Alistaire Too Ch. 04: Poppy


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"Nice!" Jenn said enthusiastically.

"Nice? Al? Little scrawny Al Taylor?"

"Her goes by Alistaire these days," Jenn said softly. "And I think you may have noticed that he's well over six feet, and not really scrawny anymore."

"Yeah," Poppy sighed. "I have noticed. And it was actually starting to charm me. I mean, it's been a while, you know?"

"So what's the problem? He has another girl or two?" Jenn asked slyly.

Poppy started to answer, caught her breath, then blurted out, "A couple of hours after my match, I walked over to my house to get some stuff. I walked in on my mother... fucking Al."

Jenn choked. She had not seen that coming. "Oh my God!" she managed.

"I thought he was this sweet guy, trying to get up the nerve, then all of a sudden... that! What the actual fuck?"

"He is a sweet guy," Jenn said firmly, defending Alistaire. She smiled. "It sounds almost like you are mad that your mom got there first!"

Poppy looked like she was having an aneurism.

"I assume you saw them both naked?" Jenn asked. Poppy needed a full brain whack to get her shit together.

"Of course! They were Fuck. Ing."

"You yourself told me a story once that shows nudity it isn't necessary," Jenn said. Poppy blushed at being called out on the George Harding Event. "They were naked?" Jenn repeated.

"He was. My mother was wearing one fucking shoe." Jenn snorted at that, and even Poppy crooked a tiny grin. "What's your point Jenn?"

"I'm just saying that I think I understand. Seeing that waving around my mother might alarm me too," Jenn said with exaggerated patience. And she waited.

She didn't wait long, Poppy was observant. "Wait just one cotton-picking minute. Where did you hear about his... 'that'?"

Jenn sighed. Poppy needed a reality check, and she needed to lay off Alistaire.

"Because," she said, "among other occasions, Alistaire fucked me with 'that' yesterday afternoon."

Poppy squeezed her eyes shut and opened them again. Twice. "You have fucked Alistaire Taylor?"


"Multiple times?"

"Oh, hell yes."

"Before and after he fucked my mother?!?"

"In my defense, I was unaware of the mother thing. I did know he was interested in you, however."

"So he was?" Poppy asked, before catching herself. "But hey, if you were fucking him, how were you okay with him sniffing around me, even excepting my mother?"

"Because I'm already not the only one fucking Alistaire. I don't know who they are, but I have my suspicions. And believe me, I intend to keep fucking him. I'm a little surprised that your mother doesn't seem intent on doing him again herself."

"What... is happening... in the world?" Poppy asked in amazement.

"What is happening is that a number of girls have figured out that Alistaire Taylor is a stupendous lay, and not just because he is stupendous. He is sweet, and caring, and incredibly determined to please, and so intense... I swear he almost made me come once with just his eyes."

"He fucked my mother."

"If she was down, do you blame him? Your mom is hot."


I was sitting in a booth with Beth, Bridget, and Carla, and it was nice seeing Carla for the first time in a while. We were all teasing her about how her plan to take things slow with Ron and see how it went had not survived contact with the enemy... or the new boyfriend as it were. The two of them had been reprimanded twice for Public Displays of Affection.

It was a little bittersweet, nonetheless. I was about to lose my closeness with everyone at school, but Carla had become effectively distant prematurely—still my friend, but not around.

To be clear, yes, I missed having sex with Carla. I'd have to be dead not to. But I missed her obnoxious ridiculing of me for my every screwup even more.

"Hey guys, can I borrow Al for a minute?" asked Poppy, appearing beside our booth. Carla was fully In The Loop on the whole Poppy and her mom situation, and the three of them about fell all over each other to get out of the booth.

"I didn't mean for you guys to leave," Poppy said, trying to forestall their departure.

"No, no!" Beth said. "We all have things to see and people to do. You guys relax and try not to get in any knife fights!" With that they all beat it from the Tuck, leaving me at Poppy's mercy.

"So," she said, looking after them. "They are in the know?"

"About some of it," I shrugged. "I was in a dark place after you ripped me a much deserved new one the night after... it happened. I needed my emotional support team."

"Uh huh," was all Poppy said.

"Look, are you here to resume beating on me? I'm genuinely here to take it, but I want a fresh shake before you start," I said, starting to get up. "Can I get you something?"

