Aidan and Katie Ch. 06


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Jeannie came home from work about two weeks later and came into the kitchen. I was making chef's salads for dinner.

She hugged and kissed me and said, "I was thinking about us today and realized that we've been awfully rude."

I looked at her, "How?"

"We haven't had Ruthie and her friend over." She said. "We told her that we would and unless you have called her we've just blown her off."

I was mortified; my mother would kill me if she knew that I had behaved so thoughtlessly and rudely. I ran over, picked up my phone and found Ruthie's number in my phonebook.

She answered, "Hello fluff, I thought you had forgotten me."

I was stumbling and stuttering as I tried to apologize, "Ruthie, I am sooo so-so-sorry! I-I-I completely forgot to c-c-call y-y-you. I'm calling to invite you to dinner with Jeannie and me."

She laughed, "It's OK fluff. At least you remembered."

I flushed in embarrassment, "No, I didn't, Jeannie did."

She laughed again, "Wow, that was honest. OK, when?"

"I have to get up at five on school days, so it would be best if it were a Friday or Saturday." I said, "What would be good for you?"

"Let me check with Chelsi," she said, "I'll have to call you back. Thanks for calling, Katie; it'll be nice to see you."

I smiled, "It'll be nice to see you, too, Ruthie."

I hung up and looked at Jeannie, "She's going to check with her friend, Chelsi. She'll call back."

Before Jeannie had a chance to respond my phone rang, I laughed when I looked at the Caller ID; it was Ruthie already. I was giggling when I answered, "That didn't take long."

Ruthie laughed, "Well, I'm excited and so is Chelsi. We thought that since you get up so early on the weekdays that Saturday would be better for you. Is Saturday OK?"

I smiled, "That is so considerate of you, and Saturday would be perfect. We'll see you then."

I could hear the smile in her voice, "Yeah, we'll see you. Give your fluff a hug and kiss for me. See ya."

I took Ruthie's advice and hugged and kissed Jeannie. She said, "Not that I'm complaining, but what was that for?"

"Ruthie asked me to give you a hug and kiss for her," I explained.

She pouted, but not very convincingly, "Well, that's fine for her, but where's mine from you?"

I just shook my head and drew her into my arms again. I kissed her deeply and held her close to me. Bending my head so that my lips were next to her ear, I said, "How's that?"

"Mmmm," she said, "this one is soooo much better, 'cause it's from you."

We parted and I went back to the chef's salads. We sat down to eat and planned the evening on Saturday. Both of us were looking forward to seeing Ruthie and meeting Chelsi. The rest of the week passed quickly. We spent our time cleaning and making sure that our home was perfect for our guests.

I spent all day Saturday cooking the stroganoff. I slow cooked the steak, making sure that the meat was fork tender. I also made and baked strawberry tarts with homemade whipped cream. We went up at five o'clock and got in the shower. We kissed and cuddled together and washed each other and finished up washing each other's hair. We didn't attempt to get each other off, we just loved one another.

I pulled my hair back into the high and tight ponytail that Jeannie and Aidan love. I pulled on a sweater dress that I thought was flattering. It had a scoop neck, black sleeves and horizontal black and white stripes. The most unique part of the design of the dress was the four black and white vertical stripes that ran down the left side of the dress. It was shorter than I normally wore at about three inches above my knees, but I really liked the way it looked on me, hugging my body and clinging to my butt.

I stood in front of the mirror making sure that it looked OK when Jeannie came up behind me and folded her arms around me. "Do we hafta have them over tonight?" Jeannie whispered in my ear. "You look good enough to eat." She moved her hands over my breasts and I sensed her grin. "No bra?" Her hands dropped to my hips. "Should I check for panties?" My breath caught in my throat, the excitement rising in me, quickly, surprising me. I shook my head, but it didn't stop her. I held my breath as her hands slowly found the hem and inched it up with her fingers. I felt the cool air on my thighs as the skin was exposed. The tight, knit dress popped over my butt and I was suddenly exposed from the waist down. Jeannie slithered her fingers over my hairless mound and I moaned softly. "You bad girl, you bad, bad girl." I could hear the smile in her voice. "Going naked under your dress in front of our first guests as a couple." Her fingers danced over my moistening sex. "What were you thinking?" I shook my head, speechless. Her hand nudged my thighs apart. She spoke again, her voice soft, "What do you want?" I trembled as I thought about it. My voice shook as I tried to speak, "I want you to fuck me senseless. I love you so much and I want you all the time. I want you to fuck me so that I can have a good time with Ruthie and Chelsi and think straight long enough to have a conversation." Jeannie pulled my dress down and patted me on the butt. "Later, sweetie. You're gonna have to learn to suck it up." She got up on her tiptoes and kissed me on the cheek and walked out and down the stairs. I saw what she was wearing and it didn't help me at all. She had on the tightest mini-skirt I had ever seen. It was teal and molded to her like it was skin, not even second skin, her own skin. She also had on a white, skin tight crop top that came up to her neck, but had a diamond shaped cut out that showed her amazing cleavage. I was still breathing hard and in shock from her sudden withdrawal and the way she was dressed.

