Alan Ch. 03


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"I'm Alan's slut," Kate mumbled.

"What's that dear? I couldn't make out what you were saying." Kate was in the back seat, prone, her face buried in the cushions. She turned her head and in a louder voice she answered her mother, "I said, 'I felt faint.'" Her mother tsk tsk'ed as she signaled for a left turn out of the school parking lot.

Alan went to physics feeling good about himself. A week ago he would haven't have even dreamed about degrading another human being like he did to Kate, but he figured he was a bitch, and in a very slight way had it coming to her. She certainly seemed to have enjoyed herself, and the sight of her, looking like a living rag doll, pleased him. His clothes were a little disheveled, and as he waited for the bell to ring while standing outside Mr. Stanton's classroom for the second of the two physics periods to begin he used the Seed to take the wrinkles out. He saw Pauline approach him, and he straightened up. "Alan," she began, "I just want to apologize for my sister. Sometimes she lets her mouth run off, and you shouldn't take it personally. She's just Kate, and there's nothing we can do about it." Alan told her he wasn't offended, and she gave him a smile. "There is something I can do about it," he thought, "And I did."

"She probably tore into you because she wasn't feeling well. She just went home with my mom. The nurse came and gave me her car keys." Pauline gave him another light peck on the cheek and moved off to get to her next class. He watched her saunter down the hall, looking at her from behind, and wondering if her ass would feel as good as her sister's had. Pauline felt his eyes on him, and turned, her long brown hair whipping over her shoulder, gave him another smile and moved along. "See you after school at the newspaper," she called out.

Wringing her hands Megan Kelly watched Alan among the group of students headed to her class. As the rest of the class entered she handed out the quiz. "Alan," she cleared her throat and continued, embarrassed by the croaking sound which came out when she called his name, "Since you missed the last two lessons you don't have to take the quiz. Could you run this over to the principal's office to me?" She held out a piece of paper, folded over. As he approached her, she walked him to the door. "Read it," she whispered. As the door shut behind him Alan walked towards the main office, and unfolded the paper.

"Come to my house at 5pm. Call ahead and I'll leave the door unlocked." On the paper was Megan's home and cell numbers, and her address, though Alan remembered the way to her house from the night before. Alan pocketed the paper and headed to the boy's bathroom, killing time until he could return to class without being suspicious. As he stood before the sink washing his hands the door to the stall behind him opened, and out came Geoff Sherman, the captain of the lacrosse team, and the school's biggest asshole, at least in Alan's opinion. Geoff was about 6'3" and had a hulking presence. He was know to bully smaller students, not to take their lunch money or anything like that, but just because he liked to intimidate. Mr. Mendoza, the math teacher and lacrosse coach always bailed Geoff out of jams when the administration wanted to discipline him. Alan disliked Mr. Mendoza, too. Geoff hadn't really ever hassled Alan before, but since they were alone, Alan presented a target of opportunity, and Geoff had poor impulse control.

"So, Marshall, you dweeb," he said as he moved closer to Alan, "How are you and the rest of the fairies at the newspaper getting along." He came up right behind Alan and stood menacingly at his back. Alan calmly continued to run his hands underneath the faucet. "What's that, punk, I didn't hear you," he said with a snarl, pushing Alan forward with his beefy frame until Alan's hips were pressed against the sink. Alan struggled out from between Geoff and the sink and spun around, reached up and dug his fingers into Geoff's clavicle, the fingers pressed between the bone and the flesh at the base of Geoff's thick neck, creating a depression in the muscle, the sinews stretching painfully. Geoff crumpled to his knees, and Alan used the Seed to temporarily increase his strength as he bent over and brought his left hand to Geoff's neck. As he squeezed Geoff with both hands, right on the collar bone, left around the neck he narrowed his eyes into slits and stared into his eyes.

"Don't ever fucking think you can touch me again." He left Geoff struggle for air for a half a minute, and then released him, pushing him over so he collapsed on the ground. Alan returned to the basin, and began washing his hands again. He kneeled down over Geoff and dried his hands on the bully's shirt. "If you don't want me to really fuck you up, never lay hands on another student in this school again. If I hear any shit about you, I'll smack you down so hard your kids will be born dizzy." Geoff whimpered in fear, terror blazing across his beady eyes as they watched Alan stride out of the bathroom.

