying for attention, and it gets it. Gently, slowly, lovingly, your unseen incubus is building your entire body to incredible levels of desire. Small kisses start to rain across your body everywhere at once. At some level you know it's me, but the dream still prevails. You notice there is no sound but the wind rushing by your ears. Dreaming? Yes and no, but it's wonderful. The gentle probing in your cunt is now more insistent and demands your attention, then moves to your clit. Ooohh... you hadn't noticed how hard it was, begging for some attention. Amazing sweetness now begins to cover your whole body. Kisses on your breast feel like orgasms of their own. Your legs are shaking with desire. You want this feeling to never end and so you float Soar. Fly through the clouds, with every part of you filled with an amazing sweetness. The probing moves back inside now. You need it to. You want whatever this unseen force wants. Need to please, to be pleased. Something else - warm and loving - touches your clit. You fight off a desire to come. You want this feeling to stay and never leave. You spread your legs as wide as possible to let your unseen lover take you however he (she?) wants. Then a rustle - a movement between your legs. Your lover now wants you. There is a smooth hardness sliding up and down and across your clit. Oh how sweet and loving. You want him (her? me? doesn't matter) to take you now.

My cock enters you quickly. Unexpected waves of pleasure fill the center of your being. "yes," you think, "take me. I am yours and we will float together through the clouds." Your legs are now free, and they wrap around me, insisting, demanding to please. Pulling me even deeper into your soul. My warm body now covers yours. We are flying together, locked in an embrace of love and need and desire. We move together, my cock filling you as you squeeze your cunt muscles and pull me close with your legs... faster now... your clit rubbing against my pubic bone. Your breasts are covered with kisses that are less gentle, more needy and demanding. Then it takes you soaring. There is nothing but you and me in the universe. Soaring above everything that ever was. You can see everything and nothing as wave after wave of pleasure fills your body. You hear your own sighs and my heavy breathing. My cock swells inside you and you feel my come splash everywhere. Your orgasm perfectly timed to mine. We are one again. There is no you. There is no me. There is only us and we are everywhere and nowhere, soaring and floating above the heavens.

We wake slowly, entwined in each other’s arms... smiles everywhere. Our eyes lock. We laugh... then hit the shower. We get the temp right and step in... I put you in front so I can wash your hair. Amazing how long it take to wash someone’s hair. You, in your constant need to say something pithy, keep saying, "mmmmm" over and over again. You seem to like the attention. Then, the buff puff gets soaped up and I clean the rest of you. Rinse slowly. Then you return the favor. I, of course, become afflicted with the same vocal infirmity as you. What is it about getting your hair washed that causes the sound "mmmmm" to come from your lips? You then wash me - paying special attention (as I did for you) to the more interesting spots. Then, we dress in bathing suits. Breakfast by the pool. Yeh. Several 20 something waitrons in bathing suits and sarongs surround us with nothing but our pleasure on their minds. We restrain ourselves and order a light breakfast.

Then the real work of the day begins. Reading, sleeping, getting wet to cool off, floating in the pool. By noon we're very tired from all the exercise, so we order a couple of sandwiches. Our server is a beautiful young woman by any standards one could set. She's 5'9", slim, brunette, large breasted and has beautiful wide set eyes. As you order for us, I move to a waiting float in the pool to cool off. You and she start to talk a bit. She asks what I do for a living and you rather mischievously (remembering a few weeks ago when we made our own video) tell her I produce adult films. She is obviously taken aback, but keeps her cool and takes our order.

When she returns, food in hand, you call me back from the pool to eat. I complain lightly – OK, I whine - about having to move, but comply with all the grace I can muster. We eat slowly under our umbrella, enjoying each others company, laughing extra hard when you tell me what I now do for a living. Sounds like fun. Too bad the video camera is so far away because I'd love to make another film with you as the star. That pleasant thought gets me a bit excited. We finish eating and both need more spf5000 all over our bodies, and as we help each other get the soothing lotion on, the waitron returns.

She is nervous. I tell her how beautiful she is and she gets up the nerve to ask, "do you think I'd do OK in an adult film?" Totally flustered, but covering well, I tell her that if she really enjoys sex and can act a bit, her possibilities are endless. As beautiful as she is, there would be no stopping her. She says she wants to audition. I look at you - wanting some sort of feedback on how far to carry this - and the look I get is just a huge smile. You are enjoying my simultaneous excitement and discomfort. With all the aplomb I can muster, I tell her we have no video equipment here so it would be difficult. She seems very disappointed. Then I say I would be willing to take her to the room and see what the possibilities were and we could do an official audition at some later time. She is shaking, but says she gets off in an hour and would meet us at our room. As she leaves, there is a distinct additional sway to her ass that both of us watch with interest. "Oh, my God, what have I done?" you say. I just chuckle and point to the bulge in my pants.

We go back to the room and shower quickly... then dress casually and sit on the sofa of the living area, kissing and wondering if she will show up. I don't actually know any adult film folk, but I do know they're in LA and I could find them for our new friend. Yikes we don't even know her name!

A knock on the door... she comes in. God she's gorgeous... I offer her a drink and we all opt for a margarita. Her name is Karen... she's always wanted to pose for a men’s mag or be in adult films... now the connections are beginning to make sense... I can see your mind at work.

We decide that she will do a strip, followed by a masturbation scene and I will take pictures and get them to the appropriate people. My Nikon has never been so happy. Since she has only shorts and a very stretched tube top on, you go through your clothes to find some more "strip appropriate" clothing. Then you and she disappear into the bathroom to get her ready while I fumble with my camera.

When you come back, you are both glowing in anticipation. Laughing, looking at the bulge in my pants. Absolutely positive that at least one of my dreams is about to come true. I put some "World Beat" music in the CD player and you and I sit on the sofa.

She is very nervous, but the margarita has helped her relax into it a bit. She begins to dance with graceful, smooth movements. She is obviously very excited, and slowly the clothes come off as I snap picture after picture. Her breasts revealed now and she caresses them for the camera. No pretend glossy turned on smile, just real raw sexuality coming through to my lens. Her nipples are standing up very tall. This is obviously something she has dreamed of for a long time. I glance at you and you have the same expression on your face: sheer wanton sexuality. You want her as much as I do. Her movements become hypnotic. Her clothing slowly disappearing. She is now nude in front of you and she begins to massage her clit. She is a true exhibitionist. My cock is straining at my shorts begging to be set free.

Karen now is breathing quickly as an orgasm begins to take her. Grunts, groans, sighs fill the air. She is loving every second, and so are we. She drops to her knees... her legs spread in front of us as her hand works furiously on her cunt. We are entranced. I'm out of film... damn! The camera drops to my side and my hands stray to your thigh. You almost jump from the tingles that it brings. Your legs spread so my hands can find what you want it to find. We cuddle closer. That short skirt of yours inches higher. Karen is panting on the floor, wanting more. You scoot your butt forward and she crawls toward you to put her head between your legs... kissing your thighs... then higher... you eyes close in anticipation. I unbutton your blouse. It falls to the side and I open the front clasp of your bra. My lips cover your breasts with kisses. You are in heaven. We are in heaven. Karen’s lips meet your clit and you explode almost immediately. She keeps you going through several little orgasms then moves her lips up your body pausing at your breasts before a kiss.