Alice's Costume Party


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Alice knelt up closer, to the man. She offered her freshly pierced tits, to his mouth. He bit her nipples, one at a time. Fresh waves of pain, spread throughout her body.

The woman behind her, was using the whip on Alice's ass. The woman used her hand between her own legs. She slashed at Alice, as she masturbated.

Alice spoke to the man, as he, roughly, explored her body.

"I love a strong, rough, man. Make me do it."

Alice then pulled up away from the man. She removed her hands from behind her neck. She reached for the mans erection.

"Please sir don't make me do that. It's so dirty."

The man was inflamed, by his lust. He pulled Alice's head to his erection, by her hair.

"Suck it. Bitch."

Alice tried to resist. Her need was as strong, as the mans hands. She sunk the erection, deep into her mouth. As she sucked his cock, she knelt her ass up, into the air. She wanted the feel of the whip, on her ass, as her mouth was violated.

Alice got her wish. The woman continued whipping her, as she masturbated. Alice pleasured her husband's cock. She smiled at the man, as she spoke.

"I'm such a slut. My cunt is wet. It's as alive, as my mouth. Make me do it. You are so strong."

The man began to paw, at Alice's body. He was lost, in his lust. He slapped Alice, as he threw her onto her back. He slapped her again, as he barked out his command.

"Spread your legs, bitch."

Alice needed no command, as she splayed her legs open.

"Yes sir."

The man pushed his erection, deep, into her open vagina. Alice screamed, a scream of total pleasure. The only thing that would be better, was if her ass were still available to the whip.

The woman did not ignore Alice, while her husband fucked her. The woman used her hands to scratch, and pinch, Alice's tits. Her husband pounded into Alice. He was lost in his own lusts. Alice fucked the man, with all of the passion she had.

Alice began to scream.

"Yes. It's so good. Fuck me harder. Make me feel it."

The man continued his assault, as Alice found her orgasm.

Alice turned her eyes to the woman. She plead, with her eyes, for more pain. The woman leaned forward. She began to cover Alice's mouth, neck,and tits with short sharp bites. Alice was sure, that she would have little bruises, all across her tits, and neck, in the morning. Her lower lip was already swollen.

The bites were not gentle. Alice reveled, it it all. She did not have an orgasm. She was living an orgasm. Alice felt, this could last forever. She felt the mans erection swell within her, as he began to ejaculate, deep into her body.

Alice took his seed. Her attention was on the cruel woman, that was delivering, to her, the exquisite, sharp, points of pain. The pain brought Alice alive.

The husband rolled off of Alice. He basked in his afterglow.

Alice had an impish smile, as she rolled over, onto her stomach. She knelt up, offering the woman her ass. The woman was alive, with lust. She continued masturbating, as she used the whip, on Alice's up turned ass. The woman became enraged, with her own lust. The whip began to bite Alice, instead of kissing her.

The woman dropped the whip, on the bed. She crawled onto the bed, to lay beside her husband. She reclined back. She pulled Alice's head, down to her open vagina.

Her command was colored, by her sultry passion.

"Pleasure me."

Alice went about her work, with passion. She buried her face into the steaming wetness, of the womans raging lust. Alice used her mouth, and her bound hands, to bring the woman pleasure.

As Alice worked, she felt the man kneel behind her. He pushed his new erection into her. He fucked her deeply. He used his hands, to deliver sharp slaps, to her ass. Alice loved the sensation. She wished, he would use the whip.

The woman roared into her orgasm. She used Alice's head, like a dildo. The woman used Alice's face, to extended her orgasm. Alice's face, became as wet and shiny, as the cock, that was fucking her, from behind.

Alice was in orgasm. The sensations, were more than Alice could handle. She swooned, into near unconsciousness. She left her body on auto pilot, as her mind shuddered, the same way her body was shuddering.

The man pounded out his orgasm. Alice floated, in a cloud of pleasure. The woman finished, at the same time, as her husband. Alice collapsed on the bed, between the woman's legs.

She heard the woman's voice, like a distant echo.

