Alicia's Descent Ch. 05


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Across the cell, Penelope had now also dropped to her knees, and was lovingly tonguing the cock of her chosen guard, her dark hair moving up and down as she licked the length of the shaft and head, then engulfed him, letting her tongue caress his cock while he leaned back, eyes closed, surrendering himself to the attentions of an expert cock sucker. Her chained hands reached up to stroke his balls as she did so. Nicola's dance partner, spurred on by the sight of his comrades fucking the other women, pulled back slightly so that the head of his own cock was at the entrance to her pussy, then thrust upwards, spearing her upon him as she gasped out in pleasure, and turned her head away in shame at enjoying the act. Still imprisoned in his arms, with her back to him, she began to bend forward slightly at the waist as his hips bucked behind her, jolting her at each move, as the guard began to fuck her hard. Next to her, Sumiko's cries of arousal echoed across the cell as she was fucked on the floor, the guard's cock disappearing inside her as he bent to lick and kiss and bite at her nipples, muttering encouragement at her.

"Fuck that cock, bitch. Come on, little girl; fuck it. Fuck me!"

Sumiko sobbed in a mixture of shame and lust as she ground against her rapist, feeling him biting at her breasts, her neck, her mouth, thrusting harder and faster into her juicy pussy, and her knees pushed towards each other, her splayed legs grabbing him, trapping him there, pulling him in towards her, her head shaking from side to side, long black hair flying, as she helplessly writhed beneath his weight.

The guard behind Countess Amelia finally tired of spanking her. He moved closer and pushed his own erection against her wrinkled labia, and then with a single thrust buried himself to the hilt, sliding in easily enough to testify to the Countess' own state of arousal, as she moaned against the now glistening boots in front of her. This was the signal for the first man, who had been wanking himself at the sight of her cleaning his boots to grab her by her long blonde hair and drag the buxom Countess up to come face to face with his now fully erect cock. She opened her mouth obediently and he crammed his cock into her face, holding her head tight there as her nose came to rest in his wiry pubic hair. He held her head in place as he viciously fucked her throat, before groaning and holding her back slightly to spend in her mouth. The thick wads of cum quickly filled Amelia's mouth and then burst forth to flood down her chin and spatter across her breasts, all the time her body jolting as she was in turn fucked from behind.

Alicia's guard finally came down her throat, coming deep into her stomach, before pulling out to let her gasp for breath, letting her feel the hot load sliding down inside her. Once again, though, another was waiting to take her place. This one took her by the hand and dragged her stumbling, her feet only able to take tiny steps by the length of chain connecting them, out of the cell into the corridor beyond so that he had room to push her down onto the stone flagstones, as the interior of the cell was by now full with couples rutting.

"Time to spread your legs, little rich girl," the guard leered. Alicia blinked at him, but lay down on her back and pulled her skirts up to reveal her own panties, and was shocked to see that they were clinging moistly to her pussy lips. The man laughed at this and quickly relieved her of them, then clambered on top of her, reaching down to slide his dirty finger up and down her slick lips, watching her bite her lip and whimper at the sensation.

"Tell me you want it," he demanded. "Tell me you want me to fuck you."

Alicia blinked at him, not quite understanding. Why did he want her to tell him she wanted it? Was it just to make him feel less guilty? Nevertheless, she looked at the man and gave him the encouragement he apparently needed.

"Yes," she said quietly but clearly. "Please, please fuck me hard."

The man grinned and slid his cock into her. Alicia lay back on the stones and looked at the ceiling.


The women were roused the next morning after dawn. Buckets of cold water were thrown upon them, leading to shrieks of shock as they were rudely awakened. Then the last remnants of the rags of what had once been their fine dresses were quickly and efficiently cut from them with sharp knives, the women staying quite still as this happened so as not to struggle around the sharp blades and receive an inadvertent cut. Soon they were naked, and shivering in the dank darkness of the stone cell. Bowls of gruel were provided for them to eat, though no utensils to eat it from, so they had to scoop it out with their fingers or lift the bowl directly to their lips to lick out of like animals. Finally, naked, and chained, they were taken out of the cells to meet their fate on the auction block. The clamour of a crowd could be heard outside and as they progressed along the corridors from the cells and emerged from a side door of the building, blinking into the bright sunlight of the morning, the noise level rose too.

