Alicia's New Position Ch. 02

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Ali's luck worsens.
7.4k words

Part 2 of the 12 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 07/06/2010
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To Those of you that can not accept the fact men are men and woman are woman no matter what their race move on, I read your comments they are so funny, wake up it's 2010.


I awoke before Ronnie on Friday morning. After making coffee I thumbed through the phone book for clinics near work. After writing down a couple of numbers I went to wake Ronnie, "Ronnie wake up."

"Huh, what is it?"

"Ronnie, should I schedule the test for you?"

"Babe I'm not comfortable with that."

"Okay, It's time to get up."

I went back to the kitchen and poured a coffee before making the calls. I made an appointment for that morning.

I called Steve to let him know I would be late this morning, "Hello, Steve this is Ali."

"Hello Ali, what can I do for you?"

"I have a doctors appointment this morning, I'm going to be late."

"Is everything all right?"

"Yes, just a little growth I want to have looked at, I should be in around 10:00."

"Okay, call if you need anything, bye."

"I will, Bye."

I went back to the bedroom and got dressed, "Ronnie, get up we have to go."

I went out to the car and started it. I gathered my skirts from the back seat and put them in the hamper.

Ronnie came out of the bedroom as I was coming out of the laundry, "Ready?"

"Yeah, lets go."

backing out of the driveway I grabbed the mail from the week, putting it in my bag, "Are you coming with me?"

"I gotta go home," I dropped Ronnie off before going to the A.T.M.

I got to the clinic and went in. Quickly filling out the paperwork, I returned it to the nurse. I didn't have to wait long, "Ali."

I walked back with the nurse, "I see you need a pregnancy test and S.T.D. tests."


She filled out the paperwork for the lab and pointed the way, "When your done have a seat in the waiting room."

I went to the lab and gave the specimens they needed, I returned to the waiting room. I waited about 20 minutes before I was called, "Ali."

I was brought back to an exam room and waited. The doctor came in about 5 minutes later, "Well, Miss Rhodes all the S.T.D. tests are negative."

"It's Mrs., and that's a relief."

"Your pregnancy test is positive."

"I was afraid of that."

"That's good news."

"No, I strayed, there was a problem with the condoms I bought."

"What was the problem?"

"When we were done all that was left was a ring around the base."

"When did this happen?"

"About a month ago."

"According to this report your about 13 weeks along."

"I had my last period about 6 weeks ago."

"It's rare for a woman to have one period after conception, although it is possible."

"My husband has slow swimmers."

"Slow not sterile, it's possible you concieved from him."

"Is it possible that the date of conception is wrong."

"It is possible, although it is also rare."

"Is there another test I can do to narrow down the time?"

"Medicine is not an exact science, I could do an ultra sound and make an estimated guess from the size of the fetus."

"When can we do that?"

"I can do it now."


"I need you to undo the bottom 3 buttons of your shirt and lay back."

I did as instructed and the doctor rolled over the machine, "That may cause a problem."


"The bandage."

"I got a tattoo last Sunday."

"Well remove the bandage and let me see how it is healing."

I removed the bandage so he could inspect my tattoo, "We can try, let me know if it hurts to much."

"I need to know, so lets try."

"Lay back and look at the screen."

The doctor rubbed an ointment on my belly before placing the sensor in place. A picture soon appeared, "Give it a couple of minutes to calculate it's readings."

"It looks like a blob."

"It's still early on, the fetus should start to form in the next week or two."

"If I'm thirteen weeks along shouldn't I have morning sickness?"

"That is about the time morning sickness would occur, not all woman experience morning sickness though."

"I understand."

"All right, the picture is clearer and the calculations are done."

"So what am I looking at?"

"From what I can see there is a single fetus."

"Okay, what about those numbers?

"The numbers give us an estimate on how big the fetus is, that gives us an educated guess as to how far along you are."

"So what are we looking at?"

"Hold the sensor," I held the sensor and the doctor grabbed a book, he looked up the numbers.

The doctor printed the information and shut the machine off, "What do they tell you?" I sat back up.

"See the numbers at the bottom of the print out?"


"See these numbers here?" pointing to a book.


"They are the same."

"Yes." He scrolled over with his finger to a 12.

"With the two tests the best estimate is you are at least 12 weeks along."

"I see."

"Do you have any more questions Mrs. Rhodes?"

"Am I to far along for an abortion?"

"According to these tests you are."

"Thank you doctor."