"Sit down, Al," Poppy said sternly. I sat back down.

"So, after you slapped me around in the hallway the other day..." she began.

"Sorry about that," I said. "I was being intentionally hurtful, not to mention oversharing."

"Apparently you'd been over-somethinging," snorted Poppy. "Look, the point is, you stung me enough that I finally went home and talked to my mom."

"Oh, thank God!" I said, slumping with relief.

"Yeah," Poppy said. "Any way, after she thanked me for unblocking her and apologized for giving me a heart attack, she waited all of three seconds before she started ripping me a new one for saying bad things to and about you. I may not have taken that very well. In the end, I stomped out and fumed the whole mile long walk back to school."

"Poppy, come on. You need to quit fighting with..."

"Among the multiplicity of things that I do not need or want from you, Al," Poppy said sternly, "talking to me like you are a teacher is high on the list."

I shut up.

"When I got back here, I too wanted some support. I went up to see my best friend Jenn. I think you know her?"

Oh shit.

"Instead of support, I get a reprimand, along with yet more first-hand tales of wonder and myth about Alistaire and His Amazing Technicolor Dream-Cock." I winced. "Worse," Poppy added. "That third leg you have going down there was actually low on her list of enthusiasms."

It began to occur to me for the first time that Poppy was being almost good humored about this.

"So, who the fuck are you, man? Jenn also said that you have at least one, and maybe a shit-ton more, lovers besides her. For all I know I may have thrown one of them out of this booth a minute ago." She paused and looked at me. I said nothing. "Fuck, I did, didn't I?" She shook her head. "Sorry," she added sincerely.

I hung my head for a second. "I try to be really committed to keeping secrets," I said in frustration, "but I seem to really suck at hiding it when someone guesses them."

"What the hell, man?" Poppy almost shouted, before getting her volume under control. "What the hell? On the one hand, you are this raging fuck monster who is banging everything with a vagina in New England..."

"That is not true!"

"Okay, everything with a vagina except me? And you sure seemed to have had a target on my back... or somewhere below that!"

The accused sat mute, miserably, but with his eyes resolutely on Poppy.

"And you were just sitting here with another one of your... it was just one of them wasn't it? Oh shit, it wan't. Fuck, man!" She grabbed her hair and squeezed. "All these women, they all at least sort of know about each other, and none of them hate you!"

I kind of shrugged. She was rolling and she wasn't being vicious any more, so I was falling back on my most successful play with women, if they aren't saying something untrue or unkind to someone else, let them talk. It had never failed me in the long run. And I was learning that she was kind of extra hot when she was frustrated.

"Mom and Jenn, at least, both talk about you the same, schizophrenic way. Half the time they go on as if you are some big, dopey golden retriever who would do anything for them, protect them with its life, and give them the shirt off its back if they needed it."

She stopped and shook her head. "Those metaphors don't all mesh, dammit," she muttered. The best writer in school was never satisfied. Then she looked up and back into my eyes. "Then the rest of the time, they get all matter-of-fact about how you are this life-changing... amusement park ride, who hypnotizes you with a gaze that is totally overpowering... And you are trying to look at me like that right now!"

I snapped out of the reverie I had been in, looking at her more intently than I was listening. "Sorry," I muttered. "Sorry. I don't want to upset you."

Poppy said, "Calm down. This isn't the first time you've stared at me like that, is it? Just the first time from so close up. Who are you?" she asked again, unnerved.

I sat back heavily in the booth, and ran my hands through my own hair. "Poppy, I don't know. Half the time, I pull off all sorts of crazy shit, and I don't recognize myself in the mirror. The other half of the time, I feel like the same old Al, and it is the world around me that had gone wild."

"You poor baby," she said dryly.

"Ha!" I laughed. "I'm well aware how good I have it. And that it's doubly good, considering where I came from. Even one... any one girl or woman in my life would alone have been an unimaginable upgrade for me three months ago. Just sitting here in this booth with you, even including the reaming I'm getting right now, would have been an amazing social success for me before this spring."

"So were you hit by a glowing meteorite, or what?" Poppy actually laughed.

I chuckled in reply, then looked at her seriously. "To be honest? Best I can tell, I've always been like this inside, I just never knew how to let it out, or use it. Now that I do, I really, really don't want to stop."

