All Moxie No Mercy 01


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"That's what I thought. Now, before you go." Diana pulled out a bag that had been stashed under the shelf for that exact conversation. "You can put this into your bag to change into after your run."

Lyta looked at the black and maroon kilt her mother was taking out of the bag. "Why are you suddenly bringing this up?"

"New school year today! You won't stand out wearing it in your grade now. Last year made sense, because you didn't want people to know you were a year older than them. Now, it's the last year and every girl will be wearing them when they are old enough. Silly rule, but I won't have you let things in the past control your future like that. Things I teach you, yes. Things we have gotten over, no."

Lyta still wasn't sure. "I'll put them in my bag and think about it."

Diana knew 'thinking about things' was code for ending the conversation quickly, but she also knew it was the first step. As she placed the pleated plaid kilt into the bag holding the rest of the school uniform, she noticed something on the window. A smallish Japanise girl was pressing her lips against it and blowing her cheeks wide.

"Kimiko appears to have arrived." Diana heard Lyta choke slightly on her food as she looked.

Lyta swallowed. "If I actually suffered from depression that girl would be my lifeline."

"I suppose then I shouldn't begrudge her for leaving mouth marks on my window then?"

"I think she calls them friendship art." Lyta finished her breakfast and grabbed her backpack as the door burst open.

"I have declared this condo part of the sovereign territory of the Empire of Kimiko!" A small holographic flag with the red and black streaks she also had in her hair waved in the air in front of the phone Kimiko held in her pose of domination.

Diana sighed. "You know, I always thought you would bring home friends who would trash our place with a party. I wasn't quite ready for annexation."

"Love you, Mom." Lyta didn't acknowledge her friend before bending over to grab the tyrant by the legs and lift her over her back.

"Rebellious peasants!" Kimiko shouted as Lyta carried her out of the condo.

"Love you too, my little insurrectionist!" Diana called back before the door closed and she was alone. "Now that breakfast is done and imperialism is thwarted, I am going back to bed."

She went back down the hall to the bedroom and fell crawled back under the covers.


There was a small flicker of light within the ball of darkness and void. As Wendy took another sip of her coffee-flavoured sugar-cream, the flicker grew. By the time she settled on the edge of the steps to the school resting against the larger decorative ones, she was almost ready to be considered awake. The fake sun in the colony was far too bright for her tastes; fortunately, the darkened aviators she wore on her face blocked most of it out. Another sip of the drink that had started life as coffee when she made it at home helped her relax as the students around her concerned themselves with being to class on time. Her arms rested on her legs that were curled up almost to her face to keep the effort of bringing her drink to her lips to a minimum. The air was always cool in the morning and the leather jacket that kept her warm creaked with her tiny movements.

"Excuse me. Can you tell me where to find the principal's office?" came a voice.

Wendy realised she had closed her eyes. She could have opened them. With her sunglasses on it wouldn't even be noticed. Yet she didn't bother. To her, there was no point in engaging people.

Julie waited for a response. She wondered how much of what the girl was wearing was the uniform. The white blouse and pleated kilt were certainly part of it, but she doubted the leather jacket or fishnet stockings were. Nobody else was wearing combat boots either, but most of the boys were wearing the burgundy tie like her. When she was sure she was being ignored, she spoke again.

"You know your underwear is showing right?"

Wendy flattened her legs instantly and sat up to attention. She took her glasses off with one hand and used the other that had been freed by dropping her drink to lift her skirt.

"I'm wearing leggings... and underwear." She put her skirt down and grabbed for the thermos she had dropped while placing a glare on the woman in front of her. "Are you 'trying' to find a nemesis?"

Julie smirked at the emphasis on 'trying' and replied doing the same thing. "No, I am 'trying' to find the principal's office. You just looked like you would be the best person to ask."

Wendy bristled for a moment as she realised the girl was in formal-casual clothing but not the school uniform. Black pants being the giveaway instead of being navy blue. Suddenly, she realized that a new girl would exactly be the kind of person to ask that question without meaning it as an insult. Feeling foolish, Wendy sighed softly.