"Your welcome, anything else?"

"Not at this time, thank you."

"Have a good day Mrs. Rhodes."

"You too."

I paid the bill and went to work arriving at 9:45. Walking past my assistant, "Is everything okay Ali?"

"Yes everything is fine, thanks for asking," I went into my office sitting down, I let out a sigh of relief.

I worked through lunch so I could leave at 5:00.

I got home at 5:30 and started a load of laundry. I had dinner and sat down to watch T.V. finding nothing on I remembered my mail. I turned off the T.V. and read the mail.

The last letter I opened was from a payroll service. I opened the letter and read it, You are recieving this check per the order of our client. I looked at the check it was for $2500.00.

I found a number at the bottom of the page and called, "Hello my name is Alicia Rhodes."

"Yes Miss Rhodes, how may I help you?"

"I just recieved a check, I think you made a mistake."

"May I have your address please?" I gave the operator my address, "Miss Rhodes there was no mistake."

"Are you sure?"

"Our client has given us instructions to send you a monthly check."

Can you tell me who your client is? There's no name on the check."

"Our client is EZ4BC productions."

"Thank you, do you do direct depoit?"

"Yes miss Rhodes."

"Can you send me the paperwork for that?"

"Yes, will there be anything else?"

"No that will be all, thank you."

"Have a good night Miss Rhodes."

"You too."

I put the check into my bag and turned on the computer. Bringing up the web site, I looked around until I found what I was looking for. This site owned and operated by EZ4BC productions.

I decided to watch a movie, I opened the menu page. I went to the recently added movies. I found one but the picture was a little grainy. I clicked on it, soon the movie was playing. He must have planted a camera in my car, I was laying on the hood of my car.

I became excited and horny watching the movie. My hand drifted down to my pussy and my fingers strummed my clit. When Ronnie came in me I had a mini orgasm.

I decided to laydown, I logged off and shut the computer down. I was laying in bed and started to get frustrated. Remembering that Ronnie had called I grabbed my cell phone and opened the call history to retrieve his number. Unknown, Damn!

I was not tired and soon found myself driving around thinking. The next thing I remembered I was parked with my head on the steering wheel. Picking my head up I found myself in front of Ronnie's, why can't I stay away?

I slumped my head on the wheel again and started to cry. He's using you and you let him, Whore! I started my car and picked my head up, seeing Ronnie I shut the car off.

Ronnie walked up to the driver side window as I rolled it down, "Hey! What are you doing here?"

"I thought you should know."

"Know what babe?"

"The S.T.D. tests were negative."

"That's a good thing, what about the pregnancy test?"

"It was positive."

"Got yourself knocked up by a black man," Ronnie started laughing.

"The tests indicate I am 12 or 13 weeks along, it's my husband's."

"What should I know?"

"I should be with my loving husband, and not fucking you."

Ronnie's hand dropped into my lap, my thighs spread, "Your pussy is fine, you can't keep your mind off me."

Ronnie's finger started strumming my clit, "I can't do this anymore Ronnie."

"You want to do it all the time," Ronnie plunged his finger into my pussy.

Ronnie did not move his hand, "No! I can't do this."

"You've never felt so much pleasure."

My hips started to flex on their own, "This is sooo wrong."

"If you want me to stop, say so." Ronnie started to plunge his finger to meet my thrusts.

"Noooo," My head fell back on the head rest.

Ronnie's thumb started strumming my clit, "You like my big black cock in your married white pussy, don't you?"


"You want to continue fucking me, yes?"

"Yessss," Ronnie pulled his finger out of my pussy.

"You want me to cum in your pussy."

"Yessss," I was so excited I did not realize what I had done.

Ronnie's finger plunged back into my pussy,"You want me to fuck you right now, don't you?"


"Do you want the world to see a black man fuck you?"

"Yesssss," Ronnie pulled me out of the car laying me on the hood.

Ronnie plunged his cock deep into my pussy, tearing my shirt open. My legs wrapped around his waist, "Ahhhh, yesssss."

Ronnie pummeled my pussy I flexed my hips. In my semi conscious state I could hear jeering, "Give the white bitch that black bone," and "Look at her go she loving the drilling"

My head was tossing and turning my chest was heaving. I was on the verge of an explosive orgasm. Ronnie drove deep into my pussy and unleashed a torrent of black seed. My orgasm hit, "Fill my pussssy with cummmm, yessssssss."

