Alien Sex as a Weapon

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Marines on a mission to breed with alien.
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When humans discovered the Altarra system, finally, there seemed to be a solution for Earth's overpopulation and pollution problems. But when a small population of indigenous life forms were discovered on the planet, the fateful decision was made to breed them out of existence.

The Altarrans were tall beings, seemingly non-verbal. They stood almost 8 feet tall and were smooth, hairless and dark gray. The color of a seal. They had a humanoid head but no eyes and a hideous mouth tube that could extend out like the beak of an octopus. They had long dangerous tails like that of a stingray, and on their abdomen were rows and rows of wriggling tendrils.

Oddly enough, after studying their species, it seemed as if they only had one gender - what humans would call female. They had vaginas. They carried their young. They had reproduction organs, but it looked as if Altarrans could self-impregnate by dropping an internal ovum into their tubes to begin pregnancy. They had no need for 2 sexes. For sexual pleasure, Altarrans would hug and their stomaches would rub against each other allowing the tendrils to interlock.

Altarrans were highly violent toward humans. Of over 100 encounters, all resulted in human/Altarran fatalities.

When Jackson opened his eyes, he found himself floating naked in a tank of green liquid. His memory was hazy but he remembered he was part of a team of Marines chosen by Earth Government and The Corporation to work with an alien creature being housed at Memex Station, orbiting Altarra. His memory was hazy because he was just born a month ago in a cloning tank on Luna.

There was history here in Altarra system. A freighter, The Cranston, was lost in this system, after discovering alien life. The Company had finally secured an alien at a great loss of life.

That was 200 years ago. When Jackson looked left and right, he saw the other members of his team, some still unconscious, others waking, all nude and floating in their tanks.

A few minutes later, the tanks began to drain, and four Marines were 'birthed' onto the slippery cold floor. Jackson gave his team a once over and was amused that they were all well built and well hung. They could have all been UFC wrestlers, he thought, and wondered if that was how they were bred - with genes from Earth cage fighters and porn stars.

Jackson saw a tidy rack of towels beside each tank. He toweled off his body of the green goo.

A smart looking older woman in a lab coat walked into the room with a clipboard, her gray hair in a bun. She looked at the four men and yelled, "Men, fall in!"

They lined up before her with towels around their waists. By rote or habit, they called out in sequence:





"Gentlemen, I am Doctor Hoffman, head of R&D. You are on the space station Memex." She paced in front of them, and then behind them. "Let me be frank. You are Marines from the clone corps. That means you are dispensable. But it also means you are expensive, perfect specimens of human males. Perfectly muscled and aged at 21, you are perfect fighting machines. You have also been bred with unique capabilities - night vision, a high pain threshold, and.." she coughed delicately, "sex organs that erect at will."

"You were created during the last Martian insurgency when some general thought a tactical rape team would crush the resistance and spirit of the rebels. Ethnic cleansing. After the war, the Earth Government banned you. Sex is no longer a weapon. Fortunately, The Corporation saved a number of your embryos and that's why you're here."

Jackson nodded at her. "So what are we doing here, m'am?"

Dr. Hoffman kept pacing, not making eye contact with any of them. "We have in a cell, a female Altarran - we named her Tara. You've all read the background documents. You know what they look like. You know their battle capabilities. What you do not know is that this station has attempted DNA extraction for years. The Corporation is hoping that one day, the successful gene-splicing from the Altarran will create better soldiers, better humans. In fact, a tiny bit of your own DNA was derived from the Altarran to hide your human scent."

The men were surprised, they exchanged looks.

"You were created for this task. Tara the Altarran is calm in the dark because she has no eyes - your eyes can naturally adjust. The Altarran can detect its own kind - we're hoping your DNA will confuse or trick its senses into believing you're one of them. And with the complexity of the Altarran's DNA, we have calculated it needs multiple deliveries of ejaculate to impregnate it. We've calculated the Altarran needs four. Sex, in this case, is very much a weapon."

Miller, a redhead rumored to be descended from Prince Harry himself, spoke up, "What the hell? You want us to impregnate it?" He shook his head, "You want us to fuck it!"