I composed myself and went downstairs. Jeannie was putting the finishing touches on the dining room and I went out and finished up with the sauce. "Jeannie," I called, "I need your help for a minute."

She popped into the kitchen. "Whaddya need?" She asked.

"I need you to spin the pot while I pour the sour cream in and stir it." I said.

She grinned, "Is that all?"

I replied, not just a little snarkily, "No, but that's apparently all I get for now."

She giggled and kissed me, "OK."

We were finishing up as the doorbell rang. Jeannie asked, "Do you want me to get that?"

"Please." I said.

I put everything in bowls and then joined Jeannie in the living room. She was hugging Ruthie while a young lady looked on. I assumed this was Chelsi and I was surprised. Ruthie had described her as a fluff so I had envisioned a very pretty girl that liked frilly things. Chelsi was dressed very femininely, but she was very slender and very plain. She had long, dishwater blonde hair, plain dark framed glasses and very little make-up. If you were being mean, I'd guess you could call her mousy. This young lady was not who I pictured at all. She was wearing a white dress with red and blue flowers that came down below her knees. It was very pretty and very demure.

Ruthie released Jeannie and smiled at me. She stepped up and hugged me, giving me a little kiss on the cheek. When she stepped back, she held out her hand and Chelsi shyly placed her hand in Ruthie's.

Ruthie was different than when I met her. Gone was the flannel shirt, jeans and work boots. She had on black dress slacks, a red silk blouse and a white vest. Her hair was no longer in the classic butch cut, it was longer and softer. She seemed shy and nervous.

Ruthie introduced us. "Chelsi," She said softly, "these are my friends Katie and Jeannie Cunningham."

This was the first time we had been introduced together and the phrase 'Katie and Jeannie Cunningham' sent a chill down my spine. Jeannie caught it, too and she turned to look at me, her eyes huge and filled with tears, she reached out and took my hand.

Chelsi said softly, "I didn't realize that you two were married."

Jeannie smiled, "We're not...yet. Katie is my ex-sister-in-law and I didn't go back to my maiden name."

Chelsi put a hand over her mouth, her expression clearly reflecting her shock, "You took her from your brother?"

We both started giggling, "No," Jeannie said, "we got together long after the divorce." She grinned, "I am becoming really good friends with my ex's new fiancée."

Chelsi's eyes were huge, "You guys are kinda weird."

I grinned and said, "That's probably true of everyone, to a degree. Shall we go sit down?"

We walked into the living room and I asked if they wanted wine. Ruthie looked at Chelsi and she nodded. I went out to the kitchen and opened a nice bottle of Italian Prosecco. It's a dry, sparkling white wine that's good before dinner. I carried out the tray of drinks and everyone took one.

I giggled at Ruthie because she looked so uncomfortable, staring at the wine. "Ruthie, it's really good. Try it."

She looked at it dubiously, but bravely took a sip. Her eyes lit up and she said, "You're right, that's very good." She seemed to relax and that made Chelsi relax and we got to know one another.

I asked Chelsi how she and Ruthie knew one another. Chelsi blushed and looked at Ruthie. Ruthie nodded at her encouragingly and Chelsi started talking. She lit up as she spoke. "I run a small bookstore downtown. I have all kinds of old books, magazines, medical journals...that kind of stuff. Ruthie likes old serial murder mysteries and I have a lot of them, full collections of some authors. She heard about the store and came in about a year ago. She started buying a few at a time, and we started to talk. I don't have any employees, so if the store's open, I'm there. It became kind of a little ritual for us to sit on Saturday morning and have scones and coffee and talk about books. Books have been my passion since I was a little girl. The store was my grandfather's and he left it to me when he passed away a few years ago. We talked about him, about my parents, about a little bit of everything. Ruthie was so sweet, she cared about me, and she asked about my personal life, (Chelsi turned red at this point) my non-existent love life. I was embarrassed to talk about it, so I tried to turn the tables on her."