Poppy started to say something and I held up a hand. "But this shit is hard to deal with, and the biggest fear I have had from the beginning is that I would get carried away, and that when I did, the problem wouldn't be things crashing and burning for me, but that the fiery explosion would do something to hurt someone else. That's why what happened with your mother... no, what happened with you, has me so sorry. I really am sorry, Poppy."

She just stared at me for almost a minute. Then she said simply, "I'll take a vanilla shake."

I shot out of the booth and returned as fast as I could with two milkshakes and a plate of fries.

I set them down, sat down myself, and suddenly, we were having a fun, entirely uncontroversial conversation about who got into what colleges. The administration of the school was freaking out because we, as a class, had done a poor job of getting accepted at Ivy League schools. "Apparently, they are disappointed in us," Poppy snorted. We shook our heads.

After about another five minutes of talking about the utter loser who the Junior class had elected as Head Prefect for the next year (Funny how the class right after ours always made such universally lame decisions), I at last let down my guard. I figured we were good, and I could relax. Honestly, this was turning out to be a fun evening.

Then Poppy audibly slapped her milkshake cup down on the table. It jarred me back out of my relaxed state. "All right," she said with a deep breath. "I want in. I'm not going to be the only one that you are interested in who doesn't get to take the ride. How do I make that happen?"

I can still be startled, even scared apparently. "You want 'in'?"

"Yes, in. Or, I want you in, or..." she seemed to have flustered herself with that last remark, and I could see her suddenly wrestle with what she was saying. I could not help but let loose the wolfish grin. "Stop that... or rather don't stop that," Poppy said, looking at my expression. "I kind of like that. I also want a guy who I can totally count on but will also not be clingy. And I will admit freely, now, that the image of that beast you have down there has been weighing on my dreams." She took a deep breath and muttered, "This is so humiliating."

"Why? You sound like me right now," I said honestly. "You figured out what you want, and you asked for it. What more could I, for one, want?" I looked at her hard, evaluating her. "Mostly, I think you've proven to me that I can trust you."

"You can trust me?" she snorted.

"What?" I asked quietly but intently. "Don't I get to expect to be able to trust, too?"

Poppy just looked back at me, squirming. I will freely admit it, I was staring at her now as hungrily as I could. Instead of obscuring my intentions, I wanted to make sure she could see what I was. Also, I really just wanted to look at her. All of her.

"You absolutely should," she said at last, still squirming in her seat. "So..."

"I know a great place... If you are interested at the moment," I said, still staring at her.

"Is it on campus?"

"Of course, but it is really..."

"I have a better place. My house."

I was genuinely not sure about returning to the scene of the crime, so to speak. And what about Sloane? 'Hi, Sloane. Don't mind us, I'm just here to fuck your daughter this time round.' On the other hand, houses have beds. I was a giant fan of beds, now that I had tried one.

"I also snuck my car into the day student parking lot, so we can take it and not walk," Poppy added.

I wordlessly slid out of the booth and offered my hand to help her out.

We were half way there when I remembered Sloane. "What about your mom?" I asked tentatively.

"She has another date tonight," she said happily. "It remains to be seen whether I approve of him, and I told Mom so. She said it remains to be seen whether she does either."

We were in through the front door in moments. She led me upstairs to her room, where the bed was not quite as big as Sloane's, but was still crazy big and comfy-looking. She stepped into the room, turned toward me, and with residual apprehension started to ask, "So, how do we beg..."

I just bent down, wrapped my arms around her waist, and lifted her off the ground, kissing her hungrily. She resisted for a split second, simply out of surprise, and then she began to kiss me back. We did that happily for a bit. There wasn't even any tongue involved—just two people trying to inhale each other's souls.

Finally, I let her return to Earth, and I wordlessly began to tear her clothes off. Poppy had been wearing a soft gray sweatshirt with the neckline roughly cut wide open to fall off one shoulder, allowing the ornamental blue bra strap underneath to show through. The look had made it all the easier to stare at her back in the Tuck. The only reason that I did not have it off of her instantly was that she had been trying to yank my golf shirt off at the same time. We both managed, however. Motivation does wonders. I left the bra alone for a moment. I was more interested in getting those yoga pants off her, because once she had stood up from the booth, those had occupied more of my attention than the sweatshirt.