The day was turning out to be a good one.

Ms. Kelly was collecting the quizzes as Alan reentered the room, and Alan took his seat. As the period ended Alan packed his things slowly, and was the last student in the room. Walking to the door, he closed it instead of leaving, and then advanced on Megan, as she was erasing the board, her back to the door. Megan anticipated that Alan hadn't really left, and when he embraced her, wrapping his arms around her middle from behind, she let out a happy and contented sigh. "We have to stop meeting like this Ms. Kelly," Alan whispered in her ear, and she tittered. Turning within his arms she stood on her toes and kissed him, her tongue slipping past his lips. After a minute he pulled back, grabbed his backpack and let himself out. "See you after school," he said as farewell, heading to meet his friends in the cafeteria.

"Oh God, my panties are wet," Megan thought to herself as she sat down. "How can I teach this afternoon with wet panties?" Going to her closet and unlocking it, she took out the panties she had planned to change into after showering at the gym after her workout. Pulling her sodden underpants off, she used them to sponge the juices off her slit, placed them in her gym bag, and pulled the dry pair on. Instead of going to the gym she would go to the mall, to the fancy lingerie store, La Perla, and buy a couple of dozen pair of sexy underthings. Last time she was there she had spent more than a thousand bucks, and that was only for six pairs of panties and four brassieres. It would be expensive, but worth the price. She almost never indulged herself, but after her indulgences with Alan she was less hesitant about giving in to her desires.

Entering the newspaper office after school that day Alan hoped that he wouldn't be stuck there for a long time. The paper was put to bed every Friday, and transmitted to the printers as e-mail attachments. On Tuesday mornings, stacks of newsprint arrived and were placed in bundles on racks throughout the school. Alan had taken the initiative in turning the paper from a semi-monthly into a weekly, and the principal and faculty advisor had agreed to try it out as a one-year only experiment, but Alan knew that if they were successful, the paper would be allowed to stay as a weekly the next year, and even though he wouldn't be around to see it, he felt that the accomplishment would be a proud part of his legacy. Alan immediately sensed that the office was in disarray, his two day absence more disruptive than he thought it would be. The senior editor was fighting with the layout editor, the copy editor was screaming at some freshman whose name Alan could never remember. Alan picked up a heavy dictionary and slammed it down on the conference table to get their attention. This shit was going to take awhile, and he prepared for the long haul.

Alan began directing his people like a general commanding his troops. The staff may not have all liked him, but they respected him, and began to fall into line. Even with everyone now working instead of bickering, Alan foresaw that he would be stuck here until almost dinner time, and he cursed to himself. There was no way he could stop by Megan's that afternoon. After making his rounds to each of the workstations in the now relatively quiet room, he told each staff member individually what he needed from them, and then stood behind them, waiting for them to start bringing him problems and minor disputes to settle.

Around a quarter of five Mr. Bar Levi, the faculty advisor came in and was pleased by the harmony and busy pace. Reporters and copy editors started drifting out once their copy had been check by Alan and passed down the room to layout, so the room was fairly empty. Mr. Bar Levi and Alan chatted for a bit, of course the teacher relayed his sympathies, and Alan asked Mr. Bar Levi to keep an eye on things for a minute so he could step out for a bit of fresh air. Once outside Alan speed dialed Megan (he had programmed her numbers into his phone while walking from her classroom to the cafeteria), and told her that he was stuck at the paper, but could he see her tonight? Megan instantly agreed, trying to hide the disappointment in her voice.

Already having decided to skip the gym Megan headed to the mall. On her way out after buying new, sexy panties she walked back to her car and realized she didn't have anything to do for the next few hours. Indulging herself, she drove to the hair salon. The place was fairly quiet, and Megan went whole hog: manicure and pedicure, and Antonio styled her hair. She had her fingernails and toenails lacquered a girlish pink. In the back of her mind she thought that the shade would make her look and feel younger, and with the age difference between her and Alan, every little bit helped. The girls at the salon talked her into a facial, arguing that the time it would take to perform would allow her nails to dry before she had to get back in the car. She realized she hadn't brought sandals, so she was stuck at the salon until her toenails dried, and agreed to the facial.

