AI Girl


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"Well?" Briana had gone for the day, promising to return again in the morning.

"I'm scared." She hugged close to me.

"It'll be ok. You'll see." I said.

"She said they'll just show up someday, no warning."

"Yeah. Though I doubt it'll be like it used to be. New AIs are rare now."

"I made a drawing for you. Did you like it?"

"It was very pretty. Briana was in it, but alone." I avoided talk of the other distinguishing aspects of it.

"It's sad. She's all alone. We're not meant to be alone."

"Neither are we." I put in.

"I'm so glad to be here." She nestled into my chest as I tried to ignore a wetness between her thighs.

I awoke that night to the sounds of heavy breathing. She didn't notice as I watched her masturbate next to me in bed. It was a beautiful sight, one I'd been away from too long. When she finally came I heard her whisper "So wonderful" as she rolled over and into me, the wetness of her act soon coating my legs. My thoughts before going back to sleep went in strange directions. 'It's funny that she breathes' and 'if she's not my toy, not my doll, not a daughter; what is she?'

Briana came and went over the next several days, coaching her in ways that were beyond me. Not just some secret women's mystery, but AI women's mystery. I was out of the score on two counts. She continued to masturbate; her sexuality awakened. Eventually doing it right in front of me during the day. She became a regular chatterbox about it and loved to describe how it felt in absolute detail. Which drove me to absolute distraction. A part of me desperately wanted to join her; but a part was still in conflict over just what she was to me. I'd told her no before hand, and I knew that unless I said otherwise, she would make no advance on me. But the desire to do so was plain in her eyes and her constant sensual odor. Why had her designers felt a need to put in that little detail?

I tried getting her to read her manual, a page here and there. At first she would seem to look past it, ignore its presence, or act as if I'd being doing anything with it but handing it to her. Eventually though she got the nerve to try a page. It gave her a splitting headache that lasted for hours. It wasn't until three days of this and somewhere in the dozens of tries that she was able to master a full page. By the next day however she managed a full chapter, the section on dressing your AI Doll. Two days later and she'd read everything but her access codes. The first time I'd tried to read those off to her she went deaf for three hours; so we approached them with caution. By the end of the day she did manage to read the single half page that held them; but as I later learned from Briana, reading or reciting them would always give her headaches.

Things with Briana warmed up over time. She was friendly to me. Still plainly caught in her conflict between mistrust and desire to be in my presence; but slowly letting it become friendship. She still made jokes about turning into a psychotic killer robot someday, but that was just her sense of humor. My girl and her seemed to get close though. They didn't have a built in need to bond to each other, but they shared a simple bond of common existence and experience. Which was probably more genuine. Despite Briana's claims that I simply saw them as toys; the truth of their emotions and their bond was heartwarming to me.

It took a week for it to happen. I was actually more surprised by that than the act itself. During one of their sessions with me hiding out in my studio the sounds filtering in suddenly became very sexual. They went on for hours and I, being human; had to sneak past them a few times. Which of course, drove me to utter distraction and a few long trips to the bathroom. However I was determined not to interfere and not let sex be a part of our relationship until and unless I was very certain about what she meant to me.

For her part, Briana seemed very saddened to go that evening. It was clear she wanted to stay over, and I made the offer. But she declined. She did not want to comprise her lack of a bond to any human; and she felt staying would put her in a 'compromising' situation with me. Nor was either of them willing or even capable of interfering with my bond with my AI.

"You really have to name her soon... I'm getting tired of calling her girl."

"Can't you just make up nicknames?"

"It doesn't work that way. Though our minds are mostly human, the differences are often in the strange and silly details. Things some middle aged programmer was able to figure out and thought would matter to a teen human girl."


"They must've thought that the owners would want exclusive rights over what we respond to. Honestly; I'm sick of being called Briana..."

"That's just silly."

"It was probably a male programmer, they never understand women right."

"Well if so, he at least got that detail right."

Briana gave me a questioning look as she stood in the doorway.

"You know, that women always believe men can't understand them."

She laughed and reached for my manhood, giving it a nice tug. "When are you going to use this on her anyway?"

It was my turn to give a questioning look.

"All the male owners do it. It's perfectly natural. Most of the women owners do so as well."

