All for Love


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"And why is that babe?" I asked knowing exactly what she meant.

"Oh you'll see baby. Let's just say that you will need another doctor when I'm done with you." She said kissing me on the lips.

The men burst into laughter.

"Oh guys wait, please don't make me laugh it hurts?" I said trying not to laugh.

"Ooohhhh, Joe you are going to be in big trouble." Maxwell said tapping me on the leg.

"I know i can't wait to get home." I said smiling because laughing hurt too much.

The doctor walked in the room and the men left to give us some privacy.

"We will be back later Joe. You take care now." John said waving from the door.

"Okay guys. See you later. Thank you for the gifts." I waved at them.

"No problem Joe." Georgy answered.

The doctor took a look at my chart, then looked at my vital signs and wrote on the chart.

"Well Joe, everything looks promising so far. As soon as you can start moving on your own you can go home. Let's say in about two or three days at the most." The doctor said looking up at Sheryl and me.

"Well, then that is very good news, isn't it doctor?" Sheryl asked him.

"Yes, it is. The nurses will be in here shortly to change your bandages Joe." He said leaving the room.

"Thank you very much dock." I said, my eyes following him out of the room.

The nurse came in later removed my old bandages, cleaned my wound and put new ones on.

"Your wound looks very good soldier. You sure are a lucky person. If you feel up to it i could help you up so you could start moving again?" The nurse said standing next to me.

"I would be very grateful nurse. I can't expect my better half here to carry me around all day." I pointed toward Sheryl.

The nurse looked at me then at Sheryl and just smiled. She helped me sit up then she supported my back with one hand and passed me a small black velvet covered box without Sheryl seeing. I winked at the nurse mouthing the words thank you and stood up very slowly and hid the box under my hospital gown.

"I would like to go outside for a while please nurse?" I asked her.

"Are you coming babe? This hospital smell is nauseating." I asked Sheryl.

"Sure I'm coming baby." Sheryl answered.

The nurse led us out the back to the most beautiful green garden i have ever seen.

There were colourful flowers everywhere and stone tables with seats based in the middle of the garden.

"Thank you nurse. I will take it from here but please stay close in case i need you?" I asked the nurse while she left me to stand on my own.

I took Sheryl by the hand and led her to the table. Sheryl sat down staring at me. I stood next to her and dropped slowly to one knee and removed the small box from under my gown.

"Hum...Joe...what are you doing?" She asked me in wonder.

"Sheryl, you have saved my life too many times to count, i wouldn't be here today if it weren't for you. The main reason i am here today is because you saved my Life the day we first met each other, which is the day i truly fell in love with you."

I opened the box and revealed a beautiful thin white gold ring with a small rare blue diamond. Sheryl gasped at the ring in front of her.

"Sheryl will you marry me?" I finally asked her.

"Oh Joe. Of course i will marry you." She answered delighted throwing her arms around me almost making me crash to the ground.

"Ouch, careful babe, I'm still hurting." I said trying to ignore the pain shooting through my abdomen.

"Oh, I'm so sorry baby. I forgot about your wound for a moment there." Sheryl said releasing me and bringing her hands up over her mouth.

"Nurse!" I called.

"Yes, Joe." The nurse came walking from the door where she was having a smoke while waiting for us to finish.

"I can't get up. Can you please help me?" I asked looking up at her with a smile.

"Sure Joe. That is why i am here." The nurse said while helping me to my feet.

"Thank you very much nurse. I think i have kept you out of your job for long enough now. My fiancé can take me to my room." I said to the nurse as i put my one hand on Sheryl's shoulder balancing myself.

"It's my pleasure Joe. Just call if you need anything?" The nurse said as she turned around.

Sheryl and i walked to my room on our own time talking about where we would live together and what we would do to have a steady income. She helped me onto my bed and sat beside me. She lived in the hospital with me until the day i was released.

