Alistaire Ch. 05: Carla and Beth


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That suggestion brought me neither the agreement I had hoped for, nor the additional rain of blows that I had fully expected—and also wanted, to be honest. What it did buy me was total silence and four suspiciously narrowed eyes.

"What?" I asked, trying to hide a sinking feeling that I...

"That was his voice of experience thing again," Carla said to Beth, who nodded.

"Alistaire, darling," Beth cooed in a terrifyingly sweet voice. "Secrets are sometimes fun. Sometime they are even sexy. We are even letting you get away with fucking us both behind each other's backs. But this story you just hinted at sounds much too juicy to be kept quiet."

"And I'm dying trying to imagine what you are talking about, or when, and especially with who," added Carla. "Give!"

Fine. I could still keep this story in reserve to blow the dudes' minds at some point. I might as well blow Carla and Beth's minds now. Revealing the Mary and Maddie tale might even advance the plot, so to speak... I'd have to think about telling Bridget, though. If I ever did, it would require either a very special occasion, or very desperate times.

I took a deep breath. "All right. Did I tell you that Mary has an identical twin?"

They both just looked at me. In awe. At least I think it was awe.

"You had a threesome with twins?" Carla asked, too stunned to even put inflection in the words.

"No," I replied patiently, as if to a child. "I had sex with each of them, back and forth. They took turns watching towards the end," I added helpfully. "They were just as adamant as you two that we were not going to have a threesome."

Their eyes just widened.

"Though I do have to say, they had a lot more justification in refusing the full threesome experience than you two," I grumbled.

They mutually decided to ignore my last comment.

Carla just held out her hand and motioned, wordlessly demanding the details.

I gave the details to them. Fully.

As I wrapped up the story, I realized that they both were still hanging onto me in one way or another throughout the whole thing.

"Al," said Beth slowly, momentarily forgetting my new shitty moniker, "I want to call bullshit so hard. And I would if I did not have enough, ahem, hard evidence to know you are telling the god-damned truth. You, sir, really are living a tale out of myth and legend."

"Aww, shucks," I said, trying to emulate my old shyness. "Thank you. And don't forget," I added, kissing her cheek softly, "you are one of those legends!"

Carla was sitting there, arms crossed at this. "That was the most obscenely conceited compliment in history," she growled.

Beth seemed the tiniest bit flushed. "I know," she said. "But it kinda worked."

"You are a legend too, babe," I said, and turned to her. At the last second, Carla twisted her head, turning my intended peck on the cheek into a full-on, if brief, liplock.

"It does work," Carla sighed.

With the two of them so momentarily flustered, I felt this was an ideal time to return to the subject that, out of the blue, had become the center of my mental world. "So, my legends," I said briskly, "about consolidating our activities together..."

Spoiler Alert: I had not, in fact, chosen an ideal time.

They both just laughed at me. I'll admit, I probably looked a little crest-fallen. I really had gotten insanely spoiled lately.

"Tell you what, hot shot," Beth said. "If you really want to have a "full threesome experience", how about you bring me another guy to the table. Then we will talk about things."

Uh, no.

Carla sniggered. "Why don't you invite Ben, Alistaire? You guys know each other. It'll be like old home week," she suggested slyly. Beth started to laugh, when Carla added "And he is the only one of your friends Beth ever talks about..."

Was that a gleam I saw in Beth's eyes, hidden in the outrage? Given the kind of guy I had always seen her date or hang out with, I'd have thought I already more than filled her Geek Quota. (Quite admirably, no doubt. Ahem.) But maybe I did not... Good luck, Ben.


"Beth," I said to her seriously. "There is no way on God's Earth that I am going to make out with Ben Fucking Schmidt. Even if we were to do it right on top of your gorgeous naked body."

Both the girls laughed uproariously at that.

At which point, the door opened (no one knocks at my school), and Ben Fucking Schmidt walked in.

"Hey, I thought I heard laughter," he said, with a smile filled with naive interest. "What's up tonight?"

We all three collapsed into laughter this time.

Now Ben was bewildered, and came fully into the room, closing the door. "I give. What the heck is so funny?"

We just kept laughing, and Ben started getting pissed.

Beth got control of herself first. "Sorry, Ben. I'm really sorry. We aren't laughing at you. It's just that it seems Alistaire has more secrets."

"Beth!" I hissed in sudden horror. She wanted to tell Ben, of all people, that I was fucking them?!?