The block had been set up in the square next to the main jail building; a wooden platform raised a few feet off the ground, it also doubled on grimmer days as an execution scaffold, so that the crowd that had gathered to watch could get a good view of proceedings. On the block, the slave trader appointed by the City as its official auctioneer waited for the prisoners to be brought to him. He watched with some satisfaction as the five women were brought out of the jail building and stood, naked and shackled, at the side of the block. The noble beauties were superb specimens, young, with the exception of the Countess Amelia, attractive and regal; a prize for any man, who could enjoy the prospect of having an aristocratic bed warmer, bending her to his every will and whim. He was also looking forward to the prices that they would bring, and the commission that the City would pay him for being the agent of their sale.

He waited for a while to let the crowd build up a greater head of anticipation, craning to look at the women, shivering and embarrassed at being naked in public, before signalling with one hand to one of his men who was standing with the women by the side of the scaffold that he should bring up the first lot to be auctioned. He had determined that Countess Amelia and Lady Nicola would be sold together, to get the auction off to a good start.

"Gentlemen of Haven," he shouted, raising his hands to try and call for quiet. "Your attention please. Today we have a unique opportunity - five women of noble stock, convicted of the most lewd crimes and sentenced to be sold into slavery."

There was a cheer from the crowd.

"Gaze upon them, gentlemen - you can see their beauty, and you know what they are most infamously capable of - imagine them putting those lovely lips and fingers to work upon yourselves. Can you imagine it? I see that you can. Then with no further ado, let me begin with our first lot."

He walked to the side of the scaffold and dragged Countess Amelia and Lady Nicola to the centre of the stage. The tall, blonde women shuffled in their ankle chains, Amelia looking proud but haunted, Nicola clearly tearful and panicked.

"First, a mother and daughter, to be sold as a lot. These are healthy women - the older thirty eight years of age, the younger just nineteen. Good breeding - and look at those tits, eh gentlemen? Quite the handful! A lovely matched pair for some lucky owner - who will offer me one hundred and fifty silvers the pair?"

A flurry of hands were still rising when a stern aristocratic voice called out clearly from the crowd. "One thousand."

There was a murmur across the crowd, and heads craned to look. Earl White stood in his finery at the back of the crowd, white haired and bearded, and his piercing blue eyes turned to scan the crowd for any sign of a challenge. The hands went back down again. Even if anyone had had enough money, and very few did, none dared make an enemy of one of the most powerful man in the city. The sheer size of the bid had stunned the crowd into silence, as the Earl publicly declared that he could afford to cast aside such a sum. Countess Amelia stood a little taller at the bid, breathing a long, shuddering sigh of relief - it was as eloquent a symbol of the value that her husband placed upon her as there could be. There could be no question now of her falling prey to some sordid whoremonger.

The auctioneer cleared his throat. "Erm... one thousand I am bid. Do I hear any more?" He looked around, but clearly considered that to be a good day's work, and did not press the point further. "Sold, then, to Earl White. Take them away."

Amelia and Nicola were led away from the auction block, the former walking with dignity in spite of her nakedness and the chains that connected her ankles and forced her to take small, mincing steps. There was a collective sigh from the crowd as the blonde beauties were taken down. However, anticipation began to build again as Lady Sumiko was next, stepping forward nervously, still trying to cover her breasts and pussy with her chained hands - unsuccessfully - as she was prodded and pushed towards the centre of the raised platform.

"Now," the auctioneer continued, "here is a beautiful little thing from the exotic East. A fine piece of jade ware. Well educated, fluent in several languages, and the loveliest little bottom you will ever set eyes upon - or place cock within." He grabbed the chain at Sumiko's neck and pulled her around to show her pert rear to the crowd, before twirling her again to face them. "Come now, gentlemen - look upon her - is she not exquisite? I must begin at fifty silvers."

"Fifty," someone called, and the bidding began. With no protector to step in and save her, this time the bidding for Sumiko was brisk and genuine. Looking out across the eager faces, Alicia could see several young noblemen in the city keen to add her to their bedchamber. However, as Sumiko blinked back tears of humiliation at her public display before the crowd, a deeper voice interjected. "One hundred." People turned to look at the bearded, leather-clad man who had spoken. It was Patmos, a slaver and brothelkeeper. One by one the young rakes dropped out as Patmos continued to overbid them.