Chapter four

After Sheryl and i said our 'i do's' with our four closest friends at the very small wedding reception all six of us went out drinking for the night. Sheryl and i showed them the land we bought. The men were very happy for the two of us.

The next few weeks they spent their off time helping Sheryl and i with our new business. Sheryl and i spent our honeymoon working on our house after that. At least our business was running so we had something to take our minds off of a broken house we were turning into our new home.

Sheryl and i bought a piece of land just on the outskirts of town with two buildings on it. We used our retirement funds to revamp the buildings. The one furthest from the road we turned into a house for the two of us. The other one right next to the road we turned into a small motel and restaurant. During school days Sheryl and i developed a love for cooking, so we thought that would be perfect as a steady income. Our restaurant was doing quite well despite the distance from town. The house took a bit longer than we thought it would.

While we were revamping our house we camped outside in a tent. It was so wonderful outside the one night we decided to sleep under the stars in our double sleeping bag next to a burning fire. I woke up from a nightmare in the middle of the night and felt next to me. Sheryl wasn't there so i got up to go look for her.

"Sheryl, where are you?" I called for her looking around in the dark.

The fire was out. It looked as if there were water poured over it. Sheryl didn't answer me. I searched in the tent for the flashlight and walked up the hill toward the house. There was a light on inside. I switched the flashlight off and moved closer, trying to be very quiet.

When i reached the front porch there was a note on the door that read; follow the jasmine. It was in Sheryl's hand writing.

I opened the door slowly, peeking inside. There was jasmine on the floor leading up the stairs. I closed the door and looked around the ground floor, it was clear.

I followed the jasmine up the stairs it lead me toward the main bedroom. I stopped in front of a closed door with another note on it.

It read; you are getting warmer. Step inside and claim your prise.

My heart started racing as i slowly opened the door. What i saw inside made my heart skip two beats at a time.

There she was on the bed sleeping under pure cotton sheets, my saviour and my angel. I walked up to the bed softly and kissed her on the cheek. Sheryl's eyes fluttered open searching the room. Without saying a word she looked at me gesturing with her finger that i should come closer.

I climbed on the bed as she lifted the covers revealing my naked prise. She sat up ripping my shirt off over my head. I climbed on top of her spreading my legs one on either side. She pulled me in closer hugging me, digging her nails in my back and kissing me on my shoulder. I felt her hands move down to my waist searching for my belt buckle and undoing it.

I sat up giving her room to undo my button and zipper. Sheryl sneaked her hand into my jeans searching for her prise. She made me moan when she found what she was looking for. I leaned forward and kissed my bride, my better half and my soul mate.

Sheryl played with my clit, making me very rowdy. In one swift and quick move she flipped me off of her onto my back. Now Sheryl was on top of me. The sheet flew off of us to the floor. She sat over me admiring my well-toned body. She ran her fingers up and down my body, slowly and sensually. She then pinned my hands over my head kissing me all over the place.

Sheryl released my hands kissing down my body till she reached my mound. Looking up at me she gave one sly smile. I knew exactly what she was going to do. I closed my eyes, but i could feel everything my beautiful bride did. Sheryl was teasing me; licking up and down my outer lips of my neither region. I needed her to release me from this torture. Sheryl suddenly twirled my clit in her mouth with her tongue. I didn't know where to put my hands so i grabbed the sheet underneath us.

Sheryl had me so wet already; she pumped her finger in and out of me still playing with my clit. I released the sheet and grabbed the head bored behind my head. I felt an orgasm rising from deep inside me. I opened my eyes watching Sheryl; i started bucking my hips up and down. Sheryl sucked on my clit causing my orgasm to explode. She gently licked up the juices flowing from me bringing me down from my high. She crouched up over me bringing her finger she used closer to my lips. I gladly sucked her finger clean tasting my own juices.

Sheryl looked at me smiling as i put my hands on her hips gently laying her down on her back next to me kissing her soft lips. I massaged one breast with my hand while suckling the nipple of the other into my mouth. I twirled my tongue around it and flicked it. Her nipple hardened then i gave equal attention to the other nipple. I slowly suckled my way down her body making her squirm and beg for more.