"Oh come on, guys," Beth wheedled to both me and an equally horrified Carla. "Secrets are so much more fun when you share them. Alistaire, you've had the fun of the reveal. Please let me and Carla share in seeing someone learn about the Mary situation." She looked at me and then displayed depths of manipulation I had never experienced. "We want to watch," she said, with all the subtle innuendo I could imagine.

Carla didn't miss that innuendo, and I certainly did not. I swallowed.

I was so relieved to hear that Beth meant telling the story about the twins and not about us that I just relaxed, instead of still stopping this like I should have.

"Wait," said Ben, apparent comprehension dawning on his face. "You only just now told the girls about Mary?"

"Sit," Beth said, indicating my office chair sternly.

Ben did. Like I used to (probably still do, actually), he usually did what pretty, assertive girls told him to, at least on the rare occasions when they told him to do anything.

"So, if you guys already know about her, what then?"

"What stinker here," Carla said, jerking a thumb at me, "did not tell any of us was that Mary is an identical twin."

"No..." Ben breathed, comprehension already dawning, though dimly.

The girls did not watch me tell the story. They told it themselves, in turns, barely letting me get an occasional word in edgewise.

Ben said not one more word for almost the entire story, all the way up until he just had to say, "And then they each watched!?! In turns?!?"

I'll admit, I had wanted to keep this story secret so I could one day tell it myself, reveling in the reactions to my words. I also had kept it in reserve in case I ever needed an ego boost. I sure as hell didn't need an ego boost at the moment, but I also sure as hell got one. Ben kept stealing looks at me of horrified worship.

And the girls told the tale in all the graphic detail that I had provided to them. To have these two girls talk to him in those explicit terms was further killing Ben. If he had not been wearing loose sweats and an untucked shirt, I was sure that we'd have all gotten almost as good an idea of his cock size as we had of mine. And while they were not pulling any kind of full-on sex kitten shit in the telling, they both (especially Beth, interestingly enough) did just enough subtle vamping to ensure that he had at least an echo of a taste of what I had recently been experiencing.

But at last they were done. Ben was barely able to stay on the chair.

"Now, Ben," Carla said sternly. "We told that secret to you, and you alone. You can't tell anyone without Alistair's permission and presence. Understand?"

"Oh come on!" Ben protested, the injunction freeing his mind from its horny-ass fuge. "That is too fucking good a story. You gotta let me tell somebody!"

"Ben," Carla repeated, warningly.

"Oh, Ben won't tell a soul, will you Ben? Not even Adam. Not even Tres," said Beth easily, uncoiling from my bed. She and Carla had both subtly put some distance between themselves and me as they told the story. No need to give Ben any other things to ponder. "Because Ben wouldn't want to disappoint me, would you dude?"

With that, Beth walked over and just fucking straddled Ben, sitting in his lap, facing him! Not close enough to press her groin against him or anything, but right on his god-damned lap. Jesus. Maybe Ben did have a chance with Beth. The idea could sure as hell be seen entering his mind right then.

I was dimly aware, though my amusement, that I was not actually jealous (much) at the thought of them. I guessed I wasn't a total hypocrite. That actually surprised me a little, but gratified me more.

"No," Ben gulped, his hands clearly not knowing what the fuck to do with themselves. "I'll never tell a soul," he continued, through a dry throat.

"Good," cooed Beth, sliding a fraction forward on his lap and wrapping her arms slowly around his shoulders. She looked him in the eyes silently. Then her voice changed and hardened. She stood up from his lap and coldly turned her back to him and walked back to where she had come from. "Because if Ben does tell anyone, I will tell every girl in school that I blew him, but it was too easy because he is so small."

Despite the cold words, she sure as hell made sure he got a good view of her ass, swaying far more than she usually let it, as she walked away.

Ben pulled his eyes back into his head. He gulped. "I promise. Lips are sealed."

Beth smiled easily as she sat back down, cruelly hiding that ass from his view. "I know, dude," she replied in a warm, friendly tone again. "I was just pulling your chain."

"But she doesn't make idle threats," Carla added, with the tiniest bit of steel in her voice.

"No. No, I do not," Beth agreed, in that same friendly tone that sounded like she was discussing the baseball team.