Pulling into the parking spot in front of her house, she strained to reach into the back seat of her car to retrieve the shopping bag from the lingerie store. As she was closing the door to her car, her neighbor Leila Tsing pulled into the spot next to hers. They were good friends, and shared almost everything, but Megan was embarrassed when Leila said, "Hey Sugar, you look hot! Big date tonight?" Then she spied the shopping bag, and a smile spread across her face. "Who's the new guy? Must be something special, spending all that money, huh?"

Megan let herself in the townhouse and Leila followed her in. Leila was much more experienced when it came to men than Megan. They were about the same age, and Leila was a physical therapist at the nearby hospital. She was slightly shorter than Megan, and had a lithe body, almost curve-less and unbelievably thin. Her ass was surprisingly rounded, and her breasts were only slightly too large for her frame. She had lustrous black hair, so dark it almost seemed navy blue, and she kept it long, and tied up in a pony-tail, framing her very cute face.

Megan was torn. She thought Leila would be a good person to talk to about Alan. She wouldn't judge, and she did know a lot about men. On the other hand, her relationship with Alan was wrong in the eyes of society, and it would be risky to reveal anything about it to a third party. Megan turned circumspect, but Leila kept pressing her about her nail polish and the new hair style and underwear, and was sure that Megan was expecting a man. Some part of her felt sorry for Megan. Her friend never dated much, and the intervals between boyfriends had been lengthening of late. "What was that last guy's name?" she tried to remember. "Dan? Don?" Leila couldn't quite remember. He and Megan had broken up over six months ago, and Megan had been alone ever since. Leila could sense that Megan wanted to tell her about her new man, but something seemed to be holding her back. After dickering around the point for awhile Leila just decided to be blunt. "So, girlfriend, spill it. Who's the new guy?"

Megan's face reddened and she hesitated before answering, barely able to get the words out. Her mind raced with the thought that by confiding in Leila she would in some way betray Alan. But mostly she really wanted to tell someone, to share with someone. The last few days had been among the happiest of her life, and she was bursting at the seams to dish. "Promise me, Leila, that nothing I say leaves this room," waiting for Leila to agree. Her friend nodded and Megan continued, "His name is Alan, and we've only been, ah, seeing each other for a few days."

"Why the mystery Megan. We've always talked about stuff like this. What, is he married or something?" Megan told her the whole story, from the kiss at lunch, to the sex after school, to last night's lovemaking, but leaving out the raunchier details. As she narrated she noticed her friend was rapt with attention. When she finished she began to cry, and told Leila that Alan had stood her up this afternoon, putting her off until night. "I know I'm being stupid, but some part of me feels as if I'm losing him. I'm just going crazy, but being with him makes me so happy."

"Don't worry about it Meg. It's every high school boy's fantasy to make it with his sexy teacher. Hell, I even fantasized about one of my male teachers in school. So, he's the first guy to get you off, huh?" Megan nodded. "I've never been with a younger man, but I imagine the energy is incredible." Megan smiled. Talking to Leila had calmed her down, and the relief at having someone to talk to about Alan was a catharsis. They chatted a bit more, and confirmed their standing date to watch "Sex and the City" together on Sunday night. After Leila left, Megan took her bag upstairs and laid the new purchases out on the bed, trying to figure out which pair to surprise Alan with tonight.

Next Chapter: Megan purrs, Kate begs.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Kate's hatred seems over the top, not gonna lie. Even when she was being shown the ride of her life she seems very resistant on letting it go. Doesn't seem plausible but whatever. I can't say I disagree entirely with how Alan gave her some payback there; I guess most people would do something that. It's not like he hurt her; he showed her the best fucking time of her life. Honestly she deserved less. I'd leave her saying if she wants it again, start behaving like a decent fucking human being and not some shallow piece of shit.

