Alien Orbs

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A young man is examined by aliens.
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Nate had just finished his shower at the Y when he dressed and walked out into a darkened hall.

Weird, he thought. The Y is supposed to be open for another couple hours. He walked toward a glowing red EXIT sign, looking down hallways for any other people.

No one.

It was his routine to go to the Y around 10pm for a swim. Nate was having girl problems - his ex, Amber, had been cheating on him. Thank you for accidentally sending the wrong selfie, babe! So Nate discovered his girl was a slut and that practically every guy on his soccer team knew the touch of her lips. He couldn't bear to look at her. And what was wrong with him, he'd wonder? Nate was a good-looking kid, over 6'2, sandy brown hair and a lean swimmer's body. Fuck her, he thought, I'm a good catch!

So swimming... yes, swimming was a wonderful, solitary activity to think, to avoid others, and to quietly keep fit. And if you go late enough at night, you have the entire Olympic sized pool for yourself.

Nate made his way to the EXIT door and pushed the handle open.

Suddenly, he was hit by a bright light.

"Fuck, get that light off me!" He held a hand up, first thinking it was a friend shining a phone in his eyes, then wondering if a cop had a flashlight. But the light was piercing blue-white and he could see the red between his fingers - it was so intense.

But then the hairs on his legs were rising, as if he were hit by a static charge. Nate got a vague sense of dropping his gym bag as his arms were raised open. He kept his eyes shut but the bright light pierced through his eye lids with a red glare. He felt dizzy. He felt like he was floating, numb, as if his entire body was tingling, fallen asleep. As he rose into the air, he felt his bladder give and he had the curious sensation that he was pissing his pants.

He looked down and saw the parking lot below him. His car was the only one left in the parking lot.

He looked up past the beam of light and caught a glimpse of a dark circle in the sky.

Geez, this can't be happening. He looked left and right and saw the twinkling lights of the city. He was being abducted by a flying saucer.

Holy shit, this is fucked up. And everything Nate knew about alien abduction flashed into his brain - from movies, books, comics. This can't be happening, he thought again. This isn't real.

As he continued to rise in the air, his arms were pulled ahead, his legs were pulled downward, so he was helplessly spread-eagle in the air.

It was getting more and more difficult to turn his head, but Nate was astonished at how high he was. And nobody notices a guy flying up in the air, he wondered.

Then, he felt the sleeves of his shirt pull up off him. His shoes and socks were pulled off. Then his pants were sliding off. He was being stripped in mid-air, still rising toward the ominous dark circle above.

Nate squirmed against the invisible bonds that were holding him suspended. Must be like some sort of tractor beam, he thought. The chill of the night made him pee again, and he smiled as he pissed into the air and he imagined hitting someone's windshield.

Finally, he approached the bottom of the saucer. He could hear a great rush of air, like a giant vacuum cleaner. There was no longer any light shining in his face. His body was pulled inside and he found himself floating horizontally down a featureless pitch black hall way.

Suddenly he landed with a wet plop on an examination table that seemed to be made of blue gelatin. Nate's naked body was stuck on the sticky surface. Like a fly trap, he thought. I must be dreaming.

Something entered the room. No, two somethings. They looked like 2 pink orbs of jello. Floating bowling balls that were translucent, with lights and liquid flickering below their membranes which quivered to hold a spherical shape.

"Dominant species on this planet. Begin mapping. Identify UNINTELLIGIBLE SOUND."

Nate could hear their thoughts. "Hey! Let me out of this!" But they could not hear his thoughts. He tried to think to them but there was no reaction. Then he tried to sit up on the table, but the blue gelatin sprouted tentacles which wrapped around his biceps pulling him back down. He tried to raise his leg, but more wet blue tendrils rose up around his ankles and held him back.

"This species produces with UNINTELLIGIBLE NOISE. Sample and catalog."

Nate felt more tendrils wrap themselves around his body. One around his neck. Tiny tendrils reached through his fingers and toes. But when one tendril reached up between his legs and wrapped itself around his penis, Nate shook violently. "Hey, fuck off, man! This isn't a dream!" He squirmed against the gelatin bed, but too many tendrils were sticking him in place.

The one tendril grew vine-like around his penis, its tip circling Nate's urethra. It then shimmied down his shaft when it realized Nate's foreskin could slide down.

"This species has UNINTELLIGIBLE. Proceed and catalog."

The tendril retracted his foreskin and wound itself around the edge of his dick head. Nate squirmed more, then felt his face go beet red as he became erect.