When I became aware Ronnie was gone, I was still laying across my hood. I heard more jeering, "Bitch like gettin' the black snake," and "Enjoys feedin' off the venom," and "Keep eating like that she gonna get fat," and a loud roar of laughter.

I crawled off the hood and slumped to my car. I drove off as fast as I could. I made it home and cried myself to sleep.

I was so ashamed of myself for allowing myself to be used. I avoided Joe like the plague when he returned.

I would not show Joe any affection unless he kissed me first, busy at work, emergencies, old building, bank issues, when I didn't come home until late. I kept the pregnancy results from him.

I started a new bank account with the check I recieved. I sent the paperwork for the direct deposit back as soon as I recieved it, and didn't give it another thought.

The new contract Joe's company had signed had Joe out of town alot more. This made me lonlier and with alot of free time. The more Joe was out of town the more my skirt seemed to be on a floor, I just could not help myself.

Joe did not seem to be suspicious of my adultry, then again he was busier and gone more.

It had now been three months since I cheated on Joe. I awoke on a Friday morning. I was walking to the table with my first cup of coffee. I became nauseous and found myself rushing to the bathroom. This happened every morning through the weekend. After it happenened on Monday I called my doctor and made an appointment.

I showed up for my appointment and was soon called in, "Ali, what seems to be the problem?"

"I've been throwing up all weekend and it won't stop."

"How do you feel?"

"After I throw up I feel fine until the next day."

"Maybe we should do a pregnancy test?"

"I had one about 2 months ago, I'm about 20 weeks."

"Are you sure?"

"According to the test results."

"Do you have them?"

I reached into my bag and found the test results and ultra sound, "Here you go."

My doctor reviewed the results and ultra sound grabbing her book she looked up the numbers, "Well by these test results you are in your 20th week, lets be sure okay?"


I want to run a new ultra sound, Okay?"


"Lay back and pull up your shirt." she rolled the machine over.

I lay back and rolled up my shirt, "Is that new?"

"Yes, why?"

"Before or after this pregnancy test?"

"About a week before, why?"

"The doctor put the sensor on my belly and rolled it around, "Are you sure this is your ultra sound? I only see one fetus."

"Yes he printed it out and gave it to me right there, why?"

She turned the machine to show me, "Twins."

She rolled the sensor around and I could clearly see the two fetus, "Why are you moving the sensor?"

"To make an educated guess, why?"

"The doctor that did that one never moved the sensor."

"You were still healing from the tattoo, yes?"


"He probably didn't want to peel the scabs that formed."

"What about the lab test results?"

"I really can't speculate why they indicate 13 weeks except that it could have been caused by a hormonal imbalance.

"So what does this ultra sound tell you about when I concieved?"

"Well with this ultra sound and the last right here you are 12 weeks along."


"What's wrong?"

"You know my husband is out of town a lot."


"I got lonely and strayed."

"You didn't use protection."

"Broke, with the fertility meds I was trying to avoid this."


"It's to late for an abortion now."

"12 weeks, yes, why?"

"I slept with a black man," I dressed and went to work.

I went home that night being so distraught over the second ultra sound I could not think clearly. I took a shower and put on a T-shirt and panties throwing a wash in and forgetting to turn it on.

I lay on the couch and started to watch a movie crying off and on and soon fell asleep. I was awakened around 12:30 with a loud banging on my door. I walked over to the door in my T-shirt and panties, "Who is it?"


"What do you want?"

"Your fine white pussy."

"I can't."

"Open the door," For some unknown reason I opened the door letting him in, "I see you were expecting me," laughing.

"I was sleeping," He leaned down and kissed me, I kissed back. Leonard picked me up and carried me to the bedroom. Leonard deposited me on the bed and started to disrobe, my thighs spread.

Leonard crawled up to me and kissed me, my hand found his cock. Leonard tore off my panties, I stroked his cock. Leonard's tongue continued to wrestle with mine as I fed his cock into my pussy.

Leonard fucked me slowly for a few minutes before kneeling up. My hips were flexing on their own as has semen filled balls gently slapped my ass.

Leonard tore open my T-shirt massaging my tits in his hands. Leonard started to pound my pussy massaging my nipples with his thumbs. this added stimulation had me on the verge of an orgasm. Leonard was soon on the verge of an orgasm, his cock swelled, my orgasm hit. Tossing my head from side to side Leonard unleashed a torrent of black seed deep into my pussy, "Yesssss, fill meeee."

I was soon asleep with Leonard's cock buried in my pussy.