"Sorry." Wendy had planned on explaining her apology, but couldn't find the sentence structure she liked and let the word hang alone.

"It's alright." Julie smiled warmly and watched the awkward expression fade from the girl.

As she watched her get up, she was treated to an interesting view down her blouse that almost certainly violated the dress code. Her bust also pressed a black shirt against the blouse making it almost legible - if you took the time to study it.

Wendy, thankful her thermos was spill-proof, took another swig. "I suppose having a legit reason to be late for class will be a welcome change of pace. Are you from around here or off colony?"

Julie didn't want to drop the tactical conversation bomb of why she needed a new school. "Off colony, but... third-gen spacer." She also decided to lie about not being a fourth-gen.

She noticed how much taller she was than the tiny woman as she walked behind her and could still see over her.

"That's impressive. I'm my family's first generation." Wendy tried to keep her tone level and not let on how much that fact caused trouble for her.

Julie had to stop herself from asking any follow-up questions to avoid having to answer them herself; that and that her guide didn't seem like she wanted to share. "I'm Julie."

Wendy turned and shook hands as she shook her head at forgetting basic manners. "Wendy."

Julie was surprised to see that as Wendy shook her head, the black hair flipped sides and revealed a partially shaved side covered in green, with enough of the green hair to cover her whole head.

"Like it? I love being able to flick my head and change my hair colour. Cheaper than getting hair that actually changes colour." Wendy carried on into the school as Julie followed.

"Absolutely. I want the actual colour changing hair. Yours took some skill to get right."

Wendy nodded, acknowledging the fact and the complement.

Inside, away from the sun, Julie noticed just how pale Wendy's skin looked, but since she also had black lipstick on that it was probably all a part of the look she was going for. The metal piercings in her eyebrow, ears, though not the same on either side, with her nose and lip having their share as well all gave her a distinctive look.

Like all schools in the colonies, her new one was from Earth and had been disassembled there to be hauled up into space to help the strange environments feel more familiar. The prevalence of grass outside was for the same reason, however, the school lacked the manicured precision and yet felt more comfortable to the staff and students because of it. Like most schools, the principal's office was close to the main entrance and didn't quite require a guide to find.

"At last, our long search is over." Wendy gestured her hand at the offices behind large glass windows.

"I suppose I should have expected it to be obvious." Julie felt a bit foolish.

"Nobody thinks straight on their first day at a new school," Wendy comforted. "Besides, it's not often I have a legit reason to be late for class."

The office Julie was led to after entering the admin office area had its blinds closed. Wendy didn't even bother knocking before she opened the door.

"No, no, no! Not this early in the morning on the first day, Miss Massy! We had a deal! Not until we both finish our coffee!" came the exasperated shout from inside the office.

"While I can't begrudge you the assumption," Wendy started, knowing she really couldn't argue. "I'm not here because I already got in trouble. As a responsible member of the student body, I have escorted a new student here to meet you."

Julie stepped into view through the doorway.

"Oh, my apologies. I honestly wasn't expecting..." He cleared his throat. "Welcome to Talisman High School. I am Principal Moses. You must be Miss Julie Ford?"

"That's correct." Julie stepped forward to shake his hand.

"It's unusual for Miss Massy to take time out to do... anything helpful like this." His words floundered when he realised it might not be the most encouraging thing to say.

Wendy didn't skip a beat. "Well, I wanted to get my extracurricular activity for the year out of the way."

Julie snorted and started to laugh.

Mr. Moses scoffed and pinched the bridge of his nose under his glasses. "I really don't think that is going to count, Miss Massy."

Julie stumbled over to the desk where some tissues were available to clear the tears from her eyes as she continued to laugh. Once she took a seat, she started to calm down.

The principal, his older body getting behind his desk, sat himself down. "Now, don't worry about a uniform today. Just stop by the supply office at lunch and they should have something in stock for you." His desk came to life with projected lights displaying information about Julie. "I think it would be best if you had the same homeroom as Miss Massy. So, she doesn't have an excuse for being late today. Seeing as how seriously she is taking her responsibilities."

Wendy narrowed her eyes as he looked up at her. Her excuse suddenly thwarted as the first bell rang.