Hoffman kept pacing, "We need direct breeding. Attempts at trying to sedate the Altarran for its eggs resulted in many fatalities. The creature is not mammalian or reptilian in the human sense. She has a hard and slippery exoskelton - think of a crab or lobster. She will only open her vaginal cavity if she is sexually excited. The Altarran has rows of swimmerets on her lower abdomen - like micro-tendrils - which extend when she is excited. Your sperm will fertilize her eggs. She will lay those eggs and those eggs begin the next cycle of Altarran reproduction."

Eckhardt shuddered. He had studied them. Altarrans were nightmarish creatures. It made him sick that they were supposed to breed with it. He took a menacing step toward Hoffman. He was made of the genes from Henry Cavill, an actor who had played Superman back in the 21st century. "What if we scrub this mission, fuck and kill you instead?" He dropped his towel and showed off his glistening erection. He reached down to cup his balls, squeeze his shaft and waved it at her.

Hoffman nodded and smiled, "We have bred you all with kill-switches. Don't threaten me again or else we'll get another 4 of you."

Eckhardt laughed, immediately softened, and wrapped himself back.

Kuwata was made from the genes of a Japanese male model. He stroked his chin and shook his head, "Multiple deliveries of ejaculate. So you mean..."

Hoffman nodded again, "You four have to work as a team, distract the Altarran, stimulate her, and then each of you must mount her and deliver your load as quickly as possible to fertilize her."

"Shit! We have to gangbang an alien!" Jackson laughed. He was blonde and muscular and looked like Thor.

"So here's a problem," Miller pointed at his comrades. "If we're all freshly bred from the tank, then we - how do I put this - have zero experience in these matters."

"Ah yes," Hoffman agreed, "You're all virgins. But you will be provided with porn to understand the anatomy of sex. You have biological instinct. You will study videos of the Altarran. You will watch videos about different positions so you can all work as a team."

The men laughed. "Fucking suicide mission." "No, suicide fucking mission." They shook their heads.

"I told you this is a high risk mission. You may not survive. But if you are successful, you will all be given early, honorable discharge..." she ignored their laughs... "property on Titan, stock in The Corporation, and enough financial reward for you to never work again."

The men talked among themselves but Hoffman went to the side of the lab, pressed a panel in the wall and a large bed slid out. She undressed in front of them.

"In the meantime, men, your first time won't be with an alien. Line up and present arms!"

The men dutifully lined up and dropped their towels.

Hoffman smiled at the line of waving erections. It would be anyone's fantasy to have sex with any one of these specimens, perfectly proportioned with matching Marines tattoos on their shoulders. "You think you know where to put that, Marine?"

"Anytime, anywhere," Eckhardt growled. He fucked her first in missionary position. When he came, he came loudly, and she wasn't sure if he was having an orgasm or enjoying a long piss. He hopped off her to let the next guy on. Hoffman smiled how they grunted, cheered each other on, especially as they happily stirred themselves in her, sloppy seconds, thirds and fourths. When they had each had a turn, she ordered them to lie on their backs so she could ride each one of them, reverse cowgirl. As each of them came, they high-fived their friends.

This isn't a Marine squad, they're like a bunch of frat boys at a whore house, she smiled. They each finished in her doggy style. Three positions. Then, like shy schoolboys, they sat on the edge of the bed to let her suck each one of them off.

She mused that their penises were identically shaped and angled - curved 8" with big swinging balls. They all tasted the same. These mighty men collapsed in their orgasms in fewer than 10 strokes. But with four of them, they offered her muscular bouts of sweaty tag-team coitus. They fucked without any consideration or wariness of her own orgasmic needs. They could just fuck until they shook with a shuddering orgasm. And that's what they were designed for - not studs, not super lovers, but strong men who could deliver their ejaculate as quickly and as efficiently as possible.

Jackson smirked at the professor as she laid on the bed, panting, her puffy wet vaginal lips buzzing with waves and waves of ecstasy after being fucked by them all. "Oorah, doctor!" He slapped Miller's ass who in turn slapped Kuwata's.

Doctor Hoffman fingered her gooey mess of a snatch, filled with their loads of cum. Biggest creampie ever, she thought. She immediately regretted fucking them together like this. Should have taken them one at a time in a private room. It's hard to keep the respect of your team when they've seen you spit-roasted gargling with a big dick in your mouth. Now they were all leering at her. "More training tomorrow, doctor?"

Part 2

After a week of training - porn videos, schematics of alien physiology and sessions of intercourse with Doctor Hoffman, the Marines were ready. They had watched Tara, the Altarran in her cell but now they were ready to go in.