"Fear not, gentlemen," he told them, "you shall all have your turn with her, I promise you, but you need not pay all of the outlay of buying and keeping her - a rental fee only." There were some chuckles at this, and finally Patmos had his way and Sumiko was sold for one hundred and fifteen silvers - a good price for an untrained slave. The auctioneer looked pleased at the way things were going as she was led away, her shoulders beginning to shake with tears - his own commission for today was already a record one, albeit mainly thanks to Earl White.

Alicia swallowed hard. She was next. A rough hand behind her pushed her forward, and she shuffled into the centre of the stage, the manacles and their heavy iron chains clinking at her ankles. She let her hands rest modestly over her shaven pussy, but otherwise stood straight backed, her beautiful pale body on display, her golden hair waving slightly in the gentle breeze. She stared out at the faces, looking for who might be interested. She saw Lord Ashhelm's son's eyes glinting covetously. He was a spoilt brat that her father had once tried to marry her to, but she had turned him down. Now she could see him reckoning upon how much he could afford to pay for her. Here and there, there were other former suitors. Some seemed disgusted by the position Alicia was now in, the crimes she had been convicted of, but others seemed intrigued. She could see friends of her father from the Merchant Guild, some of them stroking their chins thoughtfully.

"Now, a beautiful young peach here, ripe for the eating," the auctioneer said. "Nineteen years old, and look at that bearing, how she carries herself. A fine addition to any man's stable. I will ask sixty silvers as a starting bid. Who will match it?"

"One copper piece," came a voice. Alicia looked. It was her father.

"Forgive me, Master DeKann," the auctioneer said apologetically, "but I am asking sixty silvers."

Thomas DeKann looked around the assembled men of Haven. "Gentlemen of Haven," he shouted, to make himself heard above the murmur of the crowd. You all know me. Most of you here have dealt with me. I ask for your indulgence here, if you will allow it. Place yourselves in my position, I beg of you," he told them. "And ask yourselves if you would not do the same. I will outbid any of you if I must - you all know that I am good for the money. But a rotten copper bit is all that she is worth." He looked up at the auctioneer. "There is no reserve price, I assume?"

"Er, no Master DeKann. This is a city sale. But please, have mercy upon me - she is worth forty silvers at least!" He turned to the wider crowd. "Come now, Guildmaster DeKann has had his fun with me, but let us hear some serious bids from the floor. Who will say forty silvers? Thirty-five, even? A bargain, gentlemen."

He looked expectantly, but there were merely shaking heads and lots of muttering.

"Any who forbears from bidding will earn my gratitude," Thomas DeKann said to the crowd, "and I promise you that that will count for something."

"Thirty silvers. Twenty if you must, then..." the auctioneer pleaded, but still no-one's hand rose. "As you will then," he said disgustedly. "One copper piece. Going once... last time of asking... Sold! Master Thomas DeKann."

There was a mutter of disappointment as Alicia was led away from the block, and down a set of wooden stairs, although this turned to a loud roar of appreciation as Lady Penelope was finally led onto the block, proudly strutting sexily before the assembled men, turning, one hand on hip, like a model showing off a dress, to display the slim curves of her ass and her long, shapely legs. Alicia heard the bidding begin, but then found herself confronted by the figure of her father, who was pressing a purse of money into the hands of one of the jailers - it looked as though he had actually paid a fair price for her in the end, but merely wanted to embarrass her in public by having her officially sold for the price of a loaf of bread.

"F... father," she began to stammer, but he ignored her.

"Take those chains off her," Thomas commanded, gesturing at her shackles. "And find her something to wear." It was to Alicia's great relief that the jailer did as he was told, unlocking the shackles at her wrists and ankles, and producing a slightly smelly old cloak that she could draw around herself to cover her nakedness. Her father looked at her, stony faced, and then turned on his heel and walked away. Alicia followed him, tears beginning to fall again, her bare feet slipping in mud and horse manure. She saw that he was heading to his carriage, and followed him to the door. She half expected him to simply order the driver to drive on and leave her there, naked save for a cloak in the market square, and at the mercy of anyone who wished to have their way with her, but instead he held the door open for her, and she scrambled gratefully into the upholstered interior.

