All Day Tease Ch. 01


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Every time, she escorted him to the costume room and then went to the session room. She would strip naked and stand in the center of the room, still like a Greek statue.

After about 10 minutes Donnie would enter with the outfit he had picked out. He would dress her, slowly and lovingly, as she stayed still, helping passively when needed - letting him lift her leg to get a skirt on, for example. Once he had put each article of clothing on her, which usually took about half the session, he would carefully pose her, an arm up, head slightly back, it was different every time. And finally when he was satisfied with her look and her stance, he would stand back for a moment to take in the mental image, energized, shaking slightly and usually rock hard under his slacks. Then he would come forward, gingerly, and lightly kiss her on the mouth.

This was her cue to come alive, embracing him and rubbing her body and clothes against him. He never lasted long.

At first she had found it strange, but as she saw how passionate he was, and how satisfied he seemed afterwords, she knew she was helping to scratch an deep itch he had had all his life. That aspect of her job was one of the most satisfying.

She was a therapy, really.

And when Frank came in, she was a therapist.

Frank had an intense foot fetish, and obviously some history of some sort with psychiatrists, because his sessions always involved tight black business skirts, and her usually bouncy red curls pulled into a tight forbidding bun. She would tsk tsk, and write things on a yellow pad while he started on the couch beside her and gradually crawled over to devour her high heels and stockinged feet.

She would critique his technique, always feigning disappointment and challenging him to work harder, to prove his manhood. She would lean over him and slap his ass with her metal clipboard while he gagged on her toes.

Sometimes this would do it for him, but every so often she had to step it up a level. The time before last was one of those, she could feel the need to be a little more extreme. So she abruptly pulled her foot out of his mouth and stood up over him. She instructed step by step to run each hand up the back of her thighs, to grasp her pantyhose, and to slowly pull them down off of her.

Then she had him stand, and she pulled the hose behind his neck like a scarf, each nylon leg limply hanging down until she tied each one onto his dick, keeping it pointed straight out. Then she slowly stood right in front of him and turned her back.

She lifted one leg slightly and stepped so that the stretched hem of her business skirt was right over the head of his cock and began swaying left and right, forward and backward, letting her skirt hem brush all over his tied off purple cockhead, cooing all the time about what a shame it was that he couldn't suck her feet properly.

That did the trick, and then some. Just as he came she spun around to face him, and grabbing his head in both hands held his face just inches from hers, and stared right into his eyes as his cock was spurting come all over her black stockings.

Mentally, she have herself a pat on the back for this finishing move as she pecked him on the cheek and released her grip, letting him fall panting back onto the couch.

Yes, her work always invigorated her. Usually when her shift was done she went out to a bar or maybe a concert.

She got up, an rolling up the mat, went into the bathroom to put on her makeup.

1.5 - 10:00am

Ashley - 21 years old

Ashley stared at herself. Her reflection looked back out upon her from a brightly lit dressing mirror. She pursed her lips into a kissyface and moved them this way and that. Her lipstick looked perfect. The dark red lip liner had gone on without flaw or smudge. Her pale skin framed by flowing blonde hair was the perfect canvas for the color she applied. Her lips seemed to jump right off of her face.

Now for her eyes: the usual slight-emo black liner, under and around, lifting her eyes up from her face, and coming to crisp sharp upturned points just beyond her eyes. A mix of blue and dark violet eye shadow, strongest on the outside edges of her eyes and feathering off toward her nose.

It matched her fingernails - she had gotten a gel manicure the day before, rich purple with silver French tips, and a contrasting sparkly silver accent nail on her ring fingers. Her toes got the same treatment, but the silver accent was on her second toe instead of her fourth.

Ashley smiled and stared into the mirror at herself. Yes of course she loved being the center of male attention, always had, but this was work - the hotter she looked the better she did.

She worked in the mall at a store that sold "slutty" clothes. That's what her mom said, anyway. And yeah, her mom was right, in a way. But Mom just didn't understand, was that just because you looked "slutty" - and what exactly was wrong about that, hmmm? - but just because you dressed a certain way didn't mean you had to give it up any time some dumb guy showed an interest.

No, Ashley was strong willed, and comfortable in her skin; she and she alone decided how much of her awesome hotness any man got to enjoy.

But my goodness, she did enjoy frothing them up a little, and her job was the perfect place to hunt her prey - whether it was leaning forward over the counter to "hear someone better" (read: showing off her invariably low cut shirt) or whether it was climbing the stock ladder a few steps to "pull down something high" (read: give an upskirt shot") there was just no end to the teasing she could do while she was on the clock.

And yes, she had locked up early a few times to bring her teasing to a very satisfying conclusion. Her favorite place to take the boys (or girls) she decided to go all the way with was a bunk bed display in the back of the store, propped out to look like a teenage girls bedroom, with daring outfits hanging on display between the bunks and the bottom bed piled with stuffed animals, as decor.