She grinned lovingly at Ruthie, "You can imagine how that went." We all giggled. "Ruthie can be very direct and graphic. I wasn't shocked that she was a lesbian, I was shocked that she was so lonely." Ruthie had the good sense to blush at this point. "She is so sweet and kind that I couldn't imagine that any woman wouldn't want to snap her up." She reached over and took Ruthie's hand. "After a while I realized that I couldn't imagine Saturday mornings without her. I realized that she had taken up permanent residence in my heart." I glanced at Ruthie, she was ablaze, and her face was redder than her blouse. "I knew that I had fallen in love with her, but I told myself I wasn't a lesbian, I couldn't live like that. I closed the store, I didn't answer my phone, didn't go to my door when anyone knocked. I had never been so miserable in my life. I sat in the back of the store every Saturday morning and watched Ruthie come and wait patiently for an hour, obviously hopeful I would open my doors. After a month I was a complete wreck, I missed her so much, so I opened the store on a Saturday morning and I waited with coffee and scones. Ruthie came in at her usual time and sat down. She didn't ask me anything except how I had been, as though nothing unusual had taken place. In that moment, I knew I couldn't live without her, whether I was lesbian or not. That was three months ago and we haven't been apart much since. We are still getting to know one another, and we are trying to be who we are without changing." She grinned, "I did start working on her godawful taste in clothes, though."

We all laughed, including Ruthie. I was hesitant, but my curiosity was killing me. "So, are you..."

They both blushed, "Not yet." Ruthie said. "We sleep together, sometimes naked, we kiss and hold each other, we're just letting this go naturally. When it happens, if it happens, it'll be because we both are ready for it."

I looked at Jeannie and smiled, "Sounds just like us."

Ruthie grinned, "So you guys are..."

We both laughed, "Like rabbits."

Chelsi blushed from her head to her toes and Ruthie laughed.

I stood up, "Are you guys ready to eat?"

We went in and they sat down while Jeannie and I prepared the plates. The noodles were perfect, the meat tender and the sauce smooth. We served everyone and Chelsi surprised us by saying grace. I looked at Ruthie, a question in my eyes.

Ruthie answered after Chelsi finished, "We go to church every Sunday. The pastor is gay and the congregation is about half gay and half straight. It's a very cool place; you guys ought to think about coming." She laughed when she saw my face. "Look, that's the last I'm gonna say about it. If you want to go with us, call me."

I just said, "OK," and let it go.

We had a pleasant meal. Chelsi asked about our relationship and we explained it all. Jeannie kept dropping her head when we got to what she did and said, but I told her to knock it off; it was part of our story. Chelsi loved our story and they both loved dinner. We went out to the living room and I served them the tarts with a glass of Riesling. Everyone enjoyed the dessert and the wine. We spent all evening talking and it was after one when they finally left. I started cleaning up the kitchen and Jeannie stopped me.

"Let's just go to bed. We'll get this in the morning." Jeannie didn't have to convince me very hard. She followed me up the stairs and popped the dress over my butt again. I started breathing hard almost immediately as her hands worked all over my ass. We got up to the bedroom and I started to pull my dress off and she stopped me.

"No," she whispered, her voice hoarse with desire. She turned me in front of the bed and knelt in front of me. "Spread your legs," she said, and I did what she asked. She pressed her face into my pussy and spoke, her lips raking my lips as she did, "Pull your dress over my head and stand still..." She snickered, "If you can."

I pulled my dress down and her head disappeared. Immediately, she shoved two fingers into my pussy and frantically started licking my clit. The sudden, unexpected, rough assault drove me to the peak quickly, more quickly than normal. My knees turned to jelly as she bore deeply into me. Suddenly, without warning, a finger burst into my bottom, roughly penetrating all the way to her knuckles. The deep, double penetration, coupled with Jeannie's lips on my clit drove me over the edge quickly, forcefully. My knees buckled and Jeannie held me up by my holes as she continued to ravage me.

I felt another one coming right behind the first. "Jeanniiieeee!!!!" I shrieked, "OhmygodohmygodohmyGOD! I'm coming again, Jeannie don't stop! Aiiiieeee!!!!" That's the last I remember until waking up on the bed with Jeannie cradling me in her arms.

"Angel?" Jeannie crooned, "Angel, are you OK? Please baby; tell me you're OK."

I smiled weakly at her, "I'm fine, Babydoll. What brought that on?"

She smiled, "Knowing that you were naked under that dress, after I had felt you up this afternoon, was driving me crazy all evening. I just had to have you, taste you, and make you come all over me. It was sooo good that I came making you come. Let's get naked, snuggle and go to sleep."

I was still a puddle on the bed and I just raised my hands and Jeannie pulled my dress off. She got me under the covers, quickly stripped her clothing off and crawled in with me. She spooned behind me, kissing my shoulders and neck until I fell asleep.


