All Moxie No Mercy 03


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"I will accept indirect experience," Julie answered before turning back to Lyta. "If getting through school unnoticed is your goal, then fine. Most want to make an impression."

Lyta was caught off guard and would have been terribly offended if Julie hadn't just pushed some buttons. "Umm... wow."

"I filled my credit requirements last year at the science fair. I'm good." Kimiko stated, trying to sound like she was defending her friend.

"Really?" Lyta asked. "Between the two of us, you would make the best player. So small. Hard to notice or hit."

"Seriously? A short joke?" Kimiko was surprised thinking that refusing to join had been supporting her friend. "Are we really going there?"

"It was a short trip." Lyta smirked and then softened her smile for her friend. "Track for four years and nobody knew we even had a team."

"If she's in, then I guess I am as well." Kimiko had no idea the conversation was going to go in that direction.

Julie was relieved and turned to Trissta who had been nervously fingering the scarf she wore the whole time. "I really hope you need the credit. You are tall and your long legs would give you a lot of power in the arena."

"I do, and I suppose." Trissta looked around and everyone but Devona was looking at her. "This wasn't what I thought I would get pressured into doing at school. But I already have a job as a race girl and... other things."

"Oh good, you have experience at the podium. Excellent!" Julie deliberately misinterpreted the reply as an acceptance.

Trissta narrowed her eyes. "You are surprisingly good at manipulating people."

"Great idea! The team logo will be marionette strings." Julie showed no shame.

Mr. Freeman snorted at the joke before quieting himself down to continue observing.

"I will give it an honest attempt." It was all Trissta would promise.

Julie nodded and turned to Devona. "Unless your device is telling you to join the team, I would like to manipulate you now."

Devona looked up. "Oh, I mentioned why was going to be late getting home to my viewers and now my inbox is full of advice, encouragement, and outright demands that I get into the sport. I can't promise anything in the way of talent and competence might be a hard ask but I can give it a try."

"That's six!" Julie raised her arms in triumph. "A full shift plus an alternate."

"If the rest of the sport is as easy as the tryouts to make the team were, I have this whole thing nailed." Wendy laid on a false tone of confidence.

"Indeed," Julie replied with an equally false tone of reassurance. "Now all we need to do is get fitted with the equipment. Shoulder and knee pads, the sim-suit, remote shock collars, and gloves!"

Devona leaned over to Wendy. "I don't know enough of the sport to know if we actually need to buy one of those."

Wendy rolled her eyes. "Of course, we need to buy shoulder pads. The sport does have contact."

The rear door opened and the boys' team filed in with their coach who seemed surprised to find them there. "What are you girls doing?"

"I was about to assign some field positions so I could start them with the basics," Julie fired back.

"That's the sort of thing a coach is supposed to do. You girls can't play without a coach." The coach seemed to think he had already won.

"While I appreciate that you mistook me for a young, athletically fit, young woman," Mr. Freeman said as he stood up. "Shows my diet has paid off." He slapped his beer belly. "I'm actually an adult male working for the school. Not that I needed to be male for the job, but I am qualified to be the team coach. In so much as the rules require."

Julie had been about to explain that she had a month to find a new coach and a team for that matter, but felt relieved to have both taken care of so soon. Regardless of the lack of interest from the rest of the school.

"If you don't mind, we have the gym booked, so I decide who gets to be here. If the guys want to stay to help show the girls the ropes, it would be appreciated. But you are not welcome if you are only going to be hostile."

Despite the fact that they would essentially be helping a competing team improve, the guys seemed remarkably keen on helping out the girls. Their coach grumbled and looked like he was about to take a seat but then checked the clock and simply walked out.

"Looks like you will be sticking around after all." Ceph ignored his coach and walked over with a relieved smile.

Julie smiled back, thankful for a shift in the mood. "Looks like."

"Aren't those all girls from your class?" Chris asked.