"Anything else before you go?" He smirked at Wendy before looking back to Julie.

"I was just wondering how to go about joining the Laser Brawl team." Julie tried to hide her eagerness.

"You will need to discuss that with Coach Rosewood. I think he already has a team picked out, but they will be meeting in the gym after school. You will need to speak with him there."

Julie felt a sharp moment of panic at the idea of the team already being selected despite it being the first day, and that the whole reason she picked that school was because they hadn't fielded a team the previous year. She nodded and quickly left with Wendy.

"There is already a team picked out? It's supposed to be three weeks of tryouts before the team is selected." Julie was a bit distressed and Wendy picked up on it.

"I can't say I really followed the details of what happened since we didn't have a team last year, but I think he just meant we have the people for one this year. I think our practice gear broke and students who really wanted to play transferred out. I can show you to the gym after classes. I'm sure they're still going to have tryouts."

"School Board rules say they have to," Julie growled.

"Relax. Worst case scenario is that I need to break someone's legs for you," Wendy cheerfully informed her.

"Seriously?" Julie forced herself to relax enough for a smile.

"Well yeah, you can't do it yourself or you would get disqualified. Even in low-G legs are vital. It's the perfect plan."

Julie shook her head with a smile. "Legs are rather important."


Kimiko felt the powerful legs in her hands. The longer legs had put Lyta in front of her during their run and she had been watching them in the tight outfit the whole way. During their shower together, her friend had suggested she might have to hold them tight. Now she ran her hands along the quivering thighs and did what she could to soothe the pain.

"Fuck, how did I pull something?!" Lyta moaned in discomfort as she laid mostly dressed on the bench. "We didn't do anything differently!"

Kimiko massaged her legs right into the thighs. "I told you to do some running during the two weeks of summer vacation. And since when did you start wearing green underwear?"

The bell rang.

"Fuck, class. Help me put my pants on." Lyta did her best to stand up.

Kimiko reached into the bag and pulled out Lyta's kilt. "This will be easier to put on."

Lyta didn't want to wear the kilt, but didn't argue as her friend wrapped the kilt around her hips and fastened them. With her friend's arm around her shoulder, she helped her hobble to class.


Devona had an extra button undone on her blouse and tucked it into her kilt before taking a deep breath and extending her hand above her to take the picture. Her camera projected the image for a moment before it faded away to let her take another. She hadn't decided if she would be happy for class or pouting about having to go, so she took both.

"I wasn't aware devices were allowed on school grounds."

Devona looked up to see Wendy escorting a girl she didn't know who was wearing the wrong colour of pants. It then occurred to her that the new girl had been the one to speak and that she had been correct. She swore.

Julie watched as the girl tried to put the camera into pockets she didn't have because of her kilt and that she simply didn't have the cleavage to hide it. She took the camera from her and stuffed the thumb-sized object in between her much more ample breasts.

"I suppose that works." Devona didn't like not having her camera but wasn't going to complain about not getting in trouble for having it or being late from putting it in her locker.

Julie followed her into the classroom with Wendy coming in behind, almost reluctant to be on time. The class had sixteen desks for students facing the front of the room where the teacher had his. Sitting at it was the textbook example of someone having a dad-bod. Slightly overweight, balding, yet smiling pleasantly as his students filed in. As Julie took her seat, he spoke up.

"You know we have a Nurse's Room, right?" He addressed Lyta and Kimiko as they struggled inside.

"I'll be alright." Lyta eventually got into a seat. "I just need to relax my legs after my run."

Some of the guys in the class exchanged amused whispers about some other kind of delay that might impact her ability to walk.

"If you say so," he replied, concerned but willing to let Lyta make her own decisions. "Looks like we have a new student."

Julie listened to his excited tone and got ready to stand up.

"That would be... everyone. First day of the new school year. All of you are new." He chuckled to himself as he kept reading the display on his desk waiting for anyone to laugh with him.

"Actually, we do have a new student," Wendy spoke up.

"We do?" The teacher seemed quite surprised. "Nobody told me that! I wish the principal would message me these things." He looked at Wendy who, despite her short stature making her harder to notice at her desk, was out of uniform. "I also wish someone told me that leather jackets were now part of the dress code."