But usually, she just wind those poor bastards up to see how much they would buy. It was mostly girls in the store, and they tended to shop for themselves, so when boys (or men - but really there were all boys to here) did come in she was free to give them more personal attention.

She always looked right at them, right into their faces, watching every reaction and every movement of his eyes, as they jumped from her lips to her cleavage to her feet and back.

They would so anything to keep her attention on them, and the purchased piled up.

She picked up her perfume and gave a squirt or two on her neck, and one extra right between her breasts.

Oh yes. She was gonna sell some clothes today ...

1.6 - 11:00am

Becca - 18 years old

Becca put her mascara brush back in her makeup drawer and stepped back from the sink, satisfied.

She had picked out her afternoon outfit last night, setting the items out on her daybed.

Her panties were high cut and a bright shimmering blue. To go over them she had a yellow flared miniskirt, made in four ruffled layers overlapping each other. It would grip tight on her waist but flow around her as she walked, and if she bent over ... well watch out boys.

She put a spare pair of panties in her purse, black and sheer, just in case. She tended to go through panties pretty quickly, giving them away as mementos to her special victims. Of which there should be at least one on the near future.

She was meeting going to meet Nikki in the afternoon and go out teasing at the mall.

Becca loved to show off for the boys; loved being at the center of all that attention. And she was good at it too, after three years of practice. Since she and Nikki had teamed up, Becca had grown much more confident. She had always been comfortable in her skin, and now the more skin she showed the sexier she felt.

Nikki, though, now she had the gift. She understood the psychology of their poor lucky victims, and was devilishly creative in coming up with ways to slowly and deliberately turn the male psyche into a drooling stammering volcano of lust and desire. Becca always had so much more fun when she went teasing with Nikki.

Like that one time last summer they had gone out dressed as sexy emo ravers, intending to go to Splatter-Con, a horror movie convention.

She had on big non-stiletto platform heels with both pink stockings and over them black fishnets. A black plaid skirt cling to her waist, barely hiding the canary yellow panties, and she had on tight torn black t-shirt over the brightest yellow bra she could find. Because of the tips in the shirt her bra was visible in a dozen places. Her eyes were lined with black, and shadowed with pink, and she had big topknot pigtails. A healthy application of bright pink wet-look lipstick completed the look.

Nikki had worn something similar, complete with dark black eye shadow and ripped stockings, and a bloodred minidress with a zipper down the front. She had extended her eyeliner on the night side out into a curly pattern that went almost to her ear.

They were all set to be the stars of the scene, but they stumbled on something more fun.

Somehow they ended up in the wrong side of the convention center, at an Accountant Small-Group conference instead. Becca had been disappointed, briefly, but Nikki recognized the potential for atomic levels of tease with that guys attending the conference.

They spent the afternoon going down the main hall, bursting into room after room, pretending each time that they didn't realize they were in the wrong place.

Each room had a table full of dorky accountants, usually with one up front at a whiteboard giving a presentation, and when the door opened and in walked two stunning teenage girls, in short skirts and big clunky heels and bright sparkly glitter, the talking always trailed off.

The girls never stayed long - they didn't want to be responsible for any heart attacks.

Sometimes Nikki would give the presenter a big tight hug, and wriggle a bit, trying to smear her body glitter all over his white dress shirt. Of course it usually had other effects too.

"Can you tell me," one or the other would purr, "where the movies are?"

"We're 'Scream Queens'," the other would exclaim, and then they would both "Woo" with excitement and exuberantly squeeze up against whichever nervous but thrilled office worker they were closest too. Becca usually finished off her hugs by sticking her tongue in her lucky victims earlobe, blowing on it and kissing it. If his cock twitched noticeably, she'd give it a pat and give him a wink before collecting her partner from off one of the other men. The two of them giggled out the door, practically trailing drool behind them.

As she remembered the looks on those mens faces, the utter uncontrollable mindless lust in their watering eyes, her fingers slipped down inside of her skirt, and brushed lightly against her smooth satin panties. One pink french-tipped fingernail slipped under the elastic band and she shivered all over ...

1.7 - 12:00 noon

Nikki - 19 years old

Nikki sighed softly as she slowly ran her index fingers in small circles along the outside of her tight pink panties.

She was daydreaming about her past exploits teasing with Becca, specifically last Halloween, when they stopped at the movie theatre arcade for an hour or two in their costumes before going downtown to their party - Nikki in a scandalously short Howgarts uniform skirt with pigtails and a bow, and Becca in a latex bodysuit with cat ears and a tail. They played some games, some pinball and a driving game where Nikki managed to get her skirt to flap up as she sat down in the car seat, so the mallrat boys could see her entire leg all the way up to her ass.

They had pushed all the right buttons that day - even got a 15 year old boy kicked out for indecent behavior when that frumpy old security guard had stumbled on him with his hand down his pants, oblivious to anything but the sight of Nikki's smooth legs in the faux leather bucket seat, flexing as she pressed the gas pedal controller down to the floor.