He still made no sound, did not look at her. The ride home in her father's carriage was in silence, and dragged interminably. Alicia looked sadly out of the window and watched the city streets go by. Once she had walked them carefree, knowing that her father's money and privilege allowed her to do much as she wished. Now she rode them as a newly collared slave, with no idea of what might befall her. It was only once they were at the estate that she had crept away from just a few short nights ago, and Geoffrey the stable boy - his face shining with pleasure at seeing her again - was taking the horses' reins so that they could alight from the coach that her father finally turned to her and deigned to address her at last. His expression was a combination of sadness, anger, and weariness.

"You know, you were never my child," Thomas DeKann told her. "Your mother had an affair with a servant. The servant was dismissed, and she and I separated. I do not know where she is now, nor do I care. Even so, I chose to accept the fruits of her infidelity, and I brought her child up as my own. I did not tar you with your mother's brush. You were raised as my daughter, given every advantage, everything you desired. One day you could have inherited all of this, had you a mind to, or made a good match, had you paid the slightest interest to the men I tried to persuade you to marry. But instead... instead you chose to do this..." his voice trailed away, choked with anger. "So be it. It seems that blood will win out in the end. Your mother was a whore, and now so are you. And worse than a whore - a slave. Now I have bought you, but do not imagine that you will be treated like Earl White's wife and daughter, automatically given your freedom, or that things can ever go back to the way they were. Understand this - you are not my daughter; I never had a daughter. Once, I pretended that I did, but that charade is over. Now, instead, I have a new slave, and you will learn obedience. You may return to your old room, for now. You may even wear your old clothes, if you have a mind to. But you will work for your living, and you will obey all of the free staff of the house. In time, perhaps, I may free you. But not today. Now get out of my sight."

In floods of tears, Alicia left the coach. She saw Geoffrey's eyes widen as he saw his former mistress, now wearing only a ragged cloak, her feet bare and muddy, scuttle from the coach and run into the house.


Mari, her maid, was waiting for her in her room. Alicia ran to the girl and flung her arms around her.

"Oh, Mari!" she sobbed. "I am so glad to see you! I have had such a terrible couple of days!"

The petite brunette stood stiffly, not reciprocating the hug, and at length pushed her willowy blonde former mistress from her.

"You will address me as Mistress," Mari said quietly. "I am a free woman, and you are a slave. Do you understand? Do not make me whip you on your first day."

Alicia recoiled as though she had been slapped, and her jaw hung open, realisation beginning to dawn.

"M... Mar... Mistress?" she finally managed to stammer. Her mind quickly cycled through all of the times that she had whipped her maidservant, often cruelly, often on the slightest pretext, and she shivered, her eyes darting to the hook on the wall where Alicia kept the nasty little whip that she had loved to torment Mari with. The thought that it might now be her own delicate flesh that it was landing on sent a shiver through her. "Yes... Mistress," she finally managed to say. Mari smiled cruelly.

"You stupid little slut," she said to Alicia. "You thought you could have it all, didn't you? Even my Geoffrey. As if it wasn't bad enough seeing the way he lusted after you, even called out your name sometimes when he was with me, you had to have him for yourself, didn't you? Not to mention all of the other cocks you sucked, and the ones you made me suck. Well the joke is on you now, isn't it, Miss Alicia? Now that someone has tipped off the Prefect to all you naughty noblewomen and your whoring. Who might have done that, I wonder?"

Alicia stared in horror. "You! You... bitch! You have done this to us! To *me*! I will kill you!" In spite of herself she launched herself at the sneering Maid, her hands reaching for the other girl's throat. The two of them tumbled to the soft rugs in a tangle of limbs. Alicia was the larger of the two, and she was driven by a fierce self-righteous anger at the impetuosity of the girl she still thought of as her handmaiden, but Mari, though caught initially by surprise, was toughened by her upbringing and no stranger to unseemly catfights. She drove a knee into Alicia's stomach, and as the blonde noblewoman coughed and rolled over onto her side, Mari began to slap at Alicia's face, again and again, until Alicia was shrieking and crying and begging her to stop.