I loved the way they looked on her, and was desperate to get rid of them. Her legs were incredible. Of course, her curvy ass was pretty nice as well. And now that I thought about it, her tits were mighty appealing too, and I really need to get a look at them...

Somehow, I managed to strip her naked and we found ourselves lying side by side on the bed, hands on each other's less naughty areas, and kissing each other again.

"So do we just do this?" Poppy said in anticipation, tugging my waistband teasingly toward herself.

"Oh, no, no, no!" I said with my best feral grin as I caressed a lovely tit. "If I don't make you scream at least twice before we get to the main event, I'm not doing my job." With that, I pushed her over onto her back, and lowered my face down to her fully shaven pussy.

As it turns out, I managed to get her to scream three times, though I'm not sure if the last two were two rapid-fire orgasms, or one super long one. I was happy with the results, and if Poppy's foul-mouthed cries were anything to go by, so was she.

Finally, she pushed me away from between her legs. "Okay, you have to stop! Stop!" she insisted, as I playfully tried to dive back in. She pushed me off and onto my back in turn. I rolled with the gentle shove.

I reached up and pulled her down for a quick, deep kiss. "I have some condoms in my wallet..." I began, but she shook her head above me. "Don't bother. I'm covered. 'This ain't my first rodeo, cowboy'," she joked. That phrase had been running rampant on campus ever since the headmaster, of all people, had used it during a Q&A about graduation. "Besides, if I'd needed them, I'd have my own supply. I want to do everything right with this," she said.

I first leered at that, then laughed at myself introspectively.

"What's the joke?" Poppy asked.

"I am always focused on doing everything right, and no matter how many times it seems like I do, I'm always still kind of expecting to fail to meet the challenge."

"Well, don't drop the ball this time around, dude," Poppy laughed. "But after what you just did, and how eagerly you did it, I for one am not worrying." She struggled up to a seated position on the bed beside me, legs folded beneath her, and ran her fingers over my torso lightly. My nipples tensed up under her caress and she noticed, teasing at them in response. "It is funny. I don't know whether it is just the way it is, or if it is just people like me still seeing you with eyes that have been looking at you since freshman year when you were half a foot shorter than me and made out of pipe cleaners, but you have got a pretty nice body here... You aren't all buff or anything..." I snorted derisively at that concept. "But you look in really good shape."

"Good thing. I'm finding I need a lot of stamina these days," I said. Then I listened to myself and flushed.

Poppy actually ignored that little comment. She was staring down at my waist, running her tongue tentatively over her lips. She reached out toward me, then pulled back. She looked up at my eyes and asked, "Stand up, please."

I stood, and Poppy sat on the edge of the bed. I usually, in this circumstance, would have been wondering at the reaction I was about to get, but Poppy had already seen me. No ego boost today on that front.

With determination on her face, Poppy grabbed at the waist band of my sweats, pulled them out and yanked downward in a rush. My cock was of course by this time well and truly engaged in the situation and waved slowly in front of her.

Poppy visibly sagged and blew out her breath, as if in relief. "Thank God," she said.

"Thank you?" I said in both amusement and uncertainty.

Poppy almost unconsciously stuck her tongue into her cheek and reached out her fingers intently to brush up my length. Then she snorted and shook her head. "I'm relieved," she said. "I mean, you are still huge, dude, but you have to understand, I only saw it before in a moment of super high freak-out, right? I... my initial impression was that you had a fucking baguette down there."

With that, Poppy leaned forward and kissed the underside of my eager knob, then licked upward, and opened her lips to let it slip into her mouth.

Well, here was another milestone. Never before had a girl exposed my cock for the first time and been relieved that it was going to be more manageable than she had figured...

Her lips pursed around my head, then slid lower, pressing it against her tongue. I muttered happily as she caressed me inside her mouth. One hand stroked my shaft almost idly, while the other explored my nuts much more intently. She lifted them and swung them side to side, teasing and stimulating me exquisitely.

Her tongue's pressure against my cock lessened, and I felt her slowly lower her head further. Both her hands stilled, still holding me, but her concentration was on filling her mouth with my cock. She bobbed up and down, sucking me in deeper. When she began to gag a little, I tired to shift away, but she just calmly let go of my rod, keeping a hold on my balls, and made some gesture with her hand, balling it into a weird-looking fist. She looked up at me with a playful look in her eyes, then looked down again.