Alice or Unexpected Arrivals

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A young man gets caught in a compromising position.
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tags mature/ my mother's friends/ mature women and young men/ panties/ oral


Short description: A young man gets caught in compromising position and Alice persuades him to relate the experiences he had that year in college with a mature woman.

Title: Alice the Nurse or Unexpected Arrivals

When I was growing up, Alice had often visited my mother when she was on rotation or had leave. When I was very young, she had taught me to swim at the pool on Bolling Air Force Base in Washington, DC. I remember being so embarrassed because she and my mother would bring me into the ladies changing room rather than let me go into the men's alone. We had a makeshift bedroom set up in the basement for her to use during her frequent visits.

She had recently moved to the Silver Spring MD area after spending a few years on the west coast. Alice was shortish, sturdy, and had a dark complexion and almost black hair. She looked nothing like my mother who was tall and thin with long blond hair. She had met my mother in college and I had known her my entire life.

Alice was now 45 and a nurse working in the emergency department at Holy Cross Hospital. She had gone into the army in college before nursing school, making an eight-year commitment in return for a full ride. A few years after graduating, 9-11 happened. With her specialty in emergency medicine, she did two tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan at the height of the conflicts. I sometimes heard snippets of her talking about her experiences overseas with my mother, but she always turned to another subject which was usually some kind of funny story if she noticed I was listening.

I had always anticipated Alice's visits and secretly had started fantasizing about her when I was in high school. Alice was so unlike my mother. I very much admired how independent she was, showing determination in whatever she did. Alice also seemed interested in me without the recriminations that I had done or hadn't done something or done it right that my mother always seemed ready to serve up to me. My mother also took great delight in teasing and tweaking me about anything. I always felt vastly relieved that Alice just rolled her eyes, never making any remark when my mother teased me.

During the summer after my first year of college, I was living at home, working the graveyard shift in a large warehouse driving a forklift. I had not gone on a date since coming home from college. I know my mother was concerned about me not going back to school, taking a year off from college, and not dating at all.

Alice lived not too far away in a complex of apartment buildings that had a large outdoor pool. On weekends, my mother sometimes persuaded me to go with her when she visited Alice. We would bring swimsuits and change in her apartment, then go and sit by the pool.

I always told Alice how much I appreciated her having me come with my mother to use the pool and she always brushed it off saying "You have nothing to thank me for, it is my pleasure to have both you and Mary over."

We had come back to her apartment as I needed to change and go home to try to get some sleep before my shift. When I came out of the bathroom Alice said "I usually work daytime shifts and the pool is not nearly as crowded on weekdays. If you would like, I have a spare key that you can use. Then you can come over whenever you like when I am at work. You might also meet a pretty girl." I was surprised by her generous offer. I accepted as gracefully as I could with both Alice and my mother grinning at each other.

One day I came over and was changing in Alice's bathroom when I noticed her one-piece swimsuit hanging on the shower curtain rod inside out. The suit was often hanging there to dry but this is the first time I remember it being inside out. I was about to ignore it when something about it caught my eye.

There was a tan pad in the crotch and there were dark stain marks on it. As I looked at them, my face flushed as I realized it must have come from when she had her period. I knew I shouldn't but could not resist bringing the crotch up to my nose. There was a strong scent of Alice's pussy and chlorine. I found myself with a raging boner and masturbated furiously cumming on my hand. I was turning to get one of the towels I had brought when I saw Alice standing at the bathroom door. Unbeknownst to me, Alice had gotten off early and was standing outside of the bathroom door staring at me with a look of incredulity written on her face.

I started to apologize when Alice said "Stop. I should have not watched and embarrassed you. Get yourself cleaned up and put something on. Then come and sit with me."

I nervously sat opposite Alice at the kitchen table.

"Do you have a thing for ladies' lingerie and smelling their crotches," she asked "is that why you aren't going out with any girls now?"

I felt my face getting red and felt flustered as I blurted out "NO, I have never done anything like that before."

Alice smiled and asked, "What makes me the lucky girl for you to perv on?"