"But it's not what she was intended for..." I tried to rationalize.

"But we did end up with both the equipment and the desire, you're leaving her unsatisfied."

"I'll think about it."

"Well don't take too long." And with that she turned and gave a sexy walk to her Aircar.

"I wonder were she goes..." I mused.

"She lives over the bookstore." I heard from behind me.

Turning to see my AI Girl standing behind me I said "You listened to us?"

"Are you angry with me?"

"No of course not."

She looked longingly at my manhood, but made no comment. I'd told her it was wrong and that had ended it from her side. Most men might think 'if only real women were like that'. But it was actually starting to wear me down. Without having someone argue me wrong, I didn't have anything to push my opinions up against. No ability to be a stubborn mule. My arguments could fall apart from their own weakness.

As we moved into the house I realized something; she hadn't called me father since our trip to town over a week ago. Since she'd told me I wasn't her father. So she did have a way to fight back. I caught her smile when I turned away from my own longing look at her sex. She knew she was winning this fight; it was all just a question of when.

Briana was right on one score; the Authority did arrive in time. Someone in the town had notified them; even with us only having made one visit.

They came in two huge Aricars and a third smaller one; the first dropping 20 fully armed marines who took up very hostile positions around my property. I knew they wanted a fight; it was easier that way for them, no playing with laws they didn't like anymore than we did. If I hadn't known better I might've been fool enough to go for my shotgun; but instead we were outside waiting for them as they came down. I squeezed her arm and told her "Everything will be all right" as they separated us. She was taken into one of the cars and I was held in my house. As I turned to go I saw something I could not explain at the time. Briana came out of the third car; accompanied by two people I presumed to be human, a man and woman. They ignored me as they went to the car my girl was in; it was more like a shipping truck than a car. Just before disappearing Briana turned, looked me in the eyes; smiled weakly and gave me a thumbs up.

I was given to five women marines; their bodies painted in camo, the marine corps logo tattooed above their mons. They sat me in my dining room and drilled me for hours on her. On how I'd found her and what she was like. On all the laws I'd violated by activating her. The looks on their faces were of pure hatred and disgust. Funny thing was, as long as she passed the tests, they couldn't even so much as fine me.

That didn't stop them from ransacking the place. Early on they took her manual in to use in their tests. My computer, my PDA; both ended up smashed and drained of any data I'd had on them. I'd given Briana back ups of everything days before anyway. I knew I could trust her; she saw it as my girl's data. My library was in disarray; they even pulled out a few walls looking for any more 'hidden droids'. They laughed when they found Pinocchio, before cutting holes in the pages. They never touched me though.

It was near dark before they were through. I was sitting under guard; they'd finished ransacking the place hours earlier. One of them suddenly looked up and frowned at me; then they all simply left without a word. They piled into the first car and it lifted into the air. My girl, Briana, and the two humans stepped out of the second and it left without a word.

Briana was holding her up as they entered the house. The two humans looked around and shook their heads the man adding "Wow." The woman placed my girl's manual on the table as she added; "I hear they're always like this." I had no idea who these people were.

I rushed to her side as Briana laid her out on the living room sofa. She was sobbing and barely conscious; her skin was torn in places and there were burns along her body. It looked like cigarette marks.

"What on Earth happened to her?"

"They tried to break her." Briana replied. "They were worse than usual; I don't think they've had an AI to test in a long time."

"But this? I don't think a human could pass if this is how they test..."

Briana looked at me then turned to the man standing in my living room. "Get my kit."

My girl shook and whispered "Hurts..."

Briana tried to sooth her. There was something I had to say though. "Wait. What were you doing with them?"

The woman at my table stepped in "The law requires they have witnesses. There was a time when every AI failed their tests. Fortunately we got access."

"Who are you people? And I still don't get Briana's involvement."

"I'm the local registered AI; they had to bring me. I didn't know when or I would have called. I still don't know who turned you in. It wasn't me."

We're AI Institute. I'm Kenyetta Liesching" The woman offered her hand.

"The terrorist group!?" That probably wasn't the best ice breaker...

She gave me a hard look "That war's long over. But the surviving AIs still need us."