Of course, I guess you could argue it was rape, since he pushed the thoughts into her mind to compel her to act. That being said, once she was into it, it was clear she wanted it and enjoyed it. I can't say I'd complain if someone "forced" me to do something I ended up really fucking enjoying. But everyone will have their own take on it. It's hard to say what's right and wrong when you start introducing supernatural shit like mindcontrol into the picture. Is there really such a thing as right and wrong or is it just a human concept we enforce on ourselves? Or is it just power and control - those with it and those without? The strong dominating the weak. Makes you think...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I’m for revenge but straight up rape is true sign of terrible writer. This is your best imagination? Could have humiliated her in front of everyone or something. Raping her body having her crying is pathetic. Teacher basically rape but he didn’t understand the powers so that can be let go. How about having power but looking into person mind to see if they have some attraction first. Use the power to give her guy she wants so she comes willingly. Just no need for rape scenes.

WretchedMonkeyWretchedMonkeyover 3 years ago

I didn't like the scene with Kate and I can tell I'm not going to like a lot of future scenes too. Alan has probably the most dangerous power ever, able to change people's minds and he's using it to get out of traffic tickets and force girls into fucking him and becoming his slut. He's even thought about fucking his ex even though he's already gotten together with his 'dream woman' in Megan but hasn't even thought about being 'faithful'. It doesn't seem as though his moral compass is working currently and personally I'm going to have issues so I'll leave this one here.

tiercenpttiercenptalmost 4 years ago

bit torn about the kate part.

in general, every (sexual) interaction under mind control is rape.

he could've just "Hate-fuck" her and let her somewhat enjoy it with shame. AND not let her be this quivering mess (also mentally fucked up) like she is now. (is portrayed as)...

otherwise quite hot part.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
@ anon unrealistic and disappointing, and SplitAces

Obviously, you guys have never dealt with a physically larger bully in your life. You can't reason with them, they have no sense of morality or empathy. To change them, or at least change their attitude towards you, if you are a target, you have to better them physically.

When I was young, I was smaller than everyone my age. I was young for my school year, but just small, anyway. There was a physically big neighbor kid, a year or two younger than me, who constantly bullied me and others. Not in real overt ways, as that would get him in trouble, but in small, psychological & physical ways.

One day, it was one step too far for me, and I snapped. He had been physically intimidating me and pushing me around mentally, all morning. I picked up a tree branch about an inch and a half in diameter, and about 3-4 feet long and proceeded to beat the crap out of him. I wasn't more than 9-10, so I wasn't going to do any real damage to a kid who out weighed me by 50# and was 5-6" taller, but he didn't even try to fight back, he curled up in a ball and cried for his mama. The whole time, I was essentially saying the same thing Alan said to the bully in the bathroom.

His younger brother, and older sister were right there, but also being victims of his bullying, neither one raised a hand or voice to stop me. As I recall, the younger brother cheered me on, some. I know some of the younger, other kids, did.

Oh, I got in trouble. My old man whooped my ass a good one. Then told me I did the right thing sticking up to the bully for myself, and all of the other kids.

I later found out a neighbor lady had been watching us for most of the morning, saw the whole thing and told my old man before he heard from the neighbor's dad about his 'abusive maniac kid' with the stick, who could have 'permanently damaged his son', (as if he was a fragile & frail kid). The neighbor lady had watched this kid bully us for some time, but hadn't wanted to interfere, unless things got out of hand. She, (rightly so, in the end), figured us kids would work it out, and be the better for it.

Turns out, it did change the dynamics of the neighborhood. The bully, suddenly became my 'friend', and stuck up for me a number of times when other kids messed with me. He started treating his siblings, and the other neighbor kids better, as well.

And I didn't even need to keep 'the stick' as a reminder, either.

As I get older than the old I am, I look around at a lot of the 'spoiled kids' bullying others in the big neighborhood of our country, and world, and wonder how different things might be, if they had been taken down a notch, and humbled, when they were getting that first surge of testosterone, making them act like assholes.

Might not have changed all of them, as some are just plain sociopaths, but it would have changed a few, for the better.

I see what Alan did to the bully as an overall social good; the thing with Kate, not so sure. It was sex against her will, but he never made her like it, he only made it feel good. She chose to like it. BUT, he did tell her not to tell anyone, which did take away her free will. So, in the end, I hope Alan does have some remorse about it.

He could have taught her a lesson without forcing her to have sex with him. I hope he learns a lesson, himself.

We'll see where things go.


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