Wendy perked up and for a moment was excited that he might be telling the truth before the realization hit that he was pointing out she was still wearing hers. "Honestly... oops."

He gestured with his hand for her to take it off. "I'm reasonably certain it's still against school rules to invent your own dress code."

Wendy got up and took off her jacket, annoyed that she had accidentally broken a rule instead of intentionally. "I was helping the new girl find her way. Forgot about lockers." Hanging it on the chair, she looked at Julie and pointed her out. "She's right there, more than ready to be the centre of attention instead of me."

As she stood up, Julie smirked at Wendy while she sat down. "My name is Julie Ford. I'm also out of uniform. I will be fixing that at lunch."

"I am Mr. Freeman. Welcome." His smile was genuine if a little apologetic for his joke when there really was a new student in the room.

"Show us your textbooks!" One of the guys shouted into his hands away from her, to make his voice sound more distant.

"I'm also reasonably certain that's inappropriate," Mr. Freeman warned.

Jule smirked as she couldn't bring herself to be annoyed at the marginally clever play on the standard demand. "Sorry, it's my first day. I don't have any textbooks." She tried to sound genuinely sorry as she reached to pull apart her blouse. "Can I show you my tits instead?"

The young man who had shouted was suddenly stunned at her response and didn't quite know what to do with himself.

"I am 'absolutely' certain that isn't allowed." Mr. Freeman pointed a finger in the air and was visibly blushing under his dark skin.

Julie pulled her hands away from her shirt. "Sorry, sir. I won't be doing that." She glanced over to the confused man who had shouted as she put a hand to her mouth to hide it from the teacher as she mouthed the words "For now," at him.

He turned beet red as Julie sat down as Trissta sat quietly to the side, observing the whole exchange. She certainly hadn't expected the new girl to react that way. The second bell rang and brought them all back to class.

"Right," Mr. Freeman started. "So aside from assigning all of us to read up on classroom etiquette, we need to do something involving learning." He genuinely sounded uncertain about the learning. "Like every year, we start by looking over your assessments from last year and figure out where you struggled. Focusing on that, plus rounding off in other areas, we can add any new subjects according to your planned career path." He paused. "Assuming any of you thought about that part. I know I didn't and they wouldn't let me leave. I started in the back of the room and just migrated toward the front of the room one row every year until I got here. Since nobody has told me to leave yet, I am just going with the flow."

Everyone stared at him, wondering just how serious he was being, his tone making them believe the ridiculous lie just long enough for him to smirk and let out a laugh.

"Oh, you kids. I am going to have fun with you lot." Mr. Freeman laughed again.


Julie was feeling more comfortable by the time lunch had arrived. Her grades from the previous year were high enough that they wouldn't impact her plans. The whole point had been to study hard and get them high enough that she could focus on sports, and not get bogged down in some subject because she had neglected it.

Wendy was taking her to get her uniform at the supply office so she wouldn't feel out of place in her black pants.

"We get pants and kilts or do I have to choose one or the other?" Julie was starting to feel hungry and wanted to get finished quickly.

"Two pants and one kilt for anyone over eighteen," Wendy replied before noticing who else was in the hall. "I'm going to go stash this in my locker. You get sorted here and I will meet you at a lunch table. We can find your locker after we eat."

"Sounds good." Julie knocked on the door as she watched Wendy leave before being let in.

Wendy was anxious. The girls change room was usually abandoned during lunch, so when she found the cheer squad already in uniform waiting for her, she knew they wouldn't be interrupted.

"Looks like the goth bitch is showing up like a good doggie," came the voice of the cheer captain.

"Hey, Steff," Wendy replied as she glanced at the six other girls in their maroon uniforms.

"Shut the fuck up, bitch!" Steff replied, wearing a smug smirk. "You know what I have on you. So show some respect."

Wendy got down on her knees and kept her eyes low knowing the deal she had made was preferable to people knowing the truth. Looking instead through the diamond window cut into the uniform to reveal the ample breasts contained within. Something landed in front of her and a shiver ran through her whole body.