I'd heard of them, everybody had. In the movies they were always the bad guys. They came in with funny accents and blew up things like maternity wards or built killer robots. Of course in the movies, the Authority came in with a dashing young hero to save everyone in the end. The last I'd read of them in the actual news though, was years ago when they started stealing AIs and hiding them. I moved to protect my girl; it was something of a reflex action.

They ignored my motions as Briana looked over my girl's arm.

"Couldn't you have stopped them?"

Kenyetta spoke, "We can't interfere anymore than you could. Only watch; and confirm the results. She'll be ok." This time it was Briana's turn to cast a hard look.

Kenyetta continued "As long as an AI has her mind, the rest can be rebuilt. She was strong, I doubt they cracked her."

"I just can't believe they'd actually try to drive her over the edge."

"It gives them an excuse to destroy us." Briana coolly said. "Where is that man with my kit?"

Which of course announced his return, bearing a large red case hovering at his side. Briana proceeded to take out a series of instruments and work on the injuries. When she was done my girl slept soundly, no trace remaining on the outside.

The three of us talked for some time about the testing and where to go from here. Naturally she had passed. Or, as Kenyetta informed me "you would have never seen her again." I learned that the AI Institute was in reality nothing more than a group of concerned citizens trying to help with what they saw as a new species. Humans looking out for their children as Kenyetta put it. Briana found them a little patronizing; but essentially agreed. There were no terrorists, no killer robots, and no funny accents.

We talked about the AIs. There weren't many of them. The institute estimated the number left in the system at just around one billion. As Kenyetta put it "if they were animals, we could put them on the endangered list." The institute's membership was far smaller, and spread thin.

"We like to stay dispersed." The man with her explained.

There was a bit of uncomfortable news, but certainly not unexpected. Kenyetta informed me that this wasn't the end of my troubles with the Authority. "It's a good thing you're self sufficient; don't expect to ever be able to land a job again. You're on a list now. It'll follow you wherever you go, whatever you do."

"This is a good place to live though." Her male companion offered. "The townies seem friendly enough to Briana."

"Well at least one of them isn't." Briana countered.

"It could've been an automated sensor" he responded.

"It's for the best anyway." Kenyetta looked over to the sleeping AI Girl. "If she never got registered; she'd have to spend her days in hiding. Now she's free to live as she wants." That ended with a questioning look in my direction.

"Yes." Was all I said. They knew I still owned her.

I asked about her status now, what rights did she have? It was a complicated answer, she could be owned, but otherwise had the same rights as anyone else. If freed, if the bond was removed, she couldn't be owned against her will. "Most of them want to be owned" I added.

"True..." Kenyetta conceded. We all looked to Briana who looked back nervously before turning away to check on my girl. I thought I saw a tear forming in her eyes.

Eventually Kenyetta and her male companion left. I realized I'd never got his name. I found myself in possession of a pile of literature for their organization.

I carried my girl up to our bed. As I tucked her in she half opened her eyes and looked up at me "Now I'm not a toy. I want to live now. Make me live." I stroked her hair and kissed her forehead, unsure what she meant by that last statement. She returned to her sleep and I went downstairs to my study. I sat looking over her manual for some time before I took a pen and scribbled down a single word on the line provided for her name. As I sat there reflecting over the events I heard a soft sobbing from my living room.

Briana was there. I hadn't even noticed her stay behind. She looked up to me with tears in her eyes. "I..." She stood and ran to me, hugging me tight as she slipped a piece of paper into my hands. Over her shoulder I glanced at what I held. A series of numbers, I recognized the pattern. Her access codes; she'd just given me complete control over her.

"I've been alone so long... Seeing you, her; it brings it all home. Today when they made me watch, it hurt so much not to help her. But I was so proud of her, of you and her; when she triumphed." Briana whispered into my chest.

I pushed her back enough to see into her face. The look in her eyes told me what to do. I led her by the hand to my study. Her eyes were downcast, her look uncertain. I sat her in my chair and crouched down before her, as if I were proposing. I put my hands on her knees and we looked at each other for a while. "I need..." she began, but I covered her lips with a finger. I stood and stepped back. She began to rise up.

"Stay there." I tried to command. It was enough to pause her. I slipped out of the room and locked her in from the outside.