They went down to the security level, all four of them nude. Hoffman didn't see the need for clothes and she was also worried the scent would provoke the alien.

The four men entered the cell - it was dark and steam hissed from the ceiling ducts. Suddenly, the Altarran's tail lashed out spearing Miller in the chest. He gurgled as blood poured from his mouth. He was dead.

"Fuck!" Jackson seethed.

"Don't panic or else we're all dead!" Eckhardt said.

The three of them stepped closer into the cell. Suddenly, from out of the blackness rose the Altarran, a nightmarish creature of dark gray and black. They knew what a Altarran looked like but they were all surprised at how overtly female this one was. Boney rib cage but dark full breasts. Long tail with a dagger tip still dripping with Miller's blood. Wide hips and what looked like a bony plate covering its privates. It seemed confused. It sniffed the air. It lowered its bald domed head and sniffed the three remaining men, first their chests, then their erections. The Altarran towered over the men at 8 feet tall. It was drooling clear slime from her lips. The men watched as she opened her jaws to show off her mouth-tube which quivered and protruding from its outer row of crystal teeth. It looked at the 3 Marines' approach. Then, to their surprise, she turned to face away and presented itself to them, her bony ass raised up in the air, her tail whipping nervously like a cat in heat.

"Let's do this!" Kuwata yelled. They had trained for this. He ran to face her, his body a distraction. Tara hissed and sniffed him, fascinated. She drooled on his chest, parted her jaws and licked him with the sleeve of her inner mouth. Then, she grabbed him by his hands and suspended him off the ground, like he was being crucified. She backed him up against the wall of her cell and then her great shiny grey dome of a head lowered to face his crotch. Her inner mouth tube lashed out, nuzzled his balls then it pulled back and docked onto his hardon. In spite of his training Kuwata jumped in shock but was momentarily relived to feel her hot mouth-tube sucking on him instead. No teeth - they had retracted. He looked down to see his erection being suckled by the Altarran. It was like his cock was caught inside the ribbed hose of a vacuum cleaner. They had studied that her body temperature would be higher than human, but it was still a surprise to have her hot slimy mouth-tube on him.

"Go!" he yelled.

Jackson immediately slid underneath the Altarran. He lay on his back and faced her rows of quivering swimmerets and tendrils. He cautiously raised his bare foot up until he was touching her. Her body reacted immediately - her tendrils started swirling and tickling his foot in between his toes. Clear that she was stimulated, he reached out and jumped up, hugging her from beneath, offering his body to her undercarriage. The sensation was incredible as the little tendrils, rubbery with fleshy little tips, tickled his torso, wrapping around his genitals and his thighs. He flexed his erection into the wriggling field as the Altarran hissed loudly, blowing its hot breath onto Kuwata's cock. In turn, Kuwata moaned.

Jackson held on for dear life. "Go!" he yelled.

Eckhardt ran to Tara's raised rear end. He touched what looked like a puckered anus made of lobster shell. It was hard and grey. He had no idea how to stimulate it. He fingered the grooves and listened to his teammates grunt and moan - Kuwata who was feeding Tara his cock. Jackson who was offering his body to tickle her tendrils.

Eckhardt kept tracing the grooves until Tara shuddered, waving her ass. Then it happened - the grooves parted to reveal a fleshy, slimy red slit that oozed yellow cream. He tentatively fingered the slit in front of him but fortunately, it was not acidic blood, it was her natural lubricant.

Take one for the team, he muttered. He positioned himself behind her ass, grabbed a hold of his cock and plunged it into the alien's red slit.

The effect was immediate. She pulled away from Kuwata's saliva-covered dick and hissed upward, her back arched pulling Jackson who was stuck to her underside. Her swimmerets began a frenzy of motion and suddenly Jackson was cumming, spraying her field of tendrils with his sperm. And in back, Eckhardt yelled like a cowboy holding onto a mechanical bull. His throbbing dick was buried to the hilt into her seething hot canal, but unlike a human female, Tara's vaginal walls had more rib like grooves designed to contract and lock a penis in coitus.

As she arched her back and twerked her ass, her vaginal walls contracted - clearly a human penis was much smaller than the Altarran's cavity. She would have to tighten herself to lock this pink fleshy intrusion that dared to enter her. For a split second, Eckhardt was worried his dick would be guillotined by her outer vaginal shell.