"A response to stimuli." The orbs shimmered and moved closer to the table. "Examine UNINTELLIGIBLE with different stimuli."

The tendril began to vibrate, and Nate immediately thought of the time he used an electric toothbrush on his ex-girlfriend's nipples. Of course, this made him harder and Nate had no choice but to ease his pelvis up and down so that his erection would push into the sticky wet grasp of the blue tendril.

"Size change noted. Color change noted." The orbs began to circle Nate on the table. Another flash of light passed over Nate's helpless body and he saw up on the wall a scan of his internal organs.

"What is the purpose of the change in condition?"

"Unknown. Subject respiration quickening. Heartbeat quickening. Continue to examine UNINTELLIGIBLE."

Another tendril proceeded forward into his anus. Nate squirmed and yelled, "Stop that! That's fucked up!" Then a wide tendril rose up by his head and sealed over his mouth.

The orbs continued to circle the table. Nate looked left and right, both terrified and thrilled that his naked body was strapped on the display table. The vine around his dick was gently trying different ways of keeping him hard - it wrapped around him so that his dick looked like a blue striped candy cane, then it encircled the base, lashed around his balls, and squeezed, keeping him firm. Whenever he felt himself soften, the tendril would immediately try a different approach, massaging his organ larger and larger. He half-expected to wake up from this weird dream. He half-expected the orbs to unzip and there'd be a couple of his buddies inside, laughing at the elaborate stunt.

Other tendrils were wrapped around his fingers and toes, desperately trying to make those digits grow like his dick. Two more tendrils were gently wrapped around his ears. Nate thought this was the best massage he had ever experienced.

"Subject extremities not changing. UNINTELLIGIBLE catalyst effects only prominent middle digit. Function unknown." The orbs were conferring side by side, watching Nate squirm with delight.

Oh, geez, I'm going to come. Nate looked around for help but the orbs did not respond. Meanwhile the blue tendrils on his dick had formed the shape of a tube, rolling up and down his erection, like a transparent blue fleshlight.

I'm going to come! Nate wondered if the aliens would be mad if he did. Or maybe this is sperm extraction for them? He pull his hips back, but the gelatinous examination bed pushed his bucking ass back into the tendril's sticky grasp.

With his mouth still covered, Nate could only squeal against the bonds as he came. The first spurt went straight into the air and landed on his chest. The next spurts hit some of the tendrils which quickly withdrew back into the table. The orbs immediately moved closer to watch.

"Contamination! Subject is injured. Scanning."

Lights were moving up and down Nate's body. The orbs were circling the table. He could hear concern in their thoughts. "Liquid is being analyzed. Protein, fructose, enzymes, organic and inorganic material. No danger."

All of the tendrils had disappeared back into the table. Nate sprawled post-cum relaxed. If this is a dream, he thought, I just made it a wet one. His boner was slowly subsidizing - the orbs watched intently - until it wetly lay against his belly. One tendril nosed its way across his body like a small vacuum cleaner, cleaning him off from his splats of cum.

"Has subject been affected permanently? Does this UNINTELLIGIBLE pacification? Should medical assistance from this planet be summoned?"

Nate had his eyes closed, but he smiled at the orbs' concern. They clearly though his ejaculation was some damaging event. I guess it looked like it, he thought.

"Another subject should be retrieved for comparison." Both orbs left the room.

"Hello?" Nate tried to sit up. This time, the gelatinous table allowed it. "Can I get a towel? Can I get something to eat?" He looked around, feeling foolish sitting naked like that. Then, a tendril emerged from the table holding what looked like a black tootsie roll. It deposited the roll in his hand and pushed his hand toward his mouth. Nate took a bite - tasteless - but he finished it off anyway.

Nate sat stuck on the table for what seemed to be an eternity. He began to realize that the examination table understood basic commands. When he had to pee, a tendril came out and encapsulated his dick like a condom. He watched with interest as his urine flowed through the translucent tubule. And when he had to take a dump, another tendril rose into his anus for what had to be the cleanest way to shit ever. No wiping required!

There was a blast of air - that vacuuming sound - when the door to the examination room opened again. This time there was another human floating in. This time, it was a girl! Her green eyes were wide with terror as she too was placed naked on another table beside Nate. She squirmed and looked at Nate, "What the hell is going on?"

Nate stared at her in shock. She was beautiful.

"I don't know. I think these are aliens."