"That was just a snack. I'll feed you a real meal, soon."

The voice faded away, as Alice slipped into a dreamy state, of semi consciousness.


Alice was still in a state of semi consciousness, as the lights faded. The attendants came to the three reclining people on the bed. Alice was plastic in their hands, as they bathed her gently, with warm sponges.

Alice let them work, without letting go of the cloud of pleasure, that enveloped her. They oiled her body. Their hands were gentle, as they worked. Their work was not impersonal. They kissed, and caressed, her. Alice let them have, full access to her body. Alice was returning to consciousness, as they sat her up. They laced her into a brief corset.

Alice's breath was taken away, as they tightened the laces. The black leather corset, cinched her waist. It left her tits, thighs, and ass, naked. The corset was just short enough, so that the diamond in her navel, was still clearly visible.

The attendants pulled rose colored silk stockings onto her legs. They buckled a pair of black high heels, firmly onto her ankles. A set of bright red garters, were pulled onto her thighs, holding the stockings, smoothly to her legs.

The attendants sat Alice, into a semi reclining position. They brushed her hair. The male slave, with the talented tongue, knelt between her legs. His lively tongue, returned Alice to a state of arousal.

She moaned, as the slave between her legs withdrew. The attendants sat her upright. They bound her hands, behind her. They attached each end of a thin golden chain, to her new nipple studs.

The attendants stood Alice, onto her pedestal. The chain, hanging from her nipple studs, looped down to her navel. She straightened herself up, her erect nipples, held the chain away from her body,. Alice wanted to be stood in front of a mirror. She wanted to see herself.

Her wants were not considered, as the attendant's withdrew from her pedestal. Alice was again, confined within her circle of light. Alice stood proudly in her bondage. She held her body straight. She kept her head bowed.

"That concludes our annual Halloween auction. I've enjoyed it, I hope all of you, enjoyed it also. I want to hear it for the star, of our auction tonight. Nona has entertained us well. I'm sure, that she will entertain her master tonight, just as well."

The audience broke out into applause. They began cheering.

Allen stepped up, into the light. He claimed his slave. He took possession of her, with his hold on the chain, that was attached, to her freshly pierced nipples.

Allen led her off the stage, without a word. He didn't stop to talk to anyone, as he led her away. Her master led her, outside. Alice was shocked awake, by the chilled wind, that caressed her naked body. Her swollen nipples, swelled tighter from the cold air. She was not outside long. Allen led her to a small cabin.

She was glad to step into, the intimate warmth of the cabin. The room was lit by several candles, around the room. Allen knelt her onto the the large bed, in the center of the room. Alice wanted to please her master. She knelt up straight, with her shoulders back. Her hands, were still bound behind her back. The chain, hanging from her nipples, swayed.

Alice looked up, from her lowered eyes. She saw a mirror on the wall, across from her. Alice did not recognize the kneeling woman, as herself. The reflection looked like a stranger. Alice looked at the wild, wanton, woman

Alice slowly began to accept the reflection, as her own. She saw the aura of total sexuality in herself. She delighted in it. Alice felt she had, finally, found her proper place, in the world. She loved displaying her submissiveness, to her new master. She now, only wanted to please him.

Allen went to the bar. He poured himself a drink. Allen walked up to the bed. He shared the alcohol with Alice, from his mouth. Alice accepted the alcohol. She needed nothing to shed her inhibitions. She had none. Her legs were open. She offered herself to her master, without reservation.

Without a word, Allen began to use a short springy whip, on her body. He used the whip, with practiced precision. He covered her body with thin red welts. Alice moaned out her need. The whip raised her passion, and her lust.

"Who is your master?"

"You are my master, sir."

Allen laughed.

I master you tonight, because I hold the whip. The whip is your master."

Allen held the whip up, to Alice's mouth.

"Kiss your master."

Alice lovingly kissed the whip. She raised her eyes to Allen, as she licked the whip.

She spoke, with defiance in her eyes.

"My master will have to take me. I won't give it up."

Alice pulled her mouth away, from the whip.