Our routine was changed after that Saturday night. We saw Aidan and Elle every other Saturday night and saw Ruthie and Chelsi about every three weeks. A little over a month after we had them over the first time we went to Ruthie's for dinner. It had become much more casual. Everybody was in jeans, but Ruthie was still not allowed to wear flannel. Chelsi answered the door and she was blushing like mad. Jeannie picked up on it right away.

"Oh my God!" She shrieked, "You did it! You guys made love!" She grabbed Chelsi and hugged her. Chelsi looked mortified.

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Lions86Lions86almost 2 years ago

yeah im not even to this chapter yet i just saw what it was titled and figured id check out the comments. im bummed this story was really growing on me. Katie is a fucking cunt to even get involved with Jeanie. I wont be finishing the story so i really hope Aiden tells her she is dead to him

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I was grinning when the last poster started talking about improbable events, hehe. I'm a straight guy but at one point earlier in my life found myself surrounded constantly by bi and gay women. Having sex with a bi girl friend who was living with a bi boyfriend who was ok with it as long as he wasn't there watching (so to speak. Just as well, that would have been just a tad over my freak level at that time;). Dated a bi girl and at some point later had sex with one of my gay girl-friends. She was definately not bi... It just sort of happened, I think she just wanted the experience (little fuzzy on the details, been over 20 years and I drank and partied a lot back then, killing off God only knows how much brain matter, lol) and while she was definately not anyone I would have normally dated or even hooked up with had she been straight, it was enjoyable being with her as a friend for that. Sometimes you draw the lottery odds in life on things, lol.

Anyways still loving the story! Still think Aiden's exwife's exgirlfriend really needs to have a bunch of the girls get together to beat the shit out of her and explain clearly WHY and what will happen to her should she try to pull that shit on some other poor girl!

...soooooo, how much sucking up in the next year or three is sister going to have to do with Aiden so he'll knock up his ex-wife for her? Oh wait! His *new* girlfriend is going to make him do it!! (Grinning) ...I can see it now ;)

hornyman169hornyman169over 10 years ago

There are many improbable events in this series. Sometimes it takes a lot of back story to set up a good plot. Jeannie and Karli were friends since early childhood. They hung out all the time. When they became lovers and moved in together it was more about Karli controlling Jeannie than love. So when she tried to pimp her out is was just her pushing for more control. At this point Jeannie considers herself gay or at least bi. Jeannie must have had some gay/bi feelings while married or she never would have gone with Karli.

Aidan must realize that he was losing Jeannie all along. I wonder though about him. His wife goes gay/bi. He sleeps with his gay sister, who obviously isn't 100% gay. His new fiance, Elle, is bi. He seems to be a magnet for these girls. What is it in him that attracts them?

There are many ways to draw things together. I just hope that Cabone does a good job on the next few chapters. After the good start it would be a waste if he doesn't follow through on the potential he has to develop in the plot.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Hanging on still

I am still hanging on to the series. You have shown the love with all the people involved so far and how it has blossomed. I still say follow your heart and mind on your series. But I am wondering how Aidan and Ellie are doing now. You are a great writer. Don't stray to far from the other characters though. I did like how you slipped in the slight thought from Katie on the baby thought she had and the marriage thought too. I hope you keep doing justice to this series. Don't quit yet I am liking it because you are showing love from all sides and what it takes to make it work. KEEP IT UP!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Missed Opportunity

This story had potential to be really good but had devolved into a stroke story for those with lesbian fetishes.

The writing is excellent but the story could have been so much more. The first two chapters set up themes of betrayal, heartbreak, love versus sexual orientation, love versus what is socially acceptable. But none of those themes were explored much less expressed. There is no resolution between Jeannie and Aidan, Katie and Aidan, or even Jeannie and Karli.

None of the characters motivations for the last two chapters make any sense. Why would Aidan be accepting of his ex-wife dating his sister both of whom he had or still loved? This is worse than a violation of the bro code.

Why would Katie even consider dating Jeannie if she loved Aidan?

Why would Karli who loved Jeannie forever and was her best friend pimp her out to another woman?

When did Jeannie became gay or interested in Katie. I thought Jeannie said in the 1st chapter she wasn't gay but her relationship with her best friend, Karli, was too special to ignore.

And where did Jeannie's feelings for Katie come from when they were never present before?

And where did Jeannie's feelings for Aidan and the feelings between Aidan and Katie go?

Stroke stories are good and all but this story if it had continued and explored the themes of the initial chapters could have been one of the best story ever posted on this site. A total missed opportunity. Very disappointing

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