"I'm going to go and..." Ben said, even more hoarsely. "I'm going to go, before you guys tell me any more stories." And he beat a hasty retreat. If he was not jacking off furiously in five minutes, either to that picture of Mary I sent him back when, or more likely to the thought of Beth in his lap, I would eat my hat with mustard.

I looked at Beth as the door closed. "If I'm not mistaken, you are thinking this very second about actually blowing Ben, aren't you?" I asked in a tone of casual inquiry that, while not exactly encouraging, was intended to be most explicitly not discouraging.

She actually blushed. "You two got me thinking, that's all."

"Well," I said, with certitude, "think all you want. And you are welcome to suck his cock until he dies of pleasure, but you are going to do it without my presence and certainly without my participation!"

After another moment of laughter, I turned to Carla, and in my best, growling voice of command that she liked so much, I said, "Well, if we must table the awesomeness of the three-way idea. Let's talk more about the lesser, but still totally, awesome idea of taking turns while watching..." I leaned in just a bit as I spoke to her.

Carla's eyes widened slightly, and I caught her nostrils flare. She did that when I got assertive with her. I started to calculate how to get Beth on board.

"You are serious," Carla breathed shallowly.

"I am," I growled and kissed her, biting her lower lip just a little bit, exactly the way I knew she liked.

"Geez, you guys," Beth said dryly. "Get a room."

"We are in a room," I said, looking over my shoulder at her. "Want to watch?"

Beth just looked at me. Had I, in fact, chosen the ideal time after all?

Both girls had just heard me tell a story of a sort-of threesome, in as erotic a fashion as I had been able. They had then immediately tortured Ben with that same story, in more graphic than erotic fashion, moments later. And they were drunk on secrets, revealed and still hidden.

Beth looked at me silently. Then she rose to her feet and quietly locked my door.

You never lock your door when you are inside. It's a big no-no.

Beth just sat back down and looked at me and Carla.

I smiled, then grinned hungrily at Carla. She shook a little as I bent and kissed her neck, nibbling there too. A simple, "Ohhhh," escaped her lips. With that, I slid to my knees on the floor, reaching out to spread her knees. She had changed into an ankle length, tie-dyed skirt. Combined with its high waist, it made it look like her legs were a mile long. You know, instead of the half-mile they actually were.

But Carla snapped her knees together. "No, no, no, no!" she breathed. "You are not going to lick me now!"

"Don't you want me to?" I asked, my voice still as low as I could make it. Carla sure as shit looked like she was ready to go. I think Beth was actually holding her breath. Yeah, she was up for things too.

Carla tried to laugh. "You are not licking my twat in this room. I have screamed like a banshee during every single orgasm you have ever given me. I will get us all busted."

I bit my lower lip in frustration. Then I turned my hungry gaze on Beth. She almost started as my eyes came to rest on her. "Hey, um, no. Not me either. You know I'm a screamer, too—even under normal circumstances." I grunted in frustration. "But, hey, Alistaire?" Beth added softly. "You can, um, that thing you are doing to Carla with your eyes? Keep dong that."

Fuck! I was so close!

"Calm down, tiger," Carla said softly, standing up. "I'm happy to still give Beth something to watch."

Oh wow. Okay.

I stood up and sat on the edge of my bed. Carla knelt in turn and ran her hand up my bare thigh and up under the leg of my cargo shorts. Her hand encountered my bare cock, throbbing with want. I had been low on underwear and hadn't bothered to waste a pair when I got out of the shower, since I wasn't going anywhere that night.

Carla let out a little startled but teasing, "Oooh!"

"Hard already?" Beth asked, leaning forward a little.

"No underwear already," Carla replied, caressing my cock inside my shorts.

"And you like it," I told Carla firmly.

She flashed me a look and nodded wordlessly.

Then she slipped her hand from under my shorts and slowly worked to unbutton the waistband, sliding the button free from the hole with exquisite grace but glacial slowness. The head of my cock was already peeking out well above the waistband now, and Carla simply, at the same agonizingly slow pace, lowered my zipper, practically one tooth at a time.

My cock waved free, framed in my open fly. One of them sighed a little. I'm not sure which. Maybe it was both.

"Peel off my shorts," I practically commanded Carla. She simply responded by tugging them downward. I lifted my ass just a tiny bit, making it possible for her to manage to get my shorts off, but making her work for it. She knew what I was doing and looked up at me with a flash of an 'I see what you are up to' smile.