I wanted nothing more right then than to be anywhere else in the world rather than facing Alice right now. All I managed to say was "There is nothing I can say to really explain it, I am so sorry."

Alice moved her chair next to mine. "Yes, you can. There is nothing you can say that will embarrass me. You owe me an explanation. I promise not to tell your mother if you want. Your mother also deserves an explanation as to why you are not going back to school and not going out at all."

I was staring into space trying desperately to come up with a way to explain. Then I looked at Alice. She was wearing her dark hair in a shaggy cut and it fell down around her face, framing it and I saw both concern along with patience written on her face.

I started twice but no words were coming out when Alice leaned over whispering in my ear "you can tell me anything."

I began with "It is a long story and I am not sure it even makes any sense. It almost seems like I am living a dream and can't wake up. Nothing seems right anymore. While it lasted, it was a dream come true. Then it came crashing down leaving nothing but bitter ashes. Everything seems gray and tasteless now."

Alice squeezed my hand and saying "We have all day, just tell me from the beginning."

I started shyly saying "Well, from the beginning I have always liked you and thought about you." Alice was still looking at me but I could not look back at her staring at the kitchen table saying "but I would never embarrass you or myself by trying to act on that. I think both you and my mother would be mortified to think I thought of you in that way. Until a little while ago I would never have touched your things."

Alice squeezed my hand again and said "You do not know me or your mother nearly well enough to assume that." Alice then drew a hand over my face and said, "close your eyes, just tell me what happened as you would just be thinking about it to yourself."

I took a deep breath plunging in. "It keeps playing through my mind and I want it both to stop and to never forget any detail at the same time. Crazy, insane. It was probably doomed from the beginning. But would I change anything if I could? It drives me crazy thinking yes and then no All the while knowing that is a fruitless exercise." The following is the story I related to Alice of my experiences with Kathleen at college that year.

During my first few months in college, I had been living in a dorm and became friends with a guy whose parents lived just a little over an hour away from the campus. We were always complaining about the food.

At the start of the second semester, Brett invited me to spend the weekend at his parents' house. His father owned a car dealership and Brett's family was pretty well off. He had a cute little sister who was 9 years old. His father barbecued that night and while cooking he and Brett put away a few beers.

His mother, Kathleen, was an attractive tall woman with long dark hair. She was wearing jeans and a flowered top with her hair falling down over her shoulders. She was not busty and I very much admired the way she filled out her jeans. While Brett and his dad joked around, I sat talking with her about nothing in particular. The impression I had then was that she was attractive but a little reserved.

Later after eating, his dad was sitting in a chair in the living room watching tv with a drink in his hand and Brett hit him up for some money before we went out to the bars. His dad peeled a fifty from his wallet and I thought it must be nice to be rich.

Brett managed to go through that fifty getting wasted. I managed to find my way back to his house from the bar driving his car. I got us home, putting him to bed. I then went down to the kitchen as I thought there should be leftovers from the BBQ we had for dinner.

I don't think that the sight that had greeted me could be duplicated. Brett's mother was standing at the kitchen sink with the water running. They had big double-length windows in front of the counter looking down the slope of their large backyard. Moonlight from a full moon was streaming in. It was bright in the kitchen even without any lights on. Brett's mother, Kathleen, was wearing a mid-length sheer cream-colored chemise. I stood there just taking in the sight. Kathleen's long dark hair hung down a little past her shoulders. I could see the outline of her panties beneath the chemise.

Without thinking I drew in a long breath. Kathleen turned, seeing me in the kitchen doorway. We were both surprised, standing stock still for a few moments. Kathleen had an embarrassed look on her face. I too felt a little embarrassed too having been caught looking at her. She then quickly turned her back to me but I had already seen the outline of her breasts and nipples through the lace cups of the nightgown.

I was never a very aggressive or forward type of guy but I was drawn to her. I found myself standing right behind her. With some trepidation, I ran a finger down Kathleen's backbone. I was prepared to back away but she moaned and shivered. My heart was racing as I ran my hands over her shoulders and down her arms.

Kathleen said, "No we can't do this, I can't do this."