That day was so much fun - she loved to go out with Becca. Becca was the sexiest girl she knew, a born supermodel to be.

Becca loved to tease boys, wherever she went she exuded a natural sexual energy. Every movement of her face, hair and body seemed to accentuate her big full breasts, or the slick curve of her ass.

Nikki was better at coming up with the mechanics and costuming of their tease sessions, but she had to admit that Becca was just amazing at wrapping guys around her little gel painted finger. It was an inspiration do it alongside her.

They were gonna have some serious fun at the mall later today. Boys would be falling in love left and right.

She picked out her outfit for later and laid it on the bed, and for up to go out for a jog.

1.8 - 1:00pm

Ali - 24 years old

Ali closed the kitchen door behind her, panting from exertion. She had just jogged 10 mikes around the neighborhood.

She had school today; she was studying history and political science, on track to become a lawyer. Her only actual class today was "Parliamentary Systems of Government" but after that was over she had to take a makeup test today in for her "American Foundations" history class.

It would be her last time in the class, and she was disappointed. She had discovered in the past week or two that she actually had a little crush on her teacher, Rob.

She'd been working him subtly the whole semester, always dressing in something revealing, sitting in the front row, kicking her legs back and forth. His defenses had been eroding all semester, and now no matter how hard he tried he could not keep his eyes off her. She thought it was sweet, and he was kind of cute. Not her usual type, but still - she felt a thrill everytime she looked up in time to see him wrench his eyes away from her cleavage and pretend to look at something else.

It had been building for four months and she felt it was about time to take it to the next level. The club! Aha - she had it - she'd invite him to meet her at Flights later that night. He'd have his eyes opened then, to be sure.

She was looking forward to he had a shift at the club. She had danced at several more traditional strip clubs before finding Flights, and she FAR preferred the one-on-one interaction and variety that Flights offered. A few of her regulars had appointments this evening:

At four she had Travis - he was easy, basically straight BDSM with a peculiar twist: Disney. He was tall but effeminate, bisexual with serious identity issues. He wanted to be whipped and dominated by a Disney princess. Every few sessions he would bring a different Disney Halloween costume - Ariel, Jasmine, Snow White etc - and leave it with her. She would "sluttify" it up - trim the dress to a skirt, modify the bodice etc - and wear it the next time he came in. The whole time would be spend with him chained up to an Andrews cross, and her going up and down his body with feathers, wax, the usual.

Pretty basic, except for the costume. Today it was the girl from Brave, with the mass of red curls. Probably a look better suited for Stephanie, who had the hair already, but no matter - the wardrobe room had wigs.

Then at six was poor, sweet, dirty old Principal Johnson from the junior high two towns, back for another fix. That poor man. Ali knew how much the teenage girls in his school turned him on - heck most of them dressed wilder than she did - and she respected him in a way for coming to her to satiate his urges rather than doing something stupid and irresponsible in real life.

After that, perhaps, would be "The Right Honorable" Edwin Brand, a British businessman she knew from LA had emailed too to say he too was in town and might be coming by, that he'd text her if he could get the time.

"The Right Hoborable Mr. Brand" talked a big game, with that rollicking accent and spate for profanity, but Ali knew JUST how he really liked it. She had a special briefcase just for him, with a collar and a pair of cuffs and a few toys. The centerpiece was big black dildo with a harness. She knew. Edwin liked it hard. Right between his British butt cheeks. And Ali was only too happy to oblige.

But it was time to get ready. Ali headed for the shower, to wash up and think about what clothes she should wear to give Rob one last special thrill.


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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Great introduction to the characters in the story. We’ll written - on to chapter 2

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

I keep coming back to this and reading a little more in the hope that its not just 4000 words of exposition. But from the end it turns out it is. As a narrative tool, exposition is especially helpful in erotica, but when that's all there is to it it's like bringing a hungry dinner guest and empty plate. I liked the setup, but a whole piece about people talking to themselves as they get dressed is torture.

katestylekatestyleabout 9 years ago

You have done a good job with the characters, each having their own motivation for teasing. I hope you are going to continue with the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

it's a different approach to have each girl featured in her own section before the real story starts.

But you need to pay attention to the rhythm of the whole thing. Most of the sections are about the same length as each other, but the Orange Colored Sky section is way too long. It destroys the rhythm.

The overall length of the introductions of the girl might be too long, but I have no idea how long the entire story is going to be; it's too soon to tell. But if the overlong Orange Colored Sky section is anything to go by, I suspect that there will be more confusing rhythm which will be a problem. You might want to address that before the next chapter.

Otherwise, as I wrote at the beginning, having those sections is a different approach from what is normal here. There is nothing wrong and everything right about that.

Now, on to the rest of the story.....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Good and Bad

The content is great! but the English is terrible! You need an editor.

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