Waking up Tuesday morning I walked to the kitchen to find Leonard sipping a coffee, "Nice decorations."

"Thanks, I like them," Reaching for a cup.

"What made you do that?"

"I felt naughty one day after shaving my pussy see," I flashed him a shot.

Pouring my coffee, I was off to the bathroom.

Leonard followed a minute later, "You all right?"

"Pregnant," Leonard roared.

Washing my hands and face when I was done, "So?"

"12 weeks," Leonard didn't say anything, "Yes it was that weekend."

"What about an abortion?"

"To late," Leonard started laughing again, "You really want a good laugh?"

"I don't know what could be funnier. You getting tricked or the fact you fucked 4 different men without a condom that weekend. hard to narrow down the father," He started laughing harder.

"Twins," Leonard was laughing so hard after that I thought he would break a rib, if that was possible.

I went back to the kitchen to finish my coffee. Leonard came out a short while later, "Can you have the other officer call me?"

"Why don't you call him?"

"I don't have his number."

"Look it up in the book."

I slumped "I don't know his name," Leonard got another laugh.

"Why do you want to talk to him?"

"He was part of that weekend, I think he should know."

"I will give him your number," I wrote down my cell number and handed it to him.

"Please don't tell him about my predicament, I will."

"I will just tell him you want to talk to him, no promise he'll call."

"Okay, I have to get ready for work."

Leonard followed me to the bedroom and watched me dress, "No panties."

"I don't think these will stay up" throwing my torn panties at him. "Ruined," Leonard laughed.

I went shopping after work and replaced my torn shirts and missing panties.

Checking the laundry from last night. Shit! I started the washer.

I was getting ready to shower when my cell rang, "Hello."

"You wanted to talk."

"Who is this?"

"You gave Leonard your number to have me call."

"Okay, it's coming back to me."

"What is?"

"You pulled me over."

"A couple of months ago," he wanted me to say it.

"You spent the weekend," I tried not to say it.


"You fucked me on the highway."

"What can I do for you?"

"Can we meet?"


"Is tonight okay?"

"Working until midnight."

"I'll be at home alone,"

"I'll see what I can do."

"Okay bye," he hung up.

I climbed into the shower, What are you doing? Begging, telling him you'd be alone.

I took a shower and shaved my stubble. I dried off admiring myself in the mirror. Knowing what would happen if he showed, I put on a bra and panties.

I lay on the couch watching T.V. and fell asleep. I was awaked at 1:00, someone banging on my door, "Who is it?"

"You called," I opened the door and the officer made his way in.

"Yes," he sat on the couch.

"What did you want?" he started rubbing his crotch, I watched.

"You never called after that weekend," he unzipped his pants

"Did you want me to." his hand went into his fly.

"I thought you might," he pulled his cock out, my mind went blank.

"Blah blah blah." like steel to a magnet I was drawn to his cock and was soon engulfing it. I bobbed and sucked for about 5 minutes.

The officer withdrew his cock and carried me to the bedroom. After he dumped me on the bed I rolled onto my back. Watching him undress my hand went right to my pussy as my thighs spread.

Climbing into bed he tore my panties off before kissing me. I grabbed his black cock and fed it into my white pussy watching it sink in slowly, "Ohhh." I continued watching as my white pussy lips hugged his black cock as he withdrew.

The officer was pummeling my pussy my hips were flexing to meet his thrusts. He knelt up after about 5 minutes tearing my bra off. his hands went to my tits and his thumbs to my nipples, "Ahhh." My orgasm hit when he burried his cock deep nto my pussy and unloaded his seed, "Yesssssss, cummmmmm." I passed out for the rest of the night.

I awoke the next morning and the officer was drinking a coffee at the table, "Morning Ali."

"Morning," reaching for a cup.

"I like the tattoo and piercings."

"I felt naughty one day," I poured a coffee.

"Leonard thought you should wear this ankle bracelet," I put my coffee down and held out my left leg, "Other one."

I put my foot down just in time, it was a mad dash to the bathroom. The officer was standing at the door smiling when I stood to wash my face and hands, "Is that what you wanted to talk about?"


"Trying to blame one of us?"

"No! I blame myself mostly for being stupid, I just thought you should know."

"Thanks for letting me know," he walked back to the kitchen.

When I was done washing and brushing my teeth I went back to the kitchen, "Come here," holding up the ankle chain. I walked over and held out my right leg and it was in place.