"No. Get away from me. I won't do it."

Alice shrank back, as tears welled up into her eyes.

"Please let me go. I won't tell anyone. Please."

Allen smiled.

"You'll do it bitch. You'll give it all to me."

Allen Pulled her back up by the chain, attached to her swollen nipples. He used the whip on her ass, and thighs.

"Kiss me like a pleasure slave, or I'll beat you, black and blue."

Alice was in tears, as she defied the order. Allen used the whip on the insides of her thighs, to bring her to compliance. Alice ceased her struggles. She let him have access to her mouth.

Allen forced his tongue into her mouth, lewdly. He pushed his hand between her legs. Allen masturbated her, as his tongue fucked her mouth. Her tears excited him.

Allen used the whip.

"Not good enough bitch. Give me your passion. Or, I'll find my pleasure in in your pain."

Alice could no longer keep up the charade. She turned into a wanton slut, filled with lust. She kissed Allen with passion.

"Don't let my master neglect me, please"

Allen used the whip, while Alice used her body. The whip brought Alice her pleasure, while her animated body, and mouth, brought Allen his.

Allen's eyes were filled with lust. He threw Alice, onto her back. He mounted her. He filed her, with his erection. He pounded out, his passion. Alice was in heaven. The pain from the whip, had spread out into her body. It filled her with sensations, of erotic pleasure.

She fucked Allen, with a passion, she didn't know she had. She was writhing. She screamed out her orgasm. Allen spent his pleasure, deep into her body. They both fell into an exhausted sleep.


Alice came awake, with the sharp sensations of the whip, striping her ass. She snapped awake. Her vagina was already awake. She was in heat, as she found her consciousness.

Allen was kneeling behind her. She was on her stomach. Her stomach was resting, on a large pillow. Her ass was, prominently, displayed. Alice's arms had been rebound, in front of her body. Allen used he whip, on her naked ass.

"I will have it all. You will keep nothing from me."

Alice replied, as she looked back over her shoulder.

"Yes master."

Allen stopped whipping her. He picked up a tube of lubricant from the bedside table. Alice realized, what was about to happen, as he squeezed the cold lubricant onto her small, puckered, asshole. She began to beg.

"Please master. Please. I have never done this before. Please. It is to big. I know it is too big."

"It's exactly the right size. It's the same size as your ass hole. I'll have it all."

Allen greased up his erection. He placed it firmly against her virgin asshole. He picked up the whip. He began to whip her.

"I'll not take it. But, I will have it. You will give it to me."

Alice realized, that she would have to push herself, onto the erection. She pushed back, as Allen continued to whip her.

"Do it bitch. Give it all to me."

Alice pushed as hard as she could. Her ass hole began to expand around the erection. The pain was too intense. She pulled back, before the erection breached her sphincter muscle.

Alice's tears, were as real, as the pain in her ass. Allen used the whip.

"Do it."

Alice returned to her task. She gathered up her courage. She shoved back with her ass. She used all of the strength, that she had. She received the erection into her body. Her mind was filled with pain. Her vagina was filed with pleasure.

"Good start, now fuck me."

The pain in Alice's ass, was, almost, more than she could bear. She slowly began to fuck herself, with Allen's erection. As the pain subsided, her lust expanded. In no time, she was fucking Allen, with passion.

She felt her self rise to orgasm, as she milked her master's erection, with her tight muscle. She screamed, and moaned, as she came. Allen used the whip, while receiving his pleasure.

Alice went, from one orgasm, to another. She, again, swooned, into semi consciousness. She didn't need to be present, to continue her job. Her hips were in charge.

It was as if she were floating in a cloud of pleasure, while watching herself fuck her master, with her tight asshole. Alice felt her master's approaching orgasm. She milked him, as his erection swelled, inside of her ass. Alice took her pleasure, as Allen took his.

She milked his spurting erection. She accepted his offering deep into her bowels. Allen fell from her. He returned to his exhaustion. Alice was forgotten, as he fell into a deep, restful, sleep.