Carla finally got my shorts to my ankles and I kicked them free, allowing her to slide up between my knees. She looked up at me and I down at her. Then I ran my fingers through those waves of brown hair, catching the highlights in the light of my desk lamp.

"Now," I breathed, eyes boring into hers. And I pushed gently, but visibly for Beth's benefit, down on the back of Carla's head. She fought me just the tiniest bit, for form's sake, but her lips eagerly wrapped around me.

After a few blissful moments, I growled at her. "Take off your shirt."

Carla's eyes flicked toward Beth.

"You two have been in showers at the same time, how many times?" I scoffed. Then I demanded, louder. "Take off the shirt and let me see those amazing little nipples." I paused. "Let Beth see them too. Let her see what they get like for me."

Carla was wearing a loose, flowing top, in one of the main colors found in her tie-dye skirt. Apparently is was loose enough that Carla had dared to avoid a pokie-suppressing bra. Her delicate, tiny breasts and oh so achingly demanding nipples swept into view. I reached a hand down to stroke one softly. Carla shivered.

I stroked her again, then the other one. I looked at Beth, who indeed seemed fixed for the moment on just what kind of nipple erections Carla sported when she got turned on. Then I put my hands back in her hair and guided Carla back to my cock.

"Damn, girl," Beth almost panted. She shifted her position a couple of feet from us, on the same bed. "Is he always like this with you?"

"Hmmm?" Carla mumbled wordlessly, tilting her head toward Beth inquiringly, but not letting my tip escape her mouth.

"Like this. All demanding and forceful and stuff."

Carla smoothly lifted a hand to caress my shaft and she momentarily slid her lips free of me. "Of course. You mean he doesn't with you?"

Beth just shook her head. As Carla now started painting every point on the surface of my cock wither tongue, Beth caught my attention. "But you could try that with me sometime, Alistaire. Maybe. I'm not sure If I'd like it."

Noted. I, in fact, quickly filled a mental notebook on the subject.

Then the notebook flitted off into the ether... I can never get over what Carla can do with that tongue.

She was teasing me, of course, licking me all over, even my balls, but never putting her lips on my cock once. Her eyes looked up at me and twinkled, aware that I knew I was being teased. "Take it," I growled, tugging lightly on her hair, pulling her towards my helmet.

"Mm, hmm," was her only response as her lips again slid over my head. I had to roll my head back for a moment in reaction. Oh God, this was good. When I could finally open my eyes again, Carla was bobbing slowly up and down over several inches at the end of my cock, content to continue to warm me up.

I looked over once more at Beth, who must have been still staring at Carla's tiny breasts and exuberant nipples. One of her own hands had certainly strayed to the front of her lightweight hoodie.

"Beth! Take off you top," I instructed Beth sharply. She jerked at the tone, then thought about what I was doing and grinned. But she also didn't obey.

"I'm just watching, remember?" Beth objected.

"So?" I growled. "I like to watch, too. Take off your top. I want to see your beautiful breasts."

Beth flushed for a moment. Then she tugged at the hem of her hoodie. Thinking better of it, she stood up beside us, then turned to face me. As she stood, I caught a glimpse of her amazing ass in the bike shorts she was wearing. Those shorts were awesome, and showed that work of art off to maximum effect. I had noticed that since we first had sex, Beth wore them more often.

"Turn away while you take it off," I instructed quickly. "You will tease me that way, plus I get to see your ass."

Beth flushed again, and turned her back to me, tugging her hoodie up and off over her head. Underneath, she had on only a light blue, fragilely lacy bra. As she unhooked it behind her, I breathed in a low voice, "Oh yesss. Very nice. But your ass is so nice, I want to see you all. Strip for me. Strip for Carla and me..."

Damned if Beth didn't do it. I had been sure that she'd balk. But a chance to watch those bike shorts peel their way off her ass was worth taking the risk of making the ask. And Beth delivered, making a show of it as the lycra reluctantly released its hold on her curves. I could feel Carla even turning her head to watch the whole time.

But when Beth was done, I shook my head in amazement. I had a friend with my cock in her mouth in my damned dorm room, and another friend bare-assed naked in there with us. Beth just sat back down on the bed as far from Carla and me as she could get. She crossed her legs tightly and held her arms against her chest. She didn't really cover much up, you understand, but she made a show of it.

Carla suddenly decided that this was supposed to be her show and brought my attention back to her forcefully. I felt my cock suddenly plunge much further into her mouth, brushing against the back other throat.