I took Kathleen's hand and led her to the kitchen table, sitting her down. She could not look at me and I said "close your eyes and take a deep breath." You are a beautiful woman and your husband is lucky to have you." I could not help looking at her dark nipples poking through the chemise. I asked "where is your husband?"

Kathleen looked crestfallen replying "Asleep in a chair until he wakes up and finds his way to bed."

I said, "I would not allow another man in the house if you were my wife."

She smiled saying "If only, you lie beautifully."

I just nodded my head and said "Bedtime for you, otherwise I am not going to be able to get to sleep myself." I watched as Kathleen got up and walked out of the kitchen admiring her long legs and full ass.

Shortly after that, Kathleen started coming to the college spending the weekend visiting staying at a motel within walking distance of the campus and dorms. She always took a group of Brett's friends out to dinner during her visits.

On her second visit, we were talking after dinner and Brett said he had a date that night. I was about to leave with Brett and the rest of his friends but Kathleen called me back.

When the last of Brett's friends had left Kathleen quickly glanced around before discretely handing me a key with her room number on it saying "come to see me in an hour." I was so surprised that I didn't know what to think or say. I remember looking at her face, seeing her eyes shining with excitement. I felt like a fool when I could not respond with something witty or even just a compliment for inviting me.

I finally managed to say "I have thought of you often. I can't tell you how much I wish to see you."

Kathleen smiled, pressing a finger to her lips and made a kissing motion saying "Now go, scoot. I need to get ready."

My head was in the clouds as I left the restaurant. I spent the next 45 minutes wandering the campus and athletic fields avoiding talking to anyone passing by. As I slowly headed back to the motel thoughts kept swirling around my head. Is this really happening? Am I misconstruing her intentions? Oh god, don't let me make a fool of myself in front of her.

I got to Kathleen's motel room a few minutes early. I hesitated to use the key, instead knocking on the door. After a pause, I heard Kathleen's voice asking "Is that you, Mike?"

I replied "yes" and the door opened just a crack.

Kathleen said, "wait a few seconds. Then come in and sit on the bed, I will be ready in a minute."

As I sat on the bed, I was mostly thinking just don't make a fool of yourself, I hope to God that I don't embarrass her or myself. The bathroom door opened; Kathleen walked out wearing the same sheer cream-colored chemise that I saw her in the night I was visiting. She just stood there for a moment with the light from the bathroom framing her.

Kathleen had a shy smile and was looking at me hesitantly until I managed to say You look even more beautiful tonight than the last time I saw you wearing that."

I saw the tension break on Kathleen's face as she came over sitting next to me. I began tracing my fingers up and down her backbone. I must have been staring at her because Kathleen turned her face to me, looking at me questioningly. I took one of her hands in mine. I gently squeezed it saying "just admiring your beauty. I can't believe that you want me half as much as I want you. I want to remember everything about you." Kathleen sighed as I first kissed her forehead before kissing her on the lips.

As I studied her face, I noticed the lines around her eyes and lips. Kathleen was uncomfortable under my gaze asking "What do you see in a wrinkled old woman?"

I smiled replying "If everyone and everything was perfect, it would be a boring world. Our imperfections make us unique. Even before I saw you in the kitchen, I thought that you were a beautiful woman. You also seemed a little bit sad. Is it such a bad thing that two people can find joy in each other?"

Kathleen's eyes were shining in the dim light coming from the bathroom as I let the chemise slip down from her shoulders and began kissing and licking her nipples. As I kissed down her chest, Kathleen seemed reluctant to have the chemise slip down further. I saw the top of a cesarean scar. I looked Kathleen in the face before bending down kissing it along with her belly wrinkles. I then looked up at her saying "every part of you is beautiful, even this."

Kathleen raised up a little and I was able to pull the chemise off. She was running her fingers through my hair before finally pushing my head lower. I started kissing her pussy through her panties. I pulled at the waistband and she lifted up her hips. I slid the panties down her long legs.

Kathleen's labia were dark and long. I licked and kissed her outer lips, running my tongue over her clitoris. She was moaning, grinding her pussy against my face. Kathleen wrapped her thighs around my head. I felt her body shuttering as her thighs tightened around my head.