Sheryl started playing with her nipples as i kissed her on the clit. I teased her kissing and licking around her neither lips then up and down her inner thigh. Sheryl looked down at me with a pleading sparkle in her eyes bitting down on her lower lip. I just looked up at her smiling my mischievous smile. She tilted her head back with a grin and her hands over her face.

I licked around her vagina then stuck my tongue inside of her. She looked down at me shocked grabbing the sheet. I used my thumb to rub her clit as i stabbed my tongue in and out of her. She bucked her hips and just as her muscles tried to clench my tongue i stuck two fingers in her. Licking and suckling on her clit i stabbed my fingers in and out of her. Sheryl bucked her hips faster matching my speed.

I could feel her clenching my fingers as a huge orgasm took over her body, arching her back and tilting her head back. Sheryl fell flat on her back again. I licked up her juices and crouched up next to her knowing that she had feinted on me. She always did after a big orgasm.

I laid there holding her in my arms thinking about how lucky i am to have met her all those years ago. Sheryl and i heave faced so many horrors apart and together through all these years. We are both at the age of twenty two now. We still have time to enjoy the rest of our years together.


Sheryl and i spent our mornings volunteering at the orphanage where we grew up. We helped the children to adapt, to try and get over their past horrors. I started a self-defence class there. My self-defence classes taught them discipline and control over any situation they would face in life. The children always seemed so comfortable around Sheryl so she studied further to become a child psychologist. They opened up to her about everything. What made me happy is that my babe was happy. On Fridays we invited the children from the orphanage to eat at our restaurant for free.

After we got all the children back at the orphanage, Sheryl and i just got in our car to leave when we heard all the children screaming and crying. They never did that when we brought them home.

"That sounds like trouble my babe." I said looking at Sheryl.

"It sure does baby. Why don't we check it out quickly?" Sheryl said looking worried.

We got out of the car and sneaked around until we could see inside. There was a man inside holding the children, Rachel and her assistant hostage by gun point in the main room. It looked like he was alone. Sheryl phoned the police told them what was going on and let them know who we were.

"I think we should take this freak out babe. He looks like he might crack any moment and kill someone." I said looking into her eyes.

"I think so to baby. Doesn't he look kind of familiar to you?" She asked me trying really hard to remember.

"Yes he does look familiar babe. Let's go." I remembered a window leading to the basement at the back where we always snuck out.

Sheryl knew exactly where i was going. We snuck through the window and headed up the stairs as quiet as we could be. We looked around the house to see if there were any other perps; there were no-one else. We headed for the kitchen looking for something to use as weapons. Sheryl grabbed the broom and took the brush off while i grabbed the chef's knife.

"Baby i know how we can lure him away from those children. Can you remember the rumours of a ghost haunting these halls?" Sheryl asked me.

"Yes i can babe. Are you suggesting that we scare the living crap out of him?" I asked her with a big grin on my face.

"Yes i am baby. He most likely will come check it out taking one hostage with him." Sheryl said.

"That could definitely work. We can handle him with one hostage. We need a plan?" I said looking around.

Sheryl and i split up gathering a few things. We found balloons, pee shooters, a needle with string, a helium gas bottle, some chilli powder and a small toy remote control helicopter.

We put some chilli powder in the balloon and blew it up with the helium and tied the balloon to a counter in the middle of the kitchen with the string.

I stood at the kitchen door looking through the small glass window and sent the helicopter flying through the door around the perps head over the children and back to the kitchen. The children immediately started crying ghost. As we suspected the perp grabbed Rachel and told the assistant to keep the children quiet or Rachel dies. He walked slowly to the kitchen with Rachel in front of him.

As they walked through the doors Rachel saw the chilli powder on the table opposite the counter with the balloon. She never left it where the children would get it.