"NO!" I heard her scream, "I need..." she began. "Please..." She was sobbing. I sat against the door and looked at the paper. The look in her eyes had told me what to do. Eventually she fell asleep sobbing. I went to bed exhausted, hugging my girl tight.

In the morning I was the first awake. I went down to my study and opened the door. Briana was asleep in my chair, her head cradled in her arms over the manual I'd left the night before. I tried to pry it free but she awoke.

She looked up at me, a tear beginning to form.

I made to apologize for the night before "I'm sorry, I..."

"Don't." She said, putting a finger to my lips. "Thank you."

I tried to return the paper she'd given me but she closed her hand over mine. "I need to trust. What I really needed, not to be owned, but to trust a human again." She looked at my hand. "I need a reason to need to trust you." She looked to my eyes. "Maybe someday more, but for now..."

"Friends." I offered.

"That would be nice."

"Now however, I need that." I smiled at her and then glanced at the manual.

"A good choice." She said.

"I hope so. It seems to fit."

I brought the book up to my girl, waking her with a kiss on the lips. "I have something for you." I told her.

"You've read it already, but now it belongs to you."

She gave me a puzzled look "Please don't remove..."

"The bond? No, but you can remove it when you wish now." In my mind I knew that made no sense, if she was compelled to cherish me; she would never think of leaving me. I'd remove the bond later; for now I just wanted her to be happy.

"There's something for you inside. Read the title page." I told her.

She opened the book and read the words to me:

"Hello Jessica, welcome to your new friend. Her name is: Jessica"

"Now you can live; Jessica."

She smiled up at me "There's just one more thing. I don't want to live as a toy; I want to live; as a woman." Jessica spread her legs and pulled me down on top of her.

We made love for the first time; slow and gentle, with caring. Briana watched us for a time from the doorway to our bedroom; but eventually wandered away to give us privacy, keeping her own private smile.


My name is Jessica. I was named after a young girl who passed away before she could receive a certain gift. I guess in some small way I am now living for her. I've been around now for just over two hundred years. I stayed with my owner for many years until he passed away, as humans do.

He tried to remove my bond when I was in my third year. I remember waking up frantic one day, feeling a great sense of loss and sadness. However I had grown to love him naturally by then, I did not leave as expected. I pleaded for days to be rebonded, eventually wearing him down. I kept the bond until the day he passed away.

I knew Briana's sadness; we're not meant to be alone. In time she did come to trust humans again. For a number of years we were bonded to the same man. We still keep in touch, but we have separate lives now. She still lives in the old property; me, I've gone on to the stars.

We live.

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tenyaritenyariabout 1 year agoAuthor

@SimonDoom - Glad you enjoyed my story. This one was my first published attempt at erotica so many years ago. My writing has changed in many ways since then, but hopefully I'm still doing the good parts right. :)

Every time I look at this old story, I see so many typos. But I still love the tale itself.

SimonDoomSimonDoomabout 1 year ago

This is the first story of yours that I've read, and I really enjoyed it. It's intelligent and subtle, which is unusual for a Literotica story. The writing is good. I especially like the way you weave the world/fantasy-building through the telling of the story rather than through an information dump at the beginning. I thought you did a great job exploring the feelings of the two main characters as the AI Girl developed. Great job. I'll be reading more of your stories.

PurplefizzPurplefizzover 2 years ago

Truly outstanding story, for a lot of reasons that have nothing to do with erotica, it is uncomfortable in parts because it’s very likely a “racist” mindset could exist when and if a truly sentient AI person is made at which point we would be forced to acknowledge that, although tbh we don’t care about the many sentient species we co-exist with now, maybe if they walked on two legs and talked we’d treat them differently?

I genuinely think a slight rewrite and submitting this to “Locus” or another SF magazine would see a good chance of this in print. I think it’s that good and that challenging.

Many thanks for writing and posting, cheers Ppfzz.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago
A beautiful AI story

Amazing story, well written, I only wish it would continue with at least two more chapters, to flesh out Jessica's growth and life experience as an adult more, this should deffinately be the openning chapter of a full scale Novella!

five stars!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Great story

This is much better than many of the so called "novels" published

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