She rolled over getting on her hands and knees. Kathleen moved up until her pussy was above my face. She slowly lowered herself, riding my face with me holding her hips, caressing her big ass. Kathleen didn't stop until my face was thoroughly covered with her juices.

After I felt her cum again, she looked down at me sheepishly saying "I never did that before; Fred would never kiss me there. He always wanted me to suck him but never wanted to touch or kiss me there."

I picked up her panties and inhaled deeply telling Kathleen "I love both the scent and taste of you."

Kathleen rolled next to me kissing me deeply. When she broke the kiss, Kathleen started unbuttoning my shirt. She then unbuckled my pants, pulling them and my underwear off, stripping me naked. I felt vulnerable under her gaze. I could feel my throbbing cock getting harder. With a satisfied smile, she used a finger to gather the precum leaking from my cock and licked her finger.

Kathleen then kissed down my chest, over my stomach slowly taking my cock into her mouth. Kathleen started licking up and down the shaft. I felt myself about to cum much too quickly. I tried to push her head away. Kathleen pushed my hand away, instead taking the head of my cock into her mouth. She started sucking and then licking the head. I could not help myself. All too soon I began spurting into her mouth with Kathleen swallowing it all.

I was embarrassed that I came so quickly. Kathleen came back up the bed and laid down next to me, she could see something troubling me on my face.

Kathleen stroked my face and said softly "This is where women have it much better than men. I can make myself cum again and again. For you, just need to wait a little while. I loved doing that."

I pulled Kathleen on top of me as I just held and kissed her. Kathleen in turn rolled me over and looked down on me sweetly whispering in my ear "What's wrong?"

I smiled and said, "It's not that it is wrong -- it's just so different from the last time I was with a woman."

Kathleen stroked my face and said, "Tell me what happened." I felt my face blushing and she said "you are so sweet; it can't be that bad."

It was like a weight lifting off of me as I told Kathleen: "A couple of months ago I met a girl at a party, she was a few years older than me. We made out some ending up with her climbing on top, riding me. I lasted a long time that night. I excitingly asked her what she wanted. She replied flatly "I just want you to cum." I could see in her eyes and tone that it wasn't that she was excited, wanting me to cum with her. Or that she was excited about making me cum. She just wanted me to cum so that it over, finished.

I rolled her off of me, leaving her dorm room without saying a word. She had killed any desire I had for her in a heartbeat. I never imagined anything like that happening to me. She later spread some rumors about me."

I took a deep breath saying "I think that we wander this earth stumbling about as best as we can. If you are fortunate, you can sometimes bump into someone who somehow fits with you, even if it can only be fleeting. How on earth did I get so lucky to have met you? Then to have seen you in the kitchen that night. Most importantly, for you to desire me as much as I desire you."

I think we both noticed then that I was hard again. Kathleen rolled me on top of her guiding me into her. Throughout the night, I mostly remember the look of joy as well as ecstasy on Kathleen's face.

At some point, I fell asleep with Kathleen waking me at 4:30 kissing me saying "time for you to go before people start stirring. I can't wait to make another visit. That is, if you would want me to come visit again."

Her eyes were questioning and she looked hesitant. I rolled over on top of her kissing her saying "I wish I could spend every night for the rest of my life with you."

Kathleen kissed me, watching as I got dressed. As I turned to leave, she got up from the bed walking over to kiss me at the door. Before I could leave, she reached under her chemise pulling her panties down. Kathleen looked uncertainly at me saying "I was wearing these all day thinking about you. If you really like the scent you can have them." I smiled, reaching around to hold Kathleen close. I kissed her one last time, taking the panties from her hand. I made a small bow to Kathleen in parting before stuffing the panties in my pocket. I walked back to my dorm room on Cloud 9 thinking I was the luckiest guy on earth.

Kathleen visited the campus twice more that spring. Both times she managed to get me her room key. When we met in her motel room again, I would always hold and kiss her first. She would then become more adventurous slipping out of her pants or dress before straddling my face still wearing her panties until she locked her thighs around my head and I could feel her cumming. I would always pull the crotch aside and sink my tongue deep into her pussy.