"No!" she screamed, but her table began an eruption of tendrils holding her to the bed. Then Nate's tendrils pulled him back flat.

The orbs returned to the room.

"This new specimen was found in close proximity with another. It was observed UNINTELLIGIBLE with the other's middle digit. This one does not have a middle digit but an orifice for reciprocal insertion. We will attempt to replicate here."

Suddenly, the tendril was back between Nate's legs, urgently massaging him to power.

The girl on the next table looked over, fascinated.

"Hey," Nate called out, in between gasps of pleasure. "My name is Nate. What's yours?"

"Julie." She called back. "Are they hurting you?"

"Hell no. They are jacking me off. Sorry, weird way to meet someone!"

"It's getting so big," she whispered. The sight of the blue tendrils working him tirelessly excited her. And this handsome young man was fastened to the bed, trussed up like a turkey.

"Where did they find you?" Nate asked. Then he swallowed. He was getting close.

"Oh," Julie blushed. "I was out in a parking lot with my boyfriend. We were messing around."

Nate was beginning to figure something out when Julie's examination table began to mold itself around Julie's form. She was brought up to standing position. Then the gelatinous platform pushed her toward Nate.

She stepped closer and admired his lanky body, crisscrossed with blue tendrils. She stared at his big erection being squeezed and lasso'd. Precum oozed from his big pink head.

Her platform's tendrils pushed her closer, toward his erection.

"OMG, I think I know what they want! They saw me fucking my boyfriend. They want me to fuck you!"

"That's fucked up!" Nate said.

Suddenly Julie's platform sprouted more tendrils. They encircled her arms and legs and lifted her over Nate's prone body. She tried to shake herself free, but to her surprise, the tendrils held her arms over her head, and pulled her legs apart and began to lower her.

The tendrils around Nate's cock reached up to the tendrils around Julie's thighs. They locked and knotted and started pulling the humans closer together. The orbs were very close now, eagerly orchestrating this clinical coitus.

"Shit, Julie, I'm sorry!" Nate watched as their bodies drew closer together.

"It's ok," she looked down at Nate's beautifully erect organ. In spite of the alien examination room, she felt herself get wet - her juices began to drip. The orbs very were excited, chittering at a high speed. Soon their bodies were docking. Julie moaned as she was lowered onto his erection. Her vagina lips happily spread as his knob head slid into her. He filled her balls deep and yet with the tendrils webbed around his shaft, he was thicker and throbbed more than any man she had ever been with.

The orbs had never seen humans copulate before. They didn't know about any thrusting, so they left Julie impaled on Nate's body. She squirmed upward, but the orbs figured she was trying to escape, so more tendrils sprouted to hold the two together.

Nate began panting. His dick was twitching in her hot, sopping wet snatch. And with every squirm upward, Julie's powerful vaginal walls squeezed his dick along with the assisting tendrils that continued to stroke him.

"I'm going to cum." Nate spread his legs as wide as his tendrils would allow.

She wanted to lie on his chest. She wanted to kiss his handsome face. But Julie was locked straddling him, her arms firmly secured upward. Suddenly she felt his spurts. She moaned and tried to lower herself, but the damned tendrils restricted her motion.

Nate was cumming. This time, he had no tendrils covering his mouth, so he moaned loudly, curling his toes with pleasure.

After he finished, Julie was lifted off him. The orbs were curious to watch the cum drip from her vagina. They could see no function for this liquid, but they were pleased to have documented this behavior.

"This species has two UNINTELLIGIBLE. Theorize function?"

"Perhaps this is how they feed?"

Nate suddenly felt another blinding light and the sensation of falling. When the light was gone from his eyes, he found himself naked in the YMCA pool. He absently pulled on his dick which was rubbed raw. "So that happened," he muttered.

He got dressed and headed out to the parking lot. This time the hall lights were on. The place was still empty, but at least there was electricity.

Nate hopped into his car and drove off. He turned down the street past the Home Depot parking lot and saw a couple sitting in the backseat of a convertible. As he slowed down, he realized it was Julie! She looked at him, she recognized him, she waved! Her boyfriend looked over then back at Julie. It looked like an argument was breaking out, but Nate continued to drive home.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Enjoyed it. Your writing style kept me interested. I'll be looking out for the "movie promos" !


C_frommnC_frommnover 7 years ago

Nate and Juliet should get together and piss - off his Ex.

wdbtchrwdbtchrover 7 years ago
Certainly not your fathers sci-fi.

Strange but quite erotic.

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