Alice was left with her abused ass, in the air. Her hands were bound together. Alice slipped into a fitful sleep. Her dreams were filled, with erotic images."

Alice was awakened by two attendant slaves. One male, and one female. They released her arms. They gently rubbed the life back into them. They undressed her, with loving kisses, and caresses.

Alice allowed them, to be in full charge of her morning. They led her to the bathroom, and through her morning duties. They even wiped her, when she was done. They led her to a hot swirling bath. Alice totally relaxed, while they attended to her.

When her bath was done, they fixed her hair. They gently dressed her. She was dressed, in a skirt and sweater. The skirt sat low on her hips. The soft sweater came down, to just above her navel, leaving the diamond bare.

They put her in silk stockings, with high heels, buckled onto her ankles. They added garters, to hold her stocking up. Alice was otherwise naked, under her clothing. The diamond studs, in her nipples, were clearly outlined, by the soft clinging material of her sweater.

The attendants led her to Allen. He was having coffee, in an enclosed patio. Allen looked up. He smiled, as he spoke.

"Good morning. You look refreshed."

Alice noted a change of demeanor in Allen. He seemed to be a different person. His voice was soft, and kind. Alice sat down. She was glad, the seat was padded. Even the plush padding, did not keep her from wincing, as she sat.

Alice lowered her head, as she spoke.

"Yes master. I did enjoy myself last night."

Allen reached his hand over, under her chin. He pushed her head up.

"In the dark of night, I'm your master. In the light of day, I'm your friend."

Alice relaxed a little. She was served a light breakfast. When she was done, Allen handed her an envelope.

"This is what you earned, at the auction last night. The club took half of the bids. The rest is yours. That includes the hundred dollars, for the blow job."

The jewelry, is also yours. There is a lot of money in that envelope, but it would not make a down payment, on the diamond in your navel, or the diamonds in your nipples. When you are finished, my driver will take you home."

Tears welled up in Alice's eyes, as she realized she was being sent away. She began to cry.

"Please, don't send me away. I never want to leave you. I want to serve you, forever."

Allen smiled.

"You can't live at this pace. You can only visit the house of pain, and pleasure, occasionally. Whither you serve me in the future, or not, is up to you.

Allen rose from his chair. He walked up to Alice. Allen placed a golden collar, around her neck. He snapped it closed. Allen handed her a card.

"This is the date, of the next event at the club. My driver will arrive, at the time indicated. You may either give the collar to him, and he will leave. Or, you will follow his instructions, as you would follow mine. The choice is yours. Let me warn you, the next event is the Dungeon. It will be much harder, than the auction was."

Allen then gave Alice another envelope.

"Give this to my niece, Irene. It's her finders fee. She knows exactly what I'm looking for. She did it again."

Allen leaned down. He kissed Alice gently. He turned, and walked away.

Alice was sitting in tears, as Allen receded from her vision. She stroked the collar lovingly. The collar, and her memories, was all she had left of her master. She was sure, she would never take it off.

She began to wish, for time to pass quickly. She dreamed of the Dungeon.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Whats that sound? "comma comma comma comma comma comma" Is that Pac Man? No that's just mollyj writing another story. By the way, the green squiggly line means something is wrong.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Hot Story (maybe)

The story was really sexy and I was on fire. It would have been so much better though had you used correct punctuation so that I could understand things the first time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
needs work (or you do)

Are you a native speaker. If you aren't, I'll forgive you; if you are, did you miss grammar in school?

For starters.

""Get your hand, out of my cunt. You will get off, if and when, I decide, not you."

"Get your hand out of my cunt. You'll get off if and when I decide, not you."

And, just so you'll know, a person can't masturbate another person.

Love the pain.

Julia in Los Altos

dwjeanesdwjeanesover 12 years ago
Good read

Needs some work on punctuation. Otherwise, this is a very good story. I'm not gonna do my normal character development, plot and pace analysis because the story mostly works quite well, but there was just a moderate amount of distraction from unnecessary punctuation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Good plot, however the horrendous use of commas was quite distracting.

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