Julie sighed. "Yes. Tryouts were a total loss. I asked them just to show up so nobody would get scared off by an empty gym. Didn't expect a zero turnout."

"So, you convinced them to join instead?" Ceph was either impressed or trying to sound impressed.

"I believe the technical term is press-ganged." It was hard for Julie to put out a sense of humour but she tried.

"Ah well, I can show you where to get some high-voltage shock-collars to keep them in line." Ceph thought he was being clever.

"Wait, what?" Devona froze. "I thought that was a joke."

"Oh, it was, silly." Julie placated Devona before turning back to Ceph. "So where is it? And, do they sell a voltage that's high enough?"

Acclimatizing the girls to the suspension gear they would be training in would be about as productive as the night would get. Julie didn't want to overload the girls with theory and rules when they hadn't the personal context to understand it. Plus, it was wiser to let them have fun so they wouldn't regret their decisions to join the team.

When it was time to go get something to eat, the guys suggested everyone going out together. Julie didn't mind letting the guys prolong their contact with the girls if it meant helping the team bond. Mr. Freeman bowed out to go make tea for his wife when she was done with work and said his goodbyes.

"Before we all leave and go somewhere noisy, I just wanted to let you know I booked time at a low-g and zero-g room for tomorrow. So, let's not eat too much now, and nothing for breakfast. You do NOT want food in your stomach for this," Julie announced.

"Question." Ceph raised his hand.

"Yes, guys can join us if they want. I expected a lot of girls to sign up so there will be room. Logic being that before anyone got their hopes up or invested too much time, we find out if they can physically handle the altered gravity." Julie replied

"That's great," Ceph smirked after looking confused like his question hadn't been answered. "Where are we going to eat?"

Julie narrowed her eyes with a stern expression before breaking into a smirk with a headshake. "You can decide. I have only been to one place here and I need to learn where the rest of the food is."

Ceph rubbed his hands together with a hungry smile while the rest of his team seemed to be rolling their eyes.


Lyta waved down a car, waiting while it quietly pulled up, the electric hum of its engine cutting out when it stopped. Kimiko got into the front seat with one of the guys from the other team while she got in the back. Following her was the guy whose hands had gotten rather close while she was being set up in the rig and made no effort to complain. The others were flagging down their own vehicles and setting the autopilot to their destination.

"I think we can afford to take the scenic route." Kimiko tapped on the screen, lowering their traffic priority so the pilot would always give way to other vehicles.

Lyta felt a hand reaching into her shirt and couldn't blame the guy for his presumption since her hand was massaging his pants to feel his hardness. Feeling a hand going up her skirt she quite forgot what his name was. Lyta knew he had told her when he had offered to help with her rig yet she couldn't remember what it was. Names were always a weak spot of hers. Most of her flings were just contacts on her list named after the kind of experience they offered and if they didn't mind sharing.

"As much as I like foreplay, we haven't the time." Lyta decided she didn't need to use his name at all.

Kimiko watched as Lyta pulled her shorts and underwear down to sit on his lap once he pulled himself free. As she watched her friend feel him pushing inside her, she leant over the seat to finish freeing Lyta's breasts. While she was doing so, she felt her skirt lifted and heard a surprised noise coming from a mouth that tasted her bare flesh a moment later. He had been interested in seeing more of it ever since noticing her lack of coverings at the gym. Kimiko watched her friend bounce in the back seat, her breasts gripped tightly, while she was bent over.

Lyta rocked her hips hard and was happy to have someone who could last against her. Feeling her nipples pinched and yanked forced her to climax first. She saw Kimiko giggle before being moved onto all fours in the front seat so her new friend could get her from behind. Lyta wondered if anything interesting was happening in any of the other cars.


"Well, that's interesting," spoke a voice in the car nearest to Lyta and Kimiko.

There was a small grunt of agreement.

The woman watched the young people in the adjacent car; the sun was dimming but the figures were hardly difficult to see. There was an ample-breasted redhead in the back riding one man hard. She liked her but saw her as too confident. The other, the petite Asian girl, she found her to beperfect. She tapped her controls to direct her car to follow alongside the other.

"It seems I am in a mood now," the woman stated.

The pony-woman nodded. She took a deep breath as the bit in her mouth was removed and the bindings on her hoof-gloves were released. Shimmying down to the floor, she unzipped the latex with her teeth to see how wet the woman had become. Without delay,

she put her lips to the heated flesh and tasted deep.

"Good pony." The woman moaned as she held the rig on the girl's head tightly around where the hair came out.

The pony clomped her back hooves against the car to indicate gratitude.

The woman watched as the Asian girl rubbed her own clit while getting her face pressed against the window with each thrust. Even as the redhead got up and pressed her bum to the window so she could swallow, the woman watched what was going on in the front seat. As the cute blonde pony tasted the woman's climax, the cars pulled into a parking lot. Hers followed them in and she watched the redhead swallow the other man as well without the time for her new interest to turn around. Lowering her window a crack to hear, her thighs squeezed tightly around the head of her pony who was struggling to breathe while trying to keep her efforts up.

"We didn't have time! Pout later," the redhead in the other car argued as she did up her blouse.

The woman noticed the school uniforms, and that the young woman she was interested in didn't seem to have been wearing any underwear to pull up as she got out of the car.

"I'm not pouting about that! I just didn't get to finish, Miss Easy Lay."

"I only have so much control over that Kimiko. Hurry up."

The woman moaned as her pony struggled desperately below her. "Kimiko. I will see you soon."

There came frantic whines from between her legs. The woman ripped the pony by her head-tail to face her and gave her a moment to take desperate breaths.

"There, you have air. Happy?" She shoved the pony to face the window and pointed. "See her? Those are school uniforms. Find out what school and who she is." The woman yanked on the chains attached to the clamps on her pony. "Now get back to fucking work."

The pony whimpered in acknowledgement as her breasts hurt from the harsh yank and continued to work her mouth over her Mistress.


The crew waiting in the reception area didn't even notice Lyta and Kimiko filing in behind them. Julie was looking on with the others at the layout.

"What is this place?" Julie asked finally.

"This is where nerds go when they die. Or if they have no life to begin with." Chris replied before his brother could say anything.

"This is," Ceph corrected, "the culinary equivalent to Laser Brawl. Holograms, laser projections, there are even entertainment rooms downstairs for all sorts of simulations. Up here, just lots of cool stuff to look at while we eat."

"Those people are dressed as animals," Wendy pointed out. "With fur-suits."

"I see aliens." Devona also pointed.

"Yes. Like I said. Nerds." Chris sighed like a long-suffering man who had been dragged there many times before.

"Some of those look real." Julie looked closer as they were being seated.

"They are. Or some are," Ceph explained. "Between high-tech prosthetics and actual genetic modifications, people can look like whatever they want to."

"I knew those existed, just not to this extent." Julie wondered if it was an outer-colony thing.

"Yeah, it's weird," Chris commented as he took a seat at the table. "I always thought they were costumes growing up. Ceph was the one who told me they were real. Thought he was shitting me at first. Less common in the halo's so I guess it depends on where you grow up."

"I suppose this place makes it seem a lot more common." Julie laughed trying to brush off where the conversation was going. "Between niche customers and techno-on-steroids decorations, I suppose that's why they called the place FutureDyne."

"Future that's oddly enough reminiscent of retro 80s and 90s culture, and turning a unit of force into a pretentious spelling of 'dine' is a bit on the nose, but I suppose it works." Wendy looked up from the menu at the neon platforms people were dancing on above the dance floor and wondered how they got there.

"Speaking of names," Kimiko said, embarrassed she didn't know the name of the guys and backed out of asking for a general introduction, "what's our team going to be called?"

Ceph responded proudly after puffing out his chest. "We are The Spartans! Pure examples of the perfect male form."

The girls just stared at him.

"Look, we are as close to it that the school can come up with alright? Also, I didn't choose it. It's just what the first team at the school picked and I happen to be Greek. Though if you do know Greek history, you know that it's not all about macho men. Spartan women were the finest in the old world. Education, property, sports, and... other freedoms. My point is that we already have the signs and banners made up." Ceph slumped his shoulders.

"Fine, but if we play against each other, it's going to make the cheers from the crowd very confusing." Julie smiled with a head tilt as she leaned against Ceph.

He noticed she had undone a few buttons on her blouse since school. "Well, we can just both assume the cheers are for our own team."

"Would it be against any rules to share info of anyone we face? Like if we face a team, then when it's your turn to face them we let you know things? Anyone can watch any game so it shouldn't be." Julie had read the rulebook several times and like any high schooler on a test, couldn't remember a damn thing the moment she needed it.

"I don't think so." Ceph looked around the table in case anyone knew otherwise. "We can check sometime..."

Ceph trailed off as he noticed Julie had pulled out her device to project the rulebook on the table in front of her as she scrolled through it. With her attention entirely devoted to reading, he had a quiet chuckle to himself.

Smaller conversations around the table broke out as everyone ignored the instruction to avoid overeating the night before low or zero-gravity training.


Julie had expectations when Ceph had come home with her. The cars drove themselves so she had assumed he had certain intentions. Yet, when he rode up the elevator with her and walked to her door, he threw her for a loop when he didn't come in.

Instead, he said, "I will see you tomorrow."

"You aren't going to invite yourself in?" Julie adopted a playful sarcasm to hide the fact that she damn well wanted him to.

"Early day, remember?" Ceph reminded her. "Have a good night."

"Goodnight," Julie replied softly instead of screaming 'get in here and fuck me, you idiot!'

She went into her apartment and flicked open her device to send a text before going to the window to see Ceph walking away. He looked back and saw her in the window when she reached down and started to pull off her shirt. Julie turned away just as it was getting high enough so that he couldn't see anything as she walked away except her top hitting the window when she threw it. He laughed and got back in the car to go home.

Inside the apartment, there was a knock at the door. Julie greeted the middle-aged man who had helped her move in despite having gotten divorced that very morning. He had actually gotten over a great deal of the emotional stress when she had thanked him the first time and several times after that as well. Now he was just happy to still be living on her floor. As Julie jumped into his arms to kiss him, he carried her to the bed after closing the door and got to work thanking her yet again for her help during his hard times.

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Brutus69Brutus69almost 2 years ago

The scenes of everyone waking up was highly amusing.

The woman in the car with her pony isneither going to he trouble or will end up helping them a great deal.

I can relate with Kimoko, names are hard.

RedFireBrandRedFireBrandalmost 3 years agoAuthor

@Anon The nature of a sports story means I need to bring in many characters at once. Unlike my last story where I was able to start small and grow. I feel like I have all the major characters I need at the moment so I can let them grow.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I am starting to lose interest with the introduction of so many characters.

TJSkywindTJSkywindover 3 years ago

The Spartans! ... and The Spartans! LOL.

Thanks for sharing. 5* Slainté

jpz007ahrenjpz007ahrenover 3 years ago
There it is!

What a wonderful set of circumstances that just so happened to have occurred. The cast is in place and the plan is running smoothly. Bit of curiosity as to how difficult the actual sport will be, though with at least 3 solid players, and 3 others willing to learn. Some of whom seem to have learning... proclivities, shall we say? And of course, there's still plenty of payoff still sizzling from the first chapters still unresolved.

Your worldbuilding is still fantastic of course. I love how liberating you have your characters and look forward to all the "plot" you write down, in addition to the beautiful story being crafted alongside it.

Be well. ~Though it can be a slight bummer that there tends to be a bit of negativity attached to that last tag. Always happy to see negativity rebuffed and its power reduced by good people doing good work. Some might think it strange to say this about works on this site, but this is definitely one of the good ones ^.^

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