Eckhardt moaned as he tried to fuck her human-style in doggy position. Outstrokes were almost painful as if her vaginal grooves were velcro pulling on his foreskin, instrokes were insanely pleasurable like he was fucking a giant squid. "Fuck you! Fuck you!" he yelled as he thrust into her again and again.

Kuwata whistled, "Yeah, we're spit-roasting this bitch!" He pumped into her translucent mouth tube as it gripped and slurped him.

Then Eckhardt started to cum, and the Altarran, feeling his spurting, spasmed and tried to buck him off, but he held onto her bony hips until he had finished cumming. "Done!" he yelled. His soft wet dick slipped out easily, and he ran over to replace Jackson. Jackson jumped out from beneath her to replace Kuwata. And the handsome Japanese male model clone ran to Tara's rear and easily slipped into her pulsing red slit that oozed her yellow cream and Eckhart's pearly white cum.

Tara eagerly licked Jackson's torso and started sucking on his boner. She seemed fascinated by his blonde hair as she ran her large two-thumbed hand through his hair. "Eat it, bitch!" He aggressively mouth-fucked her mouth tube which only made her spit up more clear slime.

If Eckhardt was worried about how long it would take to get hard again, he needn't have worried. Hugging her body, pressed up to those tendrils was immediately stimulating. He felt some of the tubules nuzzle his body, encircle his dick and force him erect again.

Kuwata looked at the nightmare before him, her puckering red slit that was like a gaping red maw of a mouth itself, slobbering and sucking as he pumped her. The rib like grooves were compressing and stretching, locking his length to hold him in as deeply as possible. One of her grooves encircled the edge of his dickhead making it impossible to pull out. Kuwata could only push in as he let out a cry and started to cum. For the second time today, Tara released a Marine's dick from her mouth to howl as she spasmed with delight.

Next rotation, the Marines moved into position. Jackson ran to her rear, Kuwata hug her undercarriage. Eckhardt offered to feed her his dick. But this time, Tara stood up to her full height, turned and grabbed Jackson by the throat. She petted his blonde hair again and slammed him against the wall.

"Shit! Change of plans!" Jackson yelled.

She then slammed him to the ground on his back. As he shook his head from the impact, she grabbed both his legs and pushed him back. She leaned her mighty domed skull at his groin and lashed stinging his balls. She then pushed him into Amazon position. She moved forward and squatted over him, sitting on his thighs, directing his erection into her drooling red slit.

"Fuck-uh-uh-uh!" Jackson tried to adjust his breathing as she mounted him, her size, her weight practically squeezing the life out of him while her burning hot red vagina was trying to squeeze cum out of him.

Tara hissed with delight. She sniffed Jackson's blonde hair, his chest, his feet. Her tendrils were twirling and twitching.

"Same mission!" Eckhardt yelled. But he and Kuwata could only stand around, not sure how they would engage. In this position, they couldn't face-fuck her, they couldn't jump in to offer Jackson any relief.

But Jackson was soon cumming and after he shuddered his last drop into her, she threw him aside and grabbed Kuwata to mount in Amazon position as well. He groaned under her weight as his cock was being pummeled by her tight, ribbed, alien pussy.

After Kuwata came, she tossed him as well and grabbed Eckhardt by the legs to do the same. She was in control.

When she was finished with Eckhardt, the three Marines stood in the corner sheepishly, watching her as she hissed at them. No more fucking for the day.

"How many loads did she get?"

"Shit, five or six? I came in her twice." Kuwata said.

"Bros, mission accomplished!" They high fived each other. But their congratulations was short-lived as they watched in horror as the Altarran grabbed Miller's body and began to rip out his arms to eat.

The door of the cell opened and the three naked men ran out where Doctor Hoffman waited for them. She looked them over marveling at the scratches on their body, the soft spent condition of their dicks. She swabbed them to get samples of the Altarran 's slime off their bodies. Then and only then did she let them shower.

After they toweled off and dressed, they went to the Doctor's situation room.

"Good job, gentlemen. A shame about Miller. But the three of you successfully stimulated Tara and ejaculated into her. She now knows your scent and is open to coitus with you."

The men smiled at each other and high-fived each other again "Oorah!"

"But," Doctor Hoffman began, "the mission is not complete. You see, we needed 4 loads of semen to inseminate the Altarran."