Sheryl was hiding behind the counter and i was hiding behind next to the fridge half way behind the kitchen door so i could see when to pop the balloon with the pee shooter and needle. The perp moved closer to the counter pushed Rachel aside and examined the balloon keeping the gun on Rachel. I saw Rachel close her eyes without the perp noticing meaning that she got the hint. I put the needle between my lips and blew it at the balloon through the pee shooter.

The balloon popped spraying the perp's eyes with chilli powder. He dropped the gun on the floor making it go off then furiously rubbing his eyes with both his hands only making it burn more. Sheryl stood up and knocked him in the face with the broom stick. He crashed into me where i knocked him out cold by hitting him behind the head with the handle of the knife and fell to the floor.

We tied him up with rope we found in the utility draw and stuck a dish cloth in his mouth to keep him quiet until the police arrived.

"Joe, Sheryl?" Rachel called us; coughing while falling to the floor.

"Rachel!" Sheryl called out rushing to her side.

I sank to my knees next to them checking the wound. She was shot in her shoulder just above the collar bone; a through and through basically just a graze.

"She has been shot Sheryl. You try to take care of her while i go check on the children." I said standing up heading for the main room.

When the children saw me they all stood up almost running me over. They all stood around me in one big group hug.

"Are you guys alright?" I asked them checking each one of them.

Just then the police stopped outside with an ambulance. The assistant went to the door and called them inside. They arrested the perp and one vehicle took him to the station. The ambulance took Rachel to the hospital while Sheryl and i explained to the police what had happened. The police almost wet themselves with laughter when we told them how we caught the perp.

It turns out that the perp was the assistant's boyfriend whom she had dumped two days ago; which explains why he looked so familiar to Sheryl and me. He was here lots of times helping the children.

The story of Sheryl and i saving the children ended up in the newspapers and on television. We each received a bravery medal by the local police and public.


A week later Rachel was alive and still kicking butt thanks to Sheryl. Rachel received two new children at the orphanage; Sisters Angela age five and Lexy age ten. Sheryl and i fell in love with them since we first saw them.

We talked about it then adopted the two girls, giving them the best home and family they would ever have. Lexy was very protective over Angela; it took them quite a while to warm up to us and the new home.

They used to live with their older brother who is now locked up for abusing them. Their parents left them home alone one day and never returned. The truth came out later that their brother killed them and buried their bodies somewhere outside of town; he couldn't remember where though.

Sheryl and i never had a major fight or misunderstanding over anything. We talked about everything. We told the children our life's stories and it did help them trust us a bit more.

Within a few weeks the girls were calling Sheryl mommy and me mom. They made us so happy. We were proud to call them our children. We were all happy because we had the one thing we wanted the most; a loving and caring family.

Our girls were doing great in school and had loads of friends. It was a little awkward for them to have two mothers and no father but they loved us none the less. The truth was that the girls reminded me so much of Rachel and i when we first met. The girls stuck together no matter what situation the faced.

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LoveisaBlessingLoveisaBlessingover 6 years ago

I read this story, made an account just to comment that this is by far my favorite story yet. I'm going to read All your stories you gained a fan this Sunday Morning

rml65rml65over 8 years ago
good story!

Yes things could have been written better as some have said, but I enjoyed the story very much! Am in process of reading your others! Keep writing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
You name it...

Some poor formatting, dreadful grammar, shocking spelling mistakes, misuse of upper and lower cases, implausible plot most of the way through---you name it, this story has got it. Even a good editor would have had a hell of a job sorting this out. If you are serious about being a writer, then get yourself some good books on basic grammar and spelling and the whole art of writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Random English, random capitalization, random sentences, random paragraphs... this is just a total mess!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Casey 1988

I do like the story. The paragraphs were not quite paragraphs. Somehow Sheryl and Rachel were not quite the same age as kids and as adults somewhere in there Rachel would have to have bin waiting 2 years before going into service and that was never answered. I did give it 5